Table of Contents
This function will make a generic pop up message box
The title, button, and image parameters are optional.
You can use tab completion on the button and image parameter
Generate a Message Box pop up using the following syntax:
MsgBox -message 'this is the message body' -title "this is the title" -button OKCancel -image Warning
MsgBox -m 'this is the message body' -t "this is the title" -b OKCancel -i Warning
function MsgBox {
param (
[Parameter (Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter (Mandatory = $False)]
[Parameter (Mandatory = $False)]
[Parameter (Mandatory = $False)]
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore,PresentationFramework
if (!$title) {$title = " "}
if (!$button) {$button = "OK"}
if (!$image) {$image = "None"}
Listed below are payloads that have used one of these functions:
None currently. Please feel free to submit a pull request and edit this line linking one of your payloads that have used this function.