All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.1.0 (2021-08-09)
- action: add support for action creators syntax (4207f8d)
- crud: add support for new syntax (d104a46)
- ngrx: add creator files (4e340cc)
- project: add support for new import syntax (b3d692c)
- project: add support for new import syntax (f660af9)
- project: add tests for creators syntax (0a24831)
- project: support trailing commas (67129b6)
- readme: update readme (ad14fcb)
- reducer: add error handling for selectors and facade, changed creator-files imports (23e92d6)
- reducer: add support for new syntax (4ef6173)
3.0.0 (2020-12-10)
- utils: reduce call stack size when scanning project files (044dade)
2.0.1 (2020-03-27)
- deps: typescript dependency (083ca73)
2.0.0 (2020-01-29)
- project: use Jest in generated tests (a5ec783)
- remove Angular 7.x support
- action: add action schematic (cadbeea)
- action: parse payload type (770bba6)
- action: sync schema.json with interface (d18711d)
- crud: actions, reducer and api methods (b5f1706)
- crud: change action names and add option for generating collection (f1b9a7b)
- crud: generate effect (45c6028)
- crud: generate effects spec (57287cc)
- crud: generating facade (e7fe5d5)
- crud: generating facade spec (a6a3065)
- crud: multiselect for operation (23fa322)
- data-service: add method schematic (edf0496)
- data-service: local storage backend (09cb97e)
- ngrx: add blank ngrx schematic (b480ea9)
- ngrx: basic ngrx generation (a638bd8)
- ngrx: generating effects files (3e314fb)
- ngrx: generating facade files (1cb2039)
- ngrx: generating reducer files (888516b)
- ngrx: generating selectors files (bf5ff97)
- reducer: add reducer and selectors schematic (f236279)
- reducer: check if selector exists (913b408)
- reducer: generate facade selector and method (afb9ece)
- utils: add basic utils (4d4b854)
- utils: cache in memory found entity path (2e0f559)
- crud: add missing imports to tests (d599730)
- crud: collection name (aba8293)
- crud: fix parsing response types (bda69cb)
- crud: test generation (913ccaf)
- update packages and add 8.x support (d7ab057)