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Releases: HiberGlobal/api

API version 0.10

27 Sep 10:06
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0.10 (2018-09-21)

(Copied from


  • [B] We've introduced bundled events, which is the new default for event listing.
    Webhooks and the events in the event stream are unaffected.
  • [B] An event bundle is a small object with event type, count, last event time and title and description.
    If you've previously just displayed title and description, you can use the new title and description.
  • [B] The frequency of events can vary greatly per type, resulting in unclear pagination and some event types overshadowing
    others. For this reason, events are bundled by default, reducing them to a count per event type.
    If unbundled events for certain types are required, this can be toggled in the selection object.
    Pagination is only applied to unbundled events, and is applied per event type. This may result in a non-lineair
    timeline from page to page when selecting two types with a large difference in frequency, but makes sure you
    see the most recent events of each type on the first page.
  • [B] Removed the option to pre-load events for the event stream. Please use the list call for this instead.
  • [B] Related to event bundling, the dashboard now returns bundled error events, instead of individual errors.
  • Added support for custom antennas.
    To set a custom antenna, set the antenna type to custom and fill in the custom_antenna text field.
  • Added call to send a message from a modems debug port directly to the api.
    The server will then parse it as if received from the modem.
    On the production environment, it will be flagged as a test message,
    which means some validation is disabled and consequences are ignored.
  • Updated the UpdateWebhookRequest to be able to update relevant webhook data in one request.

API version 0.8

27 Jul 09:56
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0.8 (2018-07-26)

(Copied from


  • Renamed Account to Organization, since it was causing confusion with User

    (This change is backwards compatible, since the field numbers did not change).
  • Consistently using snake_case for naming.
  • Renamed to OrganizationService.
  • Added CurrentUser.Settings and an update rpc under CurrentUserService, used by the web application.
  • Added an rpc under CurrentUserService to cancel an access request.
  • Added an rpc under CurrentUserService to update your default organization, to be used by the web application.
  • Added time_zone_offset to customize the timezone used for date grouping.
  • [B] Changed the return field message_count_per_day to be a MessageCount instead of a map<string, in32>, which was unclear.
    See the ModemService changes for more details.
  • Added events related to modem transferring and claiming.
  • [B] Removed a few fields from the Modem object:

    • chip_id, message_format_version, payload_template from Modem.TechnicalData: this data was determined to be either too sensitive or irrelevant.
    • payload_template from Modem.TechnicalData: this feature is not available yet; the field may be restored when it is.
    • license_key from Modem.ActiveSubscription: this was moved to separate request in ModemService.
  • Renamed guard_period to maximum_inactivity_period after customer feedback.

  • Added peripherals on Modem with peripheral information, and the UpdatePeripherals rpc on ModemService to update this data.

  • Added status on Modem with statuses such as active or dead.
    Added filtering on status to ModemSelection as well.

  • Added transfer on Modem with transfer information if the modem is in a transfer.
    Added filtering by transfer on ModemSelection as well.
    See ModemTransferService for more information on transfers.

  • Added LicenseKeys rpc on ModemService to get the license key for modems.

  • Renamed time to sent_at and added received_at on ModemMessage.

  • [B] Changed MessageCountRequest.Response.message_count_per_day to be a MessageCount instead of a map<string, in32>, which was unclear.

    The result is effectively the same data, since MessageCount is simple a pair of Date to int32, but the types are a lot clearer.

  • Added time_zone_offset to MessageCountRequest to customize the timezone used for date grouping.

  • [B] Removed the UpdatePayloadTemplate rpc, since it was related to the removed field.

    • Removed TagSelection that was used to filter displayed tags in many requests, since it would likely never be used.
  • Added the ModemClaimService, which handles the claiming of a modem by number and verification number.
ModemTransferService & ModemTransferReturnService
  • Added the ModemTranferService, which handles the transferring of modems to different organizations.
  • Added the ModemTranferReturnService, which handles the returning of modems that were transferred to your organization.
  • Added Create rpc call to create child organizations.
  • Added Delete and DeleteConfirmation for organization deletion.
  • Added ListChildOrganizations and Tree rcps to display child organizations.
  • Update also works on child organization.
  • [B] Removed color from tags.
  • [B] Removed PushModemMessagesRequest.Response.messages_sent, since it did not contain any useful information.
  • Added sorting to List and ListAccessRequests rpcs, using the new UserSort enum.
  • [B] Altered ApproveUserRequest and RemoveUserRequest to accept multiple user ids.
  • Removed TagSelection that was used to filter displayed tags in many requests, since it would likely never be used.

Backwards incompatible changes

Backwards incompatible changes are marked with the [B] marker.
This way, you can easily see which, if any, changes could require some work.

Since these changes have been made during the pilot period,
backwards compatibility has not been as strictly enforced as we would normally.

From the list above, these changes are not (fully) backwards compatible:

  • The message_count_per_day field type has changed, in ModemService and DashboardService.
  • Removed chip_id, message_format_version, payload_template, payload_template and license_key from Modem, and the UpdatePayloadTemplate rpc related to payload_template.
  • Removed color from tags.
  • Removed messages_sent from PushModemMessagesRequest.Response in TestingService.
  • Altered user_id in ApproveUserRequest and RemoveUserRequest to be an array.