- Updated foreground service handling.
- Updated targetSdkVersion to 28 from 26.
- Updated FAQ.
- md5: ab0955a2192ab1fc125552e288d75388
- Fixed fc running on Android 8+.
- Updated FAQ.
- md5: 4e5fec79adbca71a6c021a4843ac4389
- Catch SecurityException caused by Ringtone.getTitle.
- Updated FAQ.
- md5: 8f7049ba1256b4628b3f01bb10cf8443
- Fix flash LED fc on some devices.
- Updated FAQ.
- md5: 3303d92ccac898037c9ada11bf6693e5
- Added runtime permission handling.
- Updated targetSdkVersion to 26 from 21.
- md5: 9f0855895afd6d7e8a3515f3cf41f883
- Added silent period.
- Minor bug fixed.
- Updated Help and FAQ.
- md5: 4c12772aa46bdc82b0d8fe2010802466
- Added repeat sound notification.
- Updated targetSdkVersion to 21 from 19.
- Updated minSdkVersion to 15 from 7.
- Updated code to avoid deprecated API.
- Updated Help and FAQ.
- md5: 0271fcaa0e00efc997425c6544685ac3
- Added custom battery level interval.
- Updated FAQ.
- md5: de5cf1463f4caffcdb45000b8d5c369b
- Allow full feature via Battery Widget.
- md5: c42e09b31b3c9e4d29cb59a5cccf3d04
- Fixed LED not behaving as specified at 100% for some devices.
- Updated FAQ.
- md5: 69c2fb8cd98f04aaf3b50dc0604d4fc2
- Fixed fc on devices with Android below ICS.
- md5: 7f952a6484bc60d19f5bce001babcdd2
- Added Charging Sound.
- Updated Help and FAQ.
- md5: 406e8176f8a5f662b6f80e33d898789c
- Fixed reboot bug.
- md5: 4dd34895ac6f2bb9aa4ab3c493a4ef69
- Added charging status notification.
- Fixed import ChargingLED.ini error.
- Updated FAQ.
- md5: 021b46b22dbaffd0e9bc169b043a2ff6
- Added more blink interval, specifically 0 ms and 1 ms.
- Updated FAQ.
- md5: 8df767136df84d9a081a41bb281a8461
- Bug fixes (constant crash for some devices).
- md5: 4b275821b66b6a2edd8f5f0ca02f288c
- Bug fixes.
- md5: 1d9f733069bb9e3e5f3a7484a7f3be4f
- Added more (shorter) blink interval.
- md5: f8907f269e19620849bcb849d9c4ca60
- Added FAQ.
- md5: 7f37ff41d52b409adaf7c06a0224080f
- Added import/export settings to storage.
- md5: 5e52abba6bee9c0771f50d8f53eeda71
- Recompiled with optimization disabled.
- md5: 6a41f33bbfb09ac4e9a28ef51c27b444
- Added definable LED blink rate.
- md5: f1ad7d9451475867647b8cce529af56c
- Added definable LED colour.
- md5: c2b9b431964a94ab018fd2c4c782774c
- First release (2012-07-08).
- md5: a353f22f7c9f7b2ac42efce3406412ef