count-us-in : no
At most 100 words: How did you get started?
At most 100 words: How did you split tasks up. How did you work together?
This section is not assessed for correctness, but must be filled in.
Out of the set of selected puzzles what do you think were your group's strongest and weakest puzzle solutions?
Strongest puzzle : name
Weakest puzzle : name
Out of all puzzles what did you think were the hardest and easiest puzzles?
Hardest puzzle : name
Easiest puzzle : name
Copy and fill-in the below template once for each puzzle (so six for triples, four for pairs)
The lead developer does not affect marks in any way, but must be present. Who has ownership or responsibility? There can be only one.
Lead developer : imperial-login
Which techniques did you use for this puzzle? There are no marks for ticking more boxes or adding lots of stuff, this is more to gather statistics.
- tbb::parallel_for
- tbb::task_group
- Other TBB library
- pre-calculation
- algorithmic re-structuring
- Other: [add brief description]
At most 100 words
At most 100 words
At most 100 words