From 970ffc98c93890ee6c3793070638d34f9d0b3d2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 22:48:20 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 001/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 28 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index 937c26a6a..8a90f3a81 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ "Prefix.Unlucky": "Неудачливый", "Prefix.Sunglasses": "Слабовидящий", "Prefix.Mare": "Ночной", - "Prefix.Underdog": "Underdog", + "Prefix.Underdog": "Аутсайдер", "BracketAddons": "Добавить скобки к атрибутам", "EngineerEHRInfo": "Используйте люки, чтобы ловить убийц", "ScientistEHRInfo": "Смотрите пульсы откуда угодно", @@ -1511,12 +1511,12 @@ "CovenKnowCyberStarDead": "Ковены узнают, когда Знаменитость умирает", "JesterCanUseButton": "Может созывать собрания", "MarioVentButtonText": "Вент", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Skeld": "Number of Vents to Win on Skeld", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Mira": "Number of Vents to Win on Mira", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Polus": "Number of Vents to Win on Polus", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Dleks": "Number of Vents to Win on Dleks", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Airship": "Number of Vents to Win on Airship", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Fungle": "Number of Vents to Win on Fungle", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Skeld": "Кол-во прыжков в люк для победы на The Skeld", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Mira": "Кол-во прыжков в люк для победы на Mira HQ", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Polus": "Кол-во прыжков в люк для победы на Polus", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Dleks": "Кол-во прыжков в люк для победы на Dleks Eht", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Airship": "Кол-во прыжков в люк для победы на Airship", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Fungle": "Кол-во прыжков в люк для победы на Fungle", "CanCheckCamera": "Может отслеживать использование камер", "SansDefaultKillCooldown": "Начальный откат убийства", "SansReduceKillCooldown": "Уменьшать откат убийства на", @@ -3275,9 +3275,9 @@ "SpiritInfo": "Перенаправляйте действия способностей одних игроков на других", "SpiritInfoLong": "(Нейтральный Убийца):\\nКак Озорник, вы можете пометить 2 игрока с помощью кнопки морфа. Если на одном из помеченных игроков кто-то использует способность (включая обычное убийство), способность используется на другом помеченном игроке. Если кто-то из помеченных игроков умрёт, то вы сможете пометить нового. Помеченные игроки знают, что их пометили, но не друг друга.\\n\\nВы побеждаете, если экипаж проигрывает.", "SpiritTarget": "<#ffff44>{0} сменил(-а) вас с кем-то! Направленные способности\\nна кого-то из вас перенаправятся на другого!", - "SpiritTargetNone": "0/2 targets set\\nUse your shapeshift menu to set targets", - "SpiritTargetOne": "<#ffff44>1/2 targets set ({0})\\nUse your shapeshift menu to set the second target", - "SpiritTargetBoth": "<#00ff00>2/2 targets set\\nInteractions between {0} and {1} are swapped", + "SpiritTargetNone": "Установлено целей: 0/2\\nИспользуйте меню морфа для выбора первой цели", + "SpiritTargetOne": "Установлено целей: <#ffff44>1/2({0})\\nИспользуйте меню морфа для выбора второй цели", + "SpiritTargetBoth": "<#00ff00>Установлено целей: 2/2\\nВзаимодействия между {0} и {1} меняются местами", "Seamstress": "Швея", "SeamstressInfo": "Сшивайте игроков вместе", "SeamstressInfoLong": "(Нейтральный Убийца):\\nКак Швея, вы можете сшить 2 игрока вместе с помощью кнопки морфа. Если на одном из этих игроков кто-то использует способность (включая обычное убийство), способность используется на них обоих. Сшитые игроки знают, что их сшили, но не знают с кем.\\n\\nВы побеждаете, если экипаж проигрывает.", @@ -3288,15 +3288,15 @@ "Magistrate.ExtraVotes": "Дополнительных голосов", "Magistrate.CourtName": "СУДЬЯ", "Magistrate.JuryName": "ПРИСЯЖНЫЙ", - "NoWhisperDuringCourt": "<#ff0000>X The /whisper command is disabled during court.", + "NoWhisperDuringCourt": "Отказано в доступе\\nКоманда /whisper отключена во время суда.", "Auditor": "Аудитор", "AuditorInfo": "Проверяйте игроков", - "AuditorInfoLong": "(Нейтральный Убийца):\\nКак Аудитор, вы можете проверять игроков с помощью кнопки убийства. Вы увидите роль этого игрока и либо украдёте 1 и все использования способности (зависит от настроек), если вы в режиме аудирования, либо временно уменьшите их зрение, если вы в режиме ослепления.", + "AuditorInfoLong": "(Нейтральный Убийца):\\nКак Аудитор, вы можете проверять игроков с помощью кнопки убийства. Вы увидите роль этого игрока и:\\nЛибо украдёте 1 или все использования способности (зависит от настроек), если вы в режиме аудирования\\nЛибо временно уменьшите их зрение, если вы в режиме ослепления.", "Auditor.LoweredVision": "Уменьшенное зрение", "Auditor.LoweredVisionDuration": "Длительность уменьшенного зрения", "Auditor.StealAllChargesInsteadOfOne": "Красть все использования способностей (если ВЫКЛ, то только 1)", - "Auditor.SmokebombCooldown": "Smokebomb Cooldown", - "Auditor.AuditCooldown": "Audit Cooldown", + "Auditor.SmokebombCooldown": "Откат уменьшения зрения", + "Auditor.AuditCooldown": "Откат аудирования", "Auditor.Suffix.Auditing": "<#00ffa5>Режим: Аудирование (<#00a5ff>{0}, чтобы поменять режим)", "Auditor.Suffix.Smokebombing": "<#00ffa5>Режим: Ослепление (<#00a5ff>{0}, чтобы поменять режим)", "Wasp": "Оса", From 9f0a438771a3438cb92e08c4539ec350221aee2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 01:30:31 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 002/119] New translations en_us.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json | 32 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json index 63401a441..8e81024bc 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "LanguageID": "indonésia", + "LanguageID": "0", "TextBelowVersionText": "", - "HostText": "EHR - Anfitrião", + "HostText": "EHR", "IconColor": "#00a5ff", "HostColor": "#00ffa5", "Icon": " | ", @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ "Prefix.Unlucky": "Azarado", "Prefix.Sunglasses": "Óculos de Sol", "Prefix.Mare": "Pesadelo", - "Prefix.Underdog": "Underdog", + "Prefix.Underdog": "Azarão", "BracketAddons": "Adicionar parênteses para Atributos", "EngineerEHRInfo": "Use ventilações para encontrar os Impostores", "ScientistEHRInfo": "Acesse vitais portáveis de qualquer lugar", @@ -1511,12 +1511,12 @@ "CovenKnowCyberStarDead": "Membros do Conventículo sabem quando a Celebridade morre", "JesterCanUseButton": "Pode convocar reuniões", "MarioVentButtonText": "Pular", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Skeld": "Number of Vents to Win on Skeld", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Mira": "Number of Vents to Win on Mira", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Polus": "Number of Vents to Win on Polus", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Dleks": "Number of Vents to Win on Dleks", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Airship": "Number of Vents to Win on Airship", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Fungle": "Number of Vents to Win on Fungle", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Skeld": "Número de Ventilações para Ganhar em The Skeld", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Mira": "Número de Vents a Ganhar em Mira-HQ", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Polus": "Número de Ventilações a Ganhar em Polus", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Dleks": "Número de ventilações para ganhar em Dleks eht", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Airship": "Número de ventiçaões para ganhar em Airship", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Fungle": "Número de ventiçaões para ganhar em The Fungle", "CanCheckCamera": "Pode rastrear o uso das câmeras", "SansDefaultKillCooldown": "Recarga Inicial de Abate", "SansReduceKillCooldown": "Reduzir Tempo de Recarga em", @@ -3275,9 +3275,9 @@ "SpiritInfo": "Coloque Velas para Trocar Interações", "SpiritInfoLong": "(Neutros):\\nComo Espírito, você pode colocar velas nos jogadores para trocar interações entre eles usando o menu de mudança de forma. Se uma interação acontecer com um dos jogadores, ela acontecerá com o outro. Isso inclui mortes normais. Se um deles morrer ou se desconectar, a troca será interrompida e você ganhará de volta uma vela, que poderá reutilizar. Os jogadores trocados sabem que foram trocados por alguém, mas não por quem.\\n\\nVocê ganha se seus companheiros de tripulação perderem.", "SpiritTarget": "<#ffff44>Você foi trocado com alguém pelo {0}!", - "SpiritTargetNone": "0/2 targets set\\nUse your shapeshift menu to set targets", - "SpiritTargetOne": "<#ffff44>1/2 targets set ({0})\\nUse your shapeshift menu to set the second target", - "SpiritTargetBoth": "<#00ff00>2/2 targets set\\nInteractions between {0} and {1} are swapped", + "SpiritTargetNone": "0/2 alvos definidos\\nUse o menu metamorfo para definir alvos", + "SpiritTargetOne": "<#ffff44>1/2 alvos definidos ({0})\\nUse o menu metamorfo para definir o segundo alvo", + "SpiritTargetBoth": "<#00ff00>2/2 alvos definidos\\nInterações entre {0} e {1} são trocadas", "Seamstress": "Costureira", "SeamstressInfo": "Costurar jogadores juntos", "SeamstressInfoLong": "(Neutros):\\nComo Costureira, você pode unir 2 jogadores usando o menu de mudança de forma. Se uma interação acontecer com um dos jogadores, acontecerá com ambos. Se um deles morrer ou se desconectar, ou se uma reunião for convocada, a costura se romperá. Jogadores costurados sabem que estão unidos a alguém, mas não a quem.\\n\\nVocê ganha se seus companheiros de tripulação perderem.", @@ -3288,15 +3288,15 @@ "Magistrate.ExtraVotes": "Votos adicionais", "Magistrate.CourtName": "COURT", "Magistrate.JuryName": "JURY", - "NoWhisperDuringCourt": "<#ff0000>X The /whisper command is disabled during court.", + "NoWhisperDuringCourt": "<#ff0000>X O comando /whisper está desativado durante o Tribunal.", "Auditor": "Auditor", "AuditorInfo": "Checar jogadores", "AuditorInfoLong": "(Neutros):\\nComo Auditor, você pode verificar os jogadores usando o botão matar neles. Você verá a função deles e:\\n- Roube 1 ou todos os usos de habilidade deles (dependendo das configurações) se estiver no modo de auditoria\\n- Reduza a visão deles temporariamente se estiver no modo de bomba de fumaça.", "Auditor.LoweredVision": "Visão Reduzida", "Auditor.LoweredVisionDuration": "Duração da visão reduzida", "Auditor.StealAllChargesInsteadOfOne": "Roube todas as cobranças em vez de 1", - "Auditor.SmokebombCooldown": "Smokebomb Cooldown", - "Auditor.AuditCooldown": "Audit Cooldown", + "Auditor.SmokebombCooldown": "Cooldown da Bomba", + "Auditor.AuditCooldown": "Recarga da Habilidade", "Auditor.Suffix.Auditing": "<#00ffa5>Modo: Auditing (<#00a5ff>{0} para mudar de modo)", "Auditor.Suffix.Smokebombing": "<#00ffa5>Modo: {0} (<#00a5ff>{1} para mudar de modo)", "Wasp": "Vespa", @@ -4695,7 +4695,7 @@ "Speedrun_TimeLimit": "Limite de Tempo para Fazer uma Tarefa ou Matar", "Speedrun_KillersCanKillTaskingPlayers": "Matar jogadores pode acabar matando jogadores que ainda não terminaram suas tarefas", "Speedrun_CanKillSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Tempo: <#ffffff>{3}s\n<#ffff00>Jogadores vivos: <#ffab1b>{0}/{1}\n<#ff1919>Mate todos para vencer\n<#888888>Além de você, <#ffffff>{2} jogadores podem matar", - "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Time: <#ffffff>{4}s\\n<#888888>Alive players: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\\n<#00ffa5>Finish your <#ffff00>{0} remaining tasks\\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} players can kill", + "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Tempo: <#ffffff>{4}s\n<#888888>Jogadores vivos: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\n<#ffff00>Tarefas restantes: {0}\n<#00ffa5>Termine suas tarefas\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} jogadores podem matar", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>Você terminou suas tarefas!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>MATANDO", "Runner": "SpeedRunner", From fbf1af11722132830c677ba58f47ddeeb57b6430 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 15:32:57 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 003/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 196 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 98 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index 30579de71..e5fa9140e 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -1232,105 +1232,105 @@ "PlayersNotReadyTitle": "<#ffff00><#ffab1b>{0} プレイヤーの 準備が完了していません! 彼らです:", "SpectatorsList": "<#888888>次の {0}<#888888> プレイヤーが 感染します:", "ShieldPersonDiedFirst": "前回のゲームで 最初に殺された人を 保護する", - "SidekickKnowOtherSidekick": "Sidekicks know each other", - "SidekickCanKillSidekick": "Sidekicks can kill other Sidekicks", - "LegacyMafia": "Use Legacy Version", - "LegacyTraitor": "Use Legacy Version", - "AsthmaticMinRedTime": "Minimum Red Time", - "AsthmaticMaxRedTime": "Maximum Red Time", - "AsthmaticMinGreenTime": "Minimum Green Time", - "AsthmaticMaxGreenTime": "Maximum Green Time", - "ArsonistKeepsGameGoing": "Arsonist keeps the game going", - "ArsonistCanIgniteAnytime": "Can Ignite Anytime", - "ArsonistMinPlayersToIgnite": "Minimum Doused Players required to Ignite", - "ArsonistMaxPlayersToIgnite": "Maximum Amount of Doused Players at once", - "RemainingText.Prefix.Single": "There is", - "RemainingText.Prefix.Plural": "There are", - "RemainingText.ImpSingle": "Impostor", - "RemainingText.ImpPlural": "Impostors", - "RemainingText.NKSingle": "Neutral Killer", - "RemainingText.NKPlural": "Neutral Killers", - "RemainingText.CovenSingle": "Coven", - "RemainingText.CovenPlural": "Covens", - "RemainingText.Suffix": " left", - "RemainingText.EjectionSuffix.NKSingle": "remains.", - "RemainingText.EjectionSuffix.NKPlural": "remain.", - "GSInfo.ImpCount": "<#ff1919>Impostors: {0}", - "GSInfo.MadmateCount": "<#ff1919>Madmates: {0}", - "GSInfo.ConvertedCount": "<#ffab1b>Converted Players (excluding <#ff1919>Madmates): {0}", - "GSInfo.NNKCount": "<#ffff00>Non-Killing <#ffab1b>Neutrals: {0}", - "GSInfo.NKCount": "<#ffab1b>Neutral <#ff1919>Killers: {0}", - "GSInfo.CovenCount": "<#7b3fbb>Coven: {0}", - "GSInfo.CrewCount": "<#8cffff>Crewmates: {0}", + "SidekickKnowOtherSidekick": "サイドキックは お互いを知れる", + "SidekickCanKillSidekick": "サイドキックは 他のサイドキックを 殺害できる", + "LegacyMafia": "旧バージョンを使用する", + "LegacyTraitor": "旧バージョンを使用する", + "AsthmaticMinRedTime": "最小の赤色の時間", + "AsthmaticMaxRedTime": "最大の赤色の時間", + "AsthmaticMinGreenTime": "最小の緑色の時間", + "AsthmaticMaxGreenTime": "最大の緑色の時間", + "ArsonistKeepsGameGoing": "アーソニストは ゲームを続ける", + "ArsonistCanIgniteAnytime": "いつでも点火できる", + "ArsonistMinPlayersToIgnite": "点火に必要な 浸漬プレイヤーの最小人数", + "ArsonistMaxPlayersToIgnite": "点火に必要な 浸漬プレイヤーの最大人数", + "RemainingText.Prefix.Single": "残り", + "RemainingText.Prefix.Plural": "残り", + "RemainingText.ImpSingle": "インポスター", + "RemainingText.ImpPlural": "インポスター", + "RemainingText.NKSingle": "ニュートラルキラー", + "RemainingText.NKPlural": "ニュートラルキラー", + "RemainingText.CovenSingle": "カヴン", + "RemainingText.CovenPlural": "カヴン", + "RemainingText.Suffix": " がいる", + "RemainingText.EjectionSuffix.NKSingle": "残っている。", + "RemainingText.EjectionSuffix.NKPlural": "残っている。", + "GSInfo.ImpCount": "<#ff1919>インポスター: {0}", + "GSInfo.MadmateCount": "<#ff1919>マッドメイト: {0}", + "GSInfo.ConvertedCount": "<#ffab1b>変換されたプレイヤー (<#ff1919>マッドメイトを除く): {0}", + "GSInfo.NNKCount": "<#ffff00>キルできない <#ffab1b>ニュートラル: {0}", + "GSInfo.NKCount": "<#ffab1b>ニュートラル <#ff1919>キラー: {0}", + "GSInfo.CovenCount": "<#7b3fbb>カヴン: {0}", + "GSInfo.CrewCount": "<#8cffff>クルーメイト: {0}", "GSInfo.RomanticState": "{0}", - "GSInfo.LoversState": "Number of <#ff9ace>Lovers Alive: {0}", - "GSInfo.Tasks": "<#00ffa5>Completed Tasks: {0}/{1}", - "GSRomanticState.0": "<#ff1493>Romantic pair state: <#888888>Doesn't exist", - "GSRomanticState.1": "<#ff1493>Romantic pair state: <#888888>Doesn't exist", - "GSRomanticState.2": "<#ff1493>Romantic pair state: <#ff0000>Broken", - "GSRomanticState.3": "<#ff1493>Romantic pair state: <#888888>Doesn't exist", - "GSRomanticState.6": "<#ff1493>Romantic pair state: <#ff0000>Broken", - "GSRomanticState.8": "<#ff1493>Romantic pair state: <#ff0000>Broken", - "GSRomanticState.24": "<#ff1493>Romantic pair state: <#ff1493>Exists", - "MyRoleCommandHelp": "<#00ffa5>⇨ Type <#00a5ff>/m in the next meeting for the full description of your role ⇦", - "Cooldown": "Cooldown", - "CurseCooldown": "Curse Cooldown", - "FreezeAfterCurseKill": "Freeze After Killing via Cursed Player", - "DecreasedKillCooldown": "Decreased Kill Cooldown", - "KillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown", - "VentCooldown": "Vent Cooldown", - "MaxInVentTime": "Max In-Vent Time", - "NoisemakerImpostorAlert": "Alert Impostors", - "NoisemakerAlertDuration": "Alert Duration", - "TrackerCooldown": "Track Cooldown", - "TrackerDuration": "Track Duration", - "TrackerDelay": "Track Delay", - "PhantomCooldown": "Invisibility Cooldown", - "PhantomDuration": "Invisibility Duration", - "ControlCooldown": "Control Cooldown", - "PoisonCooldown": "Poison Cooldown", - "PoisonerKillDelay": "Poison Kill Delay", - "CanVent": "Can Vent", - "CanKill": "Can Kill", - "CanShapeshift": "Can Shapeshift", - "CanGuess": "Can Guess in Guesser Mode", - "BombCooldown": "Bomb Cooldown", - "AbilityUseGainWithEachTaskCompleted": "Ability Use Gains With Each Task Completed", - "AbilityUseGainWithEachKill": "Ability Use Gains With Each Kill", - "OutOfAbilityUsesDoMoreTasks": "Out of ability uses! Do tasks to get more!", - "AbilityUseLimit": "Initial Ability Use Limit", - "SniperCanKill": "Sniper can kill with bullets remaining", - "EvenAfterWinning": "Even After Satisfying Win Condition", - "ImpostorVision": "Has Impostor Vision", - "CanUseSabotage": "Can Sabotage", - "CanKillAllies": "Can Kill Impostors", - "CanKillSelf": "Can Kill Themself", - "CrewpostorKnowsAllies": "Knows Impostors", - "AlliesKnowCrewpostor": "Known to Impostors", - "HasSidekick": "Has Sidekick", - "JackalCanKillSidekick": "Jackal can kill Sidekick", - "SidekickCanKillJackal": "Sidekick can kill Jackal", - "CovenLeaderKillCooldown": "Coven Leader's Kill Cooldown", - "CovenReceiveNecronomiconAfterNumMeetings": "Number of Meetings after which the Coven will start receiving the Necronomicon", - "ImpKnowAlliesRole": "Impostors know the roles of other Impostors", - "ImpKnowWhosMadmate": "Impostors know Madmates", - "MadmateKnowWhosImp": "Madmates know Impostors", - "MadmateKnowWhosMadmate": "Madmates know each other", - "ImpCanKillMadmate": "Impostors can kill Madmates", - "MadmateCanKillImp": "Madmates can kill Impostors", - "MadmateHasImpostorVision": "Madmates Have Impostor Vision", - "MadmateCanFixSabotage": "Madmates Can Fix Sabotages", - "EGCanGuessImp": "Can Guess Impostor Roles", - "GGCanGuessCrew": "Can Guess Crewmate Roles", - "EGCanGuessAdt": "Can Guess Add-Ons", - "EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Can guess Snitch with All Tasks Done", - "GGCanGuessAdt": "Can Guess Add-Ons", - "GuesserCanGuessTimes": "Maximum number of guesses", - "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide guesser's command", - "GCanGuessImp": "Impostor can guess Impostor roles", - "GCanGuessCrew": "Crewmate can guess Crewmate roles", - "GCanGuessAdt": "Can guess Add-ons", - "GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Can guess Snitch with All Tasks Done", + "GSInfo.LoversState": "<#ff9ace>ラバーズの 生存の人数 : {0}", + "GSInfo.Tasks": "<#00ffa5>完了したタスク数: {0}/{1}", + "GSRomanticState.0": "<#ff1493>ロマンチック ペアの状態: <#888888>存在していない", + "GSRomanticState.1": "<#ff1493>ロマンチック ペアの状態: <#888888>存在していない", + "GSRomanticState.2": "<#ff1493>ロマンチック ペアの状態: <#ff0000>壊れている", + "GSRomanticState.3": "<#ff1493>ロマンチック ペアの状態: <#888888>存在していない", + "GSRomanticState.6": "<#ff1493>ロマンチック ペアの状態: <#ff0000>壊れている", + "GSRomanticState.8": "<#ff1493>ロマンチック ペアの状態: <#ff0000>壊れている", + "GSRomanticState.24": "<#ff1493>ロマンチック ペアの状態: <#ff1493>存在している", + "MyRoleCommandHelp": "<#00ffa5>⇨ あなたの役割の詳しい説明については 次の会議で <#00a5ff>/m と入力してください ⇦", + "Cooldown": "クールダウン", + "CurseCooldown": "呪いのクールダウン", + "FreezeAfterCurseKill": "呪ったプレイヤーを介した 殺害後のフリーズ", + "DecreasedKillCooldown": "キルのクールダウンの減少割合", + "KillCooldown": "キルのクールダウン", + "VentCooldown": "通気口のクールダウン", + "MaxInVentTime": "通気口内の最大時間", + "NoisemakerImpostorAlert": "インポスターに警告する", + "NoisemakerAlertDuration": "警告の長さ", + "TrackerCooldown": "追跡のクールダウン", + "TrackerDuration": "追跡の持続時間", + "TrackerDelay": "追跡の遅れ", + "PhantomCooldown": "消える クールダウン", + "PhantomDuration": "透明の持続時間", + "ControlCooldown": "制御のクールダウン", + "PoisonCooldown": "毒のクールダウン", + "PoisonerKillDelay": "毒殺の遅れ", + "CanVent": "通気口ができる", + "CanKill": "殺害ができる", + "CanShapeshift": "変身ができる", + "CanGuess": "ゲッサーモードで推測ができる", + "BombCooldown": "爆弾のクールダウン", + "AbilityUseGainWithEachTaskCompleted": "タスクの完了ごとの 能力使用の獲得量", + "AbilityUseGainWithEachKill": "殺害ごとの 能力使用の獲得量", + "OutOfAbilityUsesDoMoreTasks": "能力使用の回数が切れた! もっとタスクを行って 獲得しよう!", + "AbilityUseLimit": "初期能力の使用回数", + "SniperCanKill": "スナイパーは 弾丸が残っていても 殺害できる", + "EvenAfterWinning": "勝利条件が満たされた後でも", + "ImpostorVision": "インポスター ビジョンを持つ", + "CanUseSabotage": "サボタージュができる", + "CanKillAllies": "インポスターを殺害できる", + "CanKillSelf": "自身を殺害できる", + "CrewpostorKnowsAllies": "インポスターを知れる", + "AlliesKnowCrewpostor": "インポスターから 知れる", + "HasSidekick": "サイドキックを持つ", + "JackalCanKillSidekick": "ジャッカルは サイドキックを殺害できる", + "SidekickCanKillJackal": "サイドキックは ジャッカルを殺害できる", + "CovenLeaderKillCooldown": "カヴンリーダーのキルのクールダウン", + "CovenReceiveNecronomiconAfterNumMeetings": "カヴンが ネクロノミコンを受け取り始めるまでの 会議数", + "ImpKnowAlliesRole": "インポスターは 他のインポスターの役割を知れる", + "ImpKnowWhosMadmate": "インポスターは マッドメイトを知れる", + "MadmateKnowWhosImp": "マッドメイトは インポスターを知れる", + "MadmateKnowWhosMadmate": "マッドメイトは お互いを知れる", + "ImpCanKillMadmate": "インポスターは マッドメイトを殺害できる", + "MadmateCanKillImp": "マッドメイトは インポスターを殺害できる", + "MadmateHasImpostorVision": "マッドメイトは インポスター ビジョンを持つ", + "MadmateCanFixSabotage": "マッドメイトは サボタージュを修理できる", + "EGCanGuessImp": "インポスターの役割を推測できる", + "GGCanGuessCrew": "クルーメイトの役割を推測できる", + "EGCanGuessAdt": "属性を推測できる", + "EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "すべてのタスクを終えた スニッチを推測できる", + "GGCanGuessAdt": "属性を推測できる", + "GuesserCanGuessTimes": "推測の最大回数", + "GuesserTryHideMsg": "推測コマンドの試みを隠す", + "GCanGuessImp": "インポスターは インポスターの役割を推測できる", + "GCanGuessCrew": "クルーメイトは クルーメイトの役割を推測できる", + "GCanGuessAdt": "属性を推測できる", + "GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "すべてのタスクを終えた スニッチを推測できる", "BountyTargetChangeTime": "Time Until Target Swaps", "BountySuccessKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown After Killing Bounty", "BountyFailureKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown After Killing Others", From 721caf9c9addaf87e1d490d8c32c178592692ce7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 17:04:23 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 004/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index e5fa9140e..d2d70a6f3 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@ "GSInfo.CovenCount": "<#7b3fbb>カヴン: {0}", "GSInfo.CrewCount": "<#8cffff>クルーメイト: {0}", "GSInfo.RomanticState": "{0}", - "GSInfo.LoversState": "<#ff9ace>ラバーズの 生存の人数 : {0}", + "GSInfo.LoversState": "<#ff9ace>ラバーズの 生存の人数: {0}", "GSInfo.Tasks": "<#00ffa5>完了したタスク数: {0}/{1}", "GSRomanticState.0": "<#ff1493>ロマンチック ペアの状態: <#888888>存在していない", "GSRomanticState.1": "<#ff1493>ロマンチック ペアの状態: <#888888>存在していない", From 1a9aed1d5b1540462835e53f3612d44351538d40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 09:19:14 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 005/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index 8a90f3a81..695e40a2d 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -4725,6 +4725,7 @@ "CTF_RoundsToPlay": "Кол-во раундов", "CTF_PointsToWin": "Кол-во очков", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Лимит", + "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", "CTFPlayer": "Захват Флага", "CTFPlayerInfo": "УКРАДИТЕ ФЛАГ ПРОТИВНИКА", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "УКРАДИТЕ ФЛАГ ПРОТИВНИКА", From 2cc6a9af46e5329c16fc763e5a3cc4cefd10cb2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 09:19:17 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 006/119] New translations en_us.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json index 8e81024bc..757c7eeac 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json @@ -4725,6 +4725,7 @@ "CTF_RoundsToPlay": "Rodadas para Jogar", "CTF_PointsToWin": "Pontos para vencer", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Limite de Tempo", + "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", "CTFPlayer": "Capture a Bandeira", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE A BANDEIRA DO INIMIGO PARA GANHAR", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE A BANDEIRA DO INIMIGO PARA GANHAR", From f56153f8dce833ce70b9aee05585a8e088a7afd8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 09:19:19 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 007/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Simplified) --- Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json index b45141eeb..cc8c47039 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json @@ -4725,6 +4725,7 @@ "CTF_RoundsToPlay": "Rounds to Play", "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", + "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", "CTFPlayer": "夺旗", "CTFPlayerInfo": "夺取敌旗获胜", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "夺取敌旗获胜", From 339bde92bb0233b71b31cee3cef0ec40be93b10b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 09:19:21 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 008/119] New translations en_us.json (Korean) --- Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json index ad55a9e2d..9725ef275 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json @@ -4725,6 +4725,7 @@ "CTF_RoundsToPlay": "Rounds to Play", "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", + "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", "CTFPlayer": "Capture The Flag", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", From c60ede2eaba1453e2606baec4e7e2dcb4b1d689f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 09:19:23 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 009/119] New translations en_us.json (Spanish) --- Resources/Lang/es_ES.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json index acc21b2ea..2a2579d0e 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json @@ -4725,6 +4725,7 @@ "CTF_RoundsToPlay": "Rounds to Play", "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", + "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", "CTFPlayer": "Capture The Flag", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", From 40ad13ec6bb87973a2bdb577d25f60deede958c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 09:19:25 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 010/119] New translations en_us.json (French) --- Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json index 94a8663ef..ad0334cf1 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json @@ -4725,6 +4725,7 @@ "CTF_RoundsToPlay": "Rounds to Play", "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", + "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", "CTFPlayer": "Capture The Flag", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", From 7ad4f4be5e83d6da843c4e7b12ff0f6980bc9397 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 09:19:27 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 011/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Traditional) --- Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json index 246c72c1c..7bbe32928 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json @@ -4725,6 +4725,7 @@ "CTF_RoundsToPlay": "Rounds to Play", "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", + "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", "CTFPlayer": "奪旗者", "CTFPlayerInfo": "奪取敵方的旗幟來獲勝", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "奪取敵方的旗幟來獲勝", From 343e51a8da9a111f6d36acb0f1d66f4980c3ee24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 09:19:29 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 012/119] New translations en_us.json (Polish) --- Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json index 520c4a471..4ab3f2c5c 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json @@ -4725,6 +4725,7 @@ "CTF_RoundsToPlay": "Rounds to Play", "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", + "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", "CTFPlayer": "Capture The Flag", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", From c31a4917d49a1c706626f742c2f51dc2f4ef7cbe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 09:19:31 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 013/119] New translations en_us.json (Indonesian) --- Resources/Lang/id_ID.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json index 3da01c5fe..3334df97c 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json @@ -4725,6 +4725,7 @@ "CTF_RoundsToPlay": "Rounds to Play", "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", + "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", "CTFPlayer": "Rebut Bendera", "CTFPlayerInfo": "REBUT BENDERA LAWAN UNTUK MENANG", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "REBUT BENDERA LAWAN UNTUK MENANG", From 12df3f912ef529dc0b0d205e932a89b589993f2e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 09:19:34 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 014/119] New translations en_us.json (Hungarian) --- Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json index 18673282a..486647a83 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json @@ -4725,6 +4725,7 @@ "CTF_RoundsToPlay": "Rounds to Play", "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", + "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", "CTFPlayer": "Capture The Flag", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", From 9a083d37fb1b1228fb1df9062714d0eb472c737f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 09:19:36 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 015/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index d2d70a6f3..924e035f3 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -4725,6 +4725,7 @@ "CTF_RoundsToPlay": "Rounds to Play", "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", + "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", "CTFPlayer": "Capture The Flag", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", From b42f58bad5a02e5287d6d271d8faee8b5f80a80c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 11:28:31 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 016/119] Update source file en_US.json --- Resources/Lang/en_US.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json index 2d0edbe0a..68f20abeb 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json @@ -4725,6 +4725,7 @@ "CTF_RoundsToPlay": "Rounds to Play", "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", + "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", "CTFPlayer": "Capture The Flag", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", From 45645ffae670b613dd2f9201ed1e0361a72bc8bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 11:28:57 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 017/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index 695e40a2d..8b50c1ef2 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -1911,6 +1911,7 @@ "DeathReason.Echoed": "Эхо", "DeathReason.Dragged": "Пингвин", "DeathReason.Mauled": "Ликантроп", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "Метеорит! Откуда?!", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "Лава - не самое лучшее место для купания, не думали?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "Не любите карусель? Что ж, боюсь представить, как вы чувствовали себя внутри торнадо!", @@ -4285,6 +4286,13 @@ "GuessBackstabber": "Раскрытый Подлец не может быть угадан. Это же нечестно, не думали?", "HideResults": "Скрыть\\nРезультаты", "ShowResults": "Показать\\nРезультаты", + "Wiper": "Wiper", + "WiperInfo": "Wipe Out Rooms", + "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Wiper, you can wipe out a room by using pet/unshift/vanish. This will kill everyone in that room. (Even other impostors, depending on the settings.)\\nYou cannot kill normally.\\nYou cannot use your ability during sabotages.", + "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Wiping Out a Room Kills Other <#ff1919>Impostors", + "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "You cannot use your ability during sabotages", + "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "You must be in a room to use your ability", + "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Current Room: {0}", "Curser": "Проклинатель", "CurserInfo": "Портите людям жизнь", "CurserInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\\nКак Проклинатель, вы можете 1 раз нажать кнопку убийства на ком-то, чтобы раскрыть команду этого игрока или можете нажать кнопку убийства 2 раза, чтобы с этим игроком произошло одно из следующего:\\n- -1 единица способности\\n- +1 вредный атрибут\\n- перманентное уменьшенное зрение\\n- перманентная уменьшенная скорость", From 84ad05f18759626e5fc9f5db8eb29ae297c87e65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 11:28:59 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 018/119] New translations en_us.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json index 757c7eeac..1861eb9be 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json @@ -1911,6 +1911,7 @@ "DeathReason.Echoed": "Echoed", "DeathReason.Dragged": "Arrastada", "DeathReason.Mauled": "Agredido", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "Meteoro.... Eu mal a conheci!", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "A lava não é o melhor lugar para nadar, hein?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "Saiu para dar uma volta? Espero que esse tornado não te deixou tonto!", @@ -4285,6 +4286,13 @@ "GuessBackstabber": "Você não pode adivinhar um Apunhalador revelado.", "HideResults": "Ocultar resultados", "ShowResults": "Mostrar resultados", + "Wiper": "Wiper", + "WiperInfo": "Wipe Out Rooms", + "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Wiper, you can wipe out a room by using pet/unshift/vanish. This will kill everyone in that room. (Even other impostors, depending on the settings.)\\nYou cannot kill normally.\\nYou cannot use your ability during sabotages.", + "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Wiping Out a Room Kills Other <#ff1919>Impostors", + "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "You cannot use your ability during sabotages", + "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "You must be in a room to use your ability", + "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Current Room: {0}", "Curser": "Amaldiçoador", "CurserInfo": "Torne a vida dos outros pior", "CurserInfoLong": "(Neutros):\\nComo o Amaldiçoador, quando você usa seu botão de matar alguém, você pode clicar uma única vez para revelar sua facção, e dar um clique dúplo para dar a ele um dos seguintes efeitos:\\n- -1 uso da habilidade\\n- +1 atributo prejudicial\\n- visão permanentemente baixa\\n- velocidade permanentemente baixa \\nVocê vence se os tripulantes perderem.", From 75185bfb0d5af0c7607e390cee59e3b53d44e50d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 11:29:02 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 019/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Simplified) --- Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json index cc8c47039..57984682f 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json @@ -1911,6 +1911,7 @@ "DeathReason.Echoed": "顶替", "DeathReason.Dragged": "拖动", "DeathReason.Mauled": "袭击", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "什么?那是...陨石?!从哪里来的?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "在岩浆里面游泳可不是一个好的选择...你觉得呢?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "出去兜风?我只希望这龙卷风没有让你感到天旋地转!", @@ -4285,6 +4286,13 @@ "GuessBackstabber": "你不能赌一个已经展现了的背刺者", "HideResults": "隐藏复盘信息", "ShowResults": "显示复盘信息", + "Wiper": "Wiper", + "WiperInfo": "Wipe Out Rooms", + "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Wiper, you can wipe out a room by using pet/unshift/vanish. This will kill everyone in that room. (Even other impostors, depending on the settings.)\\nYou cannot kill normally.\\nYou cannot use your ability during sabotages.", + "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Wiping Out a Room Kills Other <#ff1919>Impostors", + "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "You cannot use your ability during sabotages", + "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "You must be in a room to use your ability", + "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Current Room: {0}", "Curser": "诅咒者", "CurserInfo": "使他人的生活更加糟糕", "CurserInfoLong": "(中立职业):\\n诅咒者对某人使用你的击杀按钮时,他将获得以下结果之一:\\n-1 技能使用\\n-+1 有害附加职业\\n-永久降低视野\\n-永久降低速度\\n如果船员输了,你就赢了。", From aa7a02f14e14876a332404f93fcfcc053e5a9c4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 11:29:05 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 020/119] New translations en_us.json (Korean) --- Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json index 9725ef275..a00c7d698 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json @@ -1911,6 +1911,7 @@ "DeathReason.Echoed": "Echoed", "DeathReason.Dragged": "Dragged", "DeathReason.Mauled": "Mauled", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "Meteor.... I hardly knew her!", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "Lava is not the best place to swim, huh?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "Out for a spin? I hope this tornado didn't make you dizzy!", @@ -4285,6 +4286,13 @@ "GuessBackstabber": "You cannot guess a revealed Backstabber.", "HideResults": "Hide Results", "ShowResults": "Show Results", + "Wiper": "Wiper", + "WiperInfo": "Wipe Out Rooms", + "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Wiper, you can wipe out a room by using pet/unshift/vanish. This will kill everyone in that room. (Even other impostors, depending on the settings.)\\nYou cannot kill normally.\\nYou cannot use your ability during sabotages.", + "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Wiping Out a Room Kills Other <#ff1919>Impostors", + "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "You cannot use your ability during sabotages", + "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "You must be in a room to use your ability", + "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Current Room: {0}", "Curser": "Curser", "CurserInfo": "Make Others' Life Worse", "CurserInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\\nAs the Curser, when you use your kill button on someone, you can single click on them to reveal their alignment, and double click to give them one of the following effects:\\n- -1 ability use\\n- +1 harmful add-on\\n- permanent low vision\\n- permanent low speed\\nYou win if crewmates lose.", From 33725c71e9b2b090ec83b6b2788ae90c45e5838a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 11:29:07 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 021/119] New translations en_us.json (Spanish) --- Resources/Lang/es_ES.json | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json index 2a2579d0e..ceb3d6c21 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json @@ -1911,6 +1911,7 @@ "DeathReason.Echoed": "Echoed", "DeathReason.Dragged": "Dragged", "DeathReason.Mauled": "Mauled", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "Meteor.... I hardly knew her!", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "¿La lava no es el mejor lugar para ganar, eh?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "¿Listo para dar una vuelta? ¡Espero que este tornado no te haya mareado!", @@ -4285,6 +4286,13 @@ "GuessBackstabber": "No puedes adivinar a un Traicionero revelado.", "HideResults": "Hide Results", "ShowResults": "Show Results", + "Wiper": "Wiper", + "WiperInfo": "Wipe Out Rooms", + "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Wiper, you can wipe out a room by using pet/unshift/vanish. This will kill everyone in that room. (Even other impostors, depending on the settings.)\\nYou cannot kill normally.\\nYou cannot use your ability during sabotages.", + "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Wiping Out a Room Kills Other <#ff1919>Impostors", + "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "You cannot use your ability during sabotages", + "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "You must be in a room to use your ability", + "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Current Room: {0}", "Curser": "Maldecidor", "CurserInfo": "Empeora la Vida de Otros", "CurserInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\\nAs the Curser, when you use your kill button on someone, you can single click on them to reveal their alignment, and double click to give them one of the following effects:\\n- -1 ability use\\n- +1 harmful add-on\\n- permanent low vision\\n- permanent low speed\\nYou win if crewmates lose.", From 07cf8a224aedaec3f38cf7d126ecfa0cd44a22a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 11:29:10 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 022/119] New translations en_us.json (French) --- Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json index ad0334cf1..94c3125bc 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json @@ -1911,6 +1911,7 @@ "DeathReason.Echoed": "Echoed", "DeathReason.Dragged": "Dragged", "DeathReason.Mauled": "Mauled", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "Meteor.... I hardly knew her!", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "Lava is not the best place to swim, huh?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "Out for a spin? I hope this tornado didn't make you dizzy!", @@ -4285,6 +4286,13 @@ "GuessBackstabber": "You cannot guess a revealed Backstabber.", "HideResults": "Hide Results", "ShowResults": "Show Results", + "Wiper": "Wiper", + "WiperInfo": "Wipe Out Rooms", + "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Wiper, you can wipe out a room by using pet/unshift/vanish. This will kill everyone in that room. (Even other impostors, depending on the settings.)\\nYou cannot kill normally.\\nYou cannot use your ability during sabotages.", + "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Wiping Out a Room Kills Other <#ff1919>Impostors", + "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "You cannot use your ability during sabotages", + "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "You must be in a room to use your ability", + "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Current Room: {0}", "Curser": "Curser", "CurserInfo": "Make Others' Life Worse", "CurserInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\\nAs the Curser, when you use your kill button on someone, you can single click on them to reveal their alignment, and double click to give them one of the following effects:\\n- -1 ability use\\n- +1 harmful add-on\\n- permanent low vision\\n- permanent low speed\\nYou win if crewmates lose.", From 7a18b0dc9015f4c9ba880071dd7ca9dd947c7763 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 11:29:12 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 023/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Traditional) --- Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json index 7bbe32928..87c17bccb 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json @@ -1911,6 +1911,7 @@ "DeathReason.Echoed": "Echoed", "DeathReason.Dragged": "Dragged", "DeathReason.Mauled": "Mauled", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "流星.... 他要掉下來了!", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "在岩漿裡游泳不是個明智的選擇,你覺得呢?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "出去轉轉? 我只希望龍捲風沒有讓你感到天旋地轉!", @@ -4285,6 +4286,13 @@ "GuessBackstabber": "你不能猜測已經被揭示的牆頭草", "HideResults": "Hide Results", "ShowResults": "Show Results", + "Wiper": "Wiper", + "WiperInfo": "Wipe Out Rooms", + "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Wiper, you can wipe out a room by using pet/unshift/vanish. This will kill everyone in that room. (Even other impostors, depending on the settings.)\\nYou cannot kill normally.\\nYou cannot use your ability during sabotages.", + "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Wiping Out a Room Kills Other <#ff1919>Impostors", + "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "You cannot use your ability during sabotages", + "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "You must be in a room to use your ability", + "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Current Room: {0}", "Curser": "詛咒者", "CurserInfo": "對別人降下詛咒", "CurserInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\\nAs the Curser, when you use your kill button on someone, you can single click on them to reveal their alignment, and double click to give them one of the following effects:\\n- -1 ability use\\n- +1 harmful add-on\\n- permanent low vision\\n- permanent low speed\\nYou win if crewmates lose.", From ee0a1d14bbc6b45825230c5418927ff4d68c19c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 11:29:15 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 024/119] New translations en_us.json (Polish) --- Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json index 4ab3f2c5c..ccb984e31 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json @@ -1911,6 +1911,7 @@ "DeathReason.Echoed": "Echoed", "DeathReason.Dragged": "Dragged", "DeathReason.Mauled": "Mauled", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "Meteor.... I hardly knew her!", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "Lava is not the best place to swim, huh?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "Out for a spin? I hope this tornado didn't make you dizzy!", @@ -4285,6 +4286,13 @@ "GuessBackstabber": "You cannot guess a revealed Backstabber.", "HideResults": "Hide Results", "ShowResults": "Show Results", + "Wiper": "Wiper", + "WiperInfo": "Wipe Out Rooms", + "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Wiper, you can wipe out a room by using pet/unshift/vanish. This will kill everyone in that room. (Even other impostors, depending on the settings.)\\nYou cannot kill normally.\\nYou cannot use your ability during sabotages.", + "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Wiping Out a Room Kills Other <#ff1919>Impostors", + "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "You cannot use your ability during sabotages", + "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "You must be in a room to use your ability", + "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Current Room: {0}", "Curser": "Curser", "CurserInfo": "Make Others' Life Worse", "CurserInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\\nAs the Curser, when you use your kill button on someone, you can single click on them to reveal their alignment, and double click to give them one of the following effects:\\n- -1 ability use\\n- +1 harmful add-on\\n- permanent low vision\\n- permanent low speed\\nYou win if crewmates lose.", From e93390d71483ccb5080d28851566316f525dc988 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 11:29:17 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 025/119] New translations en_us.json (Indonesian) --- Resources/Lang/id_ID.json | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json index 3334df97c..69f43cc50 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json @@ -1911,6 +1911,7 @@ "DeathReason.Echoed": "Echoed", "DeathReason.Dragged": "Dragged", "DeathReason.Mauled": "Mauled", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "Meteor.... I hardly knew her!", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "Lava is not the best place to swim, huh?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "Out for a spin? I hope this tornado didn't make you dizzy!", @@ -4285,6 +4286,13 @@ "GuessBackstabber": "Kamu tidak diperkenankan menebak identitas Backstabber yang sudah terekspos.", "HideResults": "Hide Results", "ShowResults": "Show Results", + "Wiper": "Wiper", + "WiperInfo": "Wipe Out Rooms", + "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Wiper, you can wipe out a room by using pet/unshift/vanish. This will kill everyone in that room. (Even other impostors, depending on the settings.)\\nYou cannot kill normally.\\nYou cannot use your ability during sabotages.", + "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Wiping Out a Room Kills Other <#ff1919>Impostors", + "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "You cannot use your ability during sabotages", + "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "You must be in a room to use your ability", + "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Current Room: {0}", "Curser": "Curser", "CurserInfo": "Beri pemain lain efek terkutuk", "CurserInfoLong": "(Netral):\\nSelaku Curser, tombol Kill-mu berfungsi sebagai berikut:\\n- Sekali klik untuk mengungkap basis tim pemain.\\n- Dua kali klik untuk memberi kutukan pada pemain dengan salah satu efek yang diantaranya yaitu kehilangan 1 kali pemakaian kemampuan, memperoleh 1 add-on berbahaya, jarak pandang rendah (permanen), atau laju jalan lambat (permanen).\\n\\nKamu akan menang jika tim Crewmate kalah.", From c88e4f16a2e90e44b7fdfe183f7078a98c75107b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 11:29:20 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 026/119] New translations en_us.json (Hungarian) --- Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json index 486647a83..eaac615ee 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json @@ -1911,6 +1911,7 @@ "DeathReason.Echoed": "Echoed", "DeathReason.Dragged": "Dragged", "DeathReason.Mauled": "Mauled", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "Meteor.... I hardly knew her!", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "Lava is not the best place to swim, huh?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "Out for a spin? I hope this tornado didn't make you dizzy!", @@ -4285,6 +4286,13 @@ "GuessBackstabber": "You cannot guess a revealed Backstabber.", "HideResults": "Hide Results", "ShowResults": "Show Results", + "Wiper": "Wiper", + "WiperInfo": "Wipe Out Rooms", + "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Wiper, you can wipe out a room by using pet/unshift/vanish. This will kill everyone in that room. (Even other impostors, depending on the settings.)\\nYou cannot kill normally.\\nYou cannot use your ability during sabotages.", + "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Wiping Out a Room Kills Other <#ff1919>Impostors", + "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "You cannot use your ability during sabotages", + "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "You must be in a room to use your ability", + "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Current Room: {0}", "Curser": "Curser", "CurserInfo": "Make Others' Life Worse", "CurserInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\\nAs the Curser, when you use your kill button on someone, you can single click on them to reveal their alignment, and double click to give them one of the following effects:\\n- -1 ability use\\n- +1 harmful add-on\\n- permanent low vision\\n- permanent low speed\\nYou win if crewmates lose.", From 037e2b1f1d9cb2235e44298ec48c472e485231c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 11:29:22 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 027/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index 924e035f3..08e3bda80 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -1911,6 +1911,7 @@ "DeathReason.Echoed": "Echoed", "DeathReason.Dragged": "Dragged", "DeathReason.Mauled": "Mauled", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "Meteor.... I hardly knew her!", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "Lava is not the best place to swim, huh?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "Out for a spin? I hope this tornado didn't make you dizzy!", @@ -4285,6 +4286,13 @@ "GuessBackstabber": "You cannot guess a revealed Backstabber.", "HideResults": "Hide Results", "ShowResults": "Show Results", + "Wiper": "Wiper", + "WiperInfo": "Wipe Out Rooms", + "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Wiper, you can wipe out a room by using pet/unshift/vanish. This will kill everyone in that room. (Even other impostors, depending on the settings.)\\nYou cannot kill normally.\\nYou cannot use your ability during sabotages.", + "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Wiping Out a Room Kills Other <#ff1919>Impostors", + "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "You cannot use your ability during sabotages", + "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "You must be in a room to use your ability", + "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Current Room: {0}", "Curser": "Curser", "CurserInfo": "Make Others' Life Worse", "CurserInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\\nAs the Curser, when you use your kill button on someone, you can single click on them to reveal their alignment, and double click to give them one of the following effects:\\n- -1 ability use\\n- +1 harmful add-on\\n- permanent low vision\\n- permanent low speed\\nYou win if crewmates lose.", From 734f7fa0265286327b9b05d8a62c2060342f3d63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 16:28:10 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 028/119] Update source file en_US.json --- Resources/Lang/en_US.json | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json index 68f20abeb..5c62b7278 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json @@ -1911,6 +1911,7 @@ "DeathReason.Echoed": "Echoed", "DeathReason.Dragged": "Dragged", "DeathReason.Mauled": "Mauled", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "Meteor.... I hardly knew her!", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "Lava is not the best place to swim, huh?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "Out for a spin? I hope this tornado didn't make you dizzy!", @@ -4285,6 +4286,13 @@ "GuessBackstabber": "You cannot guess a revealed Backstabber.", "HideResults": "Hide Results", "ShowResults": "Show Results", + "Wiper": "Wiper", + "WiperInfo": "Wipe Out Rooms", + "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Wiper, you can wipe out a room by using pet/unshift/vanish. This will kill everyone in that room. (Even other impostors, depending on the settings.)\\nYou cannot kill normally.\\nYou cannot use your ability during sabotages.", + "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Wiping Out a Room Kills Other <#ff1919>Impostors", + "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "You cannot use your ability during sabotages", + "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "You must be in a room to use your ability", + "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Current Room: {0}", "Curser": "Curser", "CurserInfo": "Make Others' Life Worse", "CurserInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\\nAs the Curser, when you use your kill button on someone, you can single click on them to reveal their alignment, and double click to give them one of the following effects:\\n- -1 ability use\\n- +1 harmful add-on\\n- permanent low vision\\n- permanent low speed\\nYou win if crewmates lose.", From 91ad620717cbc4f89709970365dc71de5e9ba09d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 16:28:13 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 029/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 18 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index 8b50c1ef2..33ea5c075 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -1911,7 +1911,7 @@ "DeathReason.Echoed": "Эхо", "DeathReason.Dragged": "Пингвин", "DeathReason.Mauled": "Ликантроп", - "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Зачищен", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "Метеорит! Откуда?!", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "Лава - не самое лучшее место для купания, не думали?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "Не любите карусель? Что ж, боюсь представить, как вы чувствовали себя внутри торнадо!", @@ -4286,13 +4286,13 @@ "GuessBackstabber": "Раскрытый Подлец не может быть угадан. Это же нечестно, не думали?", "HideResults": "Скрыть\\nРезультаты", "ShowResults": "Показать\\nРезультаты", - "Wiper": "Wiper", - "WiperInfo": "Wipe Out Rooms", - "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Wiper, you can wipe out a room by using pet/unshift/vanish. This will kill everyone in that room. (Even other impostors, depending on the settings.)\\nYou cannot kill normally.\\nYou cannot use your ability during sabotages.", - "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Wiping Out a Room Kills Other <#ff1919>Impostors", - "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "You cannot use your ability during sabotages", - "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "You must be in a room to use your ability", - "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Current Room: {0}", + "Wiper": "Зачистщик", + "WiperInfo": "Зачищайте комнаты", + "WiperInfoLong": "(Предатель):\\nКак Зачистщик, вы можете зачищать целые комнаты с помощью пета/морфа/исчезновения. Зачистка убивает всех игроков в комнате, в зависимости от настроек возможно и других Предателей тоже.\\nВы не можете убивать обычным способом.\\nВо время саботажа ваша способность отключена.", + "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Зачистка может убить других <#ff1919>Предателей", + "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "Вы не можете зачищать комнаты во время саботажей", + "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "Это место не считается комнатой. Зачистить можно только комнату", + "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Текущая комната: {0}", "Curser": "Проклинатель", "CurserInfo": "Портите людям жизнь", "CurserInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\\nКак Проклинатель, вы можете 1 раз нажать кнопку убийства на ком-то, чтобы раскрыть команду этого игрока или можете нажать кнопку убийства 2 раза, чтобы с этим игроком произошло одно из следующего:\\n- -1 единица способности\\n- +1 вредный атрибут\\n- перманентное уменьшенное зрение\\n- перманентная уменьшенная скорость", @@ -4733,7 +4733,7 @@ "CTF_RoundsToPlay": "Кол-во раундов", "CTF_PointsToWin": "Кол-во очков", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Лимит", - "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", + "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Расстояния, с которого можно взять флаг", "CTFPlayer": "Захват Флага", "CTFPlayerInfo": "УКРАДИТЕ ФЛАГ ПРОТИВНИКА", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "УКРАДИТЕ ФЛАГ ПРОТИВНИКА", From ea38d71b4067a40e1b94f808c6de1753705d8b3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2025 05:15:35 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 030/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 620 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 310 insertions(+), 310 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index 08e3bda80..cc119bf2b 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -1331,317 +1331,317 @@ "GCanGuessCrew": "クルーメイトは クルーメイトの役割を推測できる", "GCanGuessAdt": "属性を推測できる", "GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "すべてのタスクを終えた スニッチを推測できる", - "BountyTargetChangeTime": "Time Until Target Swaps", - "BountySuccessKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown After Killing Bounty", - "BountyFailureKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown After Killing Others", - "BountyShowTargetArrow": "Show arrow pointing towards target", - "DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "Default Shapeshift Cooldown", - "ShapeshiftDuration": "Shapeshift Duration", - "ShapeshiftCooldown": "Shapeshift Cooldown", - "VitalsDuration": "Vitals Duration", - "VitalsCooldown": "Vitals Cooldown", - "ShowArrows": "Has Arrows pointing toward bodies", - "ArrowDelayMin": "Minimum Arrow show-up delay", - "ArrowDelayMax": "Maximum Arrow show-up delay", - "PuppeteerKCD": "Puppeteer Kill Cooldown", - "PuppeteerCD": "Puppet Cooldown", - "PuppeteerUsesRemaining": "You have {0} puppets remaining", - "PuppeteerCanKillNormally": "Can Kill Normally", - "PuppeteerMinDelay": "Minimum Delay Before The Puppeted Player Can Kill", - "PuppeteerMaxDelay": "Maximum Delay Before The Puppeted Player Can Kill", - "PuppeteerManipulationEndsAfterFixedTime": "Manipulation Ends After a Specific Time", - "PuppeteerManipulationEndsAfterTime": "Time After The Manipulation Ends", - "PuppeteerManipulationBypassesLazy": "Bypass Lazy", - "PuppeteerManipulationBypassesLazyGuy": "Bypass Lazy Guy", - "PuppeteerPuppetCanKillImpostors": "Puppet Can Kill Other Impostors", - "PuppeteerPuppetCanKillPuppeteer": "Puppet Can Kill The Puppeteer", - "PuppeteerMaxPuppets": "Maximum Number of Puppets", - "PuppeteerDiesAfterMaxPuppets": "Puppeteer Dies After Running Out Of Puppets", - "PuppetDiesAlongWithVictim": "Puppet Dies Along With The Victim", - "ScavengerKillDuration": "Time After Kill Completes", - "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't sabotage after they've died", - "DeadCrewCantSabotage": "Crewmates can't sabotage after they've died", - "DeadNeutralCantSabotage": "Neutrals can't sabotage after they've died", - "VampireKillDelay": "Bite Kill Delay", - "VampireKillCooldown": "Bite Cooldown", - "CanKillNormally": "Can Kill Normally (using double click)", - "ChanceOfSeeingAllAlignmentsOnStart": "Chance Of Seeing All Alignments On Game Start", - "MareAddSpeedInLightsOut": "Additional Speed During Lights Out", - "MareKillCooldownInLightsOut": "Kill Cooldown During Lights Out", - "KillCooldownNormally": "Kill Cooldown Without Sabotage", - "MareHasIncreasedSpeed": "Increased Speed During Lights Sabotage", - "MareSpeedDuringLightsOut": "Speed During Lights Sabotage", - "SabotageMasterSkillLimit": "Max use of Abilities (Excluding Doors)", - "LuckeyProbability": "Probability of surviving a kill", - "SabotageMasterFixesDoors": "Can open all doors in the same building", - "SabotageMasterFixesReactors": "Can Fix Both Reactors Alone", - "SabotageMasterFixesOxygens": "Can Fix Both O2 Alone", - "SabotageMasterFixesCommunications": "Can Fix Both Comms Alone In MIRA HQ", - "SabotageMasterFixesElectrical": "Can Fix Lights With One Switch", - "SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "Uses it takes to fix Reactor/O2", - "SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "Uses it takes to fix Lights/Comms", - "SMCanFixSabotageFromAnywhereWithPet": "Can Fix Sabotages From Anywhere If Pets Are On", - "SMMaxFixedViaPet": "Max Sabotages Fixed Via Pet", - "SheriffCanKill%role%": "Can Kill %role%", - "SheriffCanKillNeutrals": "Can Kill Neutrals", - "SheriffCanKillNeutralsMode": "Neutral Configuration", - "SheriffCanKillAll": "All ON", - "SheriffCanKillSeparately": "Individual Settings", - "In%team%": "(Team %team%)", - "SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "Misfire Kills Target", - "SheriffShotLimit": "Max number of Kills", - "SheriffShowShotLimit": "Display Shot Limit next to Role Name", - "SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "Can Kill when Everyone is Alive", - "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed players", - "SheriffCanKillSidekick": "Can Kill Sidekicks", - "SheriffCanKillLovers": "Can Kill Lovers", - "SheriffCanKillMadmate": "Can Kill Madmates", - "SheriffCanKillContagious": "Can Kill Contagious players", - "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven", - "SheriffKeepsGameGoing": "Keeps the game going", - "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crew Sheriff Configuration", - "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can kill Impostors", - "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can kill Neutrals", - "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can kill Crewmates", - "DoctorTaskCompletedBatteryCharge": "Battery Duration", - "SnitchEnableTargetArrow": "See Arrow Towards Target", - "SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "See Colored Arrows based on Team Colors", - "SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "Can Find Neutral Killers", - "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven", - "SnitchCanFindMadmate": "Can Find Madmates", - "SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "Remaining tasks to be known", - "SpeedBoosterUpSpeed": "Increase Speed by", - "SpeedBoosterTimes": "Max Boosts", - "MayorAdditionalVote": "Additional Votes Count", - "MayorHasPortableButton": "Mayor has a Mobile Emergency Button", - "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Max Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons", - "MayorHideVote": "Hide additional vote(s)", - "ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "Can Target Impostors", - "ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Can Target Neutral Killing", - "ExecutionerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "When Target Dies, Executioner becomes", - "CanTargetNeutralBenign": "Can Target Neutral Benign", - "CanTargetNeutralEvil": "Can Target Neutral Evil", - "CanTargetCoven": "Can target Coven", - "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff Can Go Nuts", - "LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "Can Target Impostors", - "LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Can Target Neutral Killers", - "LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "Can Target Crewmates", - "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can target Coven", - "LawyerCanTargetJester": "Can Target Jester", - "LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "When Target Dies, Lawyer becomes", - "LawyerChangeRole": "Your client is dead", - "SerialKillerLimit": "Time Until Suicide", - "ArsonistDouseTime": "Douse Duration", - "CanTerroristSuicideWin": "Can Win By Suicide", - "FireWorksMaxCount": "Fireworks Count", - "FireWorksRadius": "Firework Explosion Radius", - "CanIgniteBeforePlacingAllFireworks": "Can Blow Up Installed Fireworks Before Placing Them All", - "SniperBulletCount": "Ammo", - "SniperPrecisionShooting": "Precise Shooting", - "SniperAimAssist": "Aim Assist", - "SniperAimAssistOneshot": "One shot Assist", - "RandomONImpRole": "Random Enabled Imp Role", - "NameDisplayAddons": "Display Add-Ons next to the role name", - "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Max Add-ons Per Player", - "LoverSpawnChances": "Spawn Chance of Lovers", - "AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "Spawn Chance", - "TorchVision": "Torch Vision", - "TorchAffectedByLights": "Torch's vision is affected by Lights Sabotage", - "BewilderVision": "Bewilder Vision", - "JesterVision": "Jester Vision", - "LawyerVision": "Lawyer Vision", - "FlashmanSpeed": "Flash Speed", - "GiantSpeed": "Giant Speed", - "NeutralsKnowEachOther": "Neutrals know each other", - "LoverDieConsequence": "Consequence for Second Lover, When First One Dies", - "LoverSuicideTime": "Suicide When", - "WhenNextMeetingStarts": "Next Meeting Starts", - "WhenNextMeetingEnds": "Next Meeting Ends", - "Immediately": "Immediately", - "Nothing": "None", - "NumberOfLovers": "Number of Lover Pairs (x2 members)", - "LoverKnowRoles": "Lovers know the roles of each other", - "CrewLoversWinWithCrew": "If Both Lovers are Crewmates, they always win with Crewmates", - "LegacyLovers": "Legacy Lovers", - "LovingImpostorSpawnChance": "Loving <#ff1919>Impostor Spawn Chance", - "LIRoleForOtherImps": "Other <#ff1919>Impostors see <#ff9ace>Loving <#ff1919>Impostor as", - "PrivateChat": "Enable Private Chat for Lovers <#ffff00>(VERY EXPERIMENTAL!!!!) (REQUIRES DOUBLE EJECTION SCREEN)", - "PrivateChatForLoversOnly": "Try Setting the Chat Visible Only for the Lovers Instead of Everyone <#ffff00>(EVEN MORE EXPERIMENTAL)", - "GuessAbility": "Guessers Can Guess Lovers", - "AddonCanBeGuessed": "Can be Guessed", - "ConvertedAddonCanBeGuessed": "{role} can be guessed", - "Untouched": "Global Setting Decides", - "GuessLovers": "Sorry, host's settings do not allow to guess Lovers.", - "VanillaCrewmateCannotBeGuessed": "Crewmate role cannot be guessed", - "GuessVanillaCrewmate": "Host settings don't allow to guess someone as the vanilla Crewmate", - "TrapperBlockMoveTime": "Freeze time", - "RogueKnowEachOtherRoles": "Rogues know the roles of each other", - "RogueKnowEachOther": "Rogues know each other", - "RoleChangedNotify": "<#ffff00>⚠ Your role was changed to {0} <#ffff00>⚠", - "TimeThiefDecreaseMeetingTime": "Lower Meeting Time by", - "TimeThiefLowerLimitVotingTime": "Minimum Voting Time", - "TimeThiefReturnStolenTimeUponDeath": "Return Stolen Time Upon Death", - "EvilTrackerCanSeeKillFlash": "Can See Kill-Flash", - "EvilTrackerResetTargetAfterMeeting": "Can Reset Target After Meeting", - "EvilTrackerCanSeeLastRoomInMeeting": "Can See Target's Last Room In Meeting", - "TrackerCanGetArrowColor": "Can See Colored Arrows", - "EvilTrackerTargetMode": "Can Set Target", - "EvilTrackerTargetMode.Never": "Never", - "EvilTrackerTargetMode.OnceInGame": "Once in game", - "EvilTrackerTargetMode.EveryMeeting": "Every Meeting", - "EvilTrackerTargetMode.Always": "Any time", - "WitchModeSwitchAction": "Switch Action via", - "NBareRed": "Nice Neutrals can be red", - "NEareRed": "Evil Neutrals can be red", - "CrewKillingRed": "Crewmate Killings can be red", - "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Max number of red names", - "PsychicFresh": "New red names every meeting", - "DetectiveCanknowKiller": "Can find the killer's role", - "DetectiveCanknowDeathReason": "Can find the cause of death", - "DetectiveCanknowAddons": "Can find the dead player's add-ons", - "DetectiveCanknowKillTime": "Can find how long ago the player died", - "ParanoiaVentCooldown": "Vent Cooldown", - "ParanoiaNumOfUseButton": "Max number of portable buttons", - "EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "Everyone knows the Super Star", - "HackLimit": "Ability Use Count", - "ZombieSpeedReduce": "After a certain time, decrease the speed of Zombie by", - "MafiaCanKillNum": "Max number of revenges", - "ImpKnowCyberStarDead": "Impostors know when the Celebrity dies", - "NeutralKnowCyberStarDead": "Neutrals know when the Celebrity dies", - "CovenKnowCyberStarDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies", - "JesterCanUseButton": "Can call emergency meetings", - "MarioVentButtonText": "Hop", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Skeld": "Number of Vents to Win on Skeld", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Mira": "Number of Vents to Win on Mira", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Polus": "Number of Vents to Win on Polus", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Dleks": "Number of Vents to Win on Dleks", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Airship": "Number of Vents to Win on Airship", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Fungle": "Number of Vents to Win on Fungle", - "CanCheckCamera": "Can track camera usage", - "SansDefaultKillCooldown": "Starting kill cooldown", - "SansReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce kill cooldown by", - "SansMinKillCooldown": "Minimum kill cooldown", - "BomberRadius": "Bomb radius (5x is about half a Cafeteria)", - "NotifyGodAlive": "Inform players at meetings that God is still alive", - "God.KnowInfo": "God knows players'", - "Alignments": "Alignments", - "TransporterTeleportMax": "Max number of teleports", - "TriggerKill": "Kill", - "ExperimentalRoleIndicator": " EXPERIMENTAL", - "RequiresPetIndicator": " <#ffab1b>PET", - "SupportsPetIndicator": " <#00ff00>✓PET", - "SupportsPetMessage": "\\n\\n<#00ff00>[✓] This role supports Pet button usage for ability triggers or other actions, maybe replacing venting, shapeshifting or killing.", - "UsePetInsteadOfKillButton": "Use Pet Button As Kill Button", - "UsePets": "Use Pet button instead of Vent / Shapeshift", - "PetToAssign": "Pet to Assign to Everyone", - "UseVoteCancelling": "Use Vote Cancelling Method instead of Commands", - "UseVoteCancellingAfterVote": "Can Vote Normally After Using Ability (Vote)", - "AbilityOnCooldown": "Ability on cooldown!", - "KillCooldownOnStrangle": "Kill Cooldown after Strangling", + "BountyTargetChangeTime": "ターゲットの交換までの時間", + "BountySuccessKillCooldown": "バウンティ殺害後のキルのクールダウン", + "BountyFailureKillCooldown": "他人の殺害後のキルのクールダウン", + "BountyShowTargetArrow": "ターゲットに向かって矢印を表示する", + "DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "通常の変身のクールダウン", + "ShapeshiftDuration": "変身の持続時間", + "ShapeshiftCooldown": "変身のクールダウン", + "VitalsDuration": "バイタルの持続時間", + "VitalsCooldown": "バイタルのクールダウン", + "ShowArrows": "死体に向う矢印を持つ", + "ArrowDelayMin": "最小の矢印表示の遅れ", + "ArrowDelayMax": "最大の矢印表示の遅れ", + "PuppeteerKCD": "パペッティアのキルのクールダウン", + "PuppeteerCD": "人形のクールダウン", + "PuppeteerUsesRemaining": "あなたは残り {0}つの人形がある", + "PuppeteerCanKillNormally": "通常の殺害ができる", + "PuppeteerMinDelay": "人形のプレイヤーが殺害できるまでの 最小の遅れ", + "PuppeteerMaxDelay": "人形のプレイヤーが殺害できるまでの 最大の遅れ", + "PuppeteerManipulationEndsAfterFixedTime": "一定時間後に操作を終了する", + "PuppeteerManipulationEndsAfterTime": "操作を終了する時間", + "PuppeteerManipulationBypassesLazy": "ナマケモノを無視する", + "PuppeteerManipulationBypassesLazyGuy": "怠け者を無視する", + "PuppeteerPuppetCanKillImpostors": "人形が 他のインポスターを殺害できる", + "PuppeteerPuppetCanKillPuppeteer": "人形が パペッティアを殺害できる", + "PuppeteerMaxPuppets": "人形の最大個数", + "PuppeteerDiesAfterMaxPuppets": "パペッティアは 人形を使い果たした後 死亡する", + "PuppetDiesAlongWithVictim": "人形は 犠牲者とともに死亡する", + "ScavengerKillDuration": "殺害が完了するまでの時間", + "DeadImpCantSabotage": "インポスターは 死後にサボタージュができない", + "DeadCrewCantSabotage": "クルーメイトは 死後にサボタージュができない", + "DeadNeutralCantSabotage": "ニュートラルは 死後にサボタージュができない", + "VampireKillDelay": "噛殺の遅れ", + "VampireKillCooldown": "噛みつくクールダウン", + "CanKillNormally": "通常の殺害ができる (ダブルクリックを使用)", + "ChanceOfSeeingAllAlignmentsOnStart": "ゲーム開始時に すべての陣営を見れる確率", + "MareAddSpeedInLightsOut": "停電中の追加速度", + "MareKillCooldownInLightsOut": "停電中のキルのクールダウン", + "KillCooldownNormally": "非サボタージュでのキルのクールダウン", + "MareHasIncreasedSpeed": "停電中に速度を増加させる", + "MareSpeedDuringLightsOut": "停電中の速度", + "SabotageMasterSkillLimit": "能力の最大使用回数 (ドアを除く)", + "LuckeyProbability": "殺害で生き残る確率", + "SabotageMasterFixesDoors": "同じ建物内ですべてのドアを開くことができる", + "SabotageMasterFixesReactors": "両方のリアクターを単独で修理できる", + "SabotageMasterFixesOxygens": "両方のO2を単独で修理できる", + "SabotageMasterFixesCommunications": "MIRA HQで 両方の通信妨害を単独で修理できる", + "SabotageMasterFixesElectrical": "1つのスイッチで停電を修理できる", + "SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "リアクター/O2 修理に必要な使用回数", + "SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "通信妨害/停電 修理に必要な使用回数", + "SMCanFixSabotageFromAnywhereWithPet": "ペットがONの場合 どこからでもサボタージュを修理できる", + "SMMaxFixedViaPet": "ペットを通じて サボタージュを修理する最大回数", + "SheriffCanKill%role%": "%role%を殺害できる", + "SheriffCanKillNeutrals": "ニュートラルを殺害できる", + "SheriffCanKillNeutralsMode": "ニュートラルの構成", + "SheriffCanKillAll": "すべて ON", + "SheriffCanKillSeparately": "個別の設定", + "In%team%": "(陣営 %team%)", + "SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "不発でもターゲットを殺す", + "SheriffShotLimit": "殺害の最大回数", + "SheriffShowShotLimit": "役割名の次に執行回数を表示する", + "SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "全員が生存しているときに殺害できる", + "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "魅了したプレイヤーを殺害できる", + "SheriffCanKillSidekick": "サイドキックを殺害できる", + "SheriffCanKillLovers": "ラバーズを殺害できる", + "SheriffCanKillMadmate": "マッドメイトを殺害できる", + "SheriffCanKillContagious": "伝染病のプレイヤーを殺害できる", + "SheriffCanKillCoven": "カヴンを殺害できる", + "SheriffKeepsGameGoing": "生きている間は 試合を終了させない", + "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "非-クルー シェリフの構成", + "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "インポスターを殺害できる", + "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "ニュートラルを殺害できる", + "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "クルーメイトを殺害できる", + "DoctorTaskCompletedBatteryCharge": "バッテリーの持続時間", + "SnitchEnableTargetArrow": "ターゲットに向かって矢印を見れる", + "SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "陣営の色に基づいた色付きの矢印が見れる", + "SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "ニュートラル キラーを見つけることができる", + "SnitchCanFindCoven": "カヴンを見つけることができる", + "SnitchCanFindMadmate": "マッドメイトを見つけることができる", + "SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "知らされる 残りのタスク数", + "SpeedBoosterUpSpeed": "増加時の速度", + "SpeedBoosterTimes": "最大の加速度", + "MayorAdditionalVote": "追加の投票数", + "MayorHasPortableButton": "メイヤーは 携帯緊急ボタンを持つ", + "MayorNumOfUseButton": "携帯緊急ボタンの最大数", + "MayorHideVote": "追加の投票を隠す(票)", + "ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "インポスターをターゲットにできる", + "ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "殺害する ニュートラルをターゲットにできる", + "ExecutionerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "ターゲット死亡時の、処刑人の役割", + "CanTargetNeutralBenign": "良性な ニュートラルをターゲットにできる", + "CanTargetNeutralEvil": "邪悪な ニュートラルをターゲットにできる", + "CanTargetCoven": "カヴンをターゲットにできる", + "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "転職した シェリフは 荒れ狂う", + "LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "インポスターをターゲットにできる", + "LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "ニュートラル キラーをターゲットにできる", + "LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "クルーメイトをターゲットにできる", + "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "カヴンをターゲットにできる", + "LawyerCanTargetJester": "ジェスターをターゲットにできる", + "LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "ターゲット死亡時の、弁護士の役割", + "LawyerChangeRole": "あなたのクライアントが死亡した", + "SerialKillerLimit": "自殺までの時間", + "ArsonistDouseTime": "浸漬にかかる時間", + "CanTerroristSuicideWin": "自殺によって勝利できる", + "FireWorksMaxCount": "花火の数", + "FireWorksRadius": "花火の爆発半径", + "CanIgniteBeforePlacingAllFireworks": "すべて設置する前に 設置済みの花火を爆発できる", + "SniperBulletCount": "弾数", + "SniperPrecisionShooting": "精密射撃モード", + "SniperAimAssist": "エイムアシスト", + "SniperAimAssistOneshot": "単発アシスト", + "RandomONImpRole": "ランダムなインポの役割", + "NameDisplayAddons": "属性の次に役割名を表示する", + "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "プレイヤーごとの 属性の最大数", + "LoverSpawnChances": "ラバーズの出現確率", + "AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "出現確率", + "TorchVision": "トーチの視力", + "TorchAffectedByLights": "トーチの視力は 停電によって影響を受ける", + "BewilderVision": "ブラインダーの視力", + "JesterVision": "ジェスターの視力", + "LawyerVision": "弁護士の視力", + "FlashmanSpeed": "閃光の速度", + "GiantSpeed": "ジャイアントの速度", + "NeutralsKnowEachOther": "ニュートラルは お互いを知れる", + "LoverDieConsequence": "最初の1人が死んだとき、2番目の恋人の末路", + "LoverSuicideTime": "自殺のタイミング", + "WhenNextMeetingStarts": "次の会議の開始時", + "WhenNextMeetingEnds": "次の会議の終了後", + "Immediately": "即時", + "Nothing": "なし", + "NumberOfLovers": "恋人 ペアの数 (x2 人)", + "LoverKnowRoles": "ラバーズは お互いの役割を知れる", + "CrewLoversWinWithCrew": "両方のラバーズがクルーメイトの場合、彼らは常にクルーメイトと ともに勝利する", + "LegacyLovers": "旧ラバーズ", + "LovingImpostorSpawnChance": "ラビング <#ff1919>インポスターの出現確率", + "LIRoleForOtherImps": "他の<#ff1919>インポスターからは <#ff9ace>ラビング <#ff1919>インポスターとして見れる", + "PrivateChat": "ラバーズの 個別チャットを有効にする <#ffff00>(とても実験的!!!!) (二重の追放画面が必要)", + "PrivateChatForLoversOnly": "全員の代わりに ラバーズのみにチャットが表示されるよう 設定を試みる <#ffff00>(さらなる 超実験的)", + "GuessAbility": "推測者は ラバーズを推測できる", + "AddonCanBeGuessed": "この属性を推測できる", + "ConvertedAddonCanBeGuessed": "{role}を推測できる", + "Untouched": "一般的な設定で決定", + "GuessLovers": "申し訳ないですが、ホストの設定で ラバーズの推測が許可されていません。", + "VanillaCrewmateCannotBeGuessed": "クルーメイト役割を推測できないようにする", + "GuessVanillaCrewmate": "ホストの設定で 誰かをバニラ<#8cffff>クルーメイトとして 推測することが許可されていません", + "TrapperBlockMoveTime": "フリーズの時間", + "RogueKnowEachOtherRoles": "ローグは 他の役割を知れる", + "RogueKnowEachOther": "ローグは お互いを知れる", + "RoleChangedNotify": "<#ffff00>⚠ あなたの役割が {0} に変更された <#ffff00>⚠", + "TimeThiefDecreaseMeetingTime": "短縮させる会議時間", + "TimeThiefLowerLimitVotingTime": "投票時間の下限", + "TimeThiefReturnStolenTimeUponDeath": "死亡時に 盗んだ時間を返す", + "EvilTrackerCanSeeKillFlash": "キル-フラッシュを見ることができる", + "EvilTrackerResetTargetAfterMeeting": "会議後に ターゲットをリセットできる", + "EvilTrackerCanSeeLastRoomInMeeting": "会議中に ターゲットの最終部屋を見ることができる", + "TrackerCanGetArrowColor": "色付きの矢印を見ることができる", + "EvilTrackerTargetMode": "ターゲットをセットできる", + "EvilTrackerTargetMode.Never": "できない", + "EvilTrackerTargetMode.OnceInGame": "ゲームで1回", + "EvilTrackerTargetMode.EveryMeeting": "会議ごと", + "EvilTrackerTargetMode.Always": "いつでも", + "WitchModeSwitchAction": "アクションの切り替え方法", + "NBareRed": "良性 ニュートラルを赤くできる", + "NEareRed": "邪悪 ニュートラルを赤くできる", + "CrewKillingRed": "殺害する クルーメイトを赤くできる", + "PsychicCanSeeNum": "赤い名前の最大人数", + "PsychicFresh": "会議ごとに 新しい赤い名前になる", + "DetectiveCanknowKiller": "殺人犯の役割を見つけることができる", + "DetectiveCanknowDeathReason": "死因を見つけることができる", + "DetectiveCanknowAddons": "死んだプレイヤーの 属性を見つけることができる", + "DetectiveCanknowKillTime": "プレイヤーの 死亡推定時刻を見つけることができる", + "ParanoiaVentCooldown": "通気口のクールダウン", + "ParanoiaNumOfUseButton": "ポータブルボタンの最大数", + "EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "全員が スーパースターを知れる", + "HackLimit": "能力使用回数", + "ZombieSpeedReduce": "一定時間の経過後に、低下させるゾンビの速度", + "MafiaCanKillNum": "復讐の最大回数", + "ImpKnowCyberStarDead": "インポスターは 有名人が いつ死んだかを知れる", + "NeutralKnowCyberStarDead": "ニュートラルは 有名人が いつ死んだかを知れる", + "CovenKnowCyberStarDead": "カヴンは 有名人が いつ死んだかを知れる", + "JesterCanUseButton": "緊急会議を招集できる", + "MarioVentButtonText": "ジャンプ", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Skeld": "<#66a186>Skeldで 勝利するベント数", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Mira": "<#e84b56>Miraで 勝利するベント数", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Polus": "<#a167c0>Polusで 勝利するベント数", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Dleks": "<#66a186>Dleksで 勝利するベント数", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Airship": "<#ed0007>Airshipで 勝利するベント数", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Fungle": "<#ffa646>Fungleで 勝利するのベント数", + "CanCheckCamera": "カメラの使用を追跡できる", + "SansDefaultKillCooldown": "開始時のキルのクールダウン", + "SansReduceKillCooldown": "減少するキルのクールダウン", + "SansMinKillCooldown": "キルのクールダウンの下限", + "BomberRadius": "爆発の半径 (5x はカフェテリアの約半分)", + "NotifyGodAlive": "神様がまだ生きていることを 会議でプレイヤーに知らせる", + "God.KnowInfo": "神様がプレイヤーを認識するもの", + "Alignments": "陣営", + "TransporterTeleportMax": "テレポートの最大回数", + "TriggerKill": "キル", + "ExperimentalRoleIndicator": " 実験的", + "RequiresPetIndicator": " <#ffab1b>ペット", + "SupportsPetIndicator": " <#00ff00>✓ペット", + "SupportsPetMessage": "\\n\\n<#00ff00>[✓] この役割は 能力の発動 または その他のアクション での ペット ボタン の使用をサポートしており、 おそらく 通気口、シェイプシフト、または 殺害の 代わりとして使用されでしょう。", + "UsePetInsteadOfKillButton": "キルボタンとして ペットボタンを使用する", + "UsePets": "通気口 / シェイプシフト の代わりに ペットボタンを使用する", + "PetToAssign": "全員に割り当てる ペット", + "UseVoteCancelling": "コマンドの代わりに 投票キャンセル方法を使用する", + "UseVoteCancellingAfterVote": "能力使用後 通常の投票ができる (投票)", + "AbilityOnCooldown": "能力のクールダウン中!", + "KillCooldownOnStrangle": "絞首後のキルのクールダウン", "CDPT": "CD: {0}s", - "HackCD": "Hack CD: {0}s", - "MimicCD": "Mimic CD: {0}s", - "MimicDur": "Mimic Duration: {0}s", - "KCD": "Kill CD: {0}s", - "AfterMeetingKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after meetings", - "CanVote": "Can Vote", - "WaitFor1Kill": "Suicide Timer starts after First Kill", - "TriggerVent": "Vent", - "TriggerDouble": "Double Click", - "TimeManagerIncreaseMeetingTime": "Increase voting time by", - "TimeManagerLimitMeetingTime": "Maximum Length of Meetings", - "MadTimeManagerLimitMeetingTime": "Mad Time Manager - Minimum Voting Time", - "AssignOnlyToCrewmate": "Assign only to Crewmates", - "WorkhorseNumLongTasks": "Additional Long Tasks", - "WorkhorseNumShortTasks": "Additional Short Tasks", - "SnitchCanBeWorkhorse": "Snitch can become Workhorse", - "WorkhorseSpawnChance": "Workhorse Spawn Chance", - "InnocentCanWinByImp": "If their target was an Impostor then they win with them", - "CapitalismSkillCooldown": "Ability Cooldown", - "DualVotes": "Duplicate votes", - "HideDualVotes": "Hide duplicated votes", - "VeteranSkillCooldown": "Alert Cooldown", - "VeteranSkillDuration": "Alert Duration", - "BodyguardProtectRadius": "Protect Radius", - "BodyguardKillsKiller": "Bodyguard kills murderer", - "AbilityCD": "Ability Cooldown", - "ImpCanBeEgoist": "An Impostor can become Egoist", - "CrewCanBeEgoist": "Crewmates can become Egoist", - "ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "Impostors Can See Other Egoist Impostors", - "BaitDelayMin": "Minimum Report Delay", - "BaitDelayMax": "Maximum Report Delay", - "BaitDelayNotify": "Warn the killer about the upcoming self-report", - "BaitNotification": "Reveal Bait at the first meeting", - "BaitAdviceAlive": "{0} is the Bait. Whoever kills the Bait will commit self report.", - "CounterfeiterSkillCooldown": "Ability cooldown", - "CounterfeiterSkillLimitTimes": "Max number of uses", - "PursuerSkillCooldown": "Ability cooldown", - "PursuerSkillLimitTimes": "Max number of uses", - "GrenadierSkillCooldown": "Grenade Cooldown", - "GrenadierSkillDuration": "Grenade Duration", - "GrenadierCauseVision": "Lowered vision", - "GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "Can affect Neutrals", - "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Max number of Grenades", - "LighterSkillCooldown": "Light Cooldown", - "LighterSkillDuration": "Light Duration", - "LighterVisionNormal": "Increased Vision", - "LighterVisionOnLightsOut": "Increased Vision During Lights Out", - "TicketsPerKill": "Votes Increase Amount Per Kill", - "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit cooldown", - "GangsterRecruitLimit": "Recruit limit", - "RevolutionistDrawTime": "Tag Duration", - "RevolutionistCooldown": "Tag Cooldown", - "RevolutionistDrawCount": "Amount of Players needed to Tag", - "RevolutionistKillProbability": "Tagged player sacrifice probability", - "RevolutionistVentCountDown": "Time to Vent", - "PelicanKillCooldown": "Eat Cooldown", - "MadSnitchTasks": "Snitch Tasks", - "MedicWhoCanSeeProtect": "Who can see shield", - "MedicKnowShieldBroken": "Who sees kill attempt", - "SeeMedicAndTarget": "Medic+Shielded", - "SeeMedic": "Medic", - "SeeTarget": "Shielded", - "SeeNoone": "Nothing", - "MedicShieldDeactivatesWhenMedicDies": "Shield deactivates when the Medic dies", - "MedicShielDeactivationIsVisible": "Shield deactivation is visible", - "DeactivationImmediately": "Immediately", - "DeactivationAfterMeeting": "After Meeting", - "DeactivationIsVisibleOFF": "OFF", - "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's cooldown to", - "MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "Guessing ignores Medic shield", - "MedicShieldedCanBeJudged": "Judging ignores Medic shield", - "MedicShieldBreaksOnKillAttempt": "Medic Shield Breaks on Kill Attempt", - "MedicShieldBreakIsVisible": "Shield Break is Visible", - "MedicAmountOfShields": "Number of Shields Per Game", - "DivinatorSkillLimit": "(Initial) Max number of ability uses", - "MadmateSpawnMode": "Madmate spawning mode", - "MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "Assign", - "MadmateSpawnMode.FirstKill": "First Kill", - "MadmateSpawnMode.SelfVote": "Self Vote", - "MadmateCountMode": "Madmates count as", - "MadmateCountMode.None": "Nothing", - "MadmateCountMode.Imp": "Impostors", - "MadmateCountMode.Crew": "Crewmates", - "SidekickCountMode": "Sidekicks count as", - "SidekickCountMode.None": "Nothing", - "SidekickCountMode.Jackal": "Jackal", - "SidekickCountMode.Original": "Original Team", - "ContagiousCountMode": "Contagious players count as", - "ContagiousCountMode.None": "Nothing", - "ContagiousCountMode.Virus": "Virus", - "ContagiousCountMode.Original": "Original Team", - "SnatchesWin": "Snatches victory", - "GamerKillCooldown": "Attack Cooldown", - "GamerHealthMax": "Player max health", - "GamerDamage": "Damage ", - "GamerSelfHealthMax": "Demon max health", - "GamerSelfDamage": "Demon damage received", - "BallLightningConvertTime": "Duration of the transformation to Quantum Ghost", - "BallLightningKillCooldown": "Lightning Cooldown", - "BallLightningKillerConvertGhost": "Killer can transform into Quantum Ghost", - "CanCountNeutralKiller": "When Crewmates win by killing a Neutral player, they can snatch the victory", - "OddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered kill cooldown", - "EvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered kill cooldown", + "HackCD": "ハック CD: {0}s", + "MimicCD": "変装 CD: {0}s", + "MimicDur": "変装 持続時間: {0}s", + "KCD": "キル CD: {0}s", + "AfterMeetingKillCooldown": "会議後のキルのクールダウン", + "CanVote": "投票ができる", + "WaitFor1Kill": "自殺タイマーは 最初の殺害後に開始する", + "TriggerVent": "ベント", + "TriggerDouble": "ダブルクリック", + "TimeManagerIncreaseMeetingTime": "増加させる投票時間", + "TimeManagerLimitMeetingTime": "会議の最大の長さ", + "MadTimeManagerLimitMeetingTime": "マッド タイムマネージャー - 投票時間の下限", + "AssignOnlyToCrewmate": "クルーメイトにのみ割り当てる", + "WorkhorseNumLongTasks": "追加のロングタスク数", + "WorkhorseNumShortTasks": "追加のショートタスク数", + "SnitchCanBeWorkhorse": "スニッチが ワークホースになることができる", + "WorkhorseSpawnChance": "ワークホースの出現確率", + "InnocentCanWinByImp": "ターゲットがインポスターだった場合 彼らとともに勝利する", + "CapitalismSkillCooldown": "能力のクールダウン", + "DualVotes": "重複投票", + "HideDualVotes": "重複投票を隠す", + "VeteranSkillCooldown": "警戒のクールダウン", + "VeteranSkillDuration": "警戒の持続時間", + "BodyguardProtectRadius": "保護半径", + "BodyguardKillsKiller": "ボディーガードは 殺人者を殺害する", + "AbilityCD": "能力のクールダウン", + "ImpCanBeEgoist": "インポスターは エゴイストになることができる", + "CrewCanBeEgoist": "クルーメイトは エゴイストになることができる", + "ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "インポスターは 他のエゴイスト インポスターを見ることができる", + "BaitDelayMin": "最小の 報告の遅れ", + "BaitDelayMax": "最大の 報告の遅れ", + "BaitDelayNotify": "セルフ-レポートの予告について 殺人犯に警告する", + "BaitNotification": "最初の会議で ベイトを明かす", + "BaitAdviceAlive": "{0}は <#00f7ff>ベイトです。\\n<#00f7ff>ベイトを殺害するものは セルフレポートを犯すでしょう。", + "CounterfeiterSkillCooldown": "能力のクールダウン", + "CounterfeiterSkillLimitTimes": "最大使用の回数", + "PursuerSkillCooldown": "能力のクールダウン", + "PursuerSkillLimitTimes": "最大使用の回数", + "GrenadierSkillCooldown": "グレネードのクールダウン", + "GrenadierSkillDuration": "グレネードの持続時間", + "GrenadierCauseVision": "低下時の視力", + "GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "ニュートラルにも 影響を与える", + "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(初期) 最大のグレネードの回数", + "LighterSkillCooldown": "ライトのクールダウン", + "LighterSkillDuration": "ライトの持続時間", + "LighterVisionNormal": "増加時の視力", + "LighterVisionOnLightsOut": "停電中での増加時の視力", + "TicketsPerKill": "殺害ごとの 投票の増加数", + "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "勧誘のクールダウン", + "GangsterRecruitLimit": "勧誘の回数", + "RevolutionistDrawTime": "タッチするまでの追跡時間", + "RevolutionistCooldown": "タッチのクールダウン", + "RevolutionistDrawCount": "捕獲に必要なプレイヤーの数", + "RevolutionistKillProbability": "捕獲したプレイヤーの犠牲の確率", + "RevolutionistVentCountDown": "通気口までの時間", + "PelicanKillCooldown": "捕食のクールダウン", + "MadSnitchTasks": "<#ff1919>マッド スニッチのタスク数", + "MedicWhoCanSeeProtect": "誰がシールドを見ることができるか", + "MedicKnowShieldBroken": "誰が殺害未遂を見れるか", + "SeeMedicAndTarget": "メディック+保有者", + "SeeMedic": "メディック", + "SeeTarget": "保有者", + "SeeNoone": "なし", + "MedicShieldDeactivatesWhenMedicDies": "メディックの死亡時 シールドが無効になる", + "MedicShielDeactivationIsVisible": "シールドの無効の表示", + "DeactivationImmediately": "即時", + "DeactivationAfterMeeting": "会議後", + "DeactivationIsVisibleOFF": "オフ", + "MedicResetCooldown": "殺害未遂時の、殺人者のクールダウンのリセット時間", + "MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "推測での メディック シールドは 無視される", + "MedicShieldedCanBeJudged": "裁判での メディック シールドは 無視される", + "MedicShieldBreaksOnKillAttempt": "メディック シールドは 殺害未遂で壊れる", + "MedicShieldBreakIsVisible": "シールドの破壊の表示", + "MedicAmountOfShields": "ゲームごとの シールドの数", + "DivinatorSkillLimit": "(初期) 能力使用の最大回数", + "MadmateSpawnMode": "マッドメイト 出現モード", + "MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "割り当て", + "MadmateSpawnMode.FirstKill": "初手キル", + "MadmateSpawnMode.SelfVote": "自投票", + "MadmateCountMode": "マッドメイトの判定", + "MadmateCountMode.None": "なし", + "MadmateCountMode.Imp": "インポスター", + "MadmateCountMode.Crew": "クルーメイト", + "SidekickCountMode": "サイドキックの判定", + "SidekickCountMode.None": "なし", + "SidekickCountMode.Jackal": "ジャッカル", + "SidekickCountMode.Original": "元の陣営", + "ContagiousCountMode": "伝染病のプレイヤーの判定", + "ContagiousCountMode.None": "なし", + "ContagiousCountMode.Virus": "ウイルス", + "ContagiousCountMode.Original": "元の陣営", + "SnatchesWin": "勝利を奪う", + "GamerKillCooldown": "攻撃のクールダウン", + "GamerHealthMax": "プレイヤーの最大の健康度", + "GamerDamage": "与えるダメージ ", + "GamerSelfHealthMax": "悪魔の最大の健康度", + "GamerSelfDamage": "悪魔への被ダメージ", + "BallLightningConvertTime": "量子ゴーストへの変換時間", + "BallLightningKillCooldown": "稲妻のクールダウン", + "BallLightningKillerConvertGhost": "殺人犯を量子ゴーストに変換できる", + "CanCountNeutralKiller": "クルーメイトが ニュートラルプレイヤーの殺害によって勝利したとき、彼らの勝利を奪うことができる", + "OddKillCooldown": "奇数-回のキルのクールダウン", + "EvenKillCooldown": "偶数-回のキルのクールダウン", "Energetic": "Energetic", "EnergeticInfo": "Your Ability Cooldown is Lower", "EnergeticInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\\nAs the Energetic, the cooldown of your ability is reduced by 25%.", From 27dce30b141ebc375cde18629dd468400d7296ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2025 11:14:01 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 031/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 214 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 107 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index cc119bf2b..dd1531f00 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -1642,115 +1642,115 @@ "CanCountNeutralKiller": "クルーメイトが ニュートラルプレイヤーの殺害によって勝利したとき、彼らの勝利を奪うことができる", "OddKillCooldown": "奇数-回のキルのクールダウン", "EvenKillCooldown": "偶数-回のキルのクールダウン", - "Energetic": "Energetic", - "EnergeticInfo": "Your Ability Cooldown is Lower", - "EnergeticInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\\nAs the Energetic, the cooldown of your ability is reduced by 25%.", - "Prefix.Energetic": "Energetic", - "Messenger": "Messenger", - "MessengerInfo": "Send a Message to Players After Death", - "MessengerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\\nAs the Messenger, after you die, you can send a message in a meeting to the alive players by typing /hm {number}, replacing {number} with the corresponding index of the messages listed below:\\n\\n1. The player that killed me was last in \\n Example: The player that killed me was last in Cafeteria\\n\\n2. The killer's role is \\n Example: The killer's role is Ninja\\n\\n3. I was a(n) \\n Example: I was a Crewmate\\n\\nExample use: /hm 1 - This will send the first message to the alive players.", - "Prefix.Messenger": "Messenger", - "MessengerMessage.1": "The player that killed me was last in {0}", - "MessengerMessage.2": "The killer's role is {0}", - "MessengerMessage.3": "I was a(n) {0}", - "MessengerTitle": "<#ff0000>Message from {0}", - "DisableLobbyMusic": "Disable Lobby Music", - "EnableCommandHelper": "Enable Command Helper", - "ShowModdedClientText": "Show Modded Client Text", - "Evolver": "Evolver", - "EvolverInfo": "Select an Upgrade After Each Meeting", - "EvolverInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\\nAs the Evolver, you can choose an upgrade after each meeting. Pet to cycle between the available upgrades. The same upgrade can appear multiple times. Once the timer to pick ends, your upgrade will be applied.\\n\\nUpgrades:\\n- Decrease Kill Cooldown (by 2.5s)\\n- Gain Impostor Vision (unaffected by lights sabotage)\\n- Increase Vision (by 0.4x)\\n- Increase Speed (by 0.25x)\\n- Increase Kill Distance (Short → Medium → Long)\\n- Gain Venting Ability (and 1 use)\\n- Increase Venting Use Limit (by 3)\\n- Gain Sabotage Ability (and 1 use)\\n- Increase Sabotage Use Limit (by 2)\\n- Gain Shield (cannot be killed in the current round)\\n\\nRemarks:\\nIf you can vent, the number of vent uses you have is displayed next to your role name like this: (V: 1) - Same with the sabotage use limit: (S: 2)", - "EvolverUpgrade.DecreaseKillCooldown": "Lower Kill Cooldown", - "EvolverUpgrade.GainImpostorVision": "Impostor Vision", - "EvolverUpgrade.IncreaseVision": "Higher Vision", - "EvolverUpgrade.IncreaseSpeed": "Higher Speed", - "EvolverUpgrade.IncreaseKillDistance": "Higher Kill Distance", - "EvolverUpgrade.GainVent": "Ability to Vent", - "EvolverUpgrade.IncreaseVentUseLimit": "More Vent Uses", - "EvolverUpgrade.GainSabotage": "Ability to Sabotage", - "EvolverUpgrade.IncreaseSabotageUseLimit": "More Sabotage Uses", - "EvolverUpgrade.GainShield": "Shield for Current Round", - "EvolverSuffix": "Selected upgrade will be applied in <#00ffa5>{0}s\\nSelected upgrade: <#00ffa5>{1} (Pet to cycle)\\nAvailable upgrades: <#00ffa5>{2}", + "Energetic": "元気いっぱい", + "EnergeticInfo": "あなたの能力クールダウンは低下する", + "EnergeticInfoLong": "(<#8cffff>役に立つ <#ff9ace>属性):\\n元気いっぱいとして、あなたの能力のクールダウンは 25%減少します", + "Prefix.Energetic": "元気いっぱいな", + "Messenger": "メッセンジャー", + "MessengerInfo": "死後に プレイヤーにメッセージを送る", + "MessengerInfoLong": "(<#8cffff>役に立つ <#ff9ace>属性):\\nメッセンジャーとして、あなたが死んだ後、あなたは /hm {number} を入力することにより 会議中の生存プレイヤーにメッセージを送信でき、以下のリスト化されたメッセージに対応する指数を {number} に置き換えます:\\n\\n1. 私を殺害したプレイヤーは 最後に にいました\\n 例: 私を殺害したプレイヤーは 最後に カフェテリア にいました\\n\\n2. 殺人犯の役割は です\\n 例: 殺人犯の役割は <#ff1919>ニンジャ です\\n\\n3. 私は でした\\n 例: 私は <#8cffff>クルーメイト でした\\n\\n使用例: /hm 1 - この最初のメッセージを 生存プレイヤーに送信します。", + "Prefix.Messenger": "メッセンジャー", + "MessengerMessage.1": "私を殺害したプレイヤーは 最後に {0} にいました", + "MessengerMessage.2": "殺人犯の役割は {0} です", + "MessengerMessage.3": "私は {0} でした", + "MessengerTitle": "<#ff0000> {0} からのメッセージ", + "DisableLobbyMusic": "ロビー音楽を無効化", + "EnableCommandHelper": "コマンドヘルパーを有効にする", + "ShowModdedClientText": "MOD導入クライアントのテキストを表示", + "Evolver": "エボルバー", + "EvolverInfo": "各会議後に アップグレードを選択しよう", + "EvolverInfoLong": "(殺害する ニュートラル):\\nエボルバーとして、あなたは 各会議ごとに アップグレードを選ぶことができます。\\nペットで 利用可能なアップグレード間 を循環します。\\n同じアップグレードが複数回 現れることもあります。\\n一度 選択タイマーが終了すると、あなたのアップグレードが適用されます。\\n\\nアップグレード:\\n- キルのクールダウンの短縮 (2.5秒)\\n- <#ff1919>インポスター ビジョンを獲得 (停電の影響を受けない)\\n- 視力の増加 (0.4x)\\n- 速度の増加 (0.25x)\\n- キル可能距離の増加 (ショート → ミドル → ロング)\\n- 通気口に入る能力の獲得 (そして 1回の使用)\\n- 通気口に入る使用回数の増加 (3回)\\n- サボタージュ能力を獲得 (そして 1回の使用)\\n-サボタージュの使用回数の増加 (2回)\\n- シールドを獲得 (現在のラウンドで殺害されなくなる)\\n\\n備考:\\nベントができる場合、そのベントの使用回数が あなたの名前の次に このように表示されます: (V: 1) - 同様にサボタージュの使用回数も: (S: 2)", + "EvolverUpgrade.DecreaseKillCooldown": "キルのクールダウンの短縮", + "EvolverUpgrade.GainImpostorVision": "インポスター ビジョン", + "EvolverUpgrade.IncreaseVision": "より広い 視力", + "EvolverUpgrade.IncreaseSpeed": "より速い 速度", + "EvolverUpgrade.IncreaseKillDistance": "より長い キル可能距離", + "EvolverUpgrade.GainVent": "通気口の能力", + "EvolverUpgrade.IncreaseVentUseLimit": "さらなる 通気口の使用", + "EvolverUpgrade.GainSabotage": "サボタージュの能力", + "EvolverUpgrade.IncreaseSabotageUseLimit": "さらなる サボタージュ能力", + "EvolverUpgrade.GainShield": "現在のラウンドのシールド", + "EvolverSuffix": "選択したアップグレードが適用するまで <#00ffa5>{0}s\\n選択したアップデート: <#00ffa5>{1} (ペットで変更)\\n利用可能な アップグレード: <#00ffa5>{2}", "EvolverProgress.Vent": " (V: {0})", "EvolverProgress.Sabotage": " (S: {0})", - "WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "Can't win after they died", - "WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "Everyone knows who the Workaholic is", - "WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "Advice at first meeting if alive, can win after death, ghost tasks ON", - "WorkaholicSpeed": "Workaholic Speed", - "DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "Everyone knows who the Doctor is", - "GuardSpellTimes": "Amount of Cursed Shields", - "JinxSpellTimes": "Amount of Jinx Spells", - "CollectorCollectAmount": "Required number of votes", - "GlitchCanVote": "Can vote", - "QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "Shapeshift Cooldown", - "MeetingReserved": "Max Bullets reserved for a meeting", - "AccurateCheckMode": "Can know specific role when tasks are not done", - "NumRolesListedForEachPlayer": "Number of roles listed for each player", - "CamouflageCooldown": "Camouflage Cooldown", - "CamouflageDuration": "Camouflage Duration", - "EraseLimit": "Max Erases", - "EraserHideVote": "Hide Eraser's Votes", - "EKill": "Kill Button", - "EVote": "Vote", - "E2Kill": "Kill Target", - "E2Block": "Block Erase", - "EraseMethod": "Erase Method", - "WhenTargetIsNeutral": "When Target is Neutral (& erasing via kill button)", - "NiceEraserHideVote": "Hide Nice Eraser's Votes", - "AssassinMarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown", - "AssassinAssassinateCooldown": "Ass​assinate Cooldown", - "AssassinCanKillAfterAssassinate": "Can kill after Assas​sinating", - "UndertakerMarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown", - "UndertakerAssassinateCooldown": "Ass​assinate Cooldown", - "UndertakerCanKillAfterAssassinate": "Can kill after Assas​sinating", - "KB_GameTime": "Game duration", - "KB_HPMax": "Default HP", - "KB_ATK": "Default Attack", - "KB_RecoverAfterSecond": "Recover Cooldown", - "KB_RecoverPerSecond": "Recover Per Second", - "KB_ResurrectionWaitingTime": "Resurrection waiting time", - "KB_KillBonusMultiplier": "Kill bonus multiplier", - "KB_ATKCooldown": "Attack Cooldown", - "KB_BootVentWhenDead": "Boot players who get stuck in the vent (may trigger official anti cheating)", - "JudgeTryHideMsg": "Hide Judge's commands", - "TrialLimitPerMeeting": "Max Trials per Meeting", - "TrialLimitPerGame": "Max Trials per Game", - "JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "Can trial Madmates", - "JudgeCanTrialConverted": "Can trial <#ffab1b>Converted players", - "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Max number of Alerts", - "SwooperCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown", - "SwooperDuration": "Swoop Duration", - "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper vents normally when swooping is on cooldown", - "WraithCooldown": "Vanish Cooldown", - "WraithDuration": "Vanish Duration", - "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith vents normally when invis is on cooldown", - "LowLoadMode": "Fix Lag", - "DeepLowLoad": "Prioritize Performance", - "HackCooldown": "Hack Cooldown", - "HackDuration": "Hack Duration", - "MimicCooldown": "Mimic Cooldown", - "MimicDuration": "Mimic Duration", - "RoleBlockNotify": "You are role blocked, you can't {0}", - "RoleBlockDuration": "Role Block Duration", - "RoleBlockCooldown": "Role Block Cooldown", - "BKProtectDuration": "Protection Duration", - "TotocalcioMaxBetTimes": "Maximum Number of Follows", - "TotocalcioBetCooldown": "Follow Cooldown", - "TotocalcioMaxBetCooldown": "Maximum Follow Cooldown", - "TotocalcioBetCooldownIncrese": "Increase Cooldown per 1 follow by", - "TotocalcioKnowTargetRole": "Follower knows their target's role", - "TotocalcioBetTargetKnowTotocalcio": "Follower target knows who the Follower is", - "DivinatorHideVote": "Hide Fortune Teller's Votes", - "ShowSpecificRole": "Know specific roles on Task Completion", - "SuccubusCharmCooldown": "Charm Cooldown", - "SuccubusCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown For Each Charm", - "SuccubusCharmMax": "Maximum Number Of Charm", - "SuccubusKnowTargetRole": "Know Charmed Player's Role", - "SuccubusTargetKnowOtherTarget": "Charmed players know each other", - "SuccubusCanCharmNeutral": "Neutral Roles can be Charmed", - "CharmedDiesOnSuccubusDeath": "Charmed Players Die When <#cf6acd>Cultist Dies", - "InfectiousBiteCooldown": "Infect Cooldown", - "KnowTargetRole": "Knows role of target", + "WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "死んだ後に勝利できない", + "WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "全員が ワーカホリックが誰であるかを知れる", + "WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "生存している場合の初会議のアドバイス、死後に勝利できる、幽霊タスク ON", + "WorkaholicSpeed": "ワーカホリックの速度", + "DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "全員が ドクターが誰であるかを知れる", + "GuardSpellTimes": "呪いシールドの数", + "JinxSpellTimes": "ジンクス呪文の数", + "CollectorCollectAmount": "必要な投票の数", + "GlitchCanVote": "投票ができる", + "QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "シェイプシフトのクールダウン", + "MeetingReserved": "会議のために保管できる 弾の最大個数", + "AccurateCheckMode": "タスクを終えていないときに 特定の役割を知ることができる", + "NumRolesListedForEachPlayer": "プレイヤーごとの リスト化される役割の数", + "CamouflageCooldown": "カモフラージュのクールダウン", + "CamouflageDuration": "カモフラージュの持続時間", + "EraseLimit": "最大の消去数", + "EraserHideVote": "イレイサーの投票を隠す", + "EKill": "キルボタン", + "EVote": "投票", + "E2Kill": "ターゲットを殺害", + "E2Block": "削除をブロック", + "EraseMethod": "削除の方法", + "WhenTargetIsNeutral": "ターゲットが <#ffab1b>ニュートラルのとき (& キルボタンを介しての削除)", + "NiceEraserHideVote": "ナイスイレイサーの投票を隠す", + "AssassinMarkCooldown": "マークのクールダウン", + "AssassinAssassinateCooldown": "暗殺のクールダウン", + "AssassinCanKillAfterAssassinate": "暗殺後に殺害ができる", + "UndertakerMarkCooldown": "マークのクールダウン", + "UndertakerAssassinateCooldown": "暗殺のクールダウン", + "UndertakerCanKillAfterAssassinate": "暗殺後に殺害ができる", + "KB_GameTime": "ゲームの継続時間", + "KB_HPMax": "通常のHP", + "KB_ATK": "通常の攻撃力", + "KB_RecoverAfterSecond": "回復のクールダウン", + "KB_RecoverPerSecond": "秒ごとの回復量", + "KB_ResurrectionWaitingTime": "復活の待機時間", + "KB_KillBonusMultiplier": "キルボーナスの乗数", + "KB_ATKCooldown": "攻撃のクールダウン", + "KB_BootVentWhenDead": "通気口でスタックしたプレイヤーをアシストする (公式のアンチチートが発動する可能性がある)", + "JudgeTryHideMsg": "裁判官のコマンドを隠す", + "TrialLimitPerMeeting": "会議ごとの 判断回数", + "TrialLimitPerGame": "ゲームごとの 判断回数", + "JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "マッドメイトを判断できる", + "JudgeCanTrialConverted": "<#ffab1b>変換したプレイヤーを判断できる", + "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "(初期) 最大の警戒の回数", + "SwooperCooldown": "急降下のクールダウン", + "SwooperDuration": "急降下の持続時間", + "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "スゥーパーの急降下クールダウン中は 通常のベントができる", + "WraithCooldown": "消える クールダウン", + "WraithDuration": "透明の持続時間", + "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "レイスの透明クールダウン中は 通常のベントができる", + "LowLoadMode": "ラグを修正", + "DeepLowLoad": "パフォーマンスを優先させる", + "HackCooldown": "ハックのクールダウン", + "HackDuration": "ハックの継続時間", + "MimicCooldown": "変装のクールダウン", + "MimicDuration": "変装の持続時間", + "RoleBlockNotify": "あなたは役割をブロックされた、あなたは {0} ができない", + "RoleBlockDuration": "役割ブロックの継続時間", + "RoleBlockCooldown": "役割ブロックのクールダウン", + "BKProtectDuration": "保護の持続時間", + "TotocalcioMaxBetTimes": "最大のフォローの回数", + "TotocalcioBetCooldown": "フォローのクールダウン", + "TotocalcioMaxBetCooldown": "最大のフォローのクールダウン", + "TotocalcioBetCooldownIncrese": "1 フォローごとに増加するクールダウン", + "TotocalcioKnowTargetRole": "フォロワーは ターゲットの役割を知れる", + "TotocalcioBetTargetKnowTotocalcio": "フォロワーのターゲットは 誰がフォロワーかを知れる", + "DivinatorHideVote": "占い師の投票を隠す", + "ShowSpecificRole": "タスクコンプリート時 特定の役割を知れる", + "SuccubusCharmCooldown": "魅了のクールダウン", + "SuccubusCharmCooldownIncrese": "魅了ごとに増加する魅了のクールダウン", + "SuccubusCharmMax": "最大の魅了の回数", + "SuccubusKnowTargetRole": "魅了したプレイヤーの役割を知れる", + "SuccubusTargetKnowOtherTarget": "魅了したプレイヤーは お互いを知れる", + "SuccubusCanCharmNeutral": "ニュートラルの役割を 魅了することができる", + "CharmedDiesOnSuccubusDeath": "<#cf6acd>カルティストが死んだとき 魅了したプレイヤーも死ぬ", + "InfectiousBiteCooldown": "感染のクールダウン", + "KnowTargetRole": "ターゲットの役割を知れる", "TargetKnowsLawyer": "Target knows their Lawyer", "YourLawyerIsNotify": "Your Lawyer is {0}. They win if you win.", "ShowLongInfo": "Show Long Role Descriptions instead of Short ones", From f2ddf96401eece3b97ff1a9c2279ae4b4b7b70aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2025 13:17:43 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 032/119] New translations en_us.json (Indonesian) --- Resources/Lang/id_ID.json | 138 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json index 69f43cc50..5a19ec949 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json @@ -441,20 +441,20 @@ "BountyHunterInfo": "Eliminasi buronan", "MareInfo": "Kill in the dark", "FireWorksInfo": "Go out with a BANG", - "SerialKillerInfo": "Keep killing, else you suicide", + "SerialKillerInfo": "Teruslah membunuh sebelum durasi rehat Shapeshift habis", "VampireInfo": "Gigitanmu membunuh target secara perlahan", "WarlockInfo": "Curse crewmates & shift to make them kill", - "AssassinInfo": "Mark a target, then shift to kill them", + "AssassinInfo": "Tandai target, lalu Shapeshift untuk menjagalnya", "ZombieInfo": "You're very slow", "HackerInfo": "Paksa pemain untuk melaporkan mayat", "MinerInfo": "Shapeshift untuk berpindah ke ventilasi yang terakhir kali dimasuki", - "MinimalismInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low cooldown", + "MinimalismInfo": "Kamu hanya bisa membunuh, dengan durasi rehat serangan yang rendah", "EscapeeInfo": "Tandai rute pelarian", "WitchInfo": "Spell crewmates to kill them in meetings", - "MafiaInfo": "Kill when you're the last Impostor", + "MafiaInfo": "Kamu hanya bisa membunuh jika menjadi satu-satunya Impostor hidup", "GodfatherInfo": "Rekrut pemain melalui perantara voting", - "BeforeMafiaInfo": "You can't kill yet", - "AfterMafiaInfo": "Now start killing", + "BeforeMafiaInfo": "Kamu belum bisa membunuh", + "AfterMafiaInfo": "Mulailah membunuh", "PuppeteerInfo": "Make players kill for you", "TimeThiefInfo": "Lower meeting time by killing", "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by shifting", @@ -462,14 +462,14 @@ "AntiAdminerInfo": "Lacak penggunaan perangkat", "SansInfo": "Your cooldown decreases with each kill you make", "BomberInfo": "Shapeshift untuk ledakan", - "BoobyTrapInfo": "Start a killing chain", + "BoobyTrapInfo": "Pasang perangkap kematian berantai", "ScavengerInfo": "Pembunuhanmu tidak meninggalkan jejak mayat", "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess crew roles in meetings to kill", "CapitalismInfo": "Beri misi tambahan kepada pemain lain", "GangsterInfo": "Convert players to your side", "CleanerInfo": "Report mayat agar tidak bisa dilaporkan", "BallLightningInfo": "Convert players to Quantum Ghosts", - "GreedierInfo": "Your kill cooldown shifts", + "GreedierInfo": "Durasi rehat seranganmu berubah bergiliran", "CursedWolfInfo": "Kamu akan selamat dari beberapa percobaan pembunuhan", "ImperiusCurseInfo": "Bertukar tempat dengan target Shapeshift", "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset kill cooldown", @@ -484,8 +484,8 @@ "VindicatorInfo": "Manfaatkan keunggulan suaramu untuk menyingkirkan pemain lain", "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the crew", "DisperserInfo": "Teleportasi semua pemain ke ventilasi random", - "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during sabotages", - "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during sabotages", + "InhibitorInfo": "Kamu tidak dapat membunuh saat ada sabotase krisis", + "SaboteurInfo": "Kamu hanya bisa membunuh saat ada sabotase krisis", "CouncillorInfo": "Kill crewmates during meetings", "DazzlerInfo": "Perpendek jarak pandang", "DeathpactInfo": "Jerat pemain dalam pakta kematian", @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ "EvilDivinerInfo": "Ungkap peran pemain lain", "MorphlingInfo": "Hanya bisa membunuh dalam mode Shapeshift", "TwisterInfo": "Acak posisi semua pemain", - "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your kill cooldown by venting", + "LurkerInfo": "Masuk ventilasi untuk mendapat pengurangan durasi rehat serangan", "ConvictInfo": "Targetmu mati. Kini kamu membantu Impostor", "VisionaryInfo": "Kamu bisa melihat basis tim pemain yang masih hidup", "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the crew", @@ -672,18 +672,18 @@ "PhantomEHRInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nSelaku Phantom, kamu dapat menjadi tak kasat mata untuk sementara waktu. Namun, ada efek visual berupa asap sewarna kulitmu, yang muncul sebelum dan sesudah proses tersebut.", "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Bounty Hunter, kamu harus membunuh target yang ditentukan oleh sistem agar durasi rehat seranganmu bisa berkurang, dan begitupun sebaliknya.\\n\\nTarget akan berganti dalam kurun waktu tertentu.", "FireWorksInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs a Fireworker, you can plant up to three firework bombs using shapeshift/by petting. If you're the last impostor standing, you can use shapeshift/pet to detonate the bombs and cause area damage. But be careful, the bombs can also harm you. If the bombs eliminate all surviving players, it's a victory for the impostors.", - "SerialKillerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nYou have a shorter kill cooldown than other impostors, but you will die if you don't kill before the end of your shapeshift cooldown.", + "SerialKillerInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Mercenary, durasi rehat seranganmu lebih singkat dibandingkan dengan rekan Impostor yang lain. Akan tetapi, kamu akan mati jikalau belum membunuh siapapun sampai durasi rehat Shapeshift habis.", "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\\nAs the Mare, you have a low kill cooldown but can only kill during lights. Additionally, your name will appear in red during lights. Only assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.", "VampireInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Vampire, pemain yang kamu gigit baru akan mati beberapa detik kemudian.", "WarlockInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nWarlock can curse a player while not Shapeshifted. If they Shapeshift/Pet after cursing, the closest player to the cursed one is killed, regardless of distance. Only one player can be cursed at a time.\\n\\nKilling, shapeshifting/petting, and cursing all have separate cooldowns. The Warlock may freeze in place for a few seconds after killing via cursed player.", "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nZombie has a short kill cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie will not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.", - "AssassinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nThe Ninja can use the kill button to mark a target, and if the mark is successful, a shield animation will show as a reminder. The Ninja can then use the shapeshift/pet to teleport to the marked person and kill the marked person. Ninja cannot kill regularly, but may be able to kill regularly after assassination according to the host's settings.", + "AssassinInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Ninja, kamu dapat menggunakan tombol Kill untuk menandai target. Setelah target berhasil ditandai, akan muncul animasi proteksi sebagai konfirmasi visual. Kamu kemudian bisa menggunakan tombol Shapeshift/Pet untuk berteleportasi ke target yang telah ditandai dan langsung menjagalnya.", "HackerInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Anonymous, kamu dapat menggunakan Shapeshift untuk mengambinghitamkan pemain lain. Pemain yang dikambinghitamkan akan otomatis melaporkan mayat yang kamu bunuh, atau melaporkan \"diri sendiri\" jika memang tidak ada. Kemampuan ini tetap berlaku untuk mayat yang seharusnya tidak dapat dilaporkan sekalipun. Akan tetapi, tidak akan berpengaruh pada Lazy Guy.", "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Miner, kamu dapat menggunakan Shapeshift atau tombol Pet untuk langsung berpindah kembali ke ventilasi yang terakhir kali kamu akses.", - "MinimalismInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nThe Killing Machine has a very short kill cooldown, but cannot vent, has lower vision, cannot sabotage, cannot report, and cannot call emergency meetings.", + "MinimalismInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Killing Machine, kamu memiliki durasi rehat serangan dan jarak pandang yang lebih rendah. Namun, kamu tidak bisa mengakses ventilasi, melakukan sabotase, melaporkan penemuan mayat, ataupun mengadakan rapat.", "EscapeeInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Escapist, kamu dapat menandai suatu lokasi dengan menggunakan Shapeshift atau tombol Pet. Begitu kamu menggunakan Shapeshift atau tombol Pet lagi, kamu akan langsung berpindah ke lokasi yang telah kamu tandai sebelumnya.", "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nThe Witch can kill players directly or cast spells by tapping the kill button once or twice, respectively. Spelled players will have a 「†」 mark next to their name in the next meeting. If the Witch survives until the meeting's end, all spelled players die.", - "MafiaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nNemesis can't kill while there are other Impostors alive in the game, but can use /rv [player id] after death to kill the specified player.", + "MafiaInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Nemesis, kamu tidak bisa membunuh siapa pun selama masih ada rekan Impostor yang hidup. Namun, setelah kamu mati, kamu bisa menggunakan perintah /rv [ID pemain] untuk membunuh.", "GodfatherInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Godfather, kalau ada yang membunuh pemain yang kamu vote saat rapat, si pembunuh tersebut akan beralih peran menjadi Renegade.", "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nPuppeteers control a player that can kill the next non-impostor who gets too close. If the non-impostor dies on contact, the Puppeteer also dies. Lazy Guy is useless.", "TimeThiefInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nEvery time the Time Thief kills a player, the meeting time will be reduced by a certain amount of time. If the Time Thief dies, the meeting time will return to normal.", @@ -694,12 +694,12 @@ "SansInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nThe Arrogance reduces their kill cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.", "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Bomber, kamu dapat mengaktifkan ledakan mematikan yang mengenai semua pemain dalam radius tertentu melalui Shapeshift atau tombol Pet.\\n\\nCatatan: Efek kilatan cahaya akan terlihat oleh semua pemain saat ledakan terjadi.", "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Scavenger, kamu harus menunggu beberapa detik di dekat target setelah menekan tombol Kill agar pembunuhan berhasil. Target akan mati tanpa meninggalkan jejak mayat.", - "BoobyTrapInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nIn the game, the Trapster kills a player and then puts a trap on their body. If another player reports the dead body and it has the Trapster's trap on it, the player who reports will die instantly without the body getting reported. The player killed by the Trapster's trap will also become a Trapster. This chain reaction continues until no more players are left to become Trapsters. However, the Trapster will die immediately after making a kill. It's worth noting that the Trapster's own dead body cannot trigger their trap.", + "BoobyTrapInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Trapster, setelah kamu membunuh satu pemain, mayatnya akan otomatis dipasangi perangkap. Jika ada pemain lain yang report mayat tersebut, ia akan langsung mati, dan mayat pertama tadi tidak akan kena report. Pemain yang mati karena perangkapmu ini juga akan dipasangi perangkap serupa, menciptakan reaksi berantai yang terus berlanjut sampai tidak ada lagi pemain yang terkena (misalnya, terhentikan oleh panggilan rapat).", "CapitalismInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Capitalist, kamu dapat menambahkan misi ringan kepada pemain lain dengan menggunakan tombol Kill. Catatan: kemampuan ini tidak berlaku pada pemain yang tidak memiliki misi atau yang telah merampungkan misinya.", "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nThe Gangster can recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the kill button. If successful, both will see the shield animation as a reminder. The host sets the maximum number of recruits. If recruitment fails, the target is killed normally. When out of recruits, the Gangster can only make normal kills.", "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Cleaner, kamu dapat membersihkan mayat dengan menggunakan tombol Report. Dalam artian, mayat tersebut tidak akan bisa dilaporkan (termasuk Bait). Setelah pembersihan selesai, akan muncul animasi proteksi sebagai konfirmasi visual.\\n\\nCatatan: Kamu hanya bisa membersihkan mayat jika durasi rehat seranganmu sudah selesai.", "BallLightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nThe Lightning role cannot make regular kills. When the Lightning uses its kill button, the target will vaporize into a quantum ghost. If a player who is not a quantum ghost touches the quantum ghost, the quantum ghost will die. If the quantum ghost survives until a meeting, they will die after the meeting ends. Interacting with the quantum ghost has no effect. Killing the Lightning may cause the killer to vaporize into a quantum ghost, depending on the host's settings.", - "GreedierInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Greedy, your kill cooldown is different after every even-numbered kill and every odd-numbered kill of yours. You have a separate cooldown after meetings. Your first kill after every meeting will set your cooldown to the Even-Numbered Kill Cooldown, your second kill will set it to the Odd-Numbered Kill Cooldown, and the process repeats until a meeting is called again.", + "GreedierInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Greedy, durasi rehat seranganmu berubah bergiliran menyesuaikan angka pemain yang sudah kamu bunuh. Sistem yang diterapkan menggunakan pola ganjil-genap. Pola ganjil berlaku untuk pembunuhan yang pertama, ketiga, dan seterusnya. Sedangkan pola genap berlaku untuk pembunuhan yang kedua, keempat, dan seterusnya. Durasi rehat serangan di pola genap jauh lebih singkat dibandingkan pada pola ganjil. Setiap selesai rapat, durasi rehat seranganmu berada di antara keduanya.", "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Cursed Wolf, setiap kali ada pemain yang mencoba menyerangmu, kamu akan membalas dengan mengutuk penyerang tersebut hingga tewas.", "ImperiusCurseInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Soul Catcher, kamu dapat bertukar tempat dengan target Shapeshift. Namun, pengecualian jika target dalam kondisi tertentu seperti sudah mati, ditelan Pelican, sedang berada di ventilasi, dan lain-lain.", "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nWhen the kill cooldown is over, the Quick Shooter can reset the cooldown by either shapeshifting or petting. Additionally, they can store a bullet, and upon successful storage, a shield animation will appear on their body as a reminder. After a Quick Shooter completes a kill, they can offset the kill cooldown with bullets until they run out. At the beginning of each meeting, the Quick Shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets, which the host sets.", @@ -714,15 +714,15 @@ "VindicatorInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Vindicator, vote darimu terhitung lebih dari satu.", "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors. You may kill, vent, sabotage, whatever. Just know that you are an Impostor.", "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Disperser, kamu bisa menggunakan Shapeshift atau tombol Pet untuk memindahkan seluruh pemain ke ventilasi random yang ada di peta.\\n\\nCatatan: Kamu sendiri dan pemain yang sedang berada di dalam ventilasi tidak akan ikut berpindah dari posisi.", - "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a critical sabotage active.\\n\\nIf a critical sabotage is active (e.g., Lights or Reactor), you cannot kill.", - "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a critical sabotage active.\\n\\nIf a critical sabotage is active (e.g., Comms or O2), then you can kill.", + "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Inhibitor, tidak bisa membunuh ketika ada sabotase krisis (oksigen habis atau reaktor overload) yang aktif.", + "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Saboteur, kamu hanya bisa membunuh disaat ada sabotase krisis yang aktif.", "CouncillorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Councillor, you can kill players during a meeting like a Judge.\\n\\nWhen killing in a meeting, those kills will appear as a trial from a Judge.\\n\\nThe kill command is /tl [player id]\\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.", "DazzlerInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Dazzler, kamu dapat memperpendek jarak pandang pemain lain melalui Shapeshift. Jika kamu mati, jarak pandang korbanmu akan kembali normal.", "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Deathpact, kamu dapat menjerat pemain lain dalam pakta kematian melalui Shapeshift. Setelah jumlah pemain yang diperlukan terpenuhi, mereka wajib bertemu dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditetapkan. Jika terlambat, mereka akan mati.\\n\\nJika salah satu dari pemain yang terikat ada yang terbunuh, pakta akan ditarik kembali.", "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Devourer, kamu dapat mengubah wujud pemain lain secara permanen melalui Shapeshift. Setiap kali kamu mengubah wujud seorang pemain, durasi rehat seranganmu akan berkurang beberapa detik.\\n\\nApabila kamu tereliminasi, semua pemain yang telah kamu ubah wujudnya akan kembali ke wujud aslinya.", "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Morphling, kamu hanya bisa membunuh disaat dalam mode Shapeshift.", "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Twister, kamu dapat mengacak posisi semua pemain dengan menggunakan Shapeshift atau tombol Pet.\\n\\nKamu sendiri dan pemain yang sedang berada di dalam ventilasi tidak akan ikut berpindah dari posisi.", - "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a vent to reduce your cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your cooldown is reset to its original value.", + "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Lurker, kamu bisa mendapat pengurangan durasi rehat serangan dengan memasuki ventilasi. Setelah membunuh pemain, durasi rehat serangan akan kembali ke angka semula.", "ConvictInfoLong": "(Madmate):\\nSelaku Convict, kamu kini berpihak pada Impostor.", "VisionaryInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Visionary, Shapeshift menjadi target untuk mengungkap basis timnya. Setelah terungkap, warna nama target akan berubah secara permanen sesuai dengan kubu (<#8cffff>Crewmate/<#ff1919>Impostor/<#ffab1b>Netral/<#7b3fbb>Coven).", "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\\nAs the Renegade, help the Impostors win.", @@ -1430,7 +1430,7 @@ "LawyerCanTargetJester": "Bisa Mendapat Klien Jester", "LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "Jika klien mati, Lawyer menjadi?", "LawyerChangeRole": "Klienmu mati", - "SerialKillerLimit": "Time Until Suicide", + "SerialKillerLimit": "Tenggat Waktu Pembunuhan", "ArsonistDouseTime": "Durasi Penyiraman", "CanTerroristSuicideWin": "Bisa menang dengan bunuh diri", "FireWorksMaxCount": "Fireworks Count", @@ -1505,18 +1505,18 @@ "EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "Identitas Super Star diketahui semua pemain", "HackLimit": "Jumlah Penggunaan Kemampuan", "ZombieSpeedReduce": "After a certain time, decrease the speed of Zombie by", - "MafiaCanKillNum": "Max number of revenges", + "MafiaCanKillNum": "Maksimum Pelampiasan", "ImpKnowCyberStarDead": "Impostor bisa tahu jika Celebrity mati", "NeutralKnowCyberStarDead": "Netral bisa tahu jika Celebrity mati", "CovenKnowCyberStarDead": "Coven bisa tahu jika Celebrity mati", "JesterCanUseButton": "Bisa mengadakan rapat", "MarioVentButtonText": "Hop", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Skeld": "Number of Vents to Win on Skeld", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Mira": "Number of Vents to Win on Mira", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Polus": "Number of Vents to Win on Polus", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Dleks": "Number of Vents to Win on Dleks", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Airship": "Number of Vents to Win on Airship", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Fungle": "Number of Vents to Win on Fungle", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Skeld": "Jumlah Akses Ventilasi untuk Menang di Skeld", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Mira": "Jumlah Akses Ventilasi untuk Menang di Mira", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Polus": "Jumlah Akses Ventilasi untuk Menang di Polus", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Dleks": "Jumlah Akses Ventilasi untuk Menang di Dleks", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Airship": "Jumlah Akses Ventilasi untuk Menang di Airship", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Fungle": "Jumlah Akses Ventilasi untuk Menang di Fungle", "CanCheckCamera": "Bisa lacak penggunaan CCTV", "SansDefaultKillCooldown": "Permulaan Durasi Rehat Serangan", "SansReduceKillCooldown": "Kurangi durasi rehat serangan sebanyak?", @@ -1545,7 +1545,7 @@ "KCD": "Kill CD: {0}s", "AfterMeetingKillCooldown": "Durasi rehat serangan setelah rapat", "CanVote": "Bisa Voting", - "WaitFor1Kill": "Suicide Timer starts after First Kill", + "WaitFor1Kill": "Timer dimulai setelah Pembunuhan Pertama", "TriggerVent": "Vent", "TriggerDouble": "Double Click", "TimeManagerIncreaseMeetingTime": "Increase voting time by", @@ -1640,8 +1640,8 @@ "BallLightningKillCooldown": "Lightning Cooldown", "BallLightningKillerConvertGhost": "Killer can transform into Quantum Ghost", "CanCountNeutralKiller": "Bisa merebut kemenangan saat Crewmate menang dengan membunuh pemain Netral", - "OddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered kill cooldown", - "EvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered kill cooldown", + "OddKillCooldown": "Durasi rehat serangan rentang ganjil", + "EvenKillCooldown": "Durasi rehat serangan rentang genap", "Energetic": "Energetic", "EnergeticInfo": "Your Ability Cooldown is Lower", "EnergeticInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\\nAs the Energetic, the cooldown of your ability is reduced by 25%.", @@ -1697,9 +1697,9 @@ "EraseMethod": "Erase Method", "WhenTargetIsNeutral": "When Target is Neutral (& erasing via kill button)", "NiceEraserHideVote": "Sembunyikan Vote Nice Eraser", - "AssassinMarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown", - "AssassinAssassinateCooldown": "Ass​assinate Cooldown", - "AssassinCanKillAfterAssassinate": "Can kill after Assas​sinating", + "AssassinMarkCooldown": "Durasi Rehat Penandaan", + "AssassinAssassinateCooldown": "Durasi Rehat Penjagalan", + "AssassinCanKillAfterAssassinate": "Bisa membunuh setelah penjagalan", "UndertakerMarkCooldown": "Durasi rehat penandaan", "UndertakerAssassinateCooldown": "Durasi rehat penggorokan", "UndertakerCanKillAfterAssassinate": "Bisa bunuh biasa setelah penggorokan", @@ -1769,8 +1769,8 @@ "CharmedCountMode.None": "Nothing", "CharmedCountMode.Succubus": "Cultist", "CharmedCountMode.Original": "Original Team", - "ResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset kill cooldown if someone gets killed by another player", - "ResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown On Reset", + "ResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset durasi rehat serangan jika ada yang terbunuh oleh pemain lain", + "ResetKillCooldownOn": "Reset Durasi Rehat Serangan", "JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "Bisa rekrut Sidekick", "SidekickSettings": "Tampilkan Pengaturan Sidekick", "JackalCanRecruitImpostors": "Bisa rekrut Impostor", @@ -1997,13 +1997,13 @@ "SpeedrunnerNotifyKillers": "Notifikasi Misi Hampir Rampung", "SpeedrunnerNotifyAtXTasksLeft": "Jumlah Misi Rampung Saat Notifikasi", "Hypocrite": "Hypocrite", - "HypocriteInfo": "Impostors win if you finish your tasks", - "HypocriteInfoLong": "(Madmates):\\nWhen you complete all of your tasks (and you're still alive), the game instantly ends and everyone on the impostor team will win.", - "Hypocrite.KnowsAllies": "Knows their allies", - "Hypocrite.AlliesKnowHypocrite": "Allies know the <#ff1919>Hypocrite", - "Hypocrite.NonImpGetsNotifyWhenLowTasks": "Non-Impostors get notified when the <#ff1919>Hypocrite has a low number of tasks remaining", - "Hypocrite.NotifyAtXTasksLeft": "Tasks Remaining When Notifying", - "HypocriteHasXTasksLeft": "<#ffff44>{0} is the <#ff1919>Hypocrite with <#ff1919>{1} task(s) left!", + "HypocriteInfo": "Impostor menang setelah misimu rampung", + "HypocriteInfoLong": "(Madmate):\\nSelaku Hypocrite, apabila misimu rampung saat masih hidup, permainan akan langsung berakhir, dan tim Impostor dinyatakan menang.", + "Hypocrite.KnowsAllies": "Mengetahui identitas sekutu", + "Hypocrite.AlliesKnowHypocrite": "Sekutu mengetahui identitas <#ff1919>Hypocrite", + "Hypocrite.NonImpGetsNotifyWhenLowTasks": "Para pemain Non-Impostor akan menerima notifikasi apabila misi dari <#ff1919>Hypocrite hampir rampung", + "Hypocrite.NotifyAtXTasksLeft": "Sisa Misi Saat Notifikasi", + "HypocriteHasXTasksLeft": "<#ffff44>{0} adalah <#ff1919>Hypocrite dengan sisa misi <#ff1919>{1}!", "Lookout": "Lookout", "LookoutInfo": "See through shapeshifts", "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\\nAs the Lookout, you can see the IDs of every player at all times. This allows you to see through shapeshifts and camouflages.", @@ -2061,14 +2061,14 @@ "CommandList": "★ Command list:", "DisableSunnyboy": "Nonaktifkan Sunnyboy", "DisableBard": "Disable Bard", - "DisableSaboteur": "Disable Saboteur", + "DisableSaboteur": "Nonaktifkan Saboteur", "SkillUsedLeft": "You have activated your skill to call a meeting. \\nRemaining amount of uses left:", - "MafiaDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \\nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \\nYou can see player IDs in front of their names. \\nOr type /rv to get a list of player IDs", - "MafiaAliveKill": "Revenge for the Nemesis can only begin after their death.", - "MafiaKillMax": "You have reached the limit of revenges, you can no longer take revenge", - "MafiaKillDead": "Choose a living player to take revenge", - "MafiaKillSucceed": "{0} was killed by the Nemesis!", - "MafiaKillDisable": "Sorry, but according to Host's settings, Nemesis revenge is prohibited in this game", + "MafiaDeadMsg": "Kematian Nemesis menandai permulaan pelampiasan dendam.\\nGunakan perintah /rv [ID pemain] untuk membunuh target.\\nKamu dapat melihat ID pemain di samping nama.\\nAtau, ketik /id untuk menampilkan daftar ID pemain.", + "MafiaAliveKill": "Pelampiasan bagi Nemesis hanya bisa dilakukan setelah mati.", + "MafiaKillMax": "Kamu telah mencapai batas maksimum pelampiasan, kamu tidak dapat lagi melampiaskan dendam.", + "MafiaKillDead": "Pilih pemain yang masih hidup untuk melampiaskan dendam", + "MafiaKillSucceed": "{0} terbunuh oleh Nemesis!", + "MafiaKillDisable": "Mohon maaf, berdasarkan pada konfigurasi yang ditetapkan oleh Pemilik Lobi, aksi pelampiasan Nemesis tidak diperkenankan dalam permainan", "CyberStarDead": "Waduh, sungguh malang! Si Celebrity, {0}, telah dibunuh secara brutal baru-baru ini!", "DetectiveNoticeVictim": "Berdasarkan temuan investigasi,\\nperan korban ({0}) teridentifikasi sebagai [{1}]", "DetectiveNoticeKiller": "\\nPeran pelaku adalah {0}", @@ -2190,7 +2190,7 @@ "WraithInvisStateCountdown": "Mode tak kasat mata berakhir dalam {0} detik", "WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "CD: {0} detik", "AntiBlackoutSkipTasks": "<#ffff00>⚠ Anti-Blackout processing in progress ⚠", - "CanGetImpostorOnlyAddons": "Can get <#ff1919>Impostor-only add-ons", + "CanGetImpostorOnlyAddons": "Bisa mendapat add-on khusus <#ff1919>Impostor", "BKInProtect": "Currently immortal", "BKProtectOut": "Shield expired", "BKSkillTimeRemain": "You're immune for {0}s", @@ -2223,8 +2223,8 @@ "BribedByMerchant": "The Merchant bribed you, you can't kill him", "BribedByMerchant2": "You cannot guess the Merchant after he bribed you.", "MerchantKillAttemptBribed": "An attempted killing was averted by bribery", - "TrapOnlyWorksOnTheBodyBoobyTrap": "Trap only works on Trapster's body", - "TrapConsecutiveBodies": "Trap Consecutive Bodies", + "TrapOnlyWorksOnTheBodyBoobyTrap": "Perangkap hanya berfungsi pada mayat Trapster", + "TrapConsecutiveBodies": "Perangkap Mayat Berantai", "HauntedByEvilSpirit": "Haunted by an Evil Spirit", "AbilityCooldown": "Durasi rehat kemampuan", "AbilityDuration": "Durasi Kemampuan", @@ -2607,7 +2607,7 @@ "Achievement.OutOfTime": "Out Of Time", "Achievement.TooCold": "Too Cold", "Achievement.APerfectTimeToRewindIt": "A Perfect Time To Rewind It", - "Achievement.SerialKiller": "Serial Killer", + "Achievement.SerialKiller": "Pembunuh Berantai", "Achievement.PVPMaster": "PVP Master", "Achievement.HarderThanDrivingThroughTrafficLightsRight": "Harder Than Driving Through Traffic Lights, Right?", "Achievement.TwoFast4You": "2fast4you", @@ -2701,7 +2701,7 @@ "Achievement.OutOfTime.Description": "Suicide or lose due to a time limit", "Achievement.TooCold.Description": "Tidak bisa bergerak karena kemampuan suatu peran", "Achievement.APerfectTimeToRewindIt.Description": "Rewind time as Time Master", - "Achievement.SerialKiller.Description": "Kill everyone in FFA game mode", + "Achievement.SerialKiller.Description": "Membunuh semua pemain di mode permainan FFA", "Achievement.PVPMaster.Description": "Win in Solo PVP game mode", "Achievement.HarderThanDrivingThroughTrafficLightsRight.Description": "Win in Stop and Go game mode", "Achievement.TwoFast4You.Description": "Win in Speedrun game mode", @@ -2838,7 +2838,7 @@ "TrialKillTitle": "[★ Court ★]", "MorticianCheckTitle": "[★ Corpse Examination ★]", "MediumshipTitle": "[★ Voice of the Underworld ★]", - "MafiaRevengeTitle": "★ NEWS ★", + "MafiaRevengeTitle": "★ BERITA ★", "RetributionistRevengeTitle": "★ NEWS ★", "TrackerTitle": "★ Track Reading ★", "Temp.Blank": "​", @@ -2912,9 +2912,9 @@ "ColoredOn": "ON", "ColoredOff": "OFF", "CurrentActiveSettingsHelp": "Current Active Settings Help", - "WitchCurrentMode": "Current Mode", - "WitchModeKill": "Kill", - "WitchModeSpell": "Spell", + "WitchCurrentMode": "Mode Saat Ini", + "WitchModeKill": "Bunuh", + "WitchModeSpell": "Salib", "HexMasterModeHex": "Hex", "HexMasterModeKill": "Kill", "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Poison", @@ -3009,11 +3009,11 @@ "SniperSnipeButtonText": "Snipe", "FireWorksExplosionButtonText": "Detonate", "FireWorksInstallAtionButtonText": "Install", - "SerialKillerSuicideButtonText": "Suicide Timer", + "SerialKillerSuicideButtonText": "Timer Bunuh Diri", "WarlockCurseButtonText": "Curse", - "AssassinMarkButtonText": "Mark", + "AssassinMarkButtonText": "Tandai", "UndertakerMarkButtonText": "Tandai", - "WitchSpellButtonText": "Spell", + "WitchSpellButtonText": "Salib", "VampireBiteButtonText": "Gigit", "MinerTeleButtonText": "Kembali", "ArsonistDouseButtonText": "Siram", @@ -3035,7 +3035,7 @@ "BallLightningButtonText": "Evaporate", "ProvocateurButtonText": "Sapa", "OverKillerButtonText": "Dismember", - "AssassinShapeshiftText": "Kill", + "AssassinShapeshiftText": "Jagal", "UndertakerShapeshiftText": "Gorok", "BomberShapeshiftText": "Ledak", "QuickShooterShapeshiftText": "Keep", @@ -3339,9 +3339,9 @@ "KidnapperInfo": "Shapeshift untuk menculik target", "KidnapperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nSelaku Kidnapper, ketika kamu Shapeshift menjadi pemain lain, pemain tersebut akan langsung berpindah ke lokasimu berada.", "Kamikaze": "Kamikaze", - "KamikazeInfo": "Mark Players That Die With You", - "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Kamikaze, you can mark players by clicking your kill button once on them. When you die, all players that you marked will also die. You can kill normally by double clicking your kill button on someone.", - "KamikazeMarkCD": "Cooldown After Marking", + "KamikazeInfo": "Tarik target untuk mati bersamamu", + "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Kamikaze, kamu dapat menggunakan tombol Kill untuk menandai target. Jika kamu terbunuh, semua target yang telah kamu tandai akan ikut mati bersamamu.", + "KamikazeMarkCD": "Durasi Rehat Serangan Setelah Menandai", "Randomizer": "Randomizer", "RandomizerInfo": "stuff's 'boutta get wonky.", "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\\nThis is basically a full chaotic role. Random events happen to you or to every player every X seconds. These effects can range from anything like super speed, through inverted controls and sniper shots all the way to time bombs and complete blindness.\\n\\nHave fun!\\n- The Dev", @@ -4152,9 +4152,9 @@ "Introvert.Time": "Time to be near players before teleporting", "Introvert.Suffix": "<#888888>Teleporting away in {0}s", "Hitman": "Hitman", - "HitmanInfo": "Select your target", - "HitmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Hitman, you may shapeshift into someone to mark them as your target. If you kill your target, your next kill cooldown will be lower.\\n\\nNote: Once you chose a target, you cannot change it. You'll get a chance to mark a target again after killing your current target.", - "HitmanLowKCD": "Lower Kill Cooldown", + "HitmanInfo": "Buru target", + "HitmanInfoLong": "(Impostor):\\nSelaku Hitman, kamu bisa menggunakan Shapeshift untuk menetapkan satu pemain sebagai target. Jika target tersebut berhasil kamu bunuh, durasi rehat seranganmu akan berkurang.\\n\\nCatatan: Kamu baru bisa memilih target baru setelah target yang ada berhasil dibunuh.", + "HitmanLowKCD": "Reduksi Durasi Rehat Serangan", "Sapper": "Sapper", "SapperInfo": "Blow up Everyone with Timed Bombs!", "SapperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Sapper, you can not kill with your kill button. Instead, you can pet/shapeshift to plant time bombs which explode after a specified delay (set by host), killing everyone nearby.\\n\\nNote: If you're in the radius of the explosion, you will die too!", From 5b85938ce5392048ec77b8472e0b852acde3de14 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2025 22:56:26 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 033/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index dd1531f00..cd4d4fd5d 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -1748,7 +1748,7 @@ "SuccubusKnowTargetRole": "魅了したプレイヤーの役割を知れる", "SuccubusTargetKnowOtherTarget": "魅了したプレイヤーは お互いを知れる", "SuccubusCanCharmNeutral": "ニュートラルの役割を 魅了することができる", - "CharmedDiesOnSuccubusDeath": "<#cf6acd>カルティストが死んだとき 魅了したプレイヤーも死ぬ", + "CharmedDiesOnSuccubusDeath": "魅了したプレイヤーは <#cf6acd>カルティストが死んだときに死亡する", "InfectiousBiteCooldown": "感染のクールダウン", "KnowTargetRole": "ターゲットの役割を知れる", "TargetKnowsLawyer": "Target knows their Lawyer", From 4a08fc6f5600ccef9599bb9ade06f7afc32e8da5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 02:51:37 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 034/119] New translations en_us.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json | 18 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json index 1861eb9be..c7ca31445 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json @@ -1911,7 +1911,7 @@ "DeathReason.Echoed": "Echoed", "DeathReason.Dragged": "Arrastada", "DeathReason.Mauled": "Agredido", - "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Apagado", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "Meteoro.... Eu mal a conheci!", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "A lava não é o melhor lugar para nadar, hein?", "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "Saiu para dar uma volta? Espero que esse tornado não te deixou tonto!", @@ -4286,13 +4286,13 @@ "GuessBackstabber": "Você não pode adivinhar um Apunhalador revelado.", "HideResults": "Ocultar resultados", "ShowResults": "Mostrar resultados", - "Wiper": "Wiper", - "WiperInfo": "Wipe Out Rooms", - "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Wiper, you can wipe out a room by using pet/unshift/vanish. This will kill everyone in that room. (Even other impostors, depending on the settings.)\\nYou cannot kill normally.\\nYou cannot use your ability during sabotages.", - "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Wiping Out a Room Kills Other <#ff1919>Impostors", - "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "You cannot use your ability during sabotages", - "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "You must be in a room to use your ability", - "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Current Room: {0}", + "Wiper": "Limpador", + "WiperInfo": "Destruir salas", + "WiperInfoLong": "(Impostores):\\nComo a Empunhadura, você pode aniquilar um quarto usando pet/unshift/vanish. Isso matará todos naquela sala. (onze outros impostores, dependendo das configurações.)\\nVocê não pode matar normalmente.\\nVocê não pode usar sua habilidade durante sabotagens.", + "Wiper.KillOtherImpostors": "Limpando uma sala mata outros <#ff1919>Impositores", + "Wiper.CannotUseAbilityDuringSabotage": "Você não pode usar sua habilidade durante sabotagens", + "Wiper.MustBeInRoomToUseAbility": "Você deve estar em uma sala para usar sua habilidade", + "Wiper.CurrentRoom": "<#00ffa5>Sala atual: {0}", "Curser": "Amaldiçoador", "CurserInfo": "Torne a vida dos outros pior", "CurserInfoLong": "(Neutros):\\nComo o Amaldiçoador, quando você usa seu botão de matar alguém, você pode clicar uma única vez para revelar sua facção, e dar um clique dúplo para dar a ele um dos seguintes efeitos:\\n- -1 uso da habilidade\\n- +1 atributo prejudicial\\n- visão permanentemente baixa\\n- velocidade permanentemente baixa \\nVocê vence se os tripulantes perderem.", @@ -4733,7 +4733,7 @@ "CTF_RoundsToPlay": "Rodadas para Jogar", "CTF_PointsToWin": "Pontos para vencer", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Limite de Tempo", - "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", + "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "alcance de capturar a bandeira", "CTFPlayer": "Capture a Bandeira", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE A BANDEIRA DO INIMIGO PARA GANHAR", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE A BANDEIRA DO INIMIGO PARA GANHAR", From 4a6687a8fb6ae8271a91c957ea43942f4914f11f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 04:49:30 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 035/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 356 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 178 insertions(+), 178 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index cd4d4fd5d..efa464309 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ "EGCanGuessAdt": "属性を推測できる", "EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "すべてのタスクを終えた スニッチを推測できる", "GGCanGuessAdt": "属性を推測できる", - "GuesserCanGuessTimes": "推測の最大回数", + "GuesserCanGuessTimes": "最大の推測の回数", "GuesserTryHideMsg": "推測コマンドの試みを隠す", "GCanGuessImp": "インポスターは インポスターの役割を推測できる", "GCanGuessCrew": "クルーメイトは クルーメイトの役割を推測できる", @@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@ "PuppeteerManipulationBypassesLazyGuy": "怠け者を無視する", "PuppeteerPuppetCanKillImpostors": "人形が 他のインポスターを殺害できる", "PuppeteerPuppetCanKillPuppeteer": "人形が パペッティアを殺害できる", - "PuppeteerMaxPuppets": "人形の最大個数", + "PuppeteerMaxPuppets": "最大の人形の個数", "PuppeteerDiesAfterMaxPuppets": "パペッティアは 人形を使い果たした後 死亡する", "PuppetDiesAlongWithVictim": "人形は 犠牲者とともに死亡する", "ScavengerKillDuration": "殺害が完了するまでの時間", @@ -1371,7 +1371,7 @@ "KillCooldownNormally": "非サボタージュでのキルのクールダウン", "MareHasIncreasedSpeed": "停電中に速度を増加させる", "MareSpeedDuringLightsOut": "停電中の速度", - "SabotageMasterSkillLimit": "能力の最大使用回数 (ドアを除く)", + "SabotageMasterSkillLimit": "最大の能力の使用回数 (ドアを除く)", "LuckeyProbability": "殺害で生き残る確率", "SabotageMasterFixesDoors": "同じ建物内ですべてのドアを開くことができる", "SabotageMasterFixesReactors": "両方のリアクターを単独で修理できる", @@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@ "SheriffCanKillSeparately": "個別の設定", "In%team%": "(陣営 %team%)", "SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "不発でもターゲットを殺す", - "SheriffShotLimit": "殺害の最大回数", + "SheriffShotLimit": "最大の殺害の回数", "SheriffShowShotLimit": "役割名の次に執行回数を表示する", "SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "全員が生存しているときに殺害できる", "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "魅了したプレイヤーを殺害できる", @@ -1505,7 +1505,7 @@ "EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "全員が スーパースターを知れる", "HackLimit": "能力使用回数", "ZombieSpeedReduce": "一定時間の経過後に、低下させるゾンビの速度", - "MafiaCanKillNum": "復讐の最大回数", + "MafiaCanKillNum": "最大の復讐の回数", "ImpKnowCyberStarDead": "インポスターは 有名人が いつ死んだかを知れる", "NeutralKnowCyberStarDead": "ニュートラルは 有名人が いつ死んだかを知れる", "CovenKnowCyberStarDead": "カヴンは 有名人が いつ死んだかを知れる", @@ -1574,9 +1574,9 @@ "BaitNotification": "最初の会議で ベイトを明かす", "BaitAdviceAlive": "{0}は <#00f7ff>ベイトです。\\n<#00f7ff>ベイトを殺害するものは セルフレポートを犯すでしょう。", "CounterfeiterSkillCooldown": "能力のクールダウン", - "CounterfeiterSkillLimitTimes": "最大使用の回数", + "CounterfeiterSkillLimitTimes": "最大の使用の回数", "PursuerSkillCooldown": "能力のクールダウン", - "PursuerSkillLimitTimes": "最大使用の回数", + "PursuerSkillLimitTimes": "最大の使用の回数", "GrenadierSkillCooldown": "グレネードのクールダウン", "GrenadierSkillDuration": "グレネードの持続時間", "GrenadierCauseVision": "低下時の視力", @@ -1751,182 +1751,182 @@ "CharmedDiesOnSuccubusDeath": "魅了したプレイヤーは <#cf6acd>カルティストが死んだときに死亡する", "InfectiousBiteCooldown": "感染のクールダウン", "KnowTargetRole": "ターゲットの役割を知れる", - "TargetKnowsLawyer": "Target knows their Lawyer", - "YourLawyerIsNotify": "Your Lawyer is {0}. They win if you win.", - "ShowLongInfo": "Show Long Role Descriptions instead of Short ones", - "InfectiousBiteCooldownIncrese": "Infect Cooldown Increase Per Use", - "InfectiousBiteMax": "Maximum Infections", - "InfectiousKnowTargetRole": "Know infected player's role", - "InfectiousTargetKnowOtherTarget": "Infected players know each other", - "VirusKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown", - "VirusCanVent": "Can Vent", - "VirusInfectMax": "Maximum Number Of Spreads", - "VirusKnowTargetRole": "Know Contagious Player's Role", - "VirusTargetKnowOtherTarget": "Contagious players know each other", - "VirusKillInfectedPlayerAfterMeeting": "Contagious player dies after meeting", - "ContagiousPlayersCanKillEachOther": "Contagious players can kill each other", - "CharmedCountMode": "Charmed players count as", - "CharmedCountMode.None": "Nothing", - "CharmedCountMode.Succubus": "Cultist", - "CharmedCountMode.Original": "Original Team", - "ResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset kill cooldown if someone gets killed by another player", - "ResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown On Reset", - "JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "Can recruit Sidekick", - "SidekickSettings": "Show Sidekick Settings", - "JackalCanRecruitImpostors": "Can recruit Impostors", - "JackalCanRecruitMadmates": "Can recruit Madmates", - "SKPromotesToJackal": "Sidekick gets promoted to Jackal on Jackal death", - "PromotedSKCanRecruit": "New Jackal can recruit new Sidekick", - "SKCanKill": "Sidekick can kill", - "ImpCanBeInLove": "Impostors can be in love", - "CrewCanBeInLove": "Crewmates can be in love", - "NeutralCanBeInLove": "Neutrals can be in love", - "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love", - "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as spells", - "AddictWarning": "<#ffff00>You must vent soon or you'll suicide!", - "DoppelgangerWarning": "<#ffff00>The Doppelganger swapped skins with you!", - "TriedToKillLastGameFirstKill": "Your target was the first to die in the last game.\\nLet them play!", - "CheckReportFail": "<#ff0000>This meeting call was canceled due to the following reason:\\n", - "JesterCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "As the <#ec62a5>Jester, according to the host's settings, you cannot call emergency meetings", - "NiceSwapperCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "As the <#922348>Nice Swapper, according to the host's settings, you cannot call emergency meetings", - "AdrenalineCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "As the <#ffff00>Adrenaline, you cannot call emergency meetings currently", - "PlayerWasRevived": "The player whose body you tried to report was revived", - "HypnosisNoMeeting": "Everyone is in hypnosis, no meeting calls are allowed currently", - "TargetDisregarded": "The player whose body you tried to report is <#FF6347>Disregarded", - "ShipHasNoMoreMeetingsLeft": "The ship has no more emergency meetings left", - "UnreportableBody": "This body is unreportable due to a role-specific action", - "CheckMurderFail": "<#ff0000>The murder was canceled due to the following reason:\\n", - "SameCTATeam": "The player you attacked is in the same custom team as you", - "AFKShielded": "According to the Host's settings, AFK players cannot be killed", - "JackalSidekick": "This Jackal/Sidekick/Recruit interaction is not allowed", - "ContagiousPlayers": "Contagious players cannot kill each other", - "MadmateKillImpostor": "Madmates cannot kill Impostors", - "ImpostorKillMadmate": "Impostors cannot kill Madmates", - "PenguinVictimKill": "As the victim of the Penguin/Goose, you cannot interact with others", - "MathematicianProtected": "This player was the first to answer the Mathematician's question correctly,\\ntherefore they're shielded", - "RefugeeKillImpostor": "Renegades cannot kill Impostors", - "GAGuarded": "This player is shielded by the Guardian Angel", - "TraitorKillImpostor": "As the Traitor, you cannot kill Impostors", - "RookieKillRoundOne": "As a Rookie, you cannot kill in the first round", - "SocialiteTarget": "The target of the Socialite cannot be killed\\nYou were added to their Guest List", - "BodyguardProtected": "The Bodyguard protected your target and died for them", - "CovenKillEachOther": "As a Coven member, you cannot (and shouldn't) kill other Coven members", - "SomeSortOfProtection": "This player is shielded due to a role-specific action", - "HexButtonText": "Hex", - "EscapeeAbilityButtonText": "TP", - "ObliviousBaitImmune": "Immune to Bait", - "MediumshiperContactLimit": "(Initial) Max number of contacts (ability uses)", - "MediumshiperOnlyReceiveMsgFromCrew": "Receive messages only from Crewmates (including Madmates and Charmed Players)", - "DovesOfNeaceCooldown": "Ability Cooldown", - "DovesOfNeaceMaxOfUseage": "Max Number of Ability Uses", - "BloodhoundArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "Arrows pointing to dead bodies", - "BloodhoundLeaveDeadBodyUnreportable": "Bodies the Coroner uses can't be reported", - "BloodhoundNotifyKiller": "Notify Killer about being Tracked", - "BloodhoundKillerNotify": "The Coroner has an arrow pointing toward you!", - "TrackerHideVote": "Hide Scout Votes", - "LuckyProbability": "Probability of surviving a kill", - "DoubleShot.MaxTries": "Maximum Number of Incorrect Guesses", - "MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "Mimic can see the roles of dead players", - "CanBeSoldByMerchant": "Can be sold by Merchant", - "CanBeGuessed": "Can Be Guessed", - "GuessTaskDone": "Sorry, you can't guess someone who has finished their tasks.", - "CanBeInLove": "Can be in love", - "DisableCrackedGlass": "Disable Cracked Glass on Meeting Screen", - "ApplyModeratorList": "Apply Moderator List", - "ApplyVIPList": "Apply VIP List", - "KickCommandDisabled": "The kick command is currently disabled.", - "KickCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the kick command.", - "KickCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\\nPlease use '/kick [playerID]' to kick a player.", - "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the host.", - "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other moderators.", - "KickCommandKicked": "was kicked from the game.", - "KickCommandKickedRole": "Their role was", - "ModeratorTag": "<#8000ff>Moderator", + "TargetKnowsLawyer": "ターゲットは 彼の弁護士を知っている", + "YourLawyerIsNotify": "あなたの弁護士は {0} です。\\nもしあなたが勝利すると 彼も勝利します。", + "ShowLongInfo": "短いものの代わりに 長い役割説明を表示する", + "InfectiousBiteCooldownIncrese": "使用ごとに増加する 感染のクールダウン", + "InfectiousBiteMax": "最大の感染回数", + "InfectiousKnowTargetRole": "感染したプレイヤーの役割を知れる", + "InfectiousTargetKnowOtherTarget": "感染したプレイヤーは お互いを知れる", + "VirusKillCooldown": "キルのクールダウン", + "VirusCanVent": "通気口ができる", + "VirusInfectMax": "スプレッドの最大回数", + "VirusKnowTargetRole": "伝染病のプレイヤーの役割を知れる", + "VirusTargetKnowOtherTarget": "伝染病のプレイヤーは お互いを知れる", + "VirusKillInfectedPlayerAfterMeeting": "伝染病のプレイヤーは 会議後に死ぬ", + "ContagiousPlayersCanKillEachOther": "伝染病のプレイヤーは お互いを殺害できる", + "CharmedCountMode": "魅了したプレイヤーの判定", + "CharmedCountMode.None": "なし", + "CharmedCountMode.Succubus": "カルティスト", + "CharmedCountMode.Original": "元の陣営", + "ResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "もし 誰かが他のプレイヤーによって殺害を受けたとき キルのクールダウンをリセットする", + "ResetKillCooldownOn": "リセット時のキルのクールダウン", + "JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "サイドキックを募集できる", + "SidekickSettings": "サイドキックの設定を表示", + "JackalCanRecruitImpostors": "インポスターを募集できる", + "JackalCanRecruitMadmates": "マッドメイトを募集できる", + "SKPromotesToJackal": "ジャッカルの死亡時 サイドキックがジャッカルに昇進する", + "PromotedSKCanRecruit": "新ジャッカルが 新サイドキックを募集できる", + "SKCanKill": "サイドキックが殺害できる", + "ImpCanBeInLove": "インポスターが 恋をすることができる", + "CrewCanBeInLove": "クルーメイトが 恋をすることができる", + "NeutralCanBeInLove": "ニュートラルが 恋をすることができる", + "CovenCanBeInLove": "カヴンが 恋をすることができる", + "HexesLookLikeSpells": "ヘックスは 呪文として現れる", + "AddictWarning": "<#ffff00>あなたはすぐに通気口に入る か あなたは<#ff1919>自殺するでしょう!", + "DoppelgangerWarning": "<#ffff00>ドッペルゲンガーが あなたとスキンを入れ替えた!", + "TriedToKillLastGameFirstKill": "あなたのターゲットは 前回のゲームで最初に死にました。\\n遊ばせてください!", + "CheckReportFail": "<#ff0000>この会議の招集は 然るべき次の理由でキャンセルされました:\\n", + "JesterCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "<#ec62a5>ジェスターとして、ホストの設定により、あなたは緊急会議を招集できません", + "NiceSwapperCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "<#922348>ナイススワッパーとして、ホストの設定により、あなたは緊急会議を招集できません", + "AdrenalineCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "<#ffff00>アドレナリンとして、現在 緊急会議を招集できません", + "PlayerWasRevived": "あなたが死体の報告を試したプレイヤーは 復活しています", + "HypnosisNoMeeting": "全員が催眠術にかかっており、現在 緊急会議の招集が許可されていません", + "TargetDisregarded": "あなたは 死体の報告を試したプレイヤーに<#FF6347>無視された", + "ShipHasNoMoreMeetingsLeft": "船内での 残りの緊急会議がもうありません", + "UnreportableBody": "役職固有のアクションのため この死体を報告ができません", + "CheckMurderFail": "<#ff0000>殺人は 然るべき次の理由でキャンセルされました:\\n", + "SameCTATeam": "あなたが攻撃したプレイヤーは あなたと同じカスタムチームとして所属しています", + "AFKShielded": "ホストの設定によると、AFK プレイヤーを殺害できません", + "JackalSidekick": "この ジャッカル/サイドキック/転職 に干渉することが許可されていません", + "ContagiousPlayers": "伝染したプレイヤーは お互いに殺害できません", + "MadmateKillImpostor": "マッドメイトは インポスターを殺害できません", + "ImpostorKillMadmate": "インポスターは マッドメイトを殺害できません", + "PenguinVictimKill": "<#ff1919>ペンギン/<#f9ffb8>ガチョウの被害者として、あなたは 他人に干渉できません", + "MathematicianProtected": "このプレイヤーは 正しく<#eb3474>数学者の質問に回答しため、\\nしたがって 保護されています", + "RefugeeKillImpostor": "反逆者は インポスターを殺害できません", + "GAGuarded": "このプレイヤーは <#77e6d1>守護天使により 保護されています", + "TraitorKillImpostor": "裏切り者として、あなたは <#ff1919>インポスターを殺害できません", + "RookieKillRoundOne": "<#bf671f>ルーキーとして、あなたは 最初のラウンドで殺害できません", + "SocialiteTarget": "<#32a8a8>社交家のターゲットを殺害できません\\nあなたは 彼のゲストリストに追加されました", + "BodyguardProtected": "ボディーガードは あなたのターゲットを保護するため そして死亡した", + "CovenKillEachOther": "カヴンメンバーとして、あなたは 他のカヴンメンバーを殺害 (そして そうするべきではない) できません", + "SomeSortOfProtection": "このプレイヤーは 役職-固有のアクションのため 保護されています。", + "HexButtonText": "ヘックス", + "EscapeeAbilityButtonText": "テレポート", + "ObliviousBaitImmune": "ベイトへの耐性", + "MediumshiperContactLimit": "(初期) 最大のコンタクトの回数 (能力使用)", + "MediumshiperOnlyReceiveMsgFromCrew": "クルーメイトからのみ メッセージを受け取る (マッドメイト と 魅了したプレイヤーを除く)", + "DovesOfNeaceCooldown": "能力のクールダウン", + "DovesOfNeaceMaxOfUseage": "最大の能力使用数", + "BloodhoundArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "死体を指す矢印", + "BloodhoundLeaveDeadBodyUnreportable": "検死官の使用した死体は 報告することができない", + "BloodhoundNotifyKiller": "追跡していることについて 殺人犯に知らせる", + "BloodhoundKillerNotify": "検死官が あなたに向かって矢印を指している!", + "TrackerHideVote": "スカウトの投票を隠す", + "LuckyProbability": "殺害で生き残る確率", + "DoubleShot.MaxTries": "間違った推測の最大の回数", + "MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "ミミックは 死んだプレイヤーの役割を見ることができる", + "CanBeSoldByMerchant": "行商人によって販売できる", + "CanBeGuessed": "この役割を推測することができる", + "GuessTaskDone": "申し訳ありませんが、タスクを終えた誰かを あなたは推測できません。", + "CanBeInLove": "恋ができる", + "DisableCrackedGlass": "会議画面のガラス割れを無効化", + "ApplyModeratorList": "Moderator Listを適用する", + "ApplyVIPList": "VIP Listを適用する", + "KickCommandDisabled": "キック コマンドは現在無効です。", + "KickCommandNoAccess": "あなたは キック コマンドのアクセス権がありません。", + "KickCommandInvalidID": "指定された プレイヤーID は無効です。\\nプレイヤーを追い出すには '/kick [プレイヤーID]' を使用してください。", + "KickCommandKickHost": "あなたには ホストを追い出す権限がありません。", + "KickCommandKickMod": "あなたには 他のモデレーターを追い出す権限がありません。", + "KickCommandKicked": "ゲームから追い出された。", + "KickCommandKickedRole": "彼の役割は", + "ModeratorTag": "<#8000ff>モデレーター", "VIPTag": "<#ffff00>VIP", - "EnableAFKDetector": "Enable AFK Detector", - "AFKWarning": "<#ffff00>Please move to avoid being marked as AFK <#ffffff>({0})", + "EnableAFKDetector": "AFK検出を有効にする", + "AFKWarning": "<#ffff00><#ffffff>({0}) AFKとして マークされないように動いてください", "AFKSuffix": "<#ffa500>(AFK)", - "AFKConsequence": "Consequence for AFK players", - "AFKMinPlayersToActivate": "Minimum alive players to activate AFK Detector", - "AFKActivateOnStart": "Activate AFK Detector on game start", - "AFKConsequence.Nothing": "Nothing", - "AFKConsequence.Shield": "Shield", - "AFKConsequence.Suicide": "Suicide", + "AFKConsequence": "AFKプレイヤーの結果", + "AFKMinPlayersToActivate": "AFK検出を有効にする 生存プレイヤー最小人数", + "AFKActivateOnStart": "ゲーム開始時に AFK検出を有効にする", + "AFKConsequence.Nothing": "なし", + "AFKConsequence.Shield": "保護", + "AFKConsequence.Suicide": "自殺", "AFKConsequence.Kick": "Kick", - "DeathReason.Kill": "Kill", - "DeathReason.Vote": "Ejected", - "DeathReason.Suicide": "Suicide", - "DeathReason.Spell": "Spelled", - "DeathReason.Cursed": "Cursed", - "DeathReason.Hex": "Hexed", - "DeathReason.Bite": "Bitten", - "DeathReason.Poison": "Poisoned", - "DeathReason.Gambled": "Guessed", - "DeathReason.FollowingSuicide": "Heartbroken", - "DeathReason.Bombed": "Exploded", - "DeathReason.Misfire": "Misfire", - "DeathReason.Torched": "Burned", - "DeathReason.Sniped": "Sniped", - "DeathReason.Execution": "Executed", - "DeathReason.Disconnected": "Disconnected", - "DeathReason.Fall": "Fall", + "DeathReason.Kill": "キル", + "DeathReason.Vote": "追放", + "DeathReason.Suicide": "自殺", + "DeathReason.Spell": "スペル", + "DeathReason.Cursed": "呪殺", + "DeathReason.Hex": "ヘックス", + "DeathReason.Bite": "嚙殺", + "DeathReason.Poison": "毒殺", + "DeathReason.Gambled": "推測", + "DeathReason.FollowingSuicide": "失恋", + "DeathReason.Bombed": "爆死", + "DeathReason.Misfire": "誤爆", + "DeathReason.Torched": "焼死", + "DeathReason.Sniped": "射殺", + "DeathReason.Execution": "執行", + "DeathReason.Disconnected": "切断", + "DeathReason.Fall": "転落", "DeathReason.AFK": "AFK", - "DeathReason.Revenge": "Revenge", - "DeathReason.Eaten": "Eaten", - "DeathReason.Sacrifice": "Sacrifice", - "DeathReason.Quantization": "Quantization", - "DeathReason.Overtired": "Overtired", - "DeathReason.Ashamed": "Ashamed", - "DeathReason.PissedOff": "Destroyed", - "DeathReason.Dismembered": "Dismembered", - "DeathReason.LossOfHead": "Strangled", - "DeathReason.Trialed": "Judged", - "DeathReason.Infected": "Infected", - "DeathReason.Jinx": "Jinxed", - "DeathReason.Demolished": "Demolished", - "DeathReason.YinYanged": "Yin Yanged", - "DeathReason.Kamikazed": "Kamikazed", + "DeathReason.Revenge": "復讐", + "DeathReason.Eaten": "捕食", + "DeathReason.Sacrifice": "犠牲", + "DeathReason.Quantization": "蒸発", + "DeathReason.Overtired": "疲労", + "DeathReason.Ashamed": "羞恥死", + "DeathReason.PissedOff": "破壊", + "DeathReason.Dismembered": "バラバラ", + "DeathReason.LossOfHead": "絞殺", + "DeathReason.Trialed": "裁かれた", + "DeathReason.Infected": "感染", + "DeathReason.Jinx": "ジンクス", + "DeathReason.Demolished": "解体", + "DeathReason.YinYanged": "陰陽", + "DeathReason.Kamikazed": "神風", "DeathReason.RNG": "RNG", - "DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "Wrong Answer", - "DeathReason.etc": "Other", - "DeathReason.Hack": "Hacked", - "DeathReason.Curse": "Cursed", - "DeathReason.Consumed": "Consumed", - "DeathReason.BadLuck": "Bad Luck", - "DeathReason.Asthma": "Asthma", - "DeathReason.Assumed": "Assumed", - "DeathReason.Negotiation": "Negotiation", - "DeathReason.Trapped": "Trapped", - "DeathReason.Stung": "Stung", - "DeathReason.Scavenged": "Scavenged", - "DeathReason.Allergy": "Allergy", - "DeathReason.Meteor": "Meteor Strike", - "DeathReason.Lava": "Lava", - "DeathReason.Tornado": "Tornado", - "DeathReason.Lightning": "Lightning", - "DeathReason.Drowned": "Drowned", - "DeathReason.Sunken": "Sunken", - "DeathReason.Collapsed": "Collapsed", - "DeathReason.Swooped": "Swooped", - "DeathReason.Echoed": "Echoed", - "DeathReason.Dragged": "Dragged", - "DeathReason.Mauled": "Mauled", - "DeathReason.WipedOut": "Wiped Out", - "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "Meteor.... I hardly knew her!", - "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "Lava is not the best place to swim, huh?", - "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "Out for a spin? I hope this tornado didn't make you dizzy!", - "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lightning": "You've been.... THUNDERSTRUCK!", - "ND_DRLaughMessage.Drowned": "You said you were thirsty, right? Here's some water!", - "ND_DRLaughMessage.Sunken": "Did you know that the Titanic was sunk by a sinkhole? Well, now you do!", - "ND_DRLaughMessage.Collapsed": "It was like in the movies, right? You know, when the building collapses and everyone dies!", - "LoversChatCannotTalkMsg": "This is a chat for Lovers only!", - "LoversChatCannotTalkTitle": "<#ffff00>⚠ ➡ <#ff0000>YOU CANNOT TALK HERE <#ffff00>⬅ ⚠", - "Alive": "Alive", - "Win": " Wins!", - "Last-": "Last ", - "NotifyGameEnding": "<#ff0000>GAME END NOTIFY\\n<#ffff00>This game has already ended. If it didn't end for you, please leave the game and rejoin the lobby. This is a vanilla bug. Sorry for the inconvenience.", - "DiedR1Warning": "<#ffff00>(Died First in Last Game)", - "GLHF": "Good Luck & Have Fun!", + "DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "不正解", + "DeathReason.etc": "その他", + "DeathReason.Hack": "ハック", + "DeathReason.Curse": "呪われた", + "DeathReason.Consumed": "消失", + "DeathReason.BadLuck": "不幸", + "DeathReason.Asthma": "喘息", + "DeathReason.Assumed": "想定死", + "DeathReason.Negotiation": "交渉", + "DeathReason.Trapped": "トラップ事故", + "DeathReason.Stung": "刺死", + "DeathReason.Scavenged": "清掃された", + "DeathReason.Allergy": "アレルギー", + "DeathReason.Meteor": "隕石直撃", + "DeathReason.Lava": "溶岩に飲まれた", + "DeathReason.Tornado": "竜巻", + "DeathReason.Lightning": "落雷", + "DeathReason.Drowned": "溺死", + "DeathReason.Sunken": "沈没", + "DeathReason.Collapsed": "崩落", + "DeathReason.Swooped": "急降", + "DeathReason.Echoed": "反響した", + "DeathReason.Dragged": "引き摺られた", + "DeathReason.Mauled": "死傷", + "DeathReason.WipedOut": "抹殺", + "ND_DRLaughMessage.Meteor": "流星.... 私は彼女のことはほとんど知らなかった!", + "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lava": "溶岩を泳ぐのには最適な場所ではないですよね、はぁ?", + "ND_DRLaughMessage.Tornado": "回転していますか? 私は あなたがこの竜巻で眩暈をしないことを願っています!", + "ND_DRLaughMessage.Lightning": "あなたは.... 雷に直撃した!", + "ND_DRLaughMessage.Drowned": "喉が渇いたとおっしゃっていました、よね? ここには水がありますよ!", + "ND_DRLaughMessage.Sunken": "あなたは タイタニック号が陥没穴によって沈んだことを知っていましたか? そうです、今のあなたですよ!", + "ND_DRLaughMessage.Collapsed": "これは 映画のようでした、よね? あなたは知っており、建物が崩壊したとき そしてみんなが死ぬことを!", + "LoversChatCannotTalkMsg": "これは ラバーズのみのチャットです!", + "LoversChatCannotTalkTitle": "<#ffff00>⚠ ➡ <#ff0000>あなたは ここでは話せません <#ffff00>⬅ ⚠", + "Alive": "生存", + "Win": " 勝利!", + "Last-": "ラスト ", + "NotifyGameEnding": "<#ff0000>ゲーム終了の通知\\n<#ffff00>このゲームはすでに終了しています。\\nもし これであなたが終了していなかったとき、ゲームを退出し そして ロビーに再参加してください。\\nこれはバニラのバグです。\\nご迷惑をおかけしてすいません。", + "DiedR1Warning": "<#ffff00>(前回のゲームで 最初に死亡した)", + "GLHF": "全力で楽しんでください!", "DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "Handcuff Cooldown", "DeputyHandcuffMax": "Maximum Handcuffs", "CanHandcuffSheriff": "Can Handcuff Sheriff", From b6bf5dfd9358bef3c710f13cc290cd7500d7d172 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 10:39:25 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 036/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 86 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index efa464309..b94ba4a62 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -1927,49 +1927,49 @@ "NotifyGameEnding": "<#ff0000>ゲーム終了の通知\\n<#ffff00>このゲームはすでに終了しています。\\nもし これであなたが終了していなかったとき、ゲームを退出し そして ロビーに再参加してください。\\nこれはバニラのバグです。\\nご迷惑をおかけしてすいません。", "DiedR1Warning": "<#ffff00>(前回のゲームで 最初に死亡した)", "GLHF": "全力で楽しんでください!", - "DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "Handcuff Cooldown", - "DeputyHandcuffMax": "Maximum Handcuffs", - "CanHandcuffSheriff": "Can Handcuff Sheriff", - "DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "Handcuffed target", - "HandcuffedByDeputy": "You were handcuffed!", - "DeputyInvalidTarget": "Target cannot be handcuffed", - "DeputyHandcuffText": "Handcuff", - "DeputyHandcuffCDForTarget": "Kill Cooldown for handcuffed player", - "DeputyHandcuffDelay": "Handcuff apply delay", - "Undertaker": "Undertaker", - "UndertakerInfo": "Take bodies whereever you want to", - "UndertakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\\nAs the Undertaker, you can mark your target using your kill button, then shapeshift/pet to kill them. However, the person you assassinate will teleport to your location when you shapeshift, so their body will be wherever you are! Use this well to hide bodies!", - "Romantic": "Romantic", - "RomanticInfo": "Select your partner and win with them", - "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutral):\\nAs the Romantic, you can first use your kill button on someone to select them as your partner.\\nAfter that, as long as both you and your partner are alive, you can use your kill button on anyone to give your partner a temporarily shield. If your partner wins, you win too.\\n\\nIf your partner dies, your role will change according to the following conditions:\\nIf your partner had a kill button of any type, you will get the same role as they were.\\nIf your partner was a Non-Killing Neutral or your partner died by themselves (suicided or has no real killer), you will turn into the Ruthless Romantic, which is a basic neutral killer: Be the last one standing to win. If you win, your partner wins too.\\nIf your target was an Impostor, you become a Renegade. Your job is now to help the impostors (and thus your partner) win.\\nIn every other case, you become the Vengeful Romantic. Your goal is to kill the killer of your partner. If you do so, you and your partner win with the winning team. If you try to kill anyone else, you will die.", - "VengefulRomantic": "Vengeful Romantic", - "VengefulRomanticInfo": "Kill the killer of your Partner", - "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutral):\\nAs Vengeful Romantic you need to kill the killer of your partner. You only get one shot. If you kill wrong player, you misfire. Upon killing the right target you win with the winning team along with your Romantic Partner", - "RuthlessRomantic": "Ruthless Romantic", - "RuthlessRomanticInfo": "Kill everyone to win", - "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutral):\\nYou become Ruthless Romantic if your Romantic Partner (a Neutral Killer) was killed. Now you go on a killing spree and kill eveyrone. You win with your Romantic Partner if you are the only one left.", - "RomanticBetCooldown": "Pick Partner Cooldown", - "RomanticProtectCooldown": "Protect Cooldown", - "RomanticBetPlayer": "You picked your partner", - "RomanticBetOnYou": "The Romantic chose you as their Partner!", - "Romantic.PickPartnerText": "PICK PARTNER", - "VengefulKCD": "Vengeful Romantic Kill Cooldown", - "VengefulCanVent": "Vengeful Romantic Can Vent", - "VengefulHasImpVision": "Vengeful Romantic Has <#ff1919>Impostor Vision", - "RuthlessKCD": "Ruthless Romantic Kill Cooldown", - "RuthlessCanVent": "Ruthless Romantic Can Vent", - "RuthlessHasImpVision": "Ruthless Romantic Has <#ff1919>Impostor Vision", - "VengefulRomanticKillButtonText": "Avenge", - "RomanticProtectPartner": "Your partner is under protection", - "RomanticIsProtectingYou": "The Romantic is protecting you", - "ProtectingOver": "Shield expired", - "RomanticProtectDuration": "Protect Duration", - "RomanticKnowTargetRole": "Romantic knows their target's role", - "RomanticBetTargetKnowRomantic": "Target knows who the Romantic is", - "RomanticGetsPartnerConvertedAddons": "Romantic gets the converted add-ons of their partner", - "RomanticArrows": "Romantic has arrows pointing to their Partner", - "RomanticPartnerHasArrows": "Partner has arrows pointing to the Romantic", - "SpiritualistTargetMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing toward you", + "DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "手錠のクールダウン", + "DeputyHandcuffMax": "最大の手錠の数", + "CanHandcuffSheriff": "シェリフに手錠できる", + "DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "ターゲットを手錠した", + "HandcuffedByDeputy": "あなたは 手錠を掛けられた!", + "DeputyInvalidTarget": "ターゲットに手錠をかけることができない", + "DeputyHandcuffText": "手錠", + "DeputyHandcuffCDForTarget": "手錠をかけたプレイヤーのキルのクールダウン", + "DeputyHandcuffDelay": "手錠の適用までの遅れ", + "Undertaker": "アンダーテイカー", + "UndertakerInfo": "どこにでも死体を連れて行く", + "UndertakerInfoLong": "(<#ff1919>インポスター):\\nアンダーテイカーとして、あなたのターゲットに あなたのキルボタンを使用してマークでき、それから シェイプシフト/ペット で 彼を殺害します。\\nただし、あなたが暗殺した人は あなたが変身したとき あなたの位置にテレポートするので、彼の死体は どこでもあなたに運びます!\\nこれを使って 上手に死体を隠しましょう!", + "Romantic": "ロマンチック", + "RomanticInfo": "あなたのパートナーを選んで ともに勝利しよう", + "RomanticInfoLong": "(<#046300>良性な <#ffab1b>ニュートラル):\\nロマンチックとして、あなたは 最初にキルボタンを使用して 誰かをあなたのパートナーとして彼を選びます。\\nその後、あなた と あなたのパートナーの両方が生存している限り、あなたは あなたのキルボタンを使用して いつでもあなたのパートナーに 一時的なシールドを与えます。\\nもし あなたのパートナーが勝利すると、あなたも勝ちます。\\n\\nもし あなたのターゲットが死んだとき、あなたの役割が 次の条件に従い変更します:\\nあなたのパートナーが 何らかの種類のキルボタンを持っていた場合、あなたは 彼と同じ役割 を獲得します。\\nあなたのパートナーが キルできない <#ffab1b>ニュートラル または あなたのパートナーが 自分自身で死んだ場合 (自殺 または 真の殺人犯がいない)、あなたは <#D2691E>無慈悲で冷酷なロマンチック に変わり、それは 基本的な <#ffab1b>ニュートラルです: 勝利するには 生き残っている最後の1人になることです。\\nもし 勝利すると、あなたのパートナーも勝ちます。\\nあなたのターゲットが <#ff1919>インポスターの場合、あなたは <#ff1919>反逆者になります。\\nあなたの仕事は今 <#ff1919>インポスター (そして したがって あなたのパートナー) の勝利を助けることです。\\nそれ以外のケースでは、あなたは <#ba2749>復讐に燃えるロマンチックになります。\\nあなたの目標は あなたのパートナーの殺人犯を 殺害することです。\\nもし あなたはそれができれば、あなた と あなたのパートナーは 勝利チームとともに勝利します。\\nもし あなたが 他の誰かの殺害を試みたとき、あなたは死亡します。", + "VengefulRomantic": "復讐に燃えるロマンチック", + "VengefulRomanticInfo": "あなたのパートナーの殺人犯を殺せ", + "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(<#046300>良性な <#ffab1b>ニュートラル):\\n復讐に燃えるロマンチックとして あなたはあなたのパートナーの殺人犯を殺害する必要があります。\\nあなたは1発のみを獲得します。\\nもし あなたが 間違ったプレイヤーを殺害した場合、あなたは 誤爆します。\\n正しいターゲットを殺すと あなたは 勝利したチームに沿い あなたの <#FF1493>ロマンチック パートナーとともに 勝利します。", + "RuthlessRomantic": "無慈悲で冷酷なロマンチック", + "RuthlessRomanticInfo": "全員を殺して勝利しよう", + "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(<#ff1919>殺害する <#ffab1b>ニュートラル):\\nもし あなたの <#FF1493>ロマンチック パートナー (<#ffab1b>ニュートラル キラー) が殺害されたとき あなたは 無慈悲で冷酷なロマンチック になります。\\n今のあなたは 殺人という欲望に駆られ そして全員を殺しましょう。\\nもし あなたが 残り1人のみになったとき あなたの <#FF1493>ロマンチック パートナーとともに 勝利します。", + "RomanticBetCooldown": "パートナーの選択のクールダウン", + "RomanticProtectCooldown": "保護のクールダウン", + "RomanticBetPlayer": "あなたは あなたのパートナーを選びました", + "RomanticBetOnYou": "<#FF1493>ロマンチックが 彼のパートナーとして あなたを選びました!", + "Romantic.PickPartnerText": "パートナーを選ぼう", + "VengefulKCD": "復讐に燃えるロマンチックのキルのクールダウン", + "VengefulCanVent": "復讐に燃えるロマンチックは 通気口ができる", + "VengefulHasImpVision": "復讐に燃えるロマンチックは <#ff1919>インポスター ビジョンを持つ", + "RuthlessKCD": "無慈悲で冷酷なロマンチックのキルのクールダウン", + "RuthlessCanVent": "無慈悲で冷酷なロマンチックは 通気口ができる", + "RuthlessHasImpVision": "無慈悲で冷酷なロマンチックは <#ff1919>インポスター ビジョンを持つ", + "VengefulRomanticKillButtonText": "復讐", + "RomanticProtectPartner": "あなたのパートナーは 保護下にある", + "RomanticIsProtectingYou": "ロマンチックに あなたは保護されている", + "ProtectingOver": "シールドの効果が切れた", + "RomanticProtectDuration": "保護の持続時間", + "RomanticKnowTargetRole": "ロマンチックは 彼のターゲットの役割を知れる", + "RomanticBetTargetKnowRomantic": "ターゲットは ロマンチックが誰かを知れる", + "RomanticGetsPartnerConvertedAddons": "ロマンチックは 彼のパートナーの <#ffab1b>変換された <#ff9ace>属性を獲得する", + "RomanticArrows": "ロマンチックは 彼のパートナーに指す 矢印を持つ", + "RomanticPartnerHasArrows": "パートナーは ロマンチックに指す 矢印を持つ", + "SpiritualistTargetMessage": "<#669999>スピリチュアリストが あなたに向かって矢印を指しています", "Gaslighter": "Gaslighter", "GaslighterInfo": "Make others doubt their own memory", "GaslighterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\\nAs the Gaslighter, you do different actions through your kill button every round.\\n\\nRound 1: Normal kills\\nRound 2: Knight players\\nRound 3: Curse players (like Witch)\\nRound 4: Shield players\\n\\nThen the cycle repeats, or you stay on normally killing until the end of the game depending on the settings.\\nSettings determine your win condition.", From b7322e2923ea5b061a4960578ef08b68c08204ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 12:39:19 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 037/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index b94ba4a62..8fdb6fec4 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ "Prefix.Unlucky": "アンラッキー", "Prefix.Sunglasses": "サングラス", "Prefix.Mare": "メアー", - "Prefix.Underdog": "Underdog", + "Prefix.Underdog": "弱者の", "BracketAddons": "属性を 括弧で 区切る", "EngineerEHRInfo": "ベントを使って インポスターを捕まえよう", "ScientistEHRInfo": "どこでもバイタルにアクセスができる", From 8c2f3233ccabe8312a218a46d9ab37630d2ff8cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 13:47:24 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 038/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index 8fdb6fec4..34b3e454a 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ "ConvictInfoLong": "(<#ff1919>マッドメイト):\\n犯罪者として、あなたは今 インポスターのために働く必要があります。", "VisionaryInfoLong": "(<#ff1919>インポスター):\\nビショナリーとして、あなたは 明らかにしたプレイヤーの陣営を見れます。\\nあなたの変身ターゲットとして選択することにより プレイヤーの陣営を明かします; 少なくとも 1つの能力がある際には、残りを使用します。\\nあなたは 各プレイヤーの殺害後 使用する能力を 1つ獲得できます。\\n明かしたプレイヤーの名前の色は 彼らの陣営を示します (<#8cffff>クルーメイト/<#ff1919>インポスター/<#ffab1b>ニュートラル/<#7b3fbb>カヴン)。", "RefugeeInfoLong": "(<#ff1919>マッドメイト):\\n反逆者として、インポスターの勝利を助けましょう。", - "UnderdogInfoLong": "(<#ff1919>インポスター):\\n弱者として、あなたのキルのクールダウンは 一定人数のプレイヤーが生き残っていると 長くなります。\\nその後は キルのクールダウンが 短くなります。", + "UnderdogInfoLong": "(<#ff1919>インポスター限定 <#ff9ace>属性):\\n弱者として、あなたのキルのクールダウンは 一定人数のプレイヤーが生き残っていると 長くなります。\\nその後は キルのクールダウンが 短くなります。", "EvilDivinerInfoLong": "(<#ff1919>インポスター):\\nコンシリエーレとして、あなたのキルボタンを使用して 他のプレイヤーの役割を明かすことができます。\\n\\nシングル クリック: 役割を明かす\\nダブル クリック: キル\\n公開の使用数が無くなった場合、あなたのキルボタンは 通常通りに機能します。", "LuckeyInfoLong": "(<#8cffff>クルーメイト):\\n幸福者は ホストによってセットされた、プレイヤーによる 殺害未遂を回避する確率があります。\\n殺人犯は シールドアニメーションを見れますが、幸福者には 気づきません。", "NeedyInfoLong": "(<#8cffff>クルーメイト):\\n怠け者は 1つのタスク と <#ff1919>インポスター能力による耐性を持ちます。\\n属性もありません。", From 06cd4acfdf9139a07c360dbf7ccbb4f9e2eb402b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 14:51:21 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 039/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 74 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index 34b3e454a..ccb287ccc 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -1970,43 +1970,43 @@ "RomanticArrows": "ロマンチックは 彼のパートナーに指す 矢印を持つ", "RomanticPartnerHasArrows": "パートナーは ロマンチックに指す 矢印を持つ", "SpiritualistTargetMessage": "<#669999>スピリチュアリストが あなたに向かって矢印を指しています", - "Gaslighter": "Gaslighter", - "GaslighterInfo": "Make others doubt their own memory", - "GaslighterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\\nAs the Gaslighter, you do different actions through your kill button every round.\\n\\nRound 1: Normal kills\\nRound 2: Knight players\\nRound 3: Curse players (like Witch)\\nRound 4: Shield players\\n\\nThen the cycle repeats, or you stay on normally killing until the end of the game depending on the settings.\\nSettings determine your win condition.", - "Gaslighter.WinCondition": "Win Condition", - "GaslighterWinCondition.CrewLoses": "<#8cffff>Crewmates <#ff0000>lose", - "GaslighterWinCondition.IfAlive": "<#00ff00>Alive at the end", - "GaslighterWinCondition.LastStanding": "<#ffab1b>Last one standing", - "Gaslighter.CycleRepeats": "Kill Button Actions Cycle Repeats", - "Gaslighter.Kill": "In this round, you <#ff1919>kill normally", - "Gaslighter.Knight": "In this round, you <#ffa500>knight players", - "Gaslighter.Curse": "In this round, you <#ff00ff>curse players", - "Gaslighter.Shield": "In this round, you <#00ff97>shield players", - "Technician": "Technician", - "TechnicianInfo": "Fix sabotages", - "TechnicianInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\\nAs the Technician, you must fix a certain number of sabotages to win. Depending on settings, you may be a able to vent, and you may win alone or with the winning team if your objective is completed. You may get fewer or more points for certain sabotages.", - "Technician.WinsAlone": "Wins Alone", - "Technician.RequiredPoints": "Required Points to Win", - "Technician.PointGain.Electrical": "Points gained for fixing Lights", - "Technician.PointGain.Comms": "Points gained for fixing Comms", - "Technician.PointGain.LifeSupp": "Points gained for fixing O2", - "Technician.PointGain.Reactor": "Points gained for fixing Reactor", - "Speedrunner": "Speedrunner", - "SpeedrunnerInfo": "Crew wins if you finish your tasks", - "SpeedrunnerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\\nWhen you complete all of your tasks (and you're still alive), the game instantly ends and everyone on the crewmate team will win.", - "SpeedrunnerNotifyKillers": "Notify Killers When Tasks are Almost Done", - "SpeedrunnerNotifyAtXTasksLeft": "Tasks Completed When Notifying", - "Hypocrite": "Hypocrite", - "HypocriteInfo": "Impostors win if you finish your tasks", - "HypocriteInfoLong": "(Madmates):\\nWhen you complete all of your tasks (and you're still alive), the game instantly ends and everyone on the impostor team will win.", - "Hypocrite.KnowsAllies": "Knows their allies", - "Hypocrite.AlliesKnowHypocrite": "Allies know the <#ff1919>Hypocrite", - "Hypocrite.NonImpGetsNotifyWhenLowTasks": "Non-Impostors get notified when the <#ff1919>Hypocrite has a low number of tasks remaining", - "Hypocrite.NotifyAtXTasksLeft": "Tasks Remaining When Notifying", - "HypocriteHasXTasksLeft": "<#ffff44>{0} is the <#ff1919>Hypocrite with <#ff1919>{1} task(s) left!", - "Lookout": "Lookout", - "LookoutInfo": "See through shapeshifts", - "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\\nAs the Lookout, you can see the IDs of every player at all times. This allows you to see through shapeshifts and camouflages.", + "Gaslighter": "ガスライター", + "GaslighterInfo": "他人に 彼ら自身の記憶を疑わせよう", + "GaslighterInfoLong": "(邪悪な ニュートラル):\\nガスライターとして、あなたは ラウンドごとに あなたのキルボタンを介して 様々なアクションが行えます。\\n\\n\\nラウンド 1: 通常のキル\\nラウンド 2: <#FFA500>騎士の咀嚼\\nラウンド 3: プレイヤーを呪う (<#ff1919>魔女のように)\\nラウンド 4: プレイヤーを保護する\\n\\nそして サイクルが繰り返される、または 設定に応じて ゲームの終了まで通常の殺害をし続けます。\\n設定で あなたの勝利条件が決まります。 ", + "Gaslighter.WinCondition": "勝利条件", + "GaslighterWinCondition.CrewLoses": "<#8cffff>クルーメイトの<#ff0000>敗北", + "GaslighterWinCondition.IfAlive": "最後まで<#00ff00>生存", + "GaslighterWinCondition.LastStanding": "<#ffab1b>最後の1人になる", + "Gaslighter.CycleRepeats": "キルボタンアクションは サイクルを繰り返す", + "Gaslighter.Kill": "このラウンドでは、あなたは <#ff1919>通常の殺害 を行える", + "Gaslighter.Knight": "このラウンドでの、あなたは <#ffa500>騎士の咀嚼 を行える", + "Gaslighter.Curse": "このラウンドでの、あなたは <#ff00ff>プレイヤーを呪う を行える", + "Gaslighter.Shield": "このラウンドでの、あなたは <#00ff97>プレイヤーの保護 を行える", + "Technician": "技術者", + "TechnicianInfo": "サボタージュを修理しよう", + "TechnicianInfoLong": "(良性な ニュートラル):\\n技術者として、あなたは 勝利するために 一定の数のサボタージュを修理しなければいけません。\\n設定に応じて、あなたは通気口を有為することができ、そして あなたの目的が完了した場合 単独 または 勝利チームと勝利するかもしれません。\\nあなたは とあるサボタージュでは 少ない または 多くポイントを獲得できるかもしれません。", + "Technician.WinsAlone": "単独で勝利する", + "Technician.RequiredPoints": "勝利するために必要なポイント", + "Technician.PointGain.Electrical": "停電修理の獲得ポイント", + "Technician.PointGain.Comms": "通信妨害修理の獲得ポイント", + "Technician.PointGain.LifeSupp": "O2修理の獲得ポイント", + "Technician.PointGain.Reactor": "リアクター修理の獲得ポイント", + "Speedrunner": "スピードランナー", + "SpeedrunnerInfo": "あなたのタスクが終えた場合 クルーが勝利する", + "SpeedrunnerInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\\nあなたのタスクのすべてが完了したとき (そして あなたが生きている)、そのゲームは即座に終了し そして <#8cffff>クルーメイトチームの全員が勝利します。", + "SpeedrunnerNotifyKillers": "タスクのほとんどが終えたとき 殺人鬼に通知する", + "SpeedrunnerNotifyAtXTasksLeft": "通知するときの 完了したタスク数", + "Hypocrite": "偽善者", + "HypocriteInfo": "あなたのタスクが終えた場合 インポスターが勝利する", + "HypocriteInfoLong": "(マッドメイト):\\nあなたのタスクのすべてが完了したとき (そして あなたが生きている)、そのゲームは即座に終了し そして <#ff1919>インポスターチームの全員が勝利します。", + "Hypocrite.KnowsAllies": "彼の味方を知れる", + "Hypocrite.AlliesKnowHypocrite": "味方は <#ff1919>偽善者を知れる", + "Hypocrite.NonImpGetsNotifyWhenLowTasks": "<#ff1919>偽善者の残りタスクの数が少なくなったとき 非-<#ff1919>インポスターに通知される", + "Hypocrite.NotifyAtXTasksLeft": "通知するときの 残りタスク数", + "HypocriteHasXTasksLeft": "<#ffff44>{0}は <#ff1919>偽善者で 残り <#ff1919>{1} タスク(数) です!", + "Lookout": "見張り", + "LookoutInfo": "変身を透かして見れる", + "LookoutInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\\n見張りとして、あなたは いつでも 各プレイヤーの ID を見ることができます。\\nこれにより あなたは 変身 または カモフラージュを透かして見ることができます。", "Witness": "Witness", "WitnessInfo": "Find out if someone killed recently", "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\\nWhen you use your kill button on someone, it tells you if the player killed recently or not. The yellow exclamation mark means they've killed, and the green chech mark means they've not.", From 387ec66435ceaac97304a93c33f244b70a45c67e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 17:42:08 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 040/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index 33ea5c075..6c8a2853d 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -3292,7 +3292,7 @@ "NoWhisperDuringCourt": "Отказано в доступе\\nКоманда /whisper отключена во время суда.", "Auditor": "Аудитор", "AuditorInfo": "Проверяйте игроков", - "AuditorInfoLong": "(Нейтральный Убийца):\\nКак Аудитор, вы можете проверять игроков с помощью кнопки убийства. Вы увидите роль этого игрока и:\\nЛибо украдёте 1 или все использования способности (зависит от настроек), если вы в режиме аудирования\\nЛибо временно уменьшите их зрение, если вы в режиме ослепления.", + "AuditorInfoLong": "(Нейтральный Убийца):\\nКак Аудитор, вы можете проверять игроков с помощью кнопки убийства. Вы увидите роль этого игрока и либо украдёте 1 и все использования способности (зависит от настроек), если вы в режиме аудирования, либо временно уменьшите их зрение, если вы в режиме ослепления.", "Auditor.LoweredVision": "Уменьшенное зрение", "Auditor.LoweredVisionDuration": "Длительность уменьшенного зрения", "Auditor.StealAllChargesInsteadOfOne": "Красть все использования способностей (если ВЫКЛ, то только 1)", From 064614ce62e80ff0488f1644617d43bb3840dbb2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 20:00:21 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 041/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index 6c8a2853d..318e1f4b7 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -4600,6 +4600,13 @@ "Grappler": "Грепплер", "GrapplerInfo": "Предотвращайте убийства и телепортируйте игроков к себе", "GrapplerInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\\nКак Грепплер, вы можете предотвратить 1 убийство каждый раунд, при условии, что в конце предыдущего раунда у вас оставалось хотя бы 1 использование способности. Первая попытка убийства будет заблокирована, а тот, кого попытались убить, телепортируется к вам. Во время саботажей ваша способность не работает.", + "GameModeTutorial.SoloKombat": "The current game mode is <#f55252>Solo PVP.\\nUse your kill button to damage others. If someone's HP goes below 0,\\nthey get teleported outside the map for some time, then respawn.\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a small buff and 1 point.\\nThe person with the most points at the end of the time limit wins!", + "GameModeTutorial.FFA": "The current game mode is <#00ffff>Free For All (FFA).\\nEveryone can kill. Be the last one alive to win!\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a random buff or debuff.", + "GameModeTutorial.HotPotato": "The current game mode is <#e8cd46>Hot Potato.\\nThe person with a black name holds the hot potato.\\nThey can pass it to someone by going near them.\\nThe previous holder's name is colored in cyan, they cannot regain\\nthe hot potato until someone else got it, unless only 2 players remain.\\nWhen the time limit ends, the holder of the hot potato dies, and the timer resets,\\nthe hot potato is assigned to a random player. Be the last player alive to win!", + "GameModeTutorial.HideAndSeek": "The current game mode is <#345eeb>Hide And Seek (Modded).\\nSeekers must kill all hiders to win,\\nhiders must complete tasks to lower the timer.\\nIf the time limit ends, hiders win.", + "GameModeTutorial.Speedrun": "The current game mode is <#800080>Speedrun.\\nComplete all tasks to gain the kill button, then kill everyone to win.\\nYou must do a task or kill within your time limit, else you suicide.", + "GameModeTutorial.CaptureTheFlag": "The current game mode is <#1313c2>Capture The Flag.\\nGet to the base of the enemy team and press Vanish to pick up their flag.\\nBring it back to your own base for your team to win.\\nPress Kill on someone to tag them, this will get rid of that player temporarily or permanently.", + "GameModeTutorial.NaturalDisasters": "The current game mode is <#03fc4a>Natural Disasters.\\nVarious disasters will constantly spawn on the map.\\nSome kill you instantly, some just debuff you temporarily.\\nBe the last player alive to win!", "GameModeListTitle": "Режимы Игры", "ModeStandard": "Режим: Стандартный", "FFA": "Free For All", From 109256b8328b9c8ff1c2157f0dc0badc0fb6d60c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 20:00:23 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 042/119] New translations en_us.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json index c7ca31445..eda524b99 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json @@ -4600,6 +4600,13 @@ "Grappler": "Agarrador", "GrapplerInfo": "Evite abates e puxe os jogadores para você", "GrapplerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\\nComo Agarrador, você pode prevenir 1 assassinato a cada rodada se tiver um uso de habilidade restante no final da última rodada. A primeira tentativa de assassinato será bloqueada, e o alvo será teleportado para você e não morrerá. Sua habilidade não funciona durante sabotagens.", + "GameModeTutorial.SoloKombat": "The current game mode is <#f55252>Solo PVP.\\nUse your kill button to damage others. If someone's HP goes below 0,\\nthey get teleported outside the map for some time, then respawn.\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a small buff and 1 point.\\nThe person with the most points at the end of the time limit wins!", + "GameModeTutorial.FFA": "The current game mode is <#00ffff>Free For All (FFA).\\nEveryone can kill. Be the last one alive to win!\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a random buff or debuff.", + "GameModeTutorial.HotPotato": "The current game mode is <#e8cd46>Hot Potato.\\nThe person with a black name holds the hot potato.\\nThey can pass it to someone by going near them.\\nThe previous holder's name is colored in cyan, they cannot regain\\nthe hot potato until someone else got it, unless only 2 players remain.\\nWhen the time limit ends, the holder of the hot potato dies, and the timer resets,\\nthe hot potato is assigned to a random player. Be the last player alive to win!", + "GameModeTutorial.HideAndSeek": "The current game mode is <#345eeb>Hide And Seek (Modded).\\nSeekers must kill all hiders to win,\\nhiders must complete tasks to lower the timer.\\nIf the time limit ends, hiders win.", + "GameModeTutorial.Speedrun": "The current game mode is <#800080>Speedrun.\\nComplete all tasks to gain the kill button, then kill everyone to win.\\nYou must do a task or kill within your time limit, else you suicide.", + "GameModeTutorial.CaptureTheFlag": "The current game mode is <#1313c2>Capture The Flag.\\nGet to the base of the enemy team and press Vanish to pick up their flag.\\nBring it back to your own base for your team to win.\\nPress Kill on someone to tag them, this will get rid of that player temporarily or permanently.", + "GameModeTutorial.NaturalDisasters": "The current game mode is <#03fc4a>Natural Disasters.\\nVarious disasters will constantly spawn on the map.\\nSome kill you instantly, some just debuff you temporarily.\\nBe the last player alive to win!", "GameModeListTitle": "Modos de jogo", "ModeStandard": "Modo de Jogo: Padrão", "FFA": "Matar ou Morrer", From 7d83a58dcc38976e881449fd4a7f2ec6bab1fb7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 20:00:25 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 043/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Simplified) --- Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json index 57984682f..cacdb59a8 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json @@ -4600,6 +4600,13 @@ "Grappler": "擒拿手", "GrapplerInfo": "阻止击杀并将玩家拉向自己", "GrapplerInfoLong": "(船员职业):\\n如果擒拿手在上一轮结束时还有一次使用能力的机会,你可以在本轮阻止一次击杀.第一次击杀会被阻止,被击杀的目标会被传送到你身边而不会死亡.你的能力在破坏过程中不起作用.", + "GameModeTutorial.SoloKombat": "The current game mode is <#f55252>Solo PVP.\\nUse your kill button to damage others. If someone's HP goes below 0,\\nthey get teleported outside the map for some time, then respawn.\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a small buff and 1 point.\\nThe person with the most points at the end of the time limit wins!", + "GameModeTutorial.FFA": "The current game mode is <#00ffff>Free For All (FFA).\\nEveryone can kill. Be the last one alive to win!\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a random buff or debuff.", + "GameModeTutorial.HotPotato": "The current game mode is <#e8cd46>Hot Potato.\\nThe person with a black name holds the hot potato.\\nThey can pass it to someone by going near them.\\nThe previous holder's name is colored in cyan, they cannot regain\\nthe hot potato until someone else got it, unless only 2 players remain.\\nWhen the time limit ends, the holder of the hot potato dies, and the timer resets,\\nthe hot potato is assigned to a random player. Be the last player alive to win!", + "GameModeTutorial.HideAndSeek": "The current game mode is <#345eeb>Hide And Seek (Modded).\\nSeekers must kill all hiders to win,\\nhiders must complete tasks to lower the timer.\\nIf the time limit ends, hiders win.", + "GameModeTutorial.Speedrun": "The current game mode is <#800080>Speedrun.\\nComplete all tasks to gain the kill button, then kill everyone to win.\\nYou must do a task or kill within your time limit, else you suicide.", + "GameModeTutorial.CaptureTheFlag": "The current game mode is <#1313c2>Capture The Flag.\\nGet to the base of the enemy team and press Vanish to pick up their flag.\\nBring it back to your own base for your team to win.\\nPress Kill on someone to tag them, this will get rid of that player temporarily or permanently.", + "GameModeTutorial.NaturalDisasters": "The current game mode is <#03fc4a>Natural Disasters.\\nVarious disasters will constantly spawn on the map.\\nSome kill you instantly, some just debuff you temporarily.\\nBe the last player alive to win!", "GameModeListTitle": "游戏模式", "ModeStandard": "经典模式", "FFA": "自由对战", From 09b62b89892f35e7c16f1d0d0cd790dc2260a76a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 20:00:27 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 044/119] New translations en_us.json (Korean) --- Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json index a00c7d698..d797ccf7f 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json @@ -4600,6 +4600,13 @@ "Grappler": "Grappler", "GrapplerInfo": "Prevent kills and pull players towards you", "GrapplerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\\nAs the Grappler, you can prevent 1 kill in each round if you have an ability use left at the end of the last round. The first kill attempt will be blocked and the target will be teleported to you and not die. Your ability doesn't work during sabotages.", + "GameModeTutorial.SoloKombat": "The current game mode is <#f55252>Solo PVP.\\nUse your kill button to damage others. If someone's HP goes below 0,\\nthey get teleported outside the map for some time, then respawn.\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a small buff and 1 point.\\nThe person with the most points at the end of the time limit wins!", + "GameModeTutorial.FFA": "The current game mode is <#00ffff>Free For All (FFA).\\nEveryone can kill. Be the last one alive to win!\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a random buff or debuff.", + "GameModeTutorial.HotPotato": "The current game mode is <#e8cd46>Hot Potato.\\nThe person with a black name holds the hot potato.\\nThey can pass it to someone by going near them.\\nThe previous holder's name is colored in cyan, they cannot regain\\nthe hot potato until someone else got it, unless only 2 players remain.\\nWhen the time limit ends, the holder of the hot potato dies, and the timer resets,\\nthe hot potato is assigned to a random player. Be the last player alive to win!", + "GameModeTutorial.HideAndSeek": "The current game mode is <#345eeb>Hide And Seek (Modded).\\nSeekers must kill all hiders to win,\\nhiders must complete tasks to lower the timer.\\nIf the time limit ends, hiders win.", + "GameModeTutorial.Speedrun": "The current game mode is <#800080>Speedrun.\\nComplete all tasks to gain the kill button, then kill everyone to win.\\nYou must do a task or kill within your time limit, else you suicide.", + "GameModeTutorial.CaptureTheFlag": "The current game mode is <#1313c2>Capture The Flag.\\nGet to the base of the enemy team and press Vanish to pick up their flag.\\nBring it back to your own base for your team to win.\\nPress Kill on someone to tag them, this will get rid of that player temporarily or permanently.", + "GameModeTutorial.NaturalDisasters": "The current game mode is <#03fc4a>Natural Disasters.\\nVarious disasters will constantly spawn on the map.\\nSome kill you instantly, some just debuff you temporarily.\\nBe the last player alive to win!", "GameModeListTitle": "Game Modes", "ModeStandard": "Gamemode: Standard", "FFA": "Free For All", From 65352e89653276ffd52a0cf3c94e30c498129422 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 20:00:29 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 045/119] New translations en_us.json (Spanish) --- Resources/Lang/es_ES.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json index ceb3d6c21..1d698d29f 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json @@ -4600,6 +4600,13 @@ "Grappler": "Agarrador", "GrapplerInfo": "Previene asesinatos y jala jugadores hacia ti", "GrapplerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\\nComo el Agarrador, puedes prevenir 1 asesinato cada ronda si tienes un uso de habilidad restante al final de la última ronda. El primer intento de asesinato será bloqueado y el objetivo será teletransportado a ti y no morirá. Tu habilidad no funciona durante sabotajes.", + "GameModeTutorial.SoloKombat": "The current game mode is <#f55252>Solo PVP.\\nUse your kill button to damage others. If someone's HP goes below 0,\\nthey get teleported outside the map for some time, then respawn.\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a small buff and 1 point.\\nThe person with the most points at the end of the time limit wins!", + "GameModeTutorial.FFA": "The current game mode is <#00ffff>Free For All (FFA).\\nEveryone can kill. Be the last one alive to win!\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a random buff or debuff.", + "GameModeTutorial.HotPotato": "The current game mode is <#e8cd46>Hot Potato.\\nThe person with a black name holds the hot potato.\\nThey can pass it to someone by going near them.\\nThe previous holder's name is colored in cyan, they cannot regain\\nthe hot potato until someone else got it, unless only 2 players remain.\\nWhen the time limit ends, the holder of the hot potato dies, and the timer resets,\\nthe hot potato is assigned to a random player. Be the last player alive to win!", + "GameModeTutorial.HideAndSeek": "The current game mode is <#345eeb>Hide And Seek (Modded).\\nSeekers must kill all hiders to win,\\nhiders must complete tasks to lower the timer.\\nIf the time limit ends, hiders win.", + "GameModeTutorial.Speedrun": "The current game mode is <#800080>Speedrun.\\nComplete all tasks to gain the kill button, then kill everyone to win.\\nYou must do a task or kill within your time limit, else you suicide.", + "GameModeTutorial.CaptureTheFlag": "The current game mode is <#1313c2>Capture The Flag.\\nGet to the base of the enemy team and press Vanish to pick up their flag.\\nBring it back to your own base for your team to win.\\nPress Kill on someone to tag them, this will get rid of that player temporarily or permanently.", + "GameModeTutorial.NaturalDisasters": "The current game mode is <#03fc4a>Natural Disasters.\\nVarious disasters will constantly spawn on the map.\\nSome kill you instantly, some just debuff you temporarily.\\nBe the last player alive to win!", "GameModeListTitle": "Game Modes", "ModeStandard": "Modo de Juego: Estándar", "FFA": "Free For All", From 59ba16942f02b20002a3613096cdfb3940c9490a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 20:00:31 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 046/119] New translations en_us.json (French) --- Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json index 94c3125bc..327e16a8f 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json @@ -4600,6 +4600,13 @@ "Grappler": "Grappler", "GrapplerInfo": "Prevent kills and pull players towards you", "GrapplerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\\nAs the Grappler, you can prevent 1 kill in each round if you have an ability use left at the end of the last round. The first kill attempt will be blocked and the target will be teleported to you and not die. Your ability doesn't work during sabotages.", + "GameModeTutorial.SoloKombat": "The current game mode is <#f55252>Solo PVP.\\nUse your kill button to damage others. If someone's HP goes below 0,\\nthey get teleported outside the map for some time, then respawn.\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a small buff and 1 point.\\nThe person with the most points at the end of the time limit wins!", + "GameModeTutorial.FFA": "The current game mode is <#00ffff>Free For All (FFA).\\nEveryone can kill. Be the last one alive to win!\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a random buff or debuff.", + "GameModeTutorial.HotPotato": "The current game mode is <#e8cd46>Hot Potato.\\nThe person with a black name holds the hot potato.\\nThey can pass it to someone by going near them.\\nThe previous holder's name is colored in cyan, they cannot regain\\nthe hot potato until someone else got it, unless only 2 players remain.\\nWhen the time limit ends, the holder of the hot potato dies, and the timer resets,\\nthe hot potato is assigned to a random player. Be the last player alive to win!", + "GameModeTutorial.HideAndSeek": "The current game mode is <#345eeb>Hide And Seek (Modded).\\nSeekers must kill all hiders to win,\\nhiders must complete tasks to lower the timer.\\nIf the time limit ends, hiders win.", + "GameModeTutorial.Speedrun": "The current game mode is <#800080>Speedrun.\\nComplete all tasks to gain the kill button, then kill everyone to win.\\nYou must do a task or kill within your time limit, else you suicide.", + "GameModeTutorial.CaptureTheFlag": "The current game mode is <#1313c2>Capture The Flag.\\nGet to the base of the enemy team and press Vanish to pick up their flag.\\nBring it back to your own base for your team to win.\\nPress Kill on someone to tag them, this will get rid of that player temporarily or permanently.", + "GameModeTutorial.NaturalDisasters": "The current game mode is <#03fc4a>Natural Disasters.\\nVarious disasters will constantly spawn on the map.\\nSome kill you instantly, some just debuff you temporarily.\\nBe the last player alive to win!", "GameModeListTitle": "Game Modes", "ModeStandard": "Gamemode: Standard", "FFA": "Free For All", From 8f38344202ec4cb775c053ac39da31d45dba8c46 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 20:00:33 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 047/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Traditional) --- Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json index 87c17bccb..2df297304 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json @@ -4600,6 +4600,13 @@ "Grappler": "格鬥者", "GrapplerInfo": "阻擋擊殺並將玩家拉向自己", "GrapplerInfoLong": "(船員陣營):\\n如果格鬥者在會議後還有剩下的技能使用次數,則會自動使用技能。使用技能後可以阻擋本輪的第一次擊殺。若擊殺是對格鬥者使用,則技能失效並取消擊殺。如果是對其他玩家使用,則會阻止擊殺並將擊殺目標傳送到格鬥者旁邊。你的技能不會在破壞時生效。", + "GameModeTutorial.SoloKombat": "The current game mode is <#f55252>Solo PVP.\\nUse your kill button to damage others. If someone's HP goes below 0,\\nthey get teleported outside the map for some time, then respawn.\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a small buff and 1 point.\\nThe person with the most points at the end of the time limit wins!", + "GameModeTutorial.FFA": "The current game mode is <#00ffff>Free For All (FFA).\\nEveryone can kill. Be the last one alive to win!\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a random buff or debuff.", + "GameModeTutorial.HotPotato": "The current game mode is <#e8cd46>Hot Potato.\\nThe person with a black name holds the hot potato.\\nThey can pass it to someone by going near them.\\nThe previous holder's name is colored in cyan, they cannot regain\\nthe hot potato until someone else got it, unless only 2 players remain.\\nWhen the time limit ends, the holder of the hot potato dies, and the timer resets,\\nthe hot potato is assigned to a random player. Be the last player alive to win!", + "GameModeTutorial.HideAndSeek": "The current game mode is <#345eeb>Hide And Seek (Modded).\\nSeekers must kill all hiders to win,\\nhiders must complete tasks to lower the timer.\\nIf the time limit ends, hiders win.", + "GameModeTutorial.Speedrun": "The current game mode is <#800080>Speedrun.\\nComplete all tasks to gain the kill button, then kill everyone to win.\\nYou must do a task or kill within your time limit, else you suicide.", + "GameModeTutorial.CaptureTheFlag": "The current game mode is <#1313c2>Capture The Flag.\\nGet to the base of the enemy team and press Vanish to pick up their flag.\\nBring it back to your own base for your team to win.\\nPress Kill on someone to tag them, this will get rid of that player temporarily or permanently.", + "GameModeTutorial.NaturalDisasters": "The current game mode is <#03fc4a>Natural Disasters.\\nVarious disasters will constantly spawn on the map.\\nSome kill you instantly, some just debuff you temporarily.\\nBe the last player alive to win!", "GameModeListTitle": "Game Modes", "ModeStandard": "遊戲模式: 標準", "FFA": "自由對戰模式", From f19ca76358a9bcf5e7a87ec7dddb6461c1224f67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 20:00:35 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 048/119] New translations en_us.json (Polish) --- Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json index ccb984e31..d06fb2976 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json @@ -4600,6 +4600,13 @@ "Grappler": "Grappler", "GrapplerInfo": "Prevent kills and pull players towards you", "GrapplerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\\nAs the Grappler, you can prevent 1 kill in each round if you have an ability use left at the end of the last round. The first kill attempt will be blocked and the target will be teleported to you and not die. Your ability doesn't work during sabotages.", + "GameModeTutorial.SoloKombat": "The current game mode is <#f55252>Solo PVP.\\nUse your kill button to damage others. If someone's HP goes below 0,\\nthey get teleported outside the map for some time, then respawn.\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a small buff and 1 point.\\nThe person with the most points at the end of the time limit wins!", + "GameModeTutorial.FFA": "The current game mode is <#00ffff>Free For All (FFA).\\nEveryone can kill. Be the last one alive to win!\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a random buff or debuff.", + "GameModeTutorial.HotPotato": "The current game mode is <#e8cd46>Hot Potato.\\nThe person with a black name holds the hot potato.\\nThey can pass it to someone by going near them.\\nThe previous holder's name is colored in cyan, they cannot regain\\nthe hot potato until someone else got it, unless only 2 players remain.\\nWhen the time limit ends, the holder of the hot potato dies, and the timer resets,\\nthe hot potato is assigned to a random player. Be the last player alive to win!", + "GameModeTutorial.HideAndSeek": "The current game mode is <#345eeb>Hide And Seek (Modded).\\nSeekers must kill all hiders to win,\\nhiders must complete tasks to lower the timer.\\nIf the time limit ends, hiders win.", + "GameModeTutorial.Speedrun": "The current game mode is <#800080>Speedrun.\\nComplete all tasks to gain the kill button, then kill everyone to win.\\nYou must do a task or kill within your time limit, else you suicide.", + "GameModeTutorial.CaptureTheFlag": "The current game mode is <#1313c2>Capture The Flag.\\nGet to the base of the enemy team and press Vanish to pick up their flag.\\nBring it back to your own base for your team to win.\\nPress Kill on someone to tag them, this will get rid of that player temporarily or permanently.", + "GameModeTutorial.NaturalDisasters": "The current game mode is <#03fc4a>Natural Disasters.\\nVarious disasters will constantly spawn on the map.\\nSome kill you instantly, some just debuff you temporarily.\\nBe the last player alive to win!", "GameModeListTitle": "Game Modes", "ModeStandard": "Gamemode: Standard", "FFA": "Free For All", From d227b8169173625275c0ddbb08d0beeecdd7f6ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 20:00:37 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 049/119] New translations en_us.json (Indonesian) --- Resources/Lang/id_ID.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json index 5a19ec949..869a39460 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json @@ -4600,6 +4600,13 @@ "Grappler": "Grappler", "GrapplerInfo": "Prevent kills and pull players towards you", "GrapplerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\\nAs the Grappler, you can prevent 1 kill in each round if you have an ability use left at the end of the last round. The first kill attempt will be blocked and the target will be teleported to you and not die. Your ability doesn't work during sabotages.", + "GameModeTutorial.SoloKombat": "The current game mode is <#f55252>Solo PVP.\\nUse your kill button to damage others. If someone's HP goes below 0,\\nthey get teleported outside the map for some time, then respawn.\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a small buff and 1 point.\\nThe person with the most points at the end of the time limit wins!", + "GameModeTutorial.FFA": "The current game mode is <#00ffff>Free For All (FFA).\\nEveryone can kill. Be the last one alive to win!\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a random buff or debuff.", + "GameModeTutorial.HotPotato": "The current game mode is <#e8cd46>Hot Potato.\\nThe person with a black name holds the hot potato.\\nThey can pass it to someone by going near them.\\nThe previous holder's name is colored in cyan, they cannot regain\\nthe hot potato until someone else got it, unless only 2 players remain.\\nWhen the time limit ends, the holder of the hot potato dies, and the timer resets,\\nthe hot potato is assigned to a random player. Be the last player alive to win!", + "GameModeTutorial.HideAndSeek": "The current game mode is <#345eeb>Hide And Seek (Modded).\\nSeekers must kill all hiders to win,\\nhiders must complete tasks to lower the timer.\\nIf the time limit ends, hiders win.", + "GameModeTutorial.Speedrun": "The current game mode is <#800080>Speedrun.\\nComplete all tasks to gain the kill button, then kill everyone to win.\\nYou must do a task or kill within your time limit, else you suicide.", + "GameModeTutorial.CaptureTheFlag": "The current game mode is <#1313c2>Capture The Flag.\\nGet to the base of the enemy team and press Vanish to pick up their flag.\\nBring it back to your own base for your team to win.\\nPress Kill on someone to tag them, this will get rid of that player temporarily or permanently.", + "GameModeTutorial.NaturalDisasters": "The current game mode is <#03fc4a>Natural Disasters.\\nVarious disasters will constantly spawn on the map.\\nSome kill you instantly, some just debuff you temporarily.\\nBe the last player alive to win!", "GameModeListTitle": "Game Modes", "ModeStandard": "Gamemode: Standard", "FFA": "Free For All", From 31890208f6575a2f8313a28ed402e995bcbf7e97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 20:00:39 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 050/119] New translations en_us.json (Hungarian) --- Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json index eaac615ee..a9f137185 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json @@ -4600,6 +4600,13 @@ "Grappler": "Grappler", "GrapplerInfo": "Prevent kills and pull players towards you", "GrapplerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\\nAs the Grappler, you can prevent 1 kill in each round if you have an ability use left at the end of the last round. The first kill attempt will be blocked and the target will be teleported to you and not die. Your ability doesn't work during sabotages.", + "GameModeTutorial.SoloKombat": "The current game mode is <#f55252>Solo PVP.\\nUse your kill button to damage others. If someone's HP goes below 0,\\nthey get teleported outside the map for some time, then respawn.\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a small buff and 1 point.\\nThe person with the most points at the end of the time limit wins!", + "GameModeTutorial.FFA": "The current game mode is <#00ffff>Free For All (FFA).\\nEveryone can kill. Be the last one alive to win!\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a random buff or debuff.", + "GameModeTutorial.HotPotato": "The current game mode is <#e8cd46>Hot Potato.\\nThe person with a black name holds the hot potato.\\nThey can pass it to someone by going near them.\\nThe previous holder's name is colored in cyan, they cannot regain\\nthe hot potato until someone else got it, unless only 2 players remain.\\nWhen the time limit ends, the holder of the hot potato dies, and the timer resets,\\nthe hot potato is assigned to a random player. Be the last player alive to win!", + "GameModeTutorial.HideAndSeek": "The current game mode is <#345eeb>Hide And Seek (Modded).\\nSeekers must kill all hiders to win,\\nhiders must complete tasks to lower the timer.\\nIf the time limit ends, hiders win.", + "GameModeTutorial.Speedrun": "The current game mode is <#800080>Speedrun.\\nComplete all tasks to gain the kill button, then kill everyone to win.\\nYou must do a task or kill within your time limit, else you suicide.", + "GameModeTutorial.CaptureTheFlag": "The current game mode is <#1313c2>Capture The Flag.\\nGet to the base of the enemy team and press Vanish to pick up their flag.\\nBring it back to your own base for your team to win.\\nPress Kill on someone to tag them, this will get rid of that player temporarily or permanently.", + "GameModeTutorial.NaturalDisasters": "The current game mode is <#03fc4a>Natural Disasters.\\nVarious disasters will constantly spawn on the map.\\nSome kill you instantly, some just debuff you temporarily.\\nBe the last player alive to win!", "GameModeListTitle": "Game Modes", "ModeStandard": "Gamemode: Standard", "FFA": "Free For All", From 66dc0110a06618710b44a54ea2621e276b800376 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 20:00:41 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 051/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index ccb287ccc..2efb88c11 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -4600,6 +4600,13 @@ "Grappler": "Grappler", "GrapplerInfo": "Prevent kills and pull players towards you", "GrapplerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\\nAs the Grappler, you can prevent 1 kill in each round if you have an ability use left at the end of the last round. The first kill attempt will be blocked and the target will be teleported to you and not die. Your ability doesn't work during sabotages.", + "GameModeTutorial.SoloKombat": "The current game mode is <#f55252>Solo PVP.\\nUse your kill button to damage others. If someone's HP goes below 0,\\nthey get teleported outside the map for some time, then respawn.\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a small buff and 1 point.\\nThe person with the most points at the end of the time limit wins!", + "GameModeTutorial.FFA": "The current game mode is <#00ffff>Free For All (FFA).\\nEveryone can kill. Be the last one alive to win!\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a random buff or debuff.", + "GameModeTutorial.HotPotato": "The current game mode is <#e8cd46>Hot Potato.\\nThe person with a black name holds the hot potato.\\nThey can pass it to someone by going near them.\\nThe previous holder's name is colored in cyan, they cannot regain\\nthe hot potato until someone else got it, unless only 2 players remain.\\nWhen the time limit ends, the holder of the hot potato dies, and the timer resets,\\nthe hot potato is assigned to a random player. Be the last player alive to win!", + "GameModeTutorial.HideAndSeek": "The current game mode is <#345eeb>Hide And Seek (Modded).\\nSeekers must kill all hiders to win,\\nhiders must complete tasks to lower the timer.\\nIf the time limit ends, hiders win.", + "GameModeTutorial.Speedrun": "The current game mode is <#800080>Speedrun.\\nComplete all tasks to gain the kill button, then kill everyone to win.\\nYou must do a task or kill within your time limit, else you suicide.", + "GameModeTutorial.CaptureTheFlag": "The current game mode is <#1313c2>Capture The Flag.\\nGet to the base of the enemy team and press Vanish to pick up their flag.\\nBring it back to your own base for your team to win.\\nPress Kill on someone to tag them, this will get rid of that player temporarily or permanently.", + "GameModeTutorial.NaturalDisasters": "The current game mode is <#03fc4a>Natural Disasters.\\nVarious disasters will constantly spawn on the map.\\nSome kill you instantly, some just debuff you temporarily.\\nBe the last player alive to win!", "GameModeListTitle": "Game Modes", "ModeStandard": "Gamemode: Standard", "FFA": "Free For All", From e7a0442133a50ca6aa6d1f3458d397f484e052f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 21:33:13 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 052/119] Update source file en_US.json --- Resources/Lang/en_US.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json index 5c62b7278..92a33185c 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json @@ -4600,6 +4600,13 @@ "Grappler": "Grappler", "GrapplerInfo": "Prevent kills and pull players towards you", "GrapplerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\\nAs the Grappler, you can prevent 1 kill in each round if you have an ability use left at the end of the last round. The first kill attempt will be blocked and the target will be teleported to you and not die. Your ability doesn't work during sabotages.", + "GameModeTutorial.SoloKombat": "The current game mode is <#f55252>Solo PVP.\\nUse your kill button to damage others. If someone's HP goes below 0,\\nthey get teleported outside the map for some time, then respawn.\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a small buff and 1 point.\\nThe person with the most points at the end of the time limit wins!", + "GameModeTutorial.FFA": "The current game mode is <#00ffff>Free For All (FFA).\\nEveryone can kill. Be the last one alive to win!\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a random buff or debuff.", + "GameModeTutorial.HotPotato": "The current game mode is <#e8cd46>Hot Potato.\\nThe person with a black name holds the hot potato.\\nThey can pass it to someone by going near them.\\nThe previous holder's name is colored in cyan, they cannot regain\\nthe hot potato until someone else got it, unless only 2 players remain.\\nWhen the time limit ends, the holder of the hot potato dies, and the timer resets,\\nthe hot potato is assigned to a random player. Be the last player alive to win!", + "GameModeTutorial.HideAndSeek": "The current game mode is <#345eeb>Hide And Seek (Modded).\\nSeekers must kill all hiders to win,\\nhiders must complete tasks to lower the timer.\\nIf the time limit ends, hiders win.", + "GameModeTutorial.Speedrun": "The current game mode is <#800080>Speedrun.\\nComplete all tasks to gain the kill button, then kill everyone to win.\\nYou must do a task or kill within your time limit, else you suicide.", + "GameModeTutorial.CaptureTheFlag": "The current game mode is <#1313c2>Capture The Flag.\\nGet to the base of the enemy team and press Vanish to pick up their flag.\\nBring it back to your own base for your team to win.\\nPress Kill on someone to tag them, this will get rid of that player temporarily or permanently.", + "GameModeTutorial.NaturalDisasters": "The current game mode is <#03fc4a>Natural Disasters.\\nVarious disasters will constantly spawn on the map.\\nSome kill you instantly, some just debuff you temporarily.\\nBe the last player alive to win!", "GameModeListTitle": "Game Modes", "ModeStandard": "Gamemode: Standard", "FFA": "Free For All", From d69d7fe99fae543d786c4f2d7287abcec25a873e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 16:05:05 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 053/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index 318e1f4b7..b96590b41 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -4600,13 +4600,13 @@ "Grappler": "Грепплер", "GrapplerInfo": "Предотвращайте убийства и телепортируйте игроков к себе", "GrapplerInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\\nКак Грепплер, вы можете предотвратить 1 убийство каждый раунд, при условии, что в конце предыдущего раунда у вас оставалось хотя бы 1 использование способности. Первая попытка убийства будет заблокирована, а тот, кого попытались убить, телепортируется к вам. Во время саботажей ваша способность не работает.", - "GameModeTutorial.SoloKombat": "The current game mode is <#f55252>Solo PVP.\\nUse your kill button to damage others. If someone's HP goes below 0,\\nthey get teleported outside the map for some time, then respawn.\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a small buff and 1 point.\\nThe person with the most points at the end of the time limit wins!", - "GameModeTutorial.FFA": "The current game mode is <#00ffff>Free For All (FFA).\\nEveryone can kill. Be the last one alive to win!\\nWhen you kill someone, you get a random buff or debuff.", - "GameModeTutorial.HotPotato": "The current game mode is <#e8cd46>Hot Potato.\\nThe person with a black name holds the hot potato.\\nThey can pass it to someone by going near them.\\nThe previous holder's name is colored in cyan, they cannot regain\\nthe hot potato until someone else got it, unless only 2 players remain.\\nWhen the time limit ends, the holder of the hot potato dies, and the timer resets,\\nthe hot potato is assigned to a random player. Be the last player alive to win!", - "GameModeTutorial.HideAndSeek": "The current game mode is <#345eeb>Hide And Seek (Modded).\\nSeekers must kill all hiders to win,\\nhiders must complete tasks to lower the timer.\\nIf the time limit ends, hiders win.", - "GameModeTutorial.Speedrun": "The current game mode is <#800080>Speedrun.\\nComplete all tasks to gain the kill button, then kill everyone to win.\\nYou must do a task or kill within your time limit, else you suicide.", - "GameModeTutorial.CaptureTheFlag": "The current game mode is <#1313c2>Capture The Flag.\\nGet to the base of the enemy team and press Vanish to pick up their flag.\\nBring it back to your own base for your team to win.\\nPress Kill on someone to tag them, this will get rid of that player temporarily or permanently.", - "GameModeTutorial.NaturalDisasters": "The current game mode is <#03fc4a>Natural Disasters.\\nVarious disasters will constantly spawn on the map.\\nSome kill you instantly, some just debuff you temporarily.\\nBe the last player alive to win!", + "GameModeTutorial.SoloKombat": "Режим игры - <#f55252>Соло PVP.\\nИспользуйте кнопку убийства для нанесения урона. Те, у кого 0 хп,\\nтелепортируются за карту и через время возрождаются.\\nПри убийстве одна из ваших характеристик усиливается.\\nИгрок с наибольшим кол-вом убийств под конец лимита времени побеждает!", + "GameModeTutorial.FFA": "Режим игры - <#00ffff>Free For All (FFA).\\nВсе могут убивать. Последний выживший побеждает!\\nПосле убийства игрока вы получаете случайный бонус или дебафф.", + "GameModeTutorial.HotPotato": "Режим игры - <#e8cd46>Горячая Картошка.\\nУ игрока с чёрным никнеймом картошка.\\nПройдя мимо игрока, картошка автоматически передасться.\\nПредыдущий носитель картошки отмечен голубым именем\\nи не может получить картошку пока не произойдёт ещё 1 передача (если больше 2 игроков).\\nКогда время истекает, игрок с картошкой умирает и таймер перезапускается,\\nзатем картошку получает случайный игрок. Для победы останьтесь последним выжившим!", + "GameModeTutorial.HideAndSeek": "Режим игры - <#345eeb>Прятки с ролями!.\\nИскатели должны убить всех прячущиеся,\\nпрячущиеся должны выжить и выполнять задания,\\nу нейтралов могут быть разные цели.\\nЕсли таймер достигнет 0, прячущиеся победят!.", + "GameModeTutorial.Speedrun": "Режим игры - <#800080>Спидран.\\nВыполните все таски, получите кнопку убийства и убейте всех.\\nЕсли таймер на выполнение таска/убийства истечёт, вы умрёте.", + "GameModeTutorial.CaptureTheFlag": "Режим игры - <#1313c2>Захват Флага.\\nУкрадите флаг чужой команды кнопкой исчезновения.\\nЗатем принесите флаг на свою базу.\\nКнопкой убийства вы отправляете противников либо на базу, либо на тот свет (зависит от настроек игры).", + "GameModeTutorial.NaturalDisasters": "Режим игры - <#03fc4a>Катаклизмы.\\nРазнообразные катаклизмы будут постоянно случаться по всей карте.\\nНекоторые могут убить вас сразу, другие просто мешают.\\nПобеждает последний выживший!", "GameModeListTitle": "Режимы Игры", "ModeStandard": "Режим: Стандартный", "FFA": "Free For All", From 2556c2fb6e34bdb92d3ba66e9f6f4100cea1e005 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:51:19 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 054/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index b96590b41..ac4b96bfd 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -4820,6 +4820,34 @@ "RRPlayer": "Забег На Скорость", "RRPlayerInfo": "Доберитесь до комнаты как можно скорее", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "Доберитесь до комнаты как можно скорее", + "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "ModeKingOfTheZones": "Gamemode: King Of The Zones", + "ModeDescribe.KingOfTheZones": "In the King Of The Zones gamemode, players are split into teams. Some rooms on the map represent a zone. If a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone. Every second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled. Gain as many points as possible, since the team with the highest score wins!\\n\\nPlayers can tag others using the kill button. Tagged players are teleported outside of the map for a few seconds, then teleport back.\\n\\nDepending on the settings, zones may move during the game. If so, this will be indicated by a timer. When a zone moves, it may have a downtime. This is the case if the timer is gray.", + "KingOfTheZones.NumTeams": "Number of Teams", + "KingOfTheZones.NumZones": "Number of Zones", + "KingOfTheZones.ZonesMove": "Zones Move", + "KingOfTheZones.ZoneMoveTime": "Zones Move Every", + "KingOfTheZones.AllZonesMoveAtOnce": "All Zones Move At Once (if disabled, there will be an equal gap between zone movements)", + "KingOfTheZones.DowntimeAfterZoneMove": "Downtime After Zone Move (during downtime, the zone stays neutral)", + "KingOfTheZones.RespawnTime": "Respawn Time", + "KingOfTheZones.TagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByPoints": "Game Ends If a Team Gets to a Certain Amount of Points", + "KingOfTheZones.PointsToWin": "Points to Win", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByTimeLimit": "Game Ends After a Certain Time", + "KingOfTheZones.MaxGameLength": "Maximum Game Length", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Red": "<#ffffff>You are in the Red Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Blue": "<#ffffff>You are in the Blue Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Я понимаю, ты очень любишь трудиться, но...\\nВ этом режиме делать таски не нужно", "AllInOne": "Всё в одном", "ModeAllInOne": "Режим: Всё в одном", From fc976d50044e2e365231f4baeb3e3fac15dbadde Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:51:21 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 055/119] New translations en_us.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json index eda524b99..8026ee603 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json @@ -4820,6 +4820,34 @@ "RRPlayer": "Corrida entre Salas", "RRPlayerInfo": "ENTRE NA SALA O MAIS RÁPIDO POSSÍVEL", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "ENTRE NA SALA O MAIS RÁPIDO POSSÍVEL", + "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "ModeKingOfTheZones": "Gamemode: King Of The Zones", + "ModeDescribe.KingOfTheZones": "In the King Of The Zones gamemode, players are split into teams. Some rooms on the map represent a zone. If a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone. Every second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled. Gain as many points as possible, since the team with the highest score wins!\\n\\nPlayers can tag others using the kill button. Tagged players are teleported outside of the map for a few seconds, then teleport back.\\n\\nDepending on the settings, zones may move during the game. If so, this will be indicated by a timer. When a zone moves, it may have a downtime. This is the case if the timer is gray.", + "KingOfTheZones.NumTeams": "Number of Teams", + "KingOfTheZones.NumZones": "Number of Zones", + "KingOfTheZones.ZonesMove": "Zones Move", + "KingOfTheZones.ZoneMoveTime": "Zones Move Every", + "KingOfTheZones.AllZonesMoveAtOnce": "All Zones Move At Once (if disabled, there will be an equal gap between zone movements)", + "KingOfTheZones.DowntimeAfterZoneMove": "Downtime After Zone Move (during downtime, the zone stays neutral)", + "KingOfTheZones.RespawnTime": "Respawn Time", + "KingOfTheZones.TagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByPoints": "Game Ends If a Team Gets to a Certain Amount of Points", + "KingOfTheZones.PointsToWin": "Points to Win", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByTimeLimit": "Game Ends After a Certain Time", + "KingOfTheZones.MaxGameLength": "Maximum Game Length", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Red": "<#ffffff>You are in the Red Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Blue": "<#ffffff>You are in the Blue Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Olha, vejo que você é um tripulante muito diligente, mas....\\nFazer tarefas é completamente inútil neste modo de jogo", "AllInOne": "TUDO EM UM", "ModeAllInOne": "Modo de jogo: TUDO EM UM", From d484908beef6a18965815c2ee8a29a588b705423 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:51:24 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 056/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Simplified) --- Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json index cacdb59a8..291f6beff 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json @@ -4820,6 +4820,34 @@ "RRPlayer": "抢椅子", "RRPlayerInfo": "尽快到房间去", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "尽快到房间去", + "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "ModeKingOfTheZones": "Gamemode: King Of The Zones", + "ModeDescribe.KingOfTheZones": "In the King Of The Zones gamemode, players are split into teams. Some rooms on the map represent a zone. If a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone. Every second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled. Gain as many points as possible, since the team with the highest score wins!\\n\\nPlayers can tag others using the kill button. Tagged players are teleported outside of the map for a few seconds, then teleport back.\\n\\nDepending on the settings, zones may move during the game. If so, this will be indicated by a timer. When a zone moves, it may have a downtime. This is the case if the timer is gray.", + "KingOfTheZones.NumTeams": "Number of Teams", + "KingOfTheZones.NumZones": "Number of Zones", + "KingOfTheZones.ZonesMove": "Zones Move", + "KingOfTheZones.ZoneMoveTime": "Zones Move Every", + "KingOfTheZones.AllZonesMoveAtOnce": "All Zones Move At Once (if disabled, there will be an equal gap between zone movements)", + "KingOfTheZones.DowntimeAfterZoneMove": "Downtime After Zone Move (during downtime, the zone stays neutral)", + "KingOfTheZones.RespawnTime": "Respawn Time", + "KingOfTheZones.TagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByPoints": "Game Ends If a Team Gets to a Certain Amount of Points", + "KingOfTheZones.PointsToWin": "Points to Win", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByTimeLimit": "Game Ends After a Certain Time", + "KingOfTheZones.MaxGameLength": "Maximum Game Length", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Red": "<#ffffff>You are in the Red Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Blue": "<#ffffff>You are in the Blue Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "看看,我看到你是一支非常勤奋的船员,但是...\\n在这个游戏模式下完成任务是毫无意义的。", "AllInOne": "大杂烩", "ModeAllInOne": "大杂烩", From 859b70e31825a514e62e37228fa5ab61314621fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:51:26 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 057/119] New translations en_us.json (Korean) --- Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json index d797ccf7f..bf79727a3 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json @@ -4820,6 +4820,34 @@ "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", + "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "ModeKingOfTheZones": "Gamemode: King Of The Zones", + "ModeDescribe.KingOfTheZones": "In the King Of The Zones gamemode, players are split into teams. Some rooms on the map represent a zone. If a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone. Every second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled. Gain as many points as possible, since the team with the highest score wins!\\n\\nPlayers can tag others using the kill button. Tagged players are teleported outside of the map for a few seconds, then teleport back.\\n\\nDepending on the settings, zones may move during the game. If so, this will be indicated by a timer. When a zone moves, it may have a downtime. This is the case if the timer is gray.", + "KingOfTheZones.NumTeams": "Number of Teams", + "KingOfTheZones.NumZones": "Number of Zones", + "KingOfTheZones.ZonesMove": "Zones Move", + "KingOfTheZones.ZoneMoveTime": "Zones Move Every", + "KingOfTheZones.AllZonesMoveAtOnce": "All Zones Move At Once (if disabled, there will be an equal gap between zone movements)", + "KingOfTheZones.DowntimeAfterZoneMove": "Downtime After Zone Move (during downtime, the zone stays neutral)", + "KingOfTheZones.RespawnTime": "Respawn Time", + "KingOfTheZones.TagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByPoints": "Game Ends If a Team Gets to a Certain Amount of Points", + "KingOfTheZones.PointsToWin": "Points to Win", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByTimeLimit": "Game Ends After a Certain Time", + "KingOfTheZones.MaxGameLength": "Maximum Game Length", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Red": "<#ffffff>You are in the Red Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Blue": "<#ffffff>You are in the Blue Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From 3bcc3e53f3271d7500f55333b97e78fc1c1dd8ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:51:28 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 058/119] New translations en_us.json (Spanish) --- Resources/Lang/es_ES.json | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json index 1d698d29f..0a9545fa4 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json @@ -4820,6 +4820,34 @@ "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", + "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "ModeKingOfTheZones": "Gamemode: King Of The Zones", + "ModeDescribe.KingOfTheZones": "In the King Of The Zones gamemode, players are split into teams. Some rooms on the map represent a zone. If a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone. Every second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled. Gain as many points as possible, since the team with the highest score wins!\\n\\nPlayers can tag others using the kill button. Tagged players are teleported outside of the map for a few seconds, then teleport back.\\n\\nDepending on the settings, zones may move during the game. If so, this will be indicated by a timer. When a zone moves, it may have a downtime. This is the case if the timer is gray.", + "KingOfTheZones.NumTeams": "Number of Teams", + "KingOfTheZones.NumZones": "Number of Zones", + "KingOfTheZones.ZonesMove": "Zones Move", + "KingOfTheZones.ZoneMoveTime": "Zones Move Every", + "KingOfTheZones.AllZonesMoveAtOnce": "All Zones Move At Once (if disabled, there will be an equal gap between zone movements)", + "KingOfTheZones.DowntimeAfterZoneMove": "Downtime After Zone Move (during downtime, the zone stays neutral)", + "KingOfTheZones.RespawnTime": "Respawn Time", + "KingOfTheZones.TagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByPoints": "Game Ends If a Team Gets to a Certain Amount of Points", + "KingOfTheZones.PointsToWin": "Points to Win", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByTimeLimit": "Game Ends After a Certain Time", + "KingOfTheZones.MaxGameLength": "Maximum Game Length", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Red": "<#ffffff>You are in the Red Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Blue": "<#ffffff>You are in the Blue Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From 9dae05467d53a9cb88398e59051e022dfb90edf2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:51:31 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 059/119] New translations en_us.json (French) --- Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json index 327e16a8f..b90c6749c 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json @@ -4820,6 +4820,34 @@ "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", + "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "ModeKingOfTheZones": "Gamemode: King Of The Zones", + "ModeDescribe.KingOfTheZones": "In the King Of The Zones gamemode, players are split into teams. Some rooms on the map represent a zone. If a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone. Every second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled. Gain as many points as possible, since the team with the highest score wins!\\n\\nPlayers can tag others using the kill button. Tagged players are teleported outside of the map for a few seconds, then teleport back.\\n\\nDepending on the settings, zones may move during the game. If so, this will be indicated by a timer. When a zone moves, it may have a downtime. This is the case if the timer is gray.", + "KingOfTheZones.NumTeams": "Number of Teams", + "KingOfTheZones.NumZones": "Number of Zones", + "KingOfTheZones.ZonesMove": "Zones Move", + "KingOfTheZones.ZoneMoveTime": "Zones Move Every", + "KingOfTheZones.AllZonesMoveAtOnce": "All Zones Move At Once (if disabled, there will be an equal gap between zone movements)", + "KingOfTheZones.DowntimeAfterZoneMove": "Downtime After Zone Move (during downtime, the zone stays neutral)", + "KingOfTheZones.RespawnTime": "Respawn Time", + "KingOfTheZones.TagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByPoints": "Game Ends If a Team Gets to a Certain Amount of Points", + "KingOfTheZones.PointsToWin": "Points to Win", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByTimeLimit": "Game Ends After a Certain Time", + "KingOfTheZones.MaxGameLength": "Maximum Game Length", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Red": "<#ffffff>You are in the Red Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Blue": "<#ffffff>You are in the Blue Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From 1b8ed6a72899dc6c5c556bdd3c0ef964ce8f5952 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:51:33 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 060/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Traditional) --- Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json index 2df297304..c608013d2 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json @@ -4820,6 +4820,34 @@ "RRPlayer": "搶房間", "RRPlayerInfo": "盡快到指定的房間", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "盡快到指定的房間", + "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "ModeKingOfTheZones": "Gamemode: King Of The Zones", + "ModeDescribe.KingOfTheZones": "In the King Of The Zones gamemode, players are split into teams. Some rooms on the map represent a zone. If a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone. Every second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled. Gain as many points as possible, since the team with the highest score wins!\\n\\nPlayers can tag others using the kill button. Tagged players are teleported outside of the map for a few seconds, then teleport back.\\n\\nDepending on the settings, zones may move during the game. If so, this will be indicated by a timer. When a zone moves, it may have a downtime. This is the case if the timer is gray.", + "KingOfTheZones.NumTeams": "Number of Teams", + "KingOfTheZones.NumZones": "Number of Zones", + "KingOfTheZones.ZonesMove": "Zones Move", + "KingOfTheZones.ZoneMoveTime": "Zones Move Every", + "KingOfTheZones.AllZonesMoveAtOnce": "All Zones Move At Once (if disabled, there will be an equal gap between zone movements)", + "KingOfTheZones.DowntimeAfterZoneMove": "Downtime After Zone Move (during downtime, the zone stays neutral)", + "KingOfTheZones.RespawnTime": "Respawn Time", + "KingOfTheZones.TagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByPoints": "Game Ends If a Team Gets to a Certain Amount of Points", + "KingOfTheZones.PointsToWin": "Points to Win", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByTimeLimit": "Game Ends After a Certain Time", + "KingOfTheZones.MaxGameLength": "Maximum Game Length", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Red": "<#ffffff>You are in the Red Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Blue": "<#ffffff>You are in the Blue Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "多合一", "ModeAllInOne": "遊戲模式: 多合一", From d4a0deb83d227767fbabe92eba6dc472a29dc9d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:51:35 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 061/119] New translations en_us.json (Polish) --- Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json index d06fb2976..4f7044c3f 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json @@ -4820,6 +4820,34 @@ "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", + "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "ModeKingOfTheZones": "Gamemode: King Of The Zones", + "ModeDescribe.KingOfTheZones": "In the King Of The Zones gamemode, players are split into teams. Some rooms on the map represent a zone. If a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone. Every second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled. Gain as many points as possible, since the team with the highest score wins!\\n\\nPlayers can tag others using the kill button. Tagged players are teleported outside of the map for a few seconds, then teleport back.\\n\\nDepending on the settings, zones may move during the game. If so, this will be indicated by a timer. When a zone moves, it may have a downtime. This is the case if the timer is gray.", + "KingOfTheZones.NumTeams": "Number of Teams", + "KingOfTheZones.NumZones": "Number of Zones", + "KingOfTheZones.ZonesMove": "Zones Move", + "KingOfTheZones.ZoneMoveTime": "Zones Move Every", + "KingOfTheZones.AllZonesMoveAtOnce": "All Zones Move At Once (if disabled, there will be an equal gap between zone movements)", + "KingOfTheZones.DowntimeAfterZoneMove": "Downtime After Zone Move (during downtime, the zone stays neutral)", + "KingOfTheZones.RespawnTime": "Respawn Time", + "KingOfTheZones.TagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByPoints": "Game Ends If a Team Gets to a Certain Amount of Points", + "KingOfTheZones.PointsToWin": "Points to Win", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByTimeLimit": "Game Ends After a Certain Time", + "KingOfTheZones.MaxGameLength": "Maximum Game Length", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Red": "<#ffffff>You are in the Red Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Blue": "<#ffffff>You are in the Blue Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From c65846f3ab07af9a22e9975d6aff282e84d38c1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:51:37 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 062/119] New translations en_us.json (Indonesian) --- Resources/Lang/id_ID.json | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json index 869a39460..ce731d03c 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json @@ -4820,6 +4820,34 @@ "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", + "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "ModeKingOfTheZones": "Gamemode: King Of The Zones", + "ModeDescribe.KingOfTheZones": "In the King Of The Zones gamemode, players are split into teams. Some rooms on the map represent a zone. If a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone. Every second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled. Gain as many points as possible, since the team with the highest score wins!\\n\\nPlayers can tag others using the kill button. Tagged players are teleported outside of the map for a few seconds, then teleport back.\\n\\nDepending on the settings, zones may move during the game. If so, this will be indicated by a timer. When a zone moves, it may have a downtime. This is the case if the timer is gray.", + "KingOfTheZones.NumTeams": "Number of Teams", + "KingOfTheZones.NumZones": "Number of Zones", + "KingOfTheZones.ZonesMove": "Zones Move", + "KingOfTheZones.ZoneMoveTime": "Zones Move Every", + "KingOfTheZones.AllZonesMoveAtOnce": "All Zones Move At Once (if disabled, there will be an equal gap between zone movements)", + "KingOfTheZones.DowntimeAfterZoneMove": "Downtime After Zone Move (during downtime, the zone stays neutral)", + "KingOfTheZones.RespawnTime": "Respawn Time", + "KingOfTheZones.TagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByPoints": "Game Ends If a Team Gets to a Certain Amount of Points", + "KingOfTheZones.PointsToWin": "Points to Win", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByTimeLimit": "Game Ends After a Certain Time", + "KingOfTheZones.MaxGameLength": "Maximum Game Length", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Red": "<#ffffff>You are in the Red Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Blue": "<#ffffff>You are in the Blue Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From 86d5bc82d4d6c6e63045b029e8de5469512b97e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:51:39 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 063/119] New translations en_us.json (Hungarian) --- Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json index a9f137185..1b970e120 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json @@ -4820,6 +4820,34 @@ "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", + "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "ModeKingOfTheZones": "Gamemode: King Of The Zones", + "ModeDescribe.KingOfTheZones": "In the King Of The Zones gamemode, players are split into teams. Some rooms on the map represent a zone. If a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone. Every second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled. Gain as many points as possible, since the team with the highest score wins!\\n\\nPlayers can tag others using the kill button. Tagged players are teleported outside of the map for a few seconds, then teleport back.\\n\\nDepending on the settings, zones may move during the game. If so, this will be indicated by a timer. When a zone moves, it may have a downtime. This is the case if the timer is gray.", + "KingOfTheZones.NumTeams": "Number of Teams", + "KingOfTheZones.NumZones": "Number of Zones", + "KingOfTheZones.ZonesMove": "Zones Move", + "KingOfTheZones.ZoneMoveTime": "Zones Move Every", + "KingOfTheZones.AllZonesMoveAtOnce": "All Zones Move At Once (if disabled, there will be an equal gap between zone movements)", + "KingOfTheZones.DowntimeAfterZoneMove": "Downtime After Zone Move (during downtime, the zone stays neutral)", + "KingOfTheZones.RespawnTime": "Respawn Time", + "KingOfTheZones.TagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByPoints": "Game Ends If a Team Gets to a Certain Amount of Points", + "KingOfTheZones.PointsToWin": "Points to Win", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByTimeLimit": "Game Ends After a Certain Time", + "KingOfTheZones.MaxGameLength": "Maximum Game Length", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Red": "<#ffffff>You are in the Red Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Blue": "<#ffffff>You are in the Blue Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From 85ab53317bc7217c4467ee14c569363e96d7ff56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:51:40 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 064/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index 2efb88c11..cdfe9b543 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -4820,6 +4820,34 @@ "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", + "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "ModeKingOfTheZones": "Gamemode: King Of The Zones", + "ModeDescribe.KingOfTheZones": "In the King Of The Zones gamemode, players are split into teams. Some rooms on the map represent a zone. If a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone. Every second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled. Gain as many points as possible, since the team with the highest score wins!\\n\\nPlayers can tag others using the kill button. Tagged players are teleported outside of the map for a few seconds, then teleport back.\\n\\nDepending on the settings, zones may move during the game. If so, this will be indicated by a timer. When a zone moves, it may have a downtime. This is the case if the timer is gray.", + "KingOfTheZones.NumTeams": "Number of Teams", + "KingOfTheZones.NumZones": "Number of Zones", + "KingOfTheZones.ZonesMove": "Zones Move", + "KingOfTheZones.ZoneMoveTime": "Zones Move Every", + "KingOfTheZones.AllZonesMoveAtOnce": "All Zones Move At Once (if disabled, there will be an equal gap between zone movements)", + "KingOfTheZones.DowntimeAfterZoneMove": "Downtime After Zone Move (during downtime, the zone stays neutral)", + "KingOfTheZones.RespawnTime": "Respawn Time", + "KingOfTheZones.TagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByPoints": "Game Ends If a Team Gets to a Certain Amount of Points", + "KingOfTheZones.PointsToWin": "Points to Win", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByTimeLimit": "Game Ends After a Certain Time", + "KingOfTheZones.MaxGameLength": "Maximum Game Length", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Red": "<#ffffff>You are in the Red Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Blue": "<#ffffff>You are in the Blue Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From fcc8bfeae5865cd46de5fb4ae57b6c1cac2507ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 23:53:48 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 065/119] Update source file en_US.json --- Resources/Lang/en_US.json | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json index 92a33185c..e9728a1b0 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json @@ -4820,6 +4820,34 @@ "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", + "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "ModeKingOfTheZones": "Gamemode: King Of The Zones", + "ModeDescribe.KingOfTheZones": "In the King Of The Zones gamemode, players are split into teams. Some rooms on the map represent a zone. If a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone. Every second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled. Gain as many points as possible, since the team with the highest score wins!\\n\\nPlayers can tag others using the kill button. Tagged players are teleported outside of the map for a few seconds, then teleport back.\\n\\nDepending on the settings, zones may move during the game. If so, this will be indicated by a timer. When a zone moves, it may have a downtime. This is the case if the timer is gray.", + "KingOfTheZones.NumTeams": "Number of Teams", + "KingOfTheZones.NumZones": "Number of Zones", + "KingOfTheZones.ZonesMove": "Zones Move", + "KingOfTheZones.ZoneMoveTime": "Zones Move Every", + "KingOfTheZones.AllZonesMoveAtOnce": "All Zones Move At Once (if disabled, there will be an equal gap between zone movements)", + "KingOfTheZones.DowntimeAfterZoneMove": "Downtime After Zone Move (during downtime, the zone stays neutral)", + "KingOfTheZones.RespawnTime": "Respawn Time", + "KingOfTheZones.TagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByPoints": "Game Ends If a Team Gets to a Certain Amount of Points", + "KingOfTheZones.PointsToWin": "Points to Win", + "KingOfTheZones.GameEndsByTimeLimit": "Game Ends After a Certain Time", + "KingOfTheZones.MaxGameLength": "Maximum Game Length", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Red": "<#ffffff>You are in the Red Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Blue": "<#ffffff>You are in the Blue Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", + "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From 35601dcd31f15cc46cf62cd1c717ae5e19e2a639 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 14:35:20 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 066/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index ac4b96bfd..138779beb 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ "MoveAndStop_Event_FrozenTimers": "Замороженные таймеры", "MoveAndStop_Event_VentAccess": "Доступ к люкам", "MoveAndStop_Event_CommsSabotage": "Саботаж Связи", - "Tasker": "Таскер", + "Tasker": "STOP AND GO", "TaskerInfo": "СДЕЛАЙТЕ ТАСКИ ПЕРВЫМИ, ЧТОБЫ ПОБЕДИТЬ", "TaskerInfoLong": "СДЕЛАЙТЕ ТАСКИ ПЕРВЫМИ, ЧТОБЫ ПОБЕДИТЬ", "HotPotato": "Горячая Картошка", @@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ "HotPotato_HoldingNotify": "<#ffff00>Вам передали картошку! Срочно передайте её\\nдругому игроку или умрёте!", "SurvivedTimePrefix": "Выжил", "SurvivedUntilTheEnd": "до конца", - "Potato": "Игрок", + "Potato": "HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfo": "БЕГИ ОТ ИГРОКОВ С КАРТОШКОЙ", "PotatoInfoLong": "БЕГИ ОТ ИГРОКОВ С КАРТОШКОЙ", "Speedrun": "Спидран", @@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Время: <#ffffff>{4}с\\n<#888888>Живых игроков: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\\n<#ffff00>Осталось тасков: {0}\\n<#00ffa5>Сделайте все свои таски\\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} игрок(-ов) могут убивать", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>Вы сделали все таски!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>УБИЙСТВО", - "Runner": "Спидранер", + "Runner": "SPEEDRUN", "RunnerInfo": "СДЕЛАЙТЕ ТАСКИ И УБЕЙТЕ ВСЕХ, ЧТОБЫ ПОБЕДИТЬ", "RunnerInfoLong": "СДЕЛАЙТЕ ТАСКИ И УБЕЙТЕ ВСЕХ, ЧТОБЫ ПОБЕДИТЬ", "CaptureTheFlag": "Захват Флага", @@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ "CTF_PointsToWin": "Кол-во очков", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Лимит", "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Расстояния, с которого можно взять флаг", - "CTFPlayer": "Захват Флага", + "CTFPlayer": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", "CTFPlayerInfo": "УКРАДИТЕ ФЛАГ ПРОТИВНИКА", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "УКРАДИТЕ ФЛАГ ПРОТИВНИКА", "CTF_FlagTaken": "Противник украл ваш флаг!", @@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ "CollapsedBuildings": "<#00ffa5>Разрушенные Здания: {0}", "OngoingThunderstorm": "<#ffff44>⚠ Идёт Гроза ⚠", "SurvivalTime": "Выжил {0}с", - "NDPlayer": "Катаклизмы", + "NDPlayer": "NATURAL DISASTERS", "NDPlayerInfo": "ПЕРЕЖИВИТЕ ВСЕ КАТАКЛИЗМЫ", "NDPlayerInfoLong": "ПЕРЕЖИВИТЕ ВСЕ КАТАКЛИЗМЫ", "RoomRush": "Забег На Скорость", @@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>Вы были последними и выбыли", "RR_ReadyQM": "Готовы?", "RR_Points": "Очки: {0}/{1}", - "RRPlayer": "Забег На Скорость", + "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "Доберитесь до комнаты как можно скорее", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "Доберитесь до комнаты как можно скорее", "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", @@ -4845,9 +4845,23 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", + "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Yellow": "The Yellow Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Statistics": "Points: <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZPlayer": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "KOTZPlayerInfo": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", + "KOTZPlayerInfoLong": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Я понимаю, ты очень любишь трудиться, но...\\nВ этом режиме делать таски не нужно", "AllInOne": "Всё в одном", "ModeAllInOne": "Режим: Всё в одном", From a6ef1abf8b7654ce32d95ecb214d3a51cbca6739 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 14:35:23 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 067/119] New translations en_us.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json index 8026ee603..12208efab 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ "MoveAndStop_Event_FrozenTimers": "Temporizadores Congelados", "MoveAndStop_Event_VentAccess": "Acesso aos Dutos", "MoveAndStop_Event_CommsSabotage": "Sabotagem de comunicações", - "Tasker": "Tarefador", + "Tasker": "STOP AND GO", "TaskerInfo": "Seja o Primeiro a Terminar as Tarefas para vencer!", "TaskerInfoLong": "Seja o Primeiro a Terminar as Tarefas para vencer!", "HotPotato": "BATATA QUENTE", @@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ "HotPotato_HoldingNotify": "<#ffff00>Você está com a Batata Quente! Passe ou morra!", "SurvivedTimePrefix": "Sobreviveu", "SurvivedUntilTheEnd": "Até o fim", - "Potato": "Jogador", + "Potato": "HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfo": "EVITE FICAR COM A BATATA QUENTE", "PotatoInfoLong": "EVITE FICAR COM A BATATA QUENTE", "Speedrun": "SPEEDRUN", @@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Tempo: <#ffffff>{4}s\n<#888888>Jogadores vivos: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\n<#ffff00>Tarefas restantes: {0}\n<#00ffa5>Termine suas tarefas\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} jogadores podem matar", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>Você terminou suas tarefas!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>MATANDO", - "Runner": "SpeedRunner", + "Runner": "SPEEDRUN", "RunnerInfo": "TAREFAS E MATE TODOS OS PRIMEIROS PARA GANHAR", "RunnerInfoLong": "COMPLETE AS TAREFAS E MATE TODOS PRIMEIRO PARA GANHAR", "CaptureTheFlag": "CAPTURE A BANDEIRA", @@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ "CTF_PointsToWin": "Pontos para vencer", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Limite de Tempo", "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "alcance de capturar a bandeira", - "CTFPlayer": "Capture a Bandeira", + "CTFPlayer": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE A BANDEIRA DO INIMIGO PARA GANHAR", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE A BANDEIRA DO INIMIGO PARA GANHAR", "CTF_FlagTaken": "O inimigo pegou a sua bandeira!", @@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ "CollapsedBuildings": "<#00ffa5>Edifícios desmoronados: {0}", "OngoingThunderstorm": "<#ffff44>⚠ Tempestade em andamento ⚠", "SurvivalTime": "Sobreviveu {0}s", - "NDPlayer": "Desastres Naturais", + "NDPlayer": "NATURAL DISASTERS", "NDPlayerInfo": "SOBREVIVA A TODOS OS DISASTRES NATURAIS PARA VENCER", "NDPlayerInfoLong": "SOBREVIVA A TODOS OS DESASTRES NATURAIS PARA VENCER", "RoomRush": "CORRIDA ENTRE SALAS", @@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>Você foi o último a chegar à sala", "RR_ReadyQM": "Preparado?", "RR_Points": "Pontos: {0}/{1}", - "RRPlayer": "Corrida entre Salas", + "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "ENTRE NA SALA O MAIS RÁPIDO POSSÍVEL", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "ENTRE NA SALA O MAIS RÁPIDO POSSÍVEL", "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", @@ -4845,9 +4845,23 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", + "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Yellow": "The Yellow Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Statistics": "Points: <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZPlayer": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "KOTZPlayerInfo": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", + "KOTZPlayerInfoLong": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Olha, vejo que você é um tripulante muito diligente, mas....\\nFazer tarefas é completamente inútil neste modo de jogo", "AllInOne": "TUDO EM UM", "ModeAllInOne": "Modo de jogo: TUDO EM UM", From bb11ed718241d675351010ac9de878e68a1502c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 14:35:26 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 068/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Simplified) --- Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json index 291f6beff..4bd226e3d 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ "MoveAndStop_Event_FrozenTimers": "冻结计时器", "MoveAndStop_Event_VentAccess": "跳管访问", "MoveAndStop_Event_CommsSabotage": "通讯破坏", - "Tasker": "任务管理", + "Tasker": "STOP AND GO", "TaskerInfo": "先完成任务者获胜!!!", "TaskerInfoLong": "先完成任务者获胜!!!", "HotPotato": "烫手山芋", @@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ "HotPotato_HoldingNotify": "<#ffff00>你拿着烫手山芋!不传递给别人就得死", "SurvivedTimePrefix": "存活数量", "SurvivedUntilTheEnd": "直到结束", - "Potato": "玩家", + "Potato": "HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfo": "避免拿着烫手山芋", "PotatoInfoLong": "避免拿着烫手山芋", "Speedrun": "速跑", @@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Time: <#ffffff>{4}s\\n<#888888>Alive players: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\\n<#00ffa5>Finish your <#ffff00>{0} remaining tasks\\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} players can kill", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>你完成了任务!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>击杀", - "Runner": "速跑者", + "Runner": "SPEEDRUN", "RunnerInfo": "完成任务,先发制人,悉数消灭以取胜", "RunnerInfoLong": "完成任务,先发制人,悉数消灭以取胜", "CaptureTheFlag": "夺旗", @@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", - "CTFPlayer": "夺旗", + "CTFPlayer": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", "CTFPlayerInfo": "夺取敌旗获胜", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "夺取敌旗获胜", "CTF_FlagTaken": "敌方夺走了你方的旗帜!", @@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ "CollapsedBuildings": "<#00ffa5>被毁坏的建筑: {0}", "OngoingThunderstorm": "<#ffff44>⚠ 雷暴! ⚠", "SurvivalTime": "已存活 {0}s", - "NDPlayer": "自然灾害", + "NDPlayer": "NATURAL DISASTERS", "NDPlayerInfo": "在所有自然灾害中幸存下来以取胜", "NDPlayerInfoLong": "在所有自然灾害中幸存下来以取胜", "RoomRush": "抢椅子", @@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>你是最后一个到达房间的", "RR_ReadyQM": "准备好了吗?", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", - "RRPlayer": "抢椅子", + "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "尽快到房间去", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "尽快到房间去", "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", @@ -4845,9 +4845,23 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", + "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Yellow": "The Yellow Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Statistics": "Points: <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZPlayer": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "KOTZPlayerInfo": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", + "KOTZPlayerInfoLong": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "看看,我看到你是一支非常勤奋的船员,但是...\\n在这个游戏模式下完成任务是毫无意义的。", "AllInOne": "大杂烩", "ModeAllInOne": "大杂烩", From b3ef2c145b0ac446d508eaf6c27f22b157cdce89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 14:35:28 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 069/119] New translations en_us.json (Korean) --- Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json index bf79727a3..ae2557f8b 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ "MoveAndStop_Event_FrozenTimers": "Frozen Timers", "MoveAndStop_Event_VentAccess": "Vent Access", "MoveAndStop_Event_CommsSabotage": "Comms Sabotage", - "Tasker": "Tasker", + "Tasker": "STOP AND GO", "TaskerInfo": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "TaskerInfoLong": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "HotPotato": "HOT POTATO", @@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ "HotPotato_HoldingNotify": "<#ffff00>You hold the Hot Potato! Pass it or die!", "SurvivedTimePrefix": "Survived", "SurvivedUntilTheEnd": "Until The End", - "Potato": "Player", + "Potato": "HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfo": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfoLong": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "Speedrun": "SPEEDRUN", @@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Time: <#ffffff>{4}s\\n<#888888>Alive players: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\\n<#00ffa5>Finish your <#ffff00>{0} remaining tasks\\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} players can kill", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>You're done with tasks!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>KILLING", - "Runner": "Speedrunner", + "Runner": "SPEEDRUN", "RunnerInfo": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "RunnerInfoLong": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "CaptureTheFlag": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", @@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", - "CTFPlayer": "Capture The Flag", + "CTFPlayer": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTF_FlagTaken": "The enemy took your flag!", @@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ "CollapsedBuildings": "<#00ffa5>Collapsed Buildings: {0}", "OngoingThunderstorm": "<#ffff44>⚠ Ongoing Thunderstorm ⚠", "SurvivalTime": "Survived {0}s", - "NDPlayer": "Natural Disasters", + "NDPlayer": "NATURAL DISASTERS", "NDPlayerInfo": "SURVIVE ALL NATURAL DISASTERS TO WIN", "NDPlayerInfoLong": "SURVIVE ALL NATURAL DISASTERS TO WIN", "RoomRush": "ROOM RUSH", @@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", - "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", + "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", @@ -4845,9 +4845,23 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", + "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Yellow": "The Yellow Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Statistics": "Points: <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZPlayer": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "KOTZPlayerInfo": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", + "KOTZPlayerInfoLong": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From b49a8f237660418b61880670da65e882510f6c04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 14:35:31 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 070/119] New translations en_us.json (Spanish) --- Resources/Lang/es_ES.json | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json index 0a9545fa4..fe5611318 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ "MoveAndStop_Event_FrozenTimers": "Frozen Timers", "MoveAndStop_Event_VentAccess": "Vent Access", "MoveAndStop_Event_CommsSabotage": "Comms Sabotage", - "Tasker": "Tasker", + "Tasker": "STOP AND GO", "TaskerInfo": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "TaskerInfoLong": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "HotPotato": "HOT POTATO", @@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ "HotPotato_HoldingNotify": "<#ffff00>You hold the Hot Potato! Pass it or die!", "SurvivedTimePrefix": "Survived", "SurvivedUntilTheEnd": "Until The End", - "Potato": "Player", + "Potato": "HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfo": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfoLong": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "Speedrun": "SPEEDRUN", @@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Time: <#ffffff>{4}s\\n<#888888>Alive players: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\\n<#00ffa5>Finish your <#ffff00>{0} remaining tasks\\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} players can kill", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>¡Terminaste tus tareas!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>KILLING", - "Runner": "Speedrunnner", + "Runner": "SPEEDRUN", "RunnerInfo": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "RunnerInfoLong": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "CaptureTheFlag": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", @@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", - "CTFPlayer": "Capture The Flag", + "CTFPlayer": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTF_FlagTaken": "The enemy took your flag!", @@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ "CollapsedBuildings": "<#00ffa5>Collapsed Buildings: {0}", "OngoingThunderstorm": "<#ffff44>⚠ Ongoing Thunderstorm ⚠", "SurvivalTime": "Has sobrevivido {0}s", - "NDPlayer": "Desastres Naturales", + "NDPlayer": "NATURAL DISASTERS", "NDPlayerInfo": "SOBREVIVE TODOS LOS DESASTRES NATURALES PARA GANAR", "NDPlayerInfoLong": "SOBREVIVE TODOS LOS DESASTRES NATURALES PARA GANAR", "RoomRush": "ROOM RUSH", @@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", - "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", + "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", @@ -4845,9 +4845,23 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", + "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Yellow": "The Yellow Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Statistics": "Points: <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZPlayer": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "KOTZPlayerInfo": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", + "KOTZPlayerInfoLong": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From 74c774c1d94a759fca0cf0bc32650db667db77e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 14:35:33 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 071/119] New translations en_us.json (French) --- Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json index b90c6749c..7630c412d 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ "MoveAndStop_Event_FrozenTimers": "Frozen Timers", "MoveAndStop_Event_VentAccess": "Vent Access", "MoveAndStop_Event_CommsSabotage": "Comms Sabotage", - "Tasker": "Tasker", + "Tasker": "STOP AND GO", "TaskerInfo": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "TaskerInfoLong": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "HotPotato": "HOT POTATO", @@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ "HotPotato_HoldingNotify": "<#ffff00>You hold the Hot Potato! Pass it or die!", "SurvivedTimePrefix": "Survived", "SurvivedUntilTheEnd": "Until The End", - "Potato": "Player", + "Potato": "HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfo": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfoLong": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "Speedrun": "SPEEDRUN", @@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Time: <#ffffff>{4}s\\n<#888888>Alive players: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\\n<#00ffa5>Finish your <#ffff00>{0} remaining tasks\\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} players can kill", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>You're done with tasks!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>KILLING", - "Runner": "Speedrunner", + "Runner": "SPEEDRUN", "RunnerInfo": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "RunnerInfoLong": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "CaptureTheFlag": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", @@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", - "CTFPlayer": "Capture The Flag", + "CTFPlayer": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTF_FlagTaken": "The enemy took your flag!", @@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ "CollapsedBuildings": "<#00ffa5>Collapsed Buildings: {0}", "OngoingThunderstorm": "<#ffff44>⚠ Ongoing Thunderstorm ⚠", "SurvivalTime": "Survived {0}s", - "NDPlayer": "Natural Disasters", + "NDPlayer": "NATURAL DISASTERS", "NDPlayerInfo": "SURVIVE ALL NATURAL DISASTERS TO WIN", "NDPlayerInfoLong": "SURVIVE ALL NATURAL DISASTERS TO WIN", "RoomRush": "ROOM RUSH", @@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", - "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", + "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", @@ -4845,9 +4845,23 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", + "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Yellow": "The Yellow Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Statistics": "Points: <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZPlayer": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "KOTZPlayerInfo": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", + "KOTZPlayerInfoLong": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From 3a3fcf4025415af3b54f088dff1592f8f8082843 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 14:35:36 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 072/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Traditional) --- Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json index c608013d2..a8aa5662f 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ "MoveAndStop_Event_FrozenTimers": "Frozen Timers", "MoveAndStop_Event_VentAccess": "Vent Access", "MoveAndStop_Event_CommsSabotage": "Comms Sabotage", - "Tasker": "任務人", + "Tasker": "STOP AND GO", "TaskerInfo": "最先完成任務來取勝", "TaskerInfoLong": "最先完成任務來取勝", "HotPotato": "燙手山芋", @@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ "HotPotato_HoldingNotify": "<#ffff00>你拿著燙手山芋! 不想死就將它傳給其他人!", "SurvivedTimePrefix": "存活", "SurvivedUntilTheEnd": "直到結束", - "Potato": "玩家", + "Potato": "HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfo": "避免拿著燙手山芋", "PotatoInfoLong": "避免拿著燙手山芋", "Speedrun": "SPEEDRUN", @@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Time: <#ffffff>{4}s\\n<#888888>Alive players: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\\n<#00ffa5>Finish your <#ffff00>{0} remaining tasks\\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} players can kill", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>你完成了任務!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>擊殺", - "Runner": "跑者", + "Runner": "SPEEDRUN", "RunnerInfo": "完成任務後殺死所有人", "RunnerInfoLong": "完成任務後殺死所有人", "CaptureTheFlag": "奪旗模式", @@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", - "CTFPlayer": "奪旗者", + "CTFPlayer": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", "CTFPlayerInfo": "奪取敵方的旗幟來獲勝", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "奪取敵方的旗幟來獲勝", "CTF_FlagTaken": "敵方玩家奪走了你的團隊的旗幟!", @@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ "CollapsedBuildings": "<#00ffa5>倒塌的建築物: {0}", "OngoingThunderstorm": "<#ffff44>⚠ 雷暴持續中 ⚠", "SurvivalTime": "已存活 {0}秒", - "NDPlayer": "倖存者", + "NDPlayer": "NATURAL DISASTERS", "NDPlayerInfo": "在所有天災中倖存來獲勝", "NDPlayerInfoLong": "在所有天災中倖存來獲勝", "RoomRush": "搶房間", @@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>你是最後一個到達房間的", "RR_ReadyQM": "準備好了嗎?", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", - "RRPlayer": "搶房間", + "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "盡快到指定的房間", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "盡快到指定的房間", "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", @@ -4845,9 +4845,23 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", + "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Yellow": "The Yellow Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Statistics": "Points: <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZPlayer": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "KOTZPlayerInfo": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", + "KOTZPlayerInfoLong": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "多合一", "ModeAllInOne": "遊戲模式: 多合一", From 9568f2bc252327180d8e752551da311a1b08e03c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 14:35:38 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 073/119] New translations en_us.json (Polish) --- Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json index 4f7044c3f..35a7c17b6 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ "MoveAndStop_Event_FrozenTimers": "Frozen Timers", "MoveAndStop_Event_VentAccess": "Vent Access", "MoveAndStop_Event_CommsSabotage": "Comms Sabotage", - "Tasker": "Tasker", + "Tasker": "STOP AND GO", "TaskerInfo": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "TaskerInfoLong": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "HotPotato": "HOT POTATO", @@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ "HotPotato_HoldingNotify": "<#ffff00>You hold the Hot Potato! Pass it or die!", "SurvivedTimePrefix": "Survived", "SurvivedUntilTheEnd": "Until The End", - "Potato": "Player", + "Potato": "HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfo": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfoLong": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "Speedrun": "SPEEDRUN", @@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Time: <#ffffff>{4}s\\n<#888888>Alive players: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\\n<#00ffa5>Finish your <#ffff00>{0} remaining tasks\\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} players can kill", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>You're done with tasks!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>KILLING", - "Runner": "Speedrunner", + "Runner": "SPEEDRUN", "RunnerInfo": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "RunnerInfoLong": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "CaptureTheFlag": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", @@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", - "CTFPlayer": "Capture The Flag", + "CTFPlayer": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTF_FlagTaken": "The enemy took your flag!", @@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ "CollapsedBuildings": "<#00ffa5>Collapsed Buildings: {0}", "OngoingThunderstorm": "<#ffff44>⚠ Ongoing Thunderstorm ⚠", "SurvivalTime": "Survived {0}s", - "NDPlayer": "Natural Disasters", + "NDPlayer": "NATURAL DISASTERS", "NDPlayerInfo": "SURVIVE ALL NATURAL DISASTERS TO WIN", "NDPlayerInfoLong": "SURVIVE ALL NATURAL DISASTERS TO WIN", "RoomRush": "ROOM RUSH", @@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", - "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", + "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", @@ -4845,9 +4845,23 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", + "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Yellow": "The Yellow Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Statistics": "Points: <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZPlayer": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "KOTZPlayerInfo": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", + "KOTZPlayerInfoLong": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From 139874b69ee0537ec85353be9b8bf1b27c6027d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 14:35:44 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 074/119] New translations en_us.json (Indonesian) --- Resources/Lang/id_ID.json | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json index ce731d03c..3ac48daab 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ "MoveAndStop_Event_FrozenTimers": "Timer Beku", "MoveAndStop_Event_VentAccess": "Akses Ventilasi", "MoveAndStop_Event_CommsSabotage": "Sabotase Saluran Komunikasi", - "Tasker": "Tasker", + "Tasker": "STOP AND GO", "TaskerInfo": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "TaskerInfoLong": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "HotPotato": "HOT POTATO", @@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ "HotPotato_HoldingNotify": "<#ffff00>You hold the Hot Potato! Pass it or die!", "SurvivedTimePrefix": "Survived", "SurvivedUntilTheEnd": "Until The End", - "Potato": "Player", + "Potato": "HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfo": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfoLong": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "Speedrun": "SPEEDRUN", @@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Time: <#ffffff>{4}s\\n<#888888>Alive players: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\\n<#00ffa5>Finish your <#ffff00>{0} remaining tasks\\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} players can kill", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>You're done with tasks!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>KILLING", - "Runner": "Speedrunner", + "Runner": "SPEEDRUN", "RunnerInfo": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "RunnerInfoLong": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "CaptureTheFlag": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", @@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", - "CTFPlayer": "Rebut Bendera", + "CTFPlayer": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", "CTFPlayerInfo": "REBUT BENDERA LAWAN UNTUK MENANG", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "REBUT BENDERA LAWAN UNTUK MENANG", "CTF_FlagTaken": "Musuh merebut bendera kita!", @@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ "CollapsedBuildings": "<#00ffa5>Collapsed Buildings: {0}", "OngoingThunderstorm": "<#ffff44>⚠ Ongoing Thunderstorm ⚠", "SurvivalTime": "Survived {0}s", - "NDPlayer": "Natural Disasters", + "NDPlayer": "NATURAL DISASTERS", "NDPlayerInfo": "SURVIVE ALL NATURAL DISASTERS TO WIN", "NDPlayerInfoLong": "SURVIVE ALL NATURAL DISASTERS TO WIN", "RoomRush": "ROOM RUSH", @@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", - "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", + "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", @@ -4845,9 +4845,23 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", + "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Yellow": "The Yellow Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Statistics": "Points: <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZPlayer": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "KOTZPlayerInfo": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", + "KOTZPlayerInfoLong": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From ef8786311829a1992111565720057f242164304f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 14:35:47 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 075/119] New translations en_us.json (Hungarian) --- Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json index 1b970e120..cd5226e81 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ "MoveAndStop_Event_FrozenTimers": "Frozen Timers", "MoveAndStop_Event_VentAccess": "Vent Access", "MoveAndStop_Event_CommsSabotage": "Comms Sabotage", - "Tasker": "Tasker", + "Tasker": "STOP AND GO", "TaskerInfo": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "TaskerInfoLong": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "HotPotato": "HOT POTATO", @@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ "HotPotato_HoldingNotify": "<#ffff00>You hold the Hot Potato! Pass it or die!", "SurvivedTimePrefix": "Survived", "SurvivedUntilTheEnd": "Until The End", - "Potato": "Player", + "Potato": "HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfo": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfoLong": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "Speedrun": "SPEEDRUN", @@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Time: <#ffffff>{4}s\\n<#888888>Alive players: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\\n<#00ffa5>Finish your <#ffff00>{0} remaining tasks\\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} players can kill", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>You're done with tasks!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>KILLING", - "Runner": "Speedrunner", + "Runner": "SPEEDRUN", "RunnerInfo": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "RunnerInfoLong": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "CaptureTheFlag": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", @@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", - "CTFPlayer": "Capture The Flag", + "CTFPlayer": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTF_FlagTaken": "The enemy took your flag!", @@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ "CollapsedBuildings": "<#00ffa5>Collapsed Buildings: {0}", "OngoingThunderstorm": "<#ffff44>⚠ Ongoing Thunderstorm ⚠", "SurvivalTime": "Survived {0}s", - "NDPlayer": "Natural Disasters", + "NDPlayer": "NATURAL DISASTERS", "NDPlayerInfo": "SURVIVE ALL NATURAL DISASTERS TO WIN", "NDPlayerInfoLong": "SURVIVE ALL NATURAL DISASTERS TO WIN", "RoomRush": "ROOM RUSH", @@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", - "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", + "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", @@ -4845,9 +4845,23 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", + "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Yellow": "The Yellow Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Statistics": "Points: <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZPlayer": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "KOTZPlayerInfo": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", + "KOTZPlayerInfoLong": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From c421ba793268fe853b16c66105af8eddb06321bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 14:35:50 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 076/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index cdfe9b543..e9fe7a1c3 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ "MoveAndStop_Event_FrozenTimers": "Frozen Timers", "MoveAndStop_Event_VentAccess": "Vent Access", "MoveAndStop_Event_CommsSabotage": "Comms Sabotage", - "Tasker": "Tasker", + "Tasker": "STOP AND GO", "TaskerInfo": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "TaskerInfoLong": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "HotPotato": "HOT POTATO", @@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ "HotPotato_HoldingNotify": "<#ffff00>You hold the Hot Potato! Pass it or die!", "SurvivedTimePrefix": "Survived", "SurvivedUntilTheEnd": "Until The End", - "Potato": "Player", + "Potato": "HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfo": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfoLong": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "Speedrun": "SPEEDRUN", @@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Time: <#ffffff>{4}s\\n<#888888>Alive players: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\\n<#00ffa5>Finish your <#ffff00>{0} remaining tasks\\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} players can kill", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>You're done with tasks!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>KILLING", - "Runner": "Speedrunner", + "Runner": "SPEEDRUN", "RunnerInfo": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "RunnerInfoLong": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "CaptureTheFlag": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", @@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", - "CTFPlayer": "Capture The Flag", + "CTFPlayer": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTF_FlagTaken": "The enemy took your flag!", @@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ "CollapsedBuildings": "<#00ffa5>Collapsed Buildings: {0}", "OngoingThunderstorm": "<#ffff44>⚠ Ongoing Thunderstorm ⚠", "SurvivalTime": "Survived {0}s", - "NDPlayer": "Natural Disasters", + "NDPlayer": "NATURAL DISASTERS", "NDPlayerInfo": "SURVIVE ALL NATURAL DISASTERS TO WIN", "NDPlayerInfoLong": "SURVIVE ALL NATURAL DISASTERS TO WIN", "RoomRush": "ROOM RUSH", @@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", - "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", + "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", @@ -4845,9 +4845,23 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", + "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Yellow": "The Yellow Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Statistics": "Points: <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZPlayer": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "KOTZPlayerInfo": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", + "KOTZPlayerInfoLong": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From 5a3b0590c01dc84a79aced0de0121460df4f8194 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 16:17:00 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 077/119] Update source file en_US.json --- Resources/Lang/en_US.json | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json index e9728a1b0..2dce84c09 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ "MoveAndStop_Event_FrozenTimers": "Frozen Timers", "MoveAndStop_Event_VentAccess": "Vent Access", "MoveAndStop_Event_CommsSabotage": "Comms Sabotage", - "Tasker": "Tasker", + "Tasker": "STOP AND GO", "TaskerInfo": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "TaskerInfoLong": "FINISH TASKS FIRST TO WIN", "HotPotato": "HOT POTATO", @@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ "HotPotato_HoldingNotify": "<#ffff00>You hold the Hot Potato! Pass it or die!", "SurvivedTimePrefix": "Survived", "SurvivedUntilTheEnd": "Until The End", - "Potato": "Player", + "Potato": "HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfo": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "PotatoInfoLong": "AVOID HAVING THE HOT POTATO", "Speedrun": "SPEEDRUN", @@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Time: <#ffffff>{4}s\\n<#888888>Alive players: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\\n<#00ffa5>Finish your <#ffff00>{0} remaining tasks\\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} players can kill", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>You're done with tasks!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>KILLING", - "Runner": "Speedrunner", + "Runner": "SPEEDRUN", "RunnerInfo": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "RunnerInfoLong": "COMPLETE TASKS AND KILL EVERYONE FIRST TO WIN", "CaptureTheFlag": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", @@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ "CTF_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Time Limit", "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Flag Pickup Range", - "CTFPlayer": "Capture The Flag", + "CTFPlayer": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE THE ENEMY'S FLAG TO WIN", "CTF_FlagTaken": "The enemy took your flag!", @@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ "CollapsedBuildings": "<#00ffa5>Collapsed Buildings: {0}", "OngoingThunderstorm": "<#ffff44>⚠ Ongoing Thunderstorm ⚠", "SurvivalTime": "Survived {0}s", - "NDPlayer": "Natural Disasters", + "NDPlayer": "NATURAL DISASTERS", "NDPlayerInfo": "SURVIVE ALL NATURAL DISASTERS TO WIN", "NDPlayerInfoLong": "SURVIVE ALL NATURAL DISASTERS TO WIN", "RoomRush": "ROOM RUSH", @@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", - "RRPlayer": "Room Rush", + "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", @@ -4845,9 +4845,23 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer below each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer below a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", + "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", + "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Yellow": "The Yellow Team wins!", + "KOTZ.EndScreen.Statistics": "Points: <#ffff44>{0}", + "KOTZPlayer": "KING OF THE ZONES", + "KOTZPlayerInfo": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", + "KOTZPlayerInfoLong": "CONTROL ZONES TO WIN", "DoingTasksIsPointlessInThisGameMode": "Look, I see that you're a very diligent crewmate, but....\\nDoing tasks is completely pointless in this game mode", "AllInOne": "ALL IN ONE", "ModeAllInOne": "Gamemode: All In One", From 9fed1c622445b717e24ccbb8b041c8b83379830c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:49:43 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 078/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index 138779beb..d7e87f35e 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -4854,6 +4854,7 @@ "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.Suffix.Tie": "Tie: {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", From b8645c65c7ba47e2db5d221ee616a637c6d11c54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:49:45 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 079/119] New translations en_us.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json index 12208efab..a6580f9f0 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json @@ -4854,6 +4854,7 @@ "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.Suffix.Tie": "Tie: {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", From f515ca0ce45e7f39912376322093156f68221023 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:49:47 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 080/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Simplified) --- Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json index 4bd226e3d..f9b8e2f34 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json @@ -4854,6 +4854,7 @@ "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.Suffix.Tie": "Tie: {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", From b79037329125981c8cd0ecb2b675d7ce7845476a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:49:50 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 081/119] New translations en_us.json (Korean) --- Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json index ae2557f8b..70e18266d 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json @@ -4854,6 +4854,7 @@ "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.Suffix.Tie": "Tie: {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", From 5fa93e77c214e5797f7369a4a31cace46de13761 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:49:53 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 082/119] New translations en_us.json (Spanish) --- Resources/Lang/es_ES.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json index fe5611318..6758db6ba 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json @@ -4854,6 +4854,7 @@ "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.Suffix.Tie": "Tie: {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", From 2068ff255118012abec2d536fa92dee71dd611b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:49:55 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 083/119] New translations en_us.json (French) --- Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json index 7630c412d..b715b0d78 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json @@ -4854,6 +4854,7 @@ "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.Suffix.Tie": "Tie: {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", From cc657c4072469e5e6843f36a75b930ab76550e75 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:49:57 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 084/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Traditional) --- Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json index a8aa5662f..b75e7587b 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json @@ -4854,6 +4854,7 @@ "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.Suffix.Tie": "Tie: {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", From fde669d0d9d8a14f24c87acc1e748ffd61b4e918 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:49:59 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 085/119] New translations en_us.json (Polish) --- Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json index 35a7c17b6..2b4b643a6 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json @@ -4854,6 +4854,7 @@ "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.Suffix.Tie": "Tie: {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", From b964cae6efdee2c0e055a89d4e8d799d2faaf0cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:50:01 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 086/119] New translations en_us.json (Indonesian) --- Resources/Lang/id_ID.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json index 3ac48daab..8c2f430de 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json @@ -4854,6 +4854,7 @@ "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.Suffix.Tie": "Tie: {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", From 790dad97c8d7eb59e7b901fdce4b18b387c9767c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:50:04 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 087/119] New translations en_us.json (Hungarian) --- Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json index cd5226e81..b186448d2 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json @@ -4854,6 +4854,7 @@ "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.Suffix.Tie": "Tie: {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", From 3b27644582c2df74349f72d8aa9c83e6f8c5b653 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:50:06 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 088/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index e9fe7a1c3..2a54be6d8 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -4854,6 +4854,7 @@ "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.Suffix.Tie": "Tie: {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", From d1a42fb55ac2b9df23bd5fe73f51c8fdad0c18c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 20:46:19 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 089/119] Update source file en_US.json --- Resources/Lang/en_US.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json index 2dce84c09..0c4fa17d4 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json @@ -4854,6 +4854,7 @@ "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.GameEndTimer": "Game End Timer: ", "KOTZ.Suffix.RespawnTime": "<#ff0000>DEAD <#888888>- RESPAWNING IN <#ffff44>{0}", "KOTZ.Suffix.PointsToWin": "First to <#ffff44>{0} points wins", + "KOTZ.Suffix.Tie": "Tie: {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Red": "The Red Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Blue": "The Blue Team wins!", "KOTZ.EndScreen.Winner.Green": "The Green Team wins!", From e2139522da16ce19a48d9de4e7b1535b609591e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 09:58:24 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 090/119] New translations en_us.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json index a6580f9f0..bd52d2ef5 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "LanguageID": "0", + "LanguageID": "2", "TextBelowVersionText": "", "HostText": "EHR", "IconColor": "#00a5ff", From af1dd662c20d17fd2e8aa44b1dfa795dee9a45e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 11:40:10 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 091/119] New translations en_us.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json | 12 ++++++------ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json index bd52d2ef5..5adc227ac 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ "MoveAndStop_Event_FrozenTimers": "Temporizadores Congelados", "MoveAndStop_Event_VentAccess": "Acesso aos Dutos", "MoveAndStop_Event_CommsSabotage": "Sabotagem de comunicações", - "Tasker": "STOP AND GO", + "Tasker": "Tarefador", "TaskerInfo": "Seja o Primeiro a Terminar as Tarefas para vencer!", "TaskerInfoLong": "Seja o Primeiro a Terminar as Tarefas para vencer!", "HotPotato": "BATATA QUENTE", @@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ "HotPotato_HoldingNotify": "<#ffff00>Você está com a Batata Quente! Passe ou morra!", "SurvivedTimePrefix": "Sobreviveu", "SurvivedUntilTheEnd": "Até o fim", - "Potato": "HOT POTATO", + "Potato": "Jogador", "PotatoInfo": "EVITE FICAR COM A BATATA QUENTE", "PotatoInfoLong": "EVITE FICAR COM A BATATA QUENTE", "Speedrun": "SPEEDRUN", @@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Tempo: <#ffffff>{4}s\n<#888888>Jogadores vivos: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\n<#ffff00>Tarefas restantes: {0}\n<#00ffa5>Termine suas tarefas\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} jogadores podem matar", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>Você terminou suas tarefas!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>MATANDO", - "Runner": "SPEEDRUN", + "Runner": "SpeedRunner", "RunnerInfo": "TAREFAS E MATE TODOS OS PRIMEIROS PARA GANHAR", "RunnerInfoLong": "COMPLETE AS TAREFAS E MATE TODOS PRIMEIRO PARA GANHAR", "CaptureTheFlag": "CAPTURE A BANDEIRA", @@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ "CTF_PointsToWin": "Pontos para vencer", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Limite de Tempo", "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "alcance de capturar a bandeira", - "CTFPlayer": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", + "CTFPlayer": "Capture a Bandeira", "CTFPlayerInfo": "CAPTURE A BANDEIRA DO INIMIGO PARA GANHAR", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "CAPTURE A BANDEIRA DO INIMIGO PARA GANHAR", "CTF_FlagTaken": "O inimigo pegou a sua bandeira!", @@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ "CollapsedBuildings": "<#00ffa5>Edifícios desmoronados: {0}", "OngoingThunderstorm": "<#ffff44>⚠ Tempestade em andamento ⚠", "SurvivalTime": "Sobreviveu {0}s", - "NDPlayer": "NATURAL DISASTERS", + "NDPlayer": "Desastres Naturais", "NDPlayerInfo": "SOBREVIVA A TODOS OS DISASTRES NATURAIS PARA VENCER", "NDPlayerInfoLong": "SOBREVIVA A TODOS OS DESASTRES NATURAIS PARA VENCER", "RoomRush": "CORRIDA ENTRE SALAS", @@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>Você foi o último a chegar à sala", "RR_ReadyQM": "Preparado?", "RR_Points": "Pontos: {0}/{1}", - "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", + "RRPlayer": "Corrida entre Salas", "RRPlayerInfo": "ENTRE NA SALA O MAIS RÁPIDO POSSÍVEL", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "ENTRE NA SALA O MAIS RÁPIDO POSSÍVEL", "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", From d1619ba1415b3debdcab6530e28d4bfdf40275b6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:06:57 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 092/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 19 ++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index d7e87f35e..22bfa5efd 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -4809,14 +4809,23 @@ "RR_DontKillPlayersOutsideRoomWhenTimeRunsOut": "Не убивать игроков снаружи комнаты, когда время истечёт", "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Вместо смертей подсчитывать места каждый раз в очках, и первый игрок, набравший определенное количество очков, побеждает.", "RR_PointsToWin": "Кол-во очков", - "RR_Tutorial_1": "<#ffab1b>Туториал\\nДобро пожаловать в Забег На Скорость!\\n", - "RR_Tutorial_2": "Цель режима - добраться до указанной комнаты как можно скорее", - "RR_Tutorial_3": "Когда первые 2 игроки добегают до комнаты, лимит времени сокращается", - "RR_Tutorial_4": "Если вы не успеете, то умрёте.\\nУдачи!", + "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", + "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Использований люка: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>Вы были последними и выбыли", - "RR_ReadyQM": "Готовы?", + "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?\\nStarting in <#ffff44>{0}", "RR_Points": "Очки: {0}/{1}", + "RR_Tie": "<#00a5ff>In tie with {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "Доберитесь до комнаты как можно скорее", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "Доберитесь до комнаты как можно скорее", From 9764f8b9559743ddee51b4cedbef8bb5cb21b53f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:07:00 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 093/119] New translations en_us.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json | 19 ++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json index 5adc227ac..0dbc5400c 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json @@ -4809,14 +4809,23 @@ "RR_DontKillPlayersOutsideRoomWhenTimeRunsOut": "Não matar jogadores fora da sala quando o tempo se esgotar", "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Em vez de mortes, conte os lugares de cada vez em pontos e o primeiro jogador a conseguir uma certa quantidade de pontos vence", "RR_PointsToWin": "Pontos para vencer", - "RR_Tutorial_1": "<#ffab1b>Tutorial\\nOlá! Bem-vindo ao Modo Corrida entre Salas!\\n", - "RR_Tutorial_2": "O objetivo desse modo de jogo é chegar a sala que você vê sob seu nome o mais rápido possível.", - "RR_Tutorial_3": "Quando os dois primeiros jogadores entrarem na sala correta, o limite de tempo é definido para alguns segundos.", - "RR_Tutorial_4": "Se você for o último a chegar ou não chegar na sala a tempo, você morre.\\nBoa sorte!", + "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", + "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Usos restantes de dutos: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>Você foi o último a chegar à sala", - "RR_ReadyQM": "Preparado?", + "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?\\nStarting in <#ffff44>{0}", "RR_Points": "Pontos: {0}/{1}", + "RR_Tie": "<#00a5ff>In tie with {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "RRPlayer": "Corrida entre Salas", "RRPlayerInfo": "ENTRE NA SALA O MAIS RÁPIDO POSSÍVEL", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "ENTRE NA SALA O MAIS RÁPIDO POSSÍVEL", From d72f477b37bd6b2b0b0dad8ff177629814a83eaf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:07:02 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 094/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Simplified) --- Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json | 19 ++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json index f9b8e2f34..c32bf0fbe 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json @@ -4809,14 +4809,23 @@ "RR_DontKillPlayersOutsideRoomWhenTimeRunsOut": "时间结束时不要在房间外杀死玩家", "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", - "RR_Tutorial_1": "<#ffab1b>教程:\\n你好!新玩家!欢迎来到抢椅子!\\n", - "RR_Tutorial_2": "这个游戏模式的目标是尽快到达你名字下的房间。", - "RR_Tutorial_3": "当前两名玩家进入正确的房间时,时间设置为限制的几秒钟。", - "RR_Tutorial_4": "贻逸时,误亦死\\n愿君好运!", + "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", + "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "剩余通风管道使用量: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>你是最后一个到达房间的", - "RR_ReadyQM": "准备好了吗?", + "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?\\nStarting in <#ffff44>{0}", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", + "RR_Tie": "<#00a5ff>In tie with {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "尽快到房间去", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "尽快到房间去", From b690143a4fd2b9237e105d796bd8ccb325fab6ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:07:06 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 095/119] New translations en_us.json (Korean) --- Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json | 19 ++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json index 70e18266d..e730ff86d 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json @@ -4809,14 +4809,23 @@ "RR_DontKillPlayersOutsideRoomWhenTimeRunsOut": "Don't Kill Players Outside the Room When the Time Runs Out", "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", - "RR_Tutorial_1": "<#ffab1b>Tutorial\\nHello! Welcome to Room Rush!\\n", - "RR_Tutorial_2": "The goal of this gamemode is to get to the room you see under your name as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_3": "When the first two players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to a few seconds.", - "RR_Tutorial_4": "If you are last to or don't get to the room in time, you die.\\nGood luck!", + "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", + "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", - "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", + "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?\\nStarting in <#ffff44>{0}", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", + "RR_Tie": "<#00a5ff>In tie with {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", From a2b81b2a90b20c8ad1cb905173e7c43a32d9b7d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:07:08 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 096/119] New translations en_us.json (Spanish) --- Resources/Lang/es_ES.json | 19 ++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json index 6758db6ba..2edd374b9 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json @@ -4809,14 +4809,23 @@ "RR_DontKillPlayersOutsideRoomWhenTimeRunsOut": "Don't Kill Players Outside the Room When the Time Runs Out", "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", - "RR_Tutorial_1": "<#ffab1b>Tutorial\\nHello! Welcome to Room Rush!\\n", - "RR_Tutorial_2": "The goal of this gamemode is to get to the room you see under your name as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_3": "When the first two players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to a few seconds.", - "RR_Tutorial_4": "If you are last to or don't get to the room in time, you die.\\nGood luck!", + "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", + "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", - "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", + "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?\\nStarting in <#ffff44>{0}", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", + "RR_Tie": "<#00a5ff>In tie with {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", From 5562c3b464f0e5a8c8c9e59f584ad5d484c96cd9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:07:12 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 097/119] New translations en_us.json (French) --- Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json | 19 ++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json index b715b0d78..a94d04ea2 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json @@ -4809,14 +4809,23 @@ "RR_DontKillPlayersOutsideRoomWhenTimeRunsOut": "Don't Kill Players Outside the Room When the Time Runs Out", "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", - "RR_Tutorial_1": "<#ffab1b>Tutorial\\nHello! Welcome to Room Rush!\\n", - "RR_Tutorial_2": "The goal of this gamemode is to get to the room you see under your name as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_3": "When the first two players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to a few seconds.", - "RR_Tutorial_4": "If you are last to or don't get to the room in time, you die.\\nGood luck!", + "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", + "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", - "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", + "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?\\nStarting in <#ffff44>{0}", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", + "RR_Tie": "<#00a5ff>In tie with {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", From 5bbc4df1ef68c4078ab7373b67f6b4d027c72fd4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:07:16 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 098/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Traditional) --- Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json | 77 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json index b75e7587b..48d3bf4fc 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ "ImpostorsCanGuess": "偽裝者可以猜測", "NeutralKillersCanGuess": "帶刀中立可以猜測", "PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "無刀中立可以猜測", - "CovenCanGuess": "Coven can guess", + "CovenCanGuess": "巫師陣營成員可以猜測", "CanGuessAddons": "可以猜測附加職業", "CrewCanGuessCrew": "船員可以猜測船員職業", "ImpCanGuessImp": "偽裝者可以猜測偽裝者職業", @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ "Prefix.Unlucky": "倒霉", "Prefix.Sunglasses": "太陽鏡", "Prefix.Mare": "獵夢者", - "Prefix.Underdog": "Underdog", + "Prefix.Underdog": "潛伏者", "BracketAddons": "附加職業使用括弧顯示", "EngineerEHRInfo": "使用通風管來抓到偽裝者", "ScientistEHRInfo": "隨時隨地存取心電圖", @@ -1260,7 +1260,7 @@ "GSInfo.ConvertedCount": "<#ffab1b>被招募的玩家 (不包括 <#ff1919>叛徒): {0}", "GSInfo.NNKCount": "<#ffff00>無刀 <#ffab1b>中立: {0}", "GSInfo.NKCount": "<#ffab1b>中立 <#ff1919>帶刀: {0}", - "GSInfo.CovenCount": "<#7b3fbb>Coven: {0}", + "GSInfo.CovenCount": "<#7b3fbb>巫師陣營: {0}", "GSInfo.CrewCount": "<#8cffff>船員: {0}", "GSInfo.RomanticState": "{0}", "GSInfo.LoversState": "<#ff9ace>戀人們 存活數量: {0}", @@ -1310,8 +1310,8 @@ "HasSidekick": "可以招募跟班", "JackalCanKillSidekick": "豺狼可以殺死跟班", "SidekickCanKillJackal": "跟班可以殺死豺狼", - "CovenLeaderKillCooldown": "Coven Leader's Kill Cooldown", - "CovenReceiveNecronomiconAfterNumMeetings": "Number of Meetings after which the Coven will start receiving the Necronomicon", + "CovenLeaderKillCooldown": "巫師領導者的擊殺冷卻時間", + "CovenReceiveNecronomiconAfterNumMeetings": "巫師們獲得死靈之書所需的會議次數", "ImpKnowAlliesRole": "偽裝者知道隊友的職業", "ImpKnowWhosMadmate": "偽裝者知道誰是叛徒", "MadmateKnowWhosImp": "叛徒知道誰是偽裝者", @@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ "SabotageMasterFixesDoors": "打開多扇關閉的門", "SabotageMasterFixesReactors": "秒修反應堆", "SabotageMasterFixesOxygens": "秒修氧氣破壞", - "SabotageMasterFixesCommunications": "Can Fix Both Comms Alone In MIRA HQ", + "SabotageMasterFixesCommunications": "秒修通訊破壞(Mira HQ)", "SabotageMasterFixesElectrical": "秒修關燈破壞", "SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "修理反應堆/氧氣所需要的數量", "SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "修理燈光/通訊所需要的數量", @@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ "SheriffCanKillLovers": "可以殺死戀人", "SheriffCanKillMadmate": "可以執法叛徒", "SheriffCanKillContagious": "可以擊殺病原體陣營玩家", - "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven", + "SheriffCanKillCoven": "可以殺死巫師", "SheriffKeepsGameGoing": "警長會讓遊戲繼續進行", "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "單獨設定非船員陣營的警長可以執法的目標", "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "可以執法偽裝者陣營", @@ -1406,9 +1406,9 @@ "DoctorTaskCompletedBatteryCharge": "完成任務增加的心電圖電量", "SnitchEnableTargetArrow": "完成任務後有箭頭指向所有目標", "SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "對不同陣營的目標顯示不同顏色的箭頭", - "SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "Can Find Neutral Killers", - "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven", - "SnitchCanFindMadmate": "Can Find Madmates", + "SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "可以確認帶刀中立", + "SnitchCanFindCoven": "可以確認巫師", + "SnitchCanFindMadmate": "可以確認叛徒", "SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "在剩餘多少任務時會被發現", "SpeedBoosterUpSpeed": "每次完成任務加速", "SpeedBoosterTimes": "增速次數上限", @@ -1421,12 +1421,12 @@ "ExecutionerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "目標死亡後,暴民將變為", "CanTargetNeutralBenign": "友善 中立玩家可以成為目標", "CanTargetNeutralEvil": "邪惡 中立玩家可以成為目標", - "CanTargetCoven": "Can target Coven", + "CanTargetCoven": "巫師可以成為目標", "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "已招募的警長可以殺死任何人", "LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "偽裝者可以成為目標", "LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "帶刀中立玩家可以成為目標", "LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "船員可以成為目標", - "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can target Coven", + "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "巫師可以成為目標", "LawyerCanTargetJester": "小丑可以成為目標", "LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "目標死亡後,律師將變為", "LawyerChangeRole": "你的客戶已死亡", @@ -1508,15 +1508,15 @@ "MafiaCanKillNum": "復仇次數上限", "ImpKnowCyberStarDead": "偽裝者陣營的玩家可以知道網紅死亡", "NeutralKnowCyberStarDead": "中立陣營的玩家可以知道網紅死亡", - "CovenKnowCyberStarDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies", + "CovenKnowCyberStarDead": "巫師陣營的玩家可以知道網紅死亡", "JesterCanUseButton": "可以召開緊急會議", - "MarioVentButtonText": "Hop", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Skeld": "Number of Vents to Win on Skeld", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Mira": "Number of Vents to Win on Mira", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Polus": "Number of Vents to Win on Polus", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Dleks": "Number of Vents to Win on Dleks", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Airship": "Number of Vents to Win on Airship", - "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Fungle": "Number of Vents to Win on Fungle", + "MarioVentButtonText": "跳躍", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Skeld": "在Skeld上所需的跳管次數", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Mira": "在Mira上所需的跳管次數", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Polus": "在Polus上所需的跳管次數", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Dleks": "在Dleks上所需的跳管次數", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Airship": "在Airship上所需的跳管次數", + "Mario.NumVentsToWinOn.Fungle": "在Fungle上所需的跳管次數", "CanCheckCamera": "可以監視到是否有人觀看監控", "SansDefaultKillCooldown": "初始殺人冷卻時間", "SansReduceKillCooldown": "減少的冷卻時間", @@ -1656,7 +1656,7 @@ "MessengerTitle": "<#ff0000>來自{0} 的遺言", "DisableLobbyMusic": "禁用大廳音樂", "EnableCommandHelper": "啟用指令助手", - "ShowModdedClientText": "Show Modded Client Text", + "ShowModdedClientText": "顯示模組客戶端文本", "Evolver": "進化者", "EvolverInfo": "選擇你的進化", "EvolverInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\\n進化者可以在每次會議後選擇增益,使用撫摸寵物來切換可選擇的能力,當選擇時間結束時,進化就會生效(同樣的增益可以多次選擇)\\n\\n進化列表:\\n- 減少冷卻時間(減少2.5s)\\n- 獲得偽裝者視野 (不受燈光破壞限制)\\n- 增加視野(增加0.4x)\\n- 增加速度(增加0.25x)\\n- 增加殺人距離(短-->中-->長)\\n- 獲得使用通風口能力 (一次)\\n- 增加通風口使用上限 (三次)\\n- 獲得破壞能力 (一次)\\n- 增加破壞使用上限 (二次)\\n- 獲得護盾 (該輪不可被殺)\\n\\n請注意:\\n如果你可以使用通風口,你的能力次數將會顯示在職業旁邊: (V: 1) - 破壞能力也相同: (S: 2)", @@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ "QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "變形冷卻時間", "MeetingReserved": "會議保留子彈數量", "AccurateCheckMode": "未完成任務時可準確占卜職業", - "NumRolesListedForEachPlayer": "Number of roles listed for each player", + "NumRolesListedForEachPlayer": "每位玩家列出的職業數量", "CamouflageCooldown": "隱蔽冷卻時間", "CamouflageDuration": "隱蔽持續時間", "EraseLimit": "抹除次數上限", @@ -1714,7 +1714,7 @@ "KB_BootVentWhenDead": "彈出卡進管道裡的玩家(可能觸發官方反作弊)", "JudgeTryHideMsg": "嘗試混淆法官指令", "TrialLimitPerMeeting": "每次會議審判次數上限", - "TrialLimitPerGame": "Max Trials per Game", + "TrialLimitPerGame": "一局遊戲中的最大審判次數", "JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "可以審判叛徒", "JudgeCanTrialConverted": "可以審判<#ffab1b>轉變了陣營的玩家", "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "(初始) 戒備使用次數", @@ -1781,13 +1781,13 @@ "ImpCanBeInLove": "偽裝者可以成為戀人", "CrewCanBeInLove": "船員可以成為戀人", "NeutralCanBeInLove": "中立可以成為戀人", - "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love", + "CovenCanBeInLove": "巫師陣營可以成為戀人", "HexesLookLikeSpells": "妖術 看起來像詛咒", "AddictWarning": "<#ffff00>你必須盡快跳入管道,否則你將自殺!", "DoppelgangerWarning": "<#ffff00>分身者與你交換了皮膚!", "TriedToKillLastGameFirstKill": "你的目標是上一局中第一個被殺死的玩家。\\n請給他們一點遊戲體驗", - "CheckReportFail": "<#ff0000>This meeting call was canceled due to the following reason:\\n", - "JesterCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "As the <#ec62a5>Jester, according to the host's settings, you cannot call emergency meetings", + "CheckReportFail": "<#ff0000>會議被取消,原因為:\\n", + "JesterCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "<#ec62a5>小丑在該房間中的設置為無法開啟緊急會議", "NiceSwapperCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "As the <#922348>Nice Swapper, according to the host's settings, you cannot call emergency meetings", "AdrenalineCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "As the <#ffff00>Adrenaline, you cannot call emergency meetings currently", "PlayerWasRevived": "The player whose body you tried to report was revived", @@ -1996,9 +1996,9 @@ "SpeedrunnerInfoLong": "(船員陣營):\\n當你活著完成所有任務時,船員陣營直接獲勝。", "SpeedrunnerNotifyKillers": "當任務即將完成時通知殺手", "SpeedrunnerNotifyAtXTasksLeft": "任務剩下多少時進行通知", - "Hypocrite": "Hypocrite", - "HypocriteInfo": "Impostors win if you finish your tasks", - "HypocriteInfoLong": "(Madmates):\\nWhen you complete all of your tasks (and you're still alive), the game instantly ends and everyone on the impostor team will win.", + "Hypocrite": "偽善者", + "HypocriteInfo": "我的任務...完成了!", + "HypocriteInfoLong": "(叛徒陣營):\\n當你活著完成所有任務時,偽裝者陣營直接獲勝。", "Hypocrite.KnowsAllies": "Knows their allies", "Hypocrite.AlliesKnowHypocrite": "Allies know the <#ff1919>Hypocrite", "Hypocrite.NonImpGetsNotifyWhenLowTasks": "Non-Impostors get notified when the <#ff1919>Hypocrite has a low number of tasks remaining", @@ -4809,14 +4809,23 @@ "RR_DontKillPlayersOutsideRoomWhenTimeRunsOut": "Don't Kill Players Outside the Room When the Time Runs Out", "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", - "RR_Tutorial_1": "<#ffab1b>教程\\n你好! 歡迎來到搶房間模式!\\n", - "RR_Tutorial_2": "這個遊戲模式的目標是盡快進入你名字下顯示的房間內", - "RR_Tutorial_3": "當有兩名玩家進入正確房間後,時間限制將變為設置的時間", - "RR_Tutorial_4": "如果你是最後一個到達房間內的玩家,或是沒有在時間內到達,則你就會死。\\n祝你好運!", + "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", + "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "剩餘通風口使用數量: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>你是最後一個到達房間的", - "RR_ReadyQM": "準備好了嗎?", + "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?\\nStarting in <#ffff44>{0}", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", + "RR_Tie": "<#00a5ff>In tie with {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "盡快到指定的房間", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "盡快到指定的房間", From ca1c8bf294a741c854b1c54575f75f14c83b707a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:07:19 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 099/119] New translations en_us.json (Polish) --- Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json | 19 ++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json index 2b4b643a6..bc8238f0f 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json @@ -4809,14 +4809,23 @@ "RR_DontKillPlayersOutsideRoomWhenTimeRunsOut": "Don't Kill Players Outside the Room When the Time Runs Out", "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", - "RR_Tutorial_1": "<#ffab1b>Tutorial\\nHello! Welcome to Room Rush!\\n", - "RR_Tutorial_2": "The goal of this gamemode is to get to the room you see under your name as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_3": "When the first two players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to a few seconds.", - "RR_Tutorial_4": "If you are last to or don't get to the room in time, you die.\\nGood luck!", + "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", + "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", - "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", + "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?\\nStarting in <#ffff44>{0}", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", + "RR_Tie": "<#00a5ff>In tie with {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", From 7934bc52983c690a39ee8bac8bc951d5c258ce91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:07:24 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 100/119] New translations en_us.json (Indonesian) --- Resources/Lang/id_ID.json | 19 ++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json index 8c2f430de..b4e510e69 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json @@ -4809,14 +4809,23 @@ "RR_DontKillPlayersOutsideRoomWhenTimeRunsOut": "Don't Kill Players Outside the Room When the Time Runs Out", "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", - "RR_Tutorial_1": "<#ffab1b>Tutorial\\nHello! Welcome to Room Rush!\\n", - "RR_Tutorial_2": "The goal of this gamemode is to get to the room you see under your name as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_3": "When the first two players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to a few seconds.", - "RR_Tutorial_4": "If you are last to or don't get to the room in time, you die.\\nGood luck!", + "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", + "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", - "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", + "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?\\nStarting in <#ffff44>{0}", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", + "RR_Tie": "<#00a5ff>In tie with {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", From 925c977cbd5204a81d309ecdb881b7e00f66841a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:07:26 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 101/119] New translations en_us.json (Hungarian) --- Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json | 19 ++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json index b186448d2..7f1c455c4 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json @@ -4809,14 +4809,23 @@ "RR_DontKillPlayersOutsideRoomWhenTimeRunsOut": "Don't Kill Players Outside the Room When the Time Runs Out", "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", - "RR_Tutorial_1": "<#ffab1b>Tutorial\\nHello! Welcome to Room Rush!\\n", - "RR_Tutorial_2": "The goal of this gamemode is to get to the room you see under your name as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_3": "When the first two players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to a few seconds.", - "RR_Tutorial_4": "If you are last to or don't get to the room in time, you die.\\nGood luck!", + "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", + "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", - "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", + "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?\\nStarting in <#ffff44>{0}", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", + "RR_Tie": "<#00a5ff>In tie with {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", From 4f1e3244ad17f432dd74dfb2dbd6a12a333f917d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:07:28 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 102/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 19 ++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index 2a54be6d8..84ce1de54 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -4809,14 +4809,23 @@ "RR_DontKillPlayersOutsideRoomWhenTimeRunsOut": "Don't Kill Players Outside the Room When the Time Runs Out", "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", - "RR_Tutorial_1": "<#ffab1b>Tutorial\\nHello! Welcome to Room Rush!\\n", - "RR_Tutorial_2": "The goal of this gamemode is to get to the room you see under your name as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_3": "When the first two players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to a few seconds.", - "RR_Tutorial_4": "If you are last to or don't get to the room in time, you die.\\nGood luck!", + "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", + "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", - "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", + "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?\\nStarting in <#ffff44>{0}", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", + "RR_Tie": "<#00a5ff>In tie with {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", From bcfba5d2b2b6790516c7c9aee8bfb654b4cf196c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 16:17:21 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 103/119] Update source file en_US.json --- Resources/Lang/en_US.json | 19 ++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json index 0c4fa17d4..1c7364174 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json @@ -4809,14 +4809,23 @@ "RR_DontKillPlayersOutsideRoomWhenTimeRunsOut": "Don't Kill Players Outside the Room When the Time Runs Out", "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", - "RR_Tutorial_1": "<#ffab1b>Tutorial\\nHello! Welcome to Room Rush!\\n", - "RR_Tutorial_2": "The goal of this gamemode is to get to the room you see under your name as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_3": "When the first two players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to a few seconds.", - "RR_Tutorial_4": "If you are last to or don't get to the room in time, you die.\\nGood luck!", + "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", + "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", + "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", - "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?", + "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?\\nStarting in <#ffff44>{0}", "RR_Points": "Points: {0}/{1}", + "RR_Tie": "<#00a5ff>In tie with {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", "RRPlayerInfo": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "GET TO THE ROOM ASAP", From a6ebfb70e65485a588e1327f93e1d265b6cee765 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 16:17:24 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 104/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index 22bfa5efd..3d3573ca7 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ "MoveAndStop_Event_FrozenTimers": "Замороженные таймеры", "MoveAndStop_Event_VentAccess": "Доступ к люкам", "MoveAndStop_Event_CommsSabotage": "Саботаж Связи", - "Tasker": "STOP AND GO", + "Tasker": "Светофор", "TaskerInfo": "СДЕЛАЙТЕ ТАСКИ ПЕРВЫМИ, ЧТОБЫ ПОБЕДИТЬ", "TaskerInfoLong": "СДЕЛАЙТЕ ТАСКИ ПЕРВЫМИ, ЧТОБЫ ПОБЕДИТЬ", "HotPotato": "Горячая Картошка", @@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ "HotPotato_HoldingNotify": "<#ffff00>Вам передали картошку! Срочно передайте её\\nдругому игроку или умрёте!", "SurvivedTimePrefix": "Выжил", "SurvivedUntilTheEnd": "до конца", - "Potato": "HOT POTATO", + "Potato": "Горячая Картошка", "PotatoInfo": "БЕГИ ОТ ИГРОКОВ С КАРТОШКОЙ", "PotatoInfoLong": "БЕГИ ОТ ИГРОКОВ С КАРТОШКОЙ", "Speedrun": "Спидран", @@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ "Speedrun_DoTasksSuffixInfo": "<#00ffa5>Время: <#ffffff>{4}с\\n<#888888>Живых игроков: <#ffffff>{1}/{2}\\n<#ffff00>Осталось тасков: {0}\\n<#00ffa5>Сделайте все свои таски\\n<#ffab1b><#ffffff>{3} игрок(-ов) могут убивать", "Speedrun_CompletedTasks": "<#00ff00>Вы сделали все таски!", "Speedrun_KillingPlayer": "<#ff1919>УБИЙСТВО", - "Runner": "SPEEDRUN", + "Runner": "Спидран", "RunnerInfo": "СДЕЛАЙТЕ ТАСКИ И УБЕЙТЕ ВСЕХ, ЧТОБЫ ПОБЕДИТЬ", "RunnerInfoLong": "СДЕЛАЙТЕ ТАСКИ И УБЕЙТЕ ВСЕХ, ЧТОБЫ ПОБЕДИТЬ", "CaptureTheFlag": "Захват Флага", @@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ "CTF_PointsToWin": "Кол-во очков", "CTF_TimeLimit": "Лимит", "CTF_FlagPickupRange": "Расстояния, с которого можно взять флаг", - "CTFPlayer": "CAPTURE THE FLAG", + "CTFPlayer": "Захват Флага", "CTFPlayerInfo": "УКРАДИТЕ ФЛАГ ПРОТИВНИКА", "CTFPlayerInfoLong": "УКРАДИТЕ ФЛАГ ПРОТИВНИКА", "CTF_FlagTaken": "Противник украл ваш флаг!", @@ -4793,7 +4793,7 @@ "CollapsedBuildings": "<#00ffa5>Разрушенные Здания: {0}", "OngoingThunderstorm": "<#ffff44>⚠ Идёт Гроза ⚠", "SurvivalTime": "Выжил {0}с", - "NDPlayer": "NATURAL DISASTERS", + "NDPlayer": "Катаклизмы", "NDPlayerInfo": "ПЕРЕЖИВИТЕ ВСЕ КАТАКЛИЗМЫ", "NDPlayerInfoLong": "ПЕРЕЖИВИТЕ ВСЕ КАТАКЛИЗМЫ", "RoomRush": "Забег На Скорость", @@ -4809,11 +4809,11 @@ "RR_DontKillPlayersOutsideRoomWhenTimeRunsOut": "Не убивать игроков снаружи комнаты, когда время истечёт", "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Вместо смертей подсчитывать места каждый раз в очках, и первый игрок, набравший определенное количество очков, побеждает.", "RR_PointsToWin": "Кол-во очков", - "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", - "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "Режим игры - <#ffab1b>Забег На Скорость.\\nЦель - добежать до указанной комнаты как можно быстрее.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Название комнаты и стрелка на неё указаны под вашим никнеймом.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "Стрелка на неё указана под вашим никнеймом.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "Название комнаты на неё указано под вашим никнеймом.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "Когда двое игроков входят в нужную комнату, лимит времени устанавливается на <#ffff44>{0} секунд(-ы).", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", From 7b21d13c3fa91ef19ead7e5b5794b911110a9769 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 16:17:27 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 105/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Traditional) --- Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json index 48d3bf4fc..0e0d276c1 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json @@ -1788,8 +1788,8 @@ "TriedToKillLastGameFirstKill": "你的目標是上一局中第一個被殺死的玩家。\\n請給他們一點遊戲體驗", "CheckReportFail": "<#ff0000>會議被取消,原因為:\\n", "JesterCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "<#ec62a5>小丑在該房間中的設置為無法開啟緊急會議", - "NiceSwapperCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "As the <#922348>Nice Swapper, according to the host's settings, you cannot call emergency meetings", - "AdrenalineCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "As the <#ffff00>Adrenaline, you cannot call emergency meetings currently", + "NiceSwapperCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "<#ec62a5>正義的換票師在該房間中的設置為無法開啟緊急會議", + "AdrenalineCannotCallEmergencyMeeting": "<#ffff00>延遲者現在無法召開會議", "PlayerWasRevived": "The player whose body you tried to report was revived", "HypnosisNoMeeting": "Everyone is in hypnosis, no meeting calls are allowed currently", "TargetDisregarded": "The player whose body you tried to report is <#FF6347>Disregarded", From 84151db656f165b0cb78153baf90cffec25635c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 19:21:09 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 106/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index 3d3573ca7..be02a1a41 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -4810,16 +4810,16 @@ "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Вместо смертей подсчитывать места каждый раз в очках, и первый игрок, набравший определенное количество очков, побеждает.", "RR_PointsToWin": "Кол-во очков", "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "Режим игры - <#ffab1b>Забег На Скорость.\\nЦель - добежать до указанной комнаты как можно быстрее.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Название комнаты и стрелка на неё указаны под вашим никнеймом.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow\\npointing to it are displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "Стрелка на неё указана под вашим никнеймом.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "Название комнаты на неё указано под вашим никнеймом.", - "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "Когда двое игроков входят в нужную комнату, лимит времени устанавливается на <#ffff44>{0} секунд(-ы).", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room,\\nthe time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", - "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", - "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points.\\nThe sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct\\nroom within the time limit, you get teleported\\nto a player who did and don't get any points.", "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Использований люка: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>Вы были последними и выбыли", @@ -4849,14 +4849,14 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than\\nall other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time,\\nthe game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map\\nfor <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray,\\nit means the zone has downtime.", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", From 87d4fb4ec50b3f673543e90ed27cdc4f1665904d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 19:21:11 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 107/119] New translations en_us.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json index 0dbc5400c..0f3b35f78 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json @@ -4810,16 +4810,16 @@ "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Em vez de mortes, conte os lugares de cada vez em pontos e o primeiro jogador a conseguir uma certa quantidade de pontos vence", "RR_PointsToWin": "Pontos para vencer", "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow\\npointing to it are displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", - "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room,\\nthe time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", - "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", - "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points.\\nThe sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct\\nroom within the time limit, you get teleported\\nto a player who did and don't get any points.", "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Usos restantes de dutos: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>Você foi o último a chegar à sala", @@ -4849,14 +4849,14 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than\\nall other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time,\\nthe game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map\\nfor <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray,\\nit means the zone has downtime.", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", From 04ef5f97fcfa8bbd503b9974d270ce4aafeb2935 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 19:21:14 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 108/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Simplified) --- Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json index c32bf0fbe..cb8cc3e46 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json @@ -4810,16 +4810,16 @@ "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow\\npointing to it are displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", - "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room,\\nthe time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", - "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", - "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points.\\nThe sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct\\nroom within the time limit, you get teleported\\nto a player who did and don't get any points.", "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "剩余通风管道使用量: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>你是最后一个到达房间的", @@ -4849,14 +4849,14 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than\\nall other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time,\\nthe game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map\\nfor <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray,\\nit means the zone has downtime.", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", From c8402b8484408bb28c71368d01f584ad8842c441 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 19:21:16 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 109/119] New translations en_us.json (Korean) --- Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json index e730ff86d..394492032 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json @@ -4810,16 +4810,16 @@ "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow\\npointing to it are displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", - "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room,\\nthe time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", - "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", - "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points.\\nThe sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct\\nroom within the time limit, you get teleported\\nto a player who did and don't get any points.", "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", @@ -4849,14 +4849,14 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than\\nall other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time,\\nthe game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map\\nfor <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray,\\nit means the zone has downtime.", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", From ae99035f87142e06fc88fbe37d38db960561c373 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 19:21:18 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 110/119] New translations en_us.json (Spanish) --- Resources/Lang/es_ES.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json index 2edd374b9..1097c8410 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json @@ -4810,16 +4810,16 @@ "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow\\npointing to it are displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", - "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room,\\nthe time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", - "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", - "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points.\\nThe sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct\\nroom within the time limit, you get teleported\\nto a player who did and don't get any points.", "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", @@ -4849,14 +4849,14 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than\\nall other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time,\\nthe game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map\\nfor <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray,\\nit means the zone has downtime.", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", From b6c50ebf0c7d270cf1e7d2f74fdacf6eda4dd7d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 19:21:20 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 111/119] New translations en_us.json (French) --- Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json index a94d04ea2..57a5c8167 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json @@ -4810,16 +4810,16 @@ "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow\\npointing to it are displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", - "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room,\\nthe time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", - "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", - "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points.\\nThe sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct\\nroom within the time limit, you get teleported\\nto a player who did and don't get any points.", "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", @@ -4849,14 +4849,14 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than\\nall other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time,\\nthe game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map\\nfor <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray,\\nit means the zone has downtime.", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", From 9d408b607675683f0dfc76134dfda07998cb1121 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 19:21:22 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 112/119] New translations en_us.json (Chinese Traditional) --- Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json index 0e0d276c1..38e053e3a 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json @@ -4810,16 +4810,16 @@ "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow\\npointing to it are displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", - "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room,\\nthe time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", - "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", - "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points.\\nThe sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct\\nroom within the time limit, you get teleported\\nto a player who did and don't get any points.", "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "剩餘通風口使用數量: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>你是最後一個到達房間的", @@ -4849,14 +4849,14 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than\\nall other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time,\\nthe game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map\\nfor <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray,\\nit means the zone has downtime.", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", From 97bb5021875b3f71fd2d7ecf79a21223328bab1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 19:21:24 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 113/119] New translations en_us.json (Polish) --- Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json index bc8238f0f..fb1bcd884 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/pl_PL.json @@ -4810,16 +4810,16 @@ "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow\\npointing to it are displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", - "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room,\\nthe time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", - "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", - "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points.\\nThe sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct\\nroom within the time limit, you get teleported\\nto a player who did and don't get any points.", "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", @@ -4849,14 +4849,14 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than\\nall other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time,\\nthe game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map\\nfor <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray,\\nit means the zone has downtime.", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", From a6d4faaa35d3537d6276d021d71046cf52b391de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 19:21:26 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 114/119] New translations en_us.json (Indonesian) --- Resources/Lang/id_ID.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json index b4e510e69..823ddfe86 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/id_ID.json @@ -4810,16 +4810,16 @@ "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow\\npointing to it are displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", - "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room,\\nthe time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", - "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", - "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points.\\nThe sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct\\nroom within the time limit, you get teleported\\nto a player who did and don't get any points.", "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", @@ -4849,14 +4849,14 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than\\nall other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time,\\nthe game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map\\nfor <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray,\\nit means the zone has downtime.", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", From 4d403b6b1ef4ebf1b451f126e21ab7d6b696423a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 19:21:28 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 115/119] New translations en_us.json (Hungarian) --- Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json index 7f1c455c4..01b9cd6f2 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/hu_HU.json @@ -4810,16 +4810,16 @@ "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow\\npointing to it are displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", - "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room,\\nthe time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", - "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", - "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points.\\nThe sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct\\nroom within the time limit, you get teleported\\nto a player who did and don't get any points.", "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", @@ -4849,14 +4849,14 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than\\nall other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time,\\nthe game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map\\nfor <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray,\\nit means the zone has downtime.", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", From 8070df55e89d084b8d52c97ecf052ad210e2e1b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 19:21:30 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 116/119] New translations en_us.json (Japanese) --- Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json index 84ce1de54..29748bebf 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json @@ -4810,16 +4810,16 @@ "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow\\npointing to it are displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", - "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room,\\nthe time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", - "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", - "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points.\\nThe sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct\\nroom within the time limit, you get teleported\\nto a player who did and don't get any points.", "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", @@ -4849,14 +4849,14 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than\\nall other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time,\\nthe game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map\\nfor <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray,\\nit means the zone has downtime.", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", From 6c850780641a09b6a698a53d486f5fd2d4e19f6c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 20:17:06 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 117/119] Update source file en_US.json --- Resources/Lang/en_US.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json index 1c7364174..8028e797c 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/en_US.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/en_US.json @@ -4810,16 +4810,16 @@ "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Instead of deaths, count the places each time in points and the first player to get a certain amount of points wins", "RR_PointsToWin": "Points to Win", "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "The current game mode is <#ffab1b>Room Rush.\\nThe goal is to get to the specified rooms as fast as possible.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow pointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow\\npointing to it are displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "An arrow pointing to the room is displayed below your name.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "The name of the room is displayed below your name.", - "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room, the time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room,\\nthe time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", - "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points. The sooner you get there, the more points you get.", - "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct room within the time limit,\\nyou get teleported to a player who did and don't get any points.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points.\\nThe sooner you get there, the more points you get.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct\\nroom within the time limit, you get teleported\\nto a player who did and don't get any points.", "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Remaining vent uses: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>You were the last to get to the room", @@ -4849,14 +4849,14 @@ "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Green": "<#ffffff>You are in the Green Team", "KOTZ.Notify.AssignedToTeam.Yellow": "<#ffffff>You are in the Yellow Team", "KOTZ.Notify.ShortIntro": "Welcome to another game of <#ff0000>King Of The Zones!\\nWe're playing in <#ffff44>{0} teams and with <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nTag cooldown is <#ffff44>{2} seconds, respawn time is <#ffff44>{3} seconds.\\nGood luck and have fun!", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Basics": "The current game mode is <#ff0000>King Of The Zones.\\nPlayers are split into <#ffff44>{0} teams.\\nSome rooms on the map represent a zone. There are <#ffff44>{1} zones.\\nIf a team has more players in a room than\\nall other teams, they control the zone.\\nEvery second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOnly": "When a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points, the game ends and that team wins.\\nIf 2 or more teams reach the goal at the same time,\\nthe game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.TimeOnly": "After <#ffff44>{0} minutes and {1} seconds, the team with the most points wins.\\nIf there's a tie, the game waits for the tie to be broken.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.GameEnd.PointsOrTime": "The game can end in 2 ways:\\n1. a team reaches <#ffff44>{0} points\\n2. <#ffff44>{1} minutes and {2} seconds pass by.\\nAfter ensuring there isn't a tie, the team with the most points wins.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map for <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.Tagging": "Players can tag others using the kill button with a <#ffff44>{0} second cooldown.\\nTagged players are teleported outside of the map\\nfor <#ffff44>{1} seconds, then teleport back.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.AllAtOnce": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, all zones will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Separately": "Every <#ffff44>{0} seconds, a zone will move to a different room.\\nThis will be indicated by a timer next to the name of each room.", - "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray, it means the zone has downtime.", + "KOTZ.Notify.Tutorial.ZonesMoving.Downtime": "After a zone has moved, it stays neutral for <#ffff44>{0} seconds,\\nmeaning no teams can have majority in it.\\nIf the timer next to the name of a zone is gray,\\nit means the zone has downtime.", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Single": "Zone: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Zones.Plural": "Zones: ", "KOTZ.SuffixHelp.Points": "Points: ", From 4ddbc551815c32e5805bf3e0624cf1c3c77775e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 21:23:07 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 118/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index be02a1a41..d7e254064 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -4814,9 +4814,9 @@ "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "Стрелка на неё указана под вашим никнеймом.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "Название комнаты на неё указано под вашим никнеймом.", "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room,\\nthe time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", - "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "If you don't get to the correct room within the time limit, you die.", - "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "If you are last to get to the correct room, you die.", - "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "After you get to the correct room, don't move out of it!", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "Если вы вовремя не доберётесь, то умрёте.", + "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "Если вы последний игрок, который не добрался, вы умрёте.", + "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "После того как вы зайдёте в комнату, не уходите оттуда до конца лимита времени!", "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points.\\nThe sooner you get there, the more points you get.", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct\\nroom within the time limit, you get teleported\\nto a player who did and don't get any points.", From a2db1550dad797b4944fd2393287ee896245ef35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurge44 <> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 23:00:20 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 119/119] New translations en_us.json (Russian) --- Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json | 22 +++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json index d7e254064..48749b6b4 100644 --- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json +++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json @@ -4810,27 +4810,27 @@ "RR_WinByPointsInsteadOfDeaths": "Вместо смертей подсчитывать места каждый раз в очках, и первый игрок, набравший определенное количество очков, побеждает.", "RR_PointsToWin": "Кол-во очков", "RR_Tutorial_Basics": "Режим игры - <#ffab1b>Забег На Скорость.\\nЦель - добежать до указанной комнаты как можно быстрее.", - "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Both the name of the room and an arrow\\npointing to it are displayed below your name.", + "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowAndName": "Название комнаты и стрелка на неё указаны под вашим никнеймом.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_ArrowOnly": "Стрелка на неё указана под вашим никнеймом.", "RR_Tutorial_RoomIndication_NameOnly": "Название комнаты на неё указано под вашим никнеймом.", - "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "When 2 players enter the correct room,\\nthe time limit is set to <#ffff44>{0} seconds.", + "RR_Tutorial_LowerTimeWhenTwoPlayersEnterRoom": "Когда двое игроков входят в нужную комнату,\\nлимит времени устанавливается на <#ffff44>{0} секунд(-ы).", "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitDeath": "Если вы вовремя не доберётесь, то умрёте.", "RR_Tutorial_LastDeath": "Если вы последний игрок, который не добрался, вы умрёте.", "RR_Tutorial_DontMoveOutOfRoom": "После того как вы зайдёте в комнату, не уходите оттуда до конца лимита времени!", - "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Every player can vent <#ffff44>{0} times.", - "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "When you get to the correct room, you get points.\\nThe sooner you get there, the more points you get.", - "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "If you are last to or don't get to the correct\\nroom within the time limit, you get teleported\\nto a player who did and don't get any points.", - "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "The first player to reach <#ffff44>{0} points wins.", + "RR_Tutorial_Venting": "Каждый игрок может использовать люк <#ffff44>{0} раз(-а).", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsSystem": "За вход в правильную комнату вы зарабатываете очки.\\nЧем быстрее добежите - тем больше получите.", + "RR_Tutorial_TimeLimitLastPoints": "Если вы - последний или вообще не доберётесь\\nвовремя, вас телепортирует\\nк игроку без очков.", + "RR_Tutorial_PointsToWin": "Первый игрок, получивший <#ffff44>{0} очко(-в).", "RR_VentsRemaining": "Использований люка: {0}", "RR_YouWereLast": "<#ff1919>Вы были последними и выбыли", - "RR_ReadyQM": "Ready?\\nStarting in <#ffff44>{0}", + "RR_ReadyQM": "Готовы?\\nНачинаем через <#ffff44>{0}", "RR_Points": "Очки: {0}/{1}", - "RR_Tie": "<#00a5ff>In tie with {0}\\nWaiting for the tie to break....", - "RRPlayer": "ROOM RUSH", + "RR_Tie": "<#00a5ff>Ничья с {0}\\nВ ожидании не ничьей....", + "RRPlayer": "Забег На Скорость", "RRPlayerInfo": "Доберитесь до комнаты как можно скорее", "RRPlayerInfoLong": "Доберитесь до комнаты как можно скорее", - "KingOfTheZones": "KING OF THE ZONES", - "ModeKingOfTheZones": "Gamemode: King Of The Zones", + "KingOfTheZones": "Горячая Зона", + "ModeKingOfTheZones": "Режим: Горячая Зона", "ModeDescribe.KingOfTheZones": "In the King Of The Zones gamemode, players are split into teams. Some rooms on the map represent a zone. If a team has more players in a room than all other teams, they control the zone. Every second, each team gets 1 point for each zone controlled. Gain as many points as possible, since the team with the highest score wins!\\n\\nPlayers can tag others using the kill button. Tagged players are teleported outside of the map for a few seconds, then teleport back.\\n\\nDepending on the settings, zones may move during the game. If so, this will be indicated by a timer. When a zone moves, it may have a downtime. This is the case if the timer is gray.", "KingOfTheZones.NumTeams": "Number of Teams", "KingOfTheZones.NumZones": "Number of Zones",