All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add letter-spacing rule for html tag (to check)
- Add ARIA landmarks to identify regions of a page (to check)
- Add title attribute to img tags
- Add scope attribute to th tags
- Add HTML 5.2 autocomplete attributes
- Add outlines and borders in a way that NOT removes or NOT renders non-visible the visual focus indicator
- Change all values in rules with variables and default values
- Remove global variables
- Fix documentation
- Fix version nuber
- Add default color palette
- Add letter-spacing to code, kbd and samp tags
- Fix colors
- Fix details margin
- Fix font-family variables
- Fix variable names
- Fix margins
- Add '--qk--anchor-color--active' variable
- Add '--qk--anchor-color--hover' variable
- Add '--qk--anchor-color--link' variable
- Add '--qk--anchor-color--visited' variable
- Add '--qk--font-family--body' variable
- Add '--qk--font-family--heading' variable
- Add '--qk--font-family--inline' variable
- Add neutral color palette
- Change examples in docs
- Change background-color in 'kbd' selector's rules
- Change color in 'kbd' selector's rules
- Change background-color in 'mark' selector's rules
- Change color in 'mark' selector's rules
- Change background-color in 'code' selector's rules
- Change color in 'code' selector's rules
- Change background-color in 'pre' selector's rules
- Change color in 'pre' selector's rules
- Fix url of resources in example.html
- Remove margins in 'article' selector's rules
- Remove margins in 'aside' selector's rules
- Remove margins in 'footer' selector's rules
- Remove margins in 'h1' selector's rules
- Remove margins in 'h2' selector's rules
- Remove margins in 'h3' selector's rules
- Remove margins in 'h4' selector's rules
- Remove margins in 'h5' selector's rules
- Remove margins in 'h6' selector's rules
- Remove margins in 'header' selector's rules
- Remove margins in 'nav' selector's rules
- Remove margins in 'section' selector's rules
- Change examples page in docs
- Fix stylesheet url in docs
- Fix heading
- Add 'id' attribute for heading sections in docs/example.html
- Add text-size-adjust to prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes
- Add float property to nav li::before
- Change css variables
- Change font-size rules according a typographic scale
- Change measures according a grid scale
- Change font-family for readibility
- Remove the '[aria-hidden = "true"]' attribute from elements that contain focusable descendants
- Remove 'hgroup' rules: the 'hgroup' element has been removed from the HTML5 (W3C) specification
- Remove display='block' property for 'table' selector
- Remove 'nav ol' selector
- Remove 'nav ul' selector
- Remove select background styling when multiple attribute is also present
- Remove resize=block attribute to textarea selector
- Fix stylesheet URL in docs
- Fix version in package.json
- Fix unclosed tag 'img' in docs/example.html
- Add meta description in docs/example.html file
- Add meta description in docs/download.html file
- Add meta description in docs/index.html file
- Add 'max-width' property for 'body' selector
- Add 'padding' property for 'body' selector
- Add 'height' and 'width' attribute for 'img' tag in docs/example.html
- Add ':root' pseudo-class and some variables
- Add 'small' tag in 'body > footer' in docs/example.html
- Change url absolute in url relative in documentation
- Change target="_blank" with rel="external" to any external links in docs to improve performance and prevent security vulnerabilities
- Change CSS style rules
- Change CSS url in docs: now link local stylesheet
- Change comment language in docs
- Change html of forms section in docs/example.html file to improve performance
- Change border-left-width property for 'blockquote' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'address' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'article' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'aside' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'audio' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'body' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'details' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'header' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'hgroup' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'nav' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'section' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'nav > ul' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'div' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'dl' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'dl dl' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'ol dl' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'ul dl' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'ol' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'dl ol' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'ol ol' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'ul ol' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'ul' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'dl ul' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'ol ul' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'ul ul' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'hr' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'main' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'p' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'pre' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'blockquote' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'figure' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'li' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'img' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'picture' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'video' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'table' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'form' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'legend' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'optgroup' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'select' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'textarea' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'footer' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'h1' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'hgroup > h1' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'h2' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'hgroup > h2' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'h3' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'hgroup > h3' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'h4' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'hgroup > h4' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'h5' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'hgroup > h5' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'h6' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'hgroup > h6' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'button' selector
- Change individual margin properties with shortand property for 'fieldset' selector
- Change individual border properties with shortand property for 'fieldset' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'blockquote' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'figure' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'nav > ul' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'pre' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'code' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'kbd' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'mark' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'var' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'td' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'th' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'button' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'button::-moz-focus-inner' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'input' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'textarea' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for '[type="button"]::-moz-focus-inner' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'details[open]' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'dialog' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for '[type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for '[type="reset"]::-moz-focus-inner' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for '[type="radio"]' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for '[type="checkbox"]' selector
- Change individual padding properties with shortand property for 'fieldset' selector
- Change margins and paddings for 'body' selector
- Change margins for 'h1' selector
- Change margins for 'h2' selector
- Change margins for 'h3' selector
- Change margins for 'h4' selector
- Change margins for 'h5' selector
- Change margins for 'h6' selector
- Change margins for 'hgroup' selector
- Change margin-top for 'body > footer' selector
- Remove input with datetime attribute
- Remove display='block' property for 'fieldset label' selector
- Remove display='inline-block' property for 'label' selector
- Remove display='inline-block' property for 'input' selector
- Remove margin-bottom='1.5em' property for 'fieldset button' selector
- Remove margin-bottom='1.5em' property for 'fieldset input' selector
- Remove margin-bottom='1.5em' property for 'fieldset select' selector
- Remove margin-bottom='1.5em' property for 'fieldset textarea' selector
- Remove margin-bottom='1.5em' property for 'fieldset [type="checkbox"]' selector
- Remove margin-bottom='1.5em' property for 'fieldset [type="radio"]' selector
- Remove 'body article' selector
- Remove 'body aside' selector
- Remove 'body footer' selector
- Remove 'body header' selector
- Remove 'body main' selector
- Remove 'body nav' selector
- Remove 'body section' selector
- Remove font-size='0.875em' property for 'footer' selector
- Remove line-height='1.714em' property for 'footer' selector
- Fix margins for 'blockquote' selector
- Fix margins for 'dd' selector
- Fix margins for 'figure' selector
- Fix margins for 'input' selector
- Fix margins for 'ol' selector
- Fix margins for 'ul' selector
- Fix margins for 'p' selector
- Fix paddings for 'blockquote' selector docs/example.html file
- Fix id and name attributes of radio input in docs/example.html file
- Fix value attribute of input with type="url" in docs/example.html file
- Fix for attribute of label of password input tag in docs/example.html file
- Fix id and name attributes of text input inline in docs/example.html file
- Fix margins and paddings for 'nav > ul' selector
- Fix bug select multiple in Chrome
- Fix url of changelog file in readme
- Fix margins for mobile
- Fix font-size unit for small element