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GrrrDog edited this page Dec 14, 2018 · 25 revisions


  • support Absolute-URI with higher priority under host header
  • any scheme in Absolute-URI
  • doesn't like @ in Absolute-URI
  • doesn't treats // as a directory (/images/1.jpg/..//../1.jpg will be /1.jpg)
  • case-sensitive for methods (get != GET)

location match (none): If no modifiers are present, the location is interpreted as a prefix match. This means that the location given will be matched against the beginning of the request URI to determine a match. =: If an equal sign is used, this block will be considered a match if the request URI exactly matches the location given. ~: If a tilde modifier is present, this location will be interpreted as a case-sensitive regular expression match. *: If a tilde and asterisk modifier is used, the location block will be interpreted as a case-insensitive regular expression match. ^: If a carat and tilde modifier is present, and if this block is selected as the best non-regular expression match, regular expression matching will not take place.


  • forward Headers by default
  • set HTTP/1.0 by default
  • $host - its value equals the server name in the “Host” request; $http_host- An unchanged “Host” request
  • at first, urldecode (path+query string), then finds location, then forward encoded value
  • doesn't forward AnyHeader: or AnyHeader :
  • proxy_pass http://$host/ (with ending /) doesn't proxy path-part
  • location /foo works lite startswith (== /fooanythinghere)
  • ! location ~ .php { - all phpsomething is PHP?
  • ! it normalizes (///, /./, ../../) and urldecodes path, but sends unnormalized to backend if proxy_path is without trailing slash
    • /securedared/%3f/../../zazaza.php?zzzz=asdasd ???
    • but also resends raw bytes to backend
  • it normalizes and urldecodes (///, /./, ../../) path and sends unnormalized to backend
    • but decodes ' " < >, etc which makes possible XSS
    • decode %2f to /, which useful for %2f.. (nginx+apache)
    • but also resends raw bytes to backend
    • but also support no HTTP/1.1
  • ! rewrite /(.*) $1 break; - GET without/slash/here HTTP/1.1
  • ! vulnerable configuration to /host_noslash_path../ location /host_noslash_path { proxy_pass; }
  • It respects the Cache-Control headers from origin servers.
    • It does not cache responses with Cache-Control set to Private, No-Cache, or No-Store, Expires or with Set-Cookie in the response header. NGINX only caches GET and HEAD client requests.
    • NGINX does not honor the Pragma header by default
  • X-Cache-Status: MISS - common header which shows caching
  • If caching is enabled, the header fields “If-Modified-Since”, “If-Unmodified-Since”, “If-None-Match”, “If-Match”, “Range”, and “If-Range” from the original request are not passed to the proxied server.
  • whole query string is used as a key for cache without urldecode and normalization (# - is ordinary symbol)
  • doesn't care If-Match for uncached content
  • cares If-Match for cached content: W/"0815" - returns 412 Precondition Failed and If-Match: * returns body
  • doesn't care Range headers
  • case sensitive for location
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