The GraphicDocs
core engine parses your code before building readable documentation. It has four main components:
Initialization. When instantiating the
class, it will initialize using the default configuration unless you provide it with your own config. -
Plugins. Allows you to tap in to the process at various stages.
Templates. The template is what takes the parsed information and tells the build script how to assemble it into an end product.
Build. This step actually creates the documentation.
This chart shows the core engine's logic process while generating documentation. Use it to help identify which filter or action your plugin needs to tie in to.
graph TD
classDef action fill:red, color:white;
classDef filter fill:blue, color:white;
subgraph Legend
legendCore[Core Actions]
Filters take the input data, apply some kind of modification to it, then return the data in the same format it arrived in.
Actions will create side effects. They may take arguments if needed, but will return nothing on competion.
Core Actions are steps in the source code and cannot be modified with plugins or templates.
%%{init: { 'theme':'dark', 'sequence': {'useMaxWidth':false} } }%%
graph TD
classDef action fill:red,color:white;
classDef filter fill:blue,color:white;
INIT([INIT]) --> initializedefaultstaticconfig[Initialize Config Settings]
subgraph config [ ]
initializedefaultstaticconfig --> lookforuserdefinedconfig
lookforuserdefinedconfig{User Defined Config File?}
overwritedefaultconfig[Overwrite From File]
searchworkingdir[Search for Config File in Working Directory]
usedefaultconfigsettings[Use Default Config Settings]
readsetting[Read Next User Setting]
addnewsetting[Add Setting]
moresettings{More Settings?}
configloaded([Configuration Settings Valid])
lookforuserdefinedconfig --> |not specified| searchworkingdir
searchworkingdir --> |found| readsetting
searchworkingdir --> |not found| usedefaultconfigsettings --> configloaded
lookforuserdefinedconfig --> |specified|readsetting
readsetting --> |recognized and valid|overwritedefaultconfig --> moresettings
readsetting --> |recognized but invalid|usedefault[Use Default] --> moresettings
readsetting --> |unrecognized|addnewsetting --> moresettings
moresettings --> |yes|readsetting
moresettings --> |no|configloaded
readsetting --> |All settings validated|configloaded
configloaded --> register_core_hooks[Register Core Hooks]
register_core_hooks --> loadpluginlist
subgraph plugins [ ]
loadpluginlist[Load Plugins from Config]
pluginabsolutepath{Absolute Path?}
plugin_dirA[Search for Plugin in Working Directory]
plugin_dirB[Search for Plugin in Config Directory]
plugin_dirC[Search for Plugin in System Path]
plugin_dirD[Search for Plugin in GraphicDocs Plugin Directory]
load_plugin[Load Plugin]
moreplugins{More Plugins?}
loadpluginlist --> |plugins requested in config|read_next_plugin
loadpluginlist --> |no plugins listed|no_plugins_listed --> all_plugins_loaded
read_next_plugin --> pluginabsolutepath
pluginabsolutepath --> |yes|load_plugin
pluginabsolutepath --> |no|plugin_dirA
plugin_dirA --> |not found|plugin_dirB
plugin_dirA --> |found|load_plugin
plugin_dirB --> |not found|plugin_dirC
plugin_dirB --> |found|load_plugin
plugin_dirC --> |not found|plugin_dirD
plugin_dirC --> |found|load_plugin
plugin_dirD --> |not found|plugin_not_found
plugin_dirD --> |found|load_plugin
load_plugin --> |success| plugin_loaded:::action --> moreplugins
load_plugin --> |fail|error_loading_plugin --> moreplugins
plugin_not_found --> moreplugins
moreplugins --> |yes| read_next_plugin
moreplugins --> |no| all_plugins_loaded
all_plugins_loaded --> init[init]:::action
init --> loadtemplate
subgraph template [Load Template]
loadtemplate[Load Template]
templateabsolutepath{Absolute Path?}
load_template[Load Template as Reference]
template_dirA[Search for Template in Working Directory]
template_dirB[Search for Template in Config Directory]
template_dirC[Search for Template in System Path]
template_dirD[Search for Template in GraphicDocs Directory]
usedefaulttemplate[Use Default Template]
loadtemplate --> get_template_path_from_config
get_template_path_from_config --> |custom path specified|templateabsolutepath
templateabsolutepath --> |yes|load_template
templateabsolutepath --> |no|template_dirA
template_dirA --> |not found|template_dirB
template_dirA --> |found|load_template
template_dirB --> |not found|template_dirC
template_dirB --> |found|load_template
template_dirC --> |not found|template_dirD
template_dirC --> |found|load_template
template_dirD --> |not found|template_not_found
template_dirD --> |found|load_template
load_template --> |error|error_loading_template
error_loading_template --> usedefaulttemplate
template_not_found --> |no|usedefaulttemplate
get_template_path_from_config --> |no path specified|no_template_specified:::action
no_template_specified --> usedefaulttemplate
load_template --> |success|finished_loading_template
usedefaulttemplate --> finished_loading_template
moreparsingtargets{More Parsing Targets?}
finished_loading_template --> parsepython[Check for Core Config Source Target]
subgraph prepare [ ]
parsepython --> |at least one target specified|next_parsing_target
next_parsing_target --> attempt_load[Attempt to Load Module]
attempt_load --> |not module|unable_to_load_module:::action
attempt_load --> |success|parse[Parse Module]
parse --> |success|parsed_module:::action --> moreparsingtargets
parse --> |unhandled exception|unable_to_parse:::action
moreparsingtargets --> |no|parsing_complete:::action
parsepython --> |no targets provided|no_parsing_targets_specified:::action
moreparsingtargets --> |yes|next_parsing_target
unable_to_load_module --> core_loaded:::action
unable_to_parse --> core_loaded
parsing_complete --> core_loaded
no_parsing_targets_specified --> core_loaded
takes inspiration from the WordPress system in that it uses a series of hooks to execute actions and filters both while parsing code and generating readable documentation. You can write your own plugin to tap in to the initialization and build sequences to provide you more customized control over the process without having to dive in to the inner core code workings.
Using the filter and action hooks, you can create plugins to tie in to them and modify the core execution processes without editing the core code.
- Filters take input data and return a modified form of it.
- Actions can take arguments (but do not have to), and serve as milestones to run actions at various points.
The template gets run at the build_with_template
action near the end. This takes the parsed output and builds the documentation files. By default, GraphicDocs
will use the built in Markdown generating template.
Available built-in templates:
(default): A Markdown based template.
After the core object initializes, the .build()
script generates output.
%%{init: { 'theme':'dark', 'sequence': {'useMaxWidth':false} } }%%
graph TD
classDef action fill:red,color:white;
classDef filter fill:blue,color:white;
BUILD([BUILD]) --> build_with_template:::action
build_with_template --> parsed_source_exists{Parsed Source?}
parsed_source_exists --> |yes| template_build[Call Template Build Method]
parsed_source_exists --> |no| no_parsed_modules_found:::action --> error_building_documentation
template_build --> |success|all_doc_generation_complete:::action --> END
template_build --> |exception raised|error_building_documentation:::action --> END