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.. toctree:: LICENSE.rst clients/java/README.rst Java Implementation clients/java/docs/ clients/java/docs/ clients/python/README.rst
Tfprotocol is a communcation protocol to execute data in remote servers like ssh, its main difference are, tfprotocol is statefull, lightweight, multithread and multiprocess have support for android and desktop as well.
Docker: When using docker you must first notice that we use some environment to customize your docker running application, here is a list of all docker enviornment variables and its respectives description:
- PORT: The port in which tfprotocol will be running (default: 10345)
- HASH: A hash that works for identificate the server instance (default: testhash)
- PROTO: The version of tfprotocol to be used (default: 0.0)
- DBDIR: The path to the tfprotocol db folder, which means the root of the tfprotocol program, where all files are stored and no command can go out of that folder (default: /var/tfdb)
- XSNTMEX: The path to the XSNTMEX subsystem host folder (default: /var/tfdb/xsntmex/)
- USERDB: The path to the user db, NOTE: More information will be given later. (default: /var/tfdb/lsr/)
- XSACE: The path to the XSACE substystem (default: /var/tfdb/xsace/)
- DEFUSER: The default user toUnexpected be used by the protocol (default: root)
- TLB: The path to the TLB substystem (default: /var/tfdb/tlb/)
- SECUREFS: If the protocol should use a secure filesystem or not (default: true)
- RPCPROXY: The path to the rpcproxy substystem (default: /var/tfdb/rpcproxy)
Command to run:
docker run -e PORT=10345 -e HASH=testhash ... -p 10345:10345 -d etherbeing/tfprotocol Docker Compose: version: "3.6" services: tfprotocol: image: etherbeing/tfprotocol restart: unless-stopped environment: - PORT=10345 - DEBUG=false # use this if you want to say how each command interact with the server, do not use this in production ports: - 10345:10345 volumes: - tfdb:/var/tfdb networks: - tfprotocol secrets: - tfprotocol_keys volumes: tfdb: driver: local networks: tfprotocol: driver: bridge secrets: tfprotocol_keys: file: /mycustom/path/to/mycustom/keys
- Debug mode
- Debug mode (udp only)
- Release mode (interactive)
- Release mode (daemon: canonical)
debug/tfd debug/file.conf
this runs tfprotocol binary in interactive mode (you may press ctrl+c to stop it)
debug/tfd debug/file.conf udp_debug
this runs tfprotocol binary in interactive mode but it only runs the udp server.
-SIGINT Will gracefully close TFProtocol daemon disconnectinig it from the network.
/absolute/path/release/tfd /absolute/path/release/file.conf
this runs tfprotocol binary in interactive mode (you may press ctrl+c to stop it)
-SIGINT Will gracefully close TFProtocol daemon disconnectinig it from the network. -SIGUSR1 Will reload TFProtocol daemon with the same configuration that start it.
/absolute/path/release/tfd /absolute/path/release/file.conf x
this runs tfprotocol binary as intended for production environment. It does a double fork and stay running in background.
-SIGINT Will gracefully close TFProtocol daemon disconnectinig it from the network. -SIGUSR1 Will reload TFProtocol daemon with the same configuration that start it.
In release mode, interactive or canonical, the exec and config path both must be absolute path to allow hot-reload on SIGUSR1 signal.
Any line that starts with the # character will be taken as comment and will be omitted.
proto 0.0
This parameter is required and sets the version of the deployed protocol. It could be any string.
hash testhash
This parameter is required and sets a token that can be any string, this provides another access control level to clients.
dbdir /var/tfdb/
This parameter is required and sets the directory in which TFprotocol and most of its extended subsystems will be locked.
faipath /var/run/tfproto_fai
This parameter is required and sets the directory in which TFprotocol implemetns the Fast Access Interface. In this directory FAI tokens will be stored.
faitok_mq 500
This parameter is optional and sets the maximun quanta for a token to remain valid. If not set, a default value will be used instead.
port 10345
This parameter is required and sets the port in which TFProtocol will listen for upd and tcp incoming connections.
privkey {the rsa private key}
This parameter is required and encloses in braces the rsa server private key.
xsntmex /var/tfdb/xsntmex
This parameter is optional and establish the file of access tokens for the NTMEX extended subsystem.
userdb /var/tfdb/lsr
This parameter is optional and sets user database file in which TFProtocol will look for LOGIN command autentication.
- xsace /var/tfdb/xsace
This parameter is optional and sets the ACE extended subsystem access tokens file.
defusr user
This parameter is optional and sets the default system user -user id- in which TFProtocol will run while communicates with clients. If this option is not set then the client have to autenticate through the LOGIN command as soon as is connected to TFProtocol.
tlb /var/tfdb/tlb
This parameter is optional and establish the file of for the Transfer Load Balance servers. This file will be used both for the TCP and UDP TLB.
pubkey {rsa server public key}
This parameter is optional and sets the rsa server public key. It will be used when the Transparent Proxy is in place which requires that the destination server has the same rsa private/public key pairs.
trp_dns; trp_ipv4; trp_ipv6`
This parameter is optional and sets the Transparanet Proxy destination ip or dns.
This parameter is optional and tells the tfprotocol server to compell users to call INJAIL command. There must be a file in the injailed directory called jail.key
jail.key file syntax:
- jail_token
How the optional parameters works
xsntmex /var/tfdb/xsntmex
xsntmex file syntax: (only line per access token.)
- token1
- token2
in the same directory of xsntmex file for each line of token should be a file ending by .acl like below:
- xsntmex.token1.acl
- xsntmex.token2.acl
each one of the acl file must have the allowed shared object path as follow:
- /usr/lib/
- /usr/lib/
if the xsntmex.token1.acl file does not exist, then any shared object for that security token can be loaded under NTMEX substystem.
userdb /var/tfdb/lsr
userdb file syntax: (one line per user/password)
- username password
the username must by a real unix system user while password is not.
xsace /var/tfdb/xsace
xsace file syntax: (one line per access token.)
- token1
- token2
in the same directory of xsace file for each line of token can be a file ending by .acl like below:
- xsace.token1.acl
- xsace.token2.acl
each one of the acl file must have the allowed binary to be executed:
example 1:
- /bin/ls /bin/ls /
The /bin/ls binary can only be executed with two parameters, the first one: /bin/ls, the second one: /
example 2:
- */bin/ls
The /bin/ls binary can only be executed with any parameters.
if the xsace.token1.acl file does not exist, then any program for that security token can be executed under ACE substystem.
tlb /var/tfdb/tlb
Syntax for the TLB file
- ipv4:
- ipv6: ::1
- trp_ipv4
- trp_ipv6 ::1
- trp_dns
The directory in which the daemon will be in-jailed must contain a file called jail.key and inside of it must exist the token passed as parameter for injail command.
If present, LOCKSYS command should be called before any other, except: END; LOGIN; KEEPALIVE; PROCKEY; INJAIL, to specify a directory in which TFProtocol must lock the client. This is called Folder Locking System.
rpcproxy /var/tfdb/rpcproxy
This file will contain the hash/binary pairs that XS_RPCPROXY subsystem is able to execute.
Syntax for the rpcproxy file
SHA256 /usr/bin/python /home/user/ SHA256 /usr/bin/binary
nprocmax -1
This parameter is optional and if is present the TFProtocol daemon will try to set the MAX USER PROCESSES (how many time may do FORK()) to the specified number. Negative value means infinite. Zero (0) means the default system configuration for the effective user id of the daemon. A number between 1 and MINPROCN macro will become in MINPROCN value. A number equal or less than MINPROCN will become that number. Be aware that the OS can enforce some settings that makes this number useless. This option in Solaris will no have effect. In Linux if this number is above kernel.threads-max and/or kernel.pid_max the number become kernel.threads-max implicitly.
This parameter is optional and if is present the TFProtocol daemon will enforce TFProtocol Secure Filesystem.
This parameter is optional and if is present the TFProtocol daemon will allow to run the RUNBASH command which is hihgly sensitive and must be only activated if the sysadmin has very clear what is intended for. Please check the tfproto.pdf document to fully understand what are the implications of this.
This parameter is optional and if is present the TFProtocol daemon will create the specified directory recursively and injail the daemon in that directory.