The destroy [<arg1>=<val1>,<arg2>=<val2>,...]
commands takes parameters and edits a video according to it
Example: `destroy bass=100`, add a bass boost of 100.
To use multiple commands, use commas `,` to separate them. For example, `bass=100, hypercam`
To use multiple groups of commands, use pipes `|` to separate groups of commands. For example, `ytp=100,toptext=hi|hcycle=3`
The download <video>
command takes one parameter video
as either a search query or URL.
Example: `download funny video`, searches for "funny video" and downloads it up to 8mb; also supports URLs
The concat <n> [<video1>, <video2>, ...]
command, which can take in <n>
videos and concatinate them.
You can type the start of the filename in order to order them
Example `concat 2 g h` (say a channel has two recent videos "hello.mp4" and "goodbye.mp4", this concatinates the videos with `goodbye.mp4` coming first)
When doing an editing command, the order is as followed:
Attachments > attachments of replied to message > recent messages in channel
You can link together commands using >>
between them. For example, download funny video >> destroy speed 5, toptext hello
would download funny video
and then add a caption reading hello
By adding !
at the start of a command, the bot, when replying to itself, will override the previous message by deleting it before sending the result.
Example: !download woman dancing >> !destroy e 30, speed 5, mute, music penis music, musicskip 8 >> download man dancing >> !destroy e 30, speed 5, mute, music dramatic music, musicskip 25, volume 2 >> concat >> cap face off
Will download two videos, speed up, mute, add a song and caption to them, and then finally concatinate them
Command | Shorthand | Type | Min | Max | Description |
abr |
abr |
Number | 0 | 100 | Audio Bit Reduction - Reduces audio quality |
vbr |
vbr |
Number | 0 | 100 | Video bit reduction, worsens quality of video |
watermark |
wtm |
Number | 0 | 100 | Adds random watermarks to a video. Higher numbers add more. |
bandicam |
bndc |
- | - | - | Adds a Bandicam watermark |
hypercam |
hypc |
- | - | - | Adds an "Unregistered Hypercam 2" watermark to the video |
topcaption |
tc |
Text | - | - | Top caption, in motivational text style |
bottomcaption |
bc |
Text | 0 | 100 | Bottom caption, in motivational text style |
toptext |
tt |
Text | - | - | Top text in impact font |
bottomtext |
bt |
Text | 0 | 100 | Bottom text in impact font |
normalcaption |
nc |
Text | - | - | Standard caption at the top, like in screenshotted twitter posts. |
topcap |
cap |
Text | 0 | 100 | Bold, centered, white caption at top |
bottomcap |
bcap |
Text | 0 | 100 | Bold, centered, white caption at bottom |
holdframe |
hf |
Number | 0.1 | 12 | Makes the video only the first frame, for # of seconds |
speed |
sp |
Number | 0.5 | 25 | Slows down or speeds up video |
deepfry |
df |
Number | 0 | 100 | Deep fries the video, reduces quality (via added saturation) |
contrast |
ct |
Number | 0 | 100 | Adds extra contrast to the video |
sharpen |
shp |
Number | -100 | 100 | Applies a heavy sharpening filter. Negative numbers cause it to become more pixelly. |
hue |
hue |
Number | 0 | 100 | Changes the hue of the video |
hcycle |
huec |
Number | 0 | 100 | Rotates the hue of the video by a certain speed |
vreverse |
vrev |
- | - | - | Reverses video |
areverse |
arev |
- | - | - | Reverses audio |
reverse |
rev |
- | - | - | Reverses the video and audio |
playreverse |
prev |
Number | 1 | 2 | 1 = plays, then reverses. 2 = reverses, then plays the video |
hmirror |
hm |
Number | 1 | 2 | Mirrors horizontal, 1 is the left half, 2 is the right half |
vmirror |
vm |
Number | 1 | 2 | Mirrors vertically, 1 is the top half, 2 is the bottom half |
invert |
inv |
- | - | - | Inverts video color |
wscale |
ws |
Number | -500 | 500 | Sets the horizontal resolution. |
hscale |
hs |
Number | 0 | 100 | Horizontal scale, sets the vertical resolution |
hcrop |
hcp |
Number | 1 | 95 | How much to horizontally crop the video, in terms of precent. |
vcrop |
vcp |
Number | 1 | 95 | How much to vertically crop the video, in terms of precent. |
hflip |
hflp |
Number | - | - | Flips video horizontally. |
vflip |
vflp |
Number | - | - | Flips video vertically. |
zoom |
zm |
Number | -15 | 15 | Zooms towards the middle of the video. Negative values do the same, but more pixellated. |
shake |
shk |
Number | 1 | 100 | Shakes the video around |
lag |
lag |
Number | 1 | 100 | Reverses frames in chunks. |
rlag |
rlag |
Number | 1 | 100 | Shuffles frames in chunks. |
framerate |
fps |
Number | 1 | 30 | Lowers the video's framerate |
acid |
acid |
Number | 1 | 100 | Makes it look like your on acid |
fisheye |
fe |
Number | 1 | 2 | Adds a fisheye effect on the video |
wave |
wav |
Number | 1 | 100 | Adds a wave to the video; higher values means the wave scrolls faster. |
waveamount |
wava |
Number | 1 | 100 | Controls amount of waves. |
wavestrength |
wavs |
Number | 1 | 100 | Controls how big waves are |
selection |
se |
- | - | - | Makes start and end correspond to when the effects are applied |
start |
s |
Number | 0 | End of Video | Time when video begins, in seconds. (Or start of effect with selection ) |
end |
e |
Number | 0 | End of video | Time when video ends, in seconds. (Or end of effect with selection ) |
delfirst |
delf |
- | - | - | When selection is enabled, deletes parts of video before start |
dellast |
dell |
- | - | - | When selection is enabled, deletes parts of video after end |
volume |
vol |
Number | 0 | 2000 | Multiplies volume. Higher number results in louder video. |
mute |
mt |
- | - | - | Mutes the audio |
wobble |
wub |
Number | 1 | 100 | Makes the audio wobbly. |
bass |
bs |
Number | 0 | 100 | Bass boost |
pitch |
pch |
Number | -100 | 100 | Sets the audio pitch to be higher or lower |
reverb |
rvb |
Number | 0 | 100 | Adds a reverb, or echo, effect |
reverbdelay |
rvd |
Number | 0 | 100 | Echo response time, 100 means it takes the longest for an echo to bounce back |
crush |
cr |
Number | 1 | 100 | Obliterates audio |
earrape |
er |
Number | 0 | 100 | Earrapes the video, by making the video very loud and distorted. |
music |
mus |
Text | - | - | Music is added using a YouTube video ID (the text after ?watch=). The song must be under 5 minutes. |
musicdelay |
musd |
Number | 0 | End of video | Number of seconds corresponding to when the added music starts |
musicskip |
muss |
Number | 0 | End of music | Starts the song at a given time of the song (in seconds) |
sfx |
sfx |
Number | 1 | 100 | Adds random sound effects |
datamosh |
dm |
Number | 0 | 100 | Corrupts video by removing non-delta frames |
ytp |
ytp |
Number | 0 | 100 | Adds random plays and reverses to a video. |
shuffle |
sh |
- | - | - | Shuffles the whole video |
stutter |
st |
Number | 0 | 100 | Adds random stutters to the video |
ricecake |
rc |
Number | 1 | 100 | Clones delta frames (corrupting video) and clones audio |
glitch |
glch |
Number | 1 | 100 | Makes the video corrupted |
repeatuntil |
repu |
Number | 1 | 45 | Repeats video until this time is reached |
timecode |
timc |
Number | 1 | 4 | Messes with the video's timecode metadata. Only applies to Discord bot. |