Use the guide below to get bs::framework up and running as quickly as possible. Scroll further below for advanced build options that allow for more customization.
- Install git ( and CMake 3.12.4 or higher (
- Ensure they are added to your PATH environment variable
- Install other dependencies
- See here
- Run the following commands in the terminal/command line:
git clone
cd bsf
mkdir Build
cd Build
cmake -G "$generator$" ..
- Where $generator$ should be replaced with any of the supported generators. Some common ones:
Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64
- Visual Studio 2017 (64-bit build)Unix Makefiles
- See all valid generators: cmake-generators
- Optionally provide the
to override the default install path:cmake -G "$generator$" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install ..
- Where $generator$ should be replaced with any of the supported generators. Some common ones:
cmake --build . --config Release
- Alternatively you can also run your build system manually (depending on your choice of generator):
- Visual Studio solution is present at
- XCode project is present at
- Makefiles are present at
- Visual Studio solution is present at
- Alternatively you can also run your build system manually (depending on your choice of generator):
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
- Alternatively you can run the install target in your chosen build tool
- Note that files install to the default install folder, unless you have overriden it as specified above
Additional variables allow you to pick between the render API (Vulkan, DirectX, OpenGL), audio module (FMOD, OpenAudio) among other options. Run CMake to see all options. Note that non-default CMake options might require additional dependencies to be installed, see here.
Modify CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to choose where the library gets installed after the install target is ran (e.g. make install
, or running the INSTALL target in Visual Studio/XCode).
Modify CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to pick what kind of a build you want. Note that this is ignored for workflow generators like Visual Studio or XCode, in which you can pick this within the IDE itself. Supported values are:
- Debug - Builds and unoptimized version with debug symbols. This is generally what you want for development.
- RelWithDebInfo - Builds an optimized version with debug symbols and various debug checks enabled.
- MinSizeRel - Builds an optimized version attempting to keep the resultant binary as small as possible. Debug checks are disabled.
- Release - Builds an optimized version with no debug checks.
You can choose to use a different CMake generator than those specified above, as long as the platform/compiler is supported:
- Supported platforms:
- Windows 7, 8, 10
- Linux
- macOS 10.11 or newer
- Supported compilers:
- MSVC++ 15.0 (Visual Studio 2017)
- GCC 7.0 (or newer)
- Clang 5.0 (or newer)
- Apple LLVM 9.0.0 (XCode 9)
bs::framework relies on a variety of third party dependencies. A set of pre-compiled dependencies are provided for every supported platform/compiler and these will be fetched automatically by the build process. If required, the dependencies can also be compiled manually by following this guide. This can be required if the pre-compiled dependencies don't work with your platform (e.g. unsupported Linux distro) or if you wish to update to a newer dependency version.
Note that prebuilt dependencies only come as 64-bit, if you wish to build as 32-bit you will need to compile them manually.
The following dependencies will need to be installed manually. Which ones are required depend on the selected CMake options and your usage of bs::framework (check text of each entry below).
- DirectX SDK (Required by default on Windows 7 or earlier)
- Optional if you have choosen a different RenderAPI in CMake options
- Set up DXSDK_DIR environment variable pointing to the DirectX instalation
- Windows SDK (Required by default on Windows 8 or later)
- Optional if you have choosen a different RenderAPI in CMake options
- DirectX Debug Layer (Required by default on Windows 10)
- Optional if you have choosen a different RenderAPI in CMake options
- Go to Settings panel (type "Settings" in Start)->System->Apps & features->Manage optional Features->Add a feature->Select "Graphics Tools"
- OpenGL
- Required by default, but optional if you have chosen a different RenderAPI in CMake options
- Debian/Ubuntu:
apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev mesa-common-dev
- X11
- Debian/Ubuntu:
apt-get install libx11-dev libxcursor-dev libxrandr-dev libxi-dev
- Debian/Ubuntu:
- Debian/Ubuntu:
apt-get install uuid-dev
- Debian/Ubuntu:
- LibICU
- Debian/Ubuntu:
apt-get install libicu-dev
- Debian/Ubuntu:
- Bison & Flex (Optional)
- Only needed if you plan on changing BSL syntax (BUILD_BSL option in CMake)
- Debian/Ubuntu:
apt-get install bison flex
- (Or equivalent packages for your distribution)
- Homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- Xcode 9
- Grab from App Store
- After install make sure to run:
xcode-select -install
brew install ossp-uuid
- Flex (Optional)
- Only needed if you plan on changing BSL syntax (BUILD_BSL option in CMake)
brew install flex
- Bison (Optional)
- Only needed if you plan on changing BSL syntax (BUILD_BSL option in CMake)
brew install bison
- Make sure old version of Bison that comes with Xcode is overriden:
- Add this to $HOME/.bash_profile:
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/bison/bin:$PATH"
mv /usr/bin/bison /usr/bin/bison-2.3
- Add this to $HOME/.bash_profile:
All OS
- Vulkan SDK (Optional)
- Only needed if you selected the Vulkan render API during build configuration
- Set up
environment variable pointing to your installation - Additional setup for MacOS
- Set up the following environment variables:
VK_LAYER_PATH = $SDK_DIR$/macOS/etc/vulkan/explicit_layer.d
VK_ICD_FILENAMES = $SDK_DIR$/macOS/etc/vulkan/icd.d/MoltenVK_icd.json
- Replacing
with the directory where you extracted the SDK
- Set up the following environment variables:
- FMOD Low Level Programmer API 1.08.02 (Optional)
- Only needed if you selected the FMOD audio module during build configuration
- If CMake complains it cannot find FMOD, manually set the FMOD_INSTALL_DIRS to your installation directory
- Copy the dynamic libraries (.dll) from {INSTALLDIR}/api/lowlevel/lib into /bin folder in bs::framework source code folder
- Use logging libraries for the Debug builds, and non-logging for RelWithDebInfo and Release builds