0.3.0 - 2017-12-11
- Support for reading configuration from file (-c).
- Systemd support (thanks to Luuk Loeffen luukloeffen@hotmail.com).
- Sysfs gpio RS-485 directional control (-y, -Y, thanks to James Jarvis jj@aprsworld.com).
- Migrated from Autotools to CMake (thanks to Nick Mayerhofer nick.mayerhofer@enchant.at).
0.2.3 - 2016-04-25
- tty mode setup on platforms with cfmakeraw available (fixes #7).
- RTU response wait time raised to 500 ms.
- Allow 8 bit only character size in tty mode string.
0.2.2 - 2015-12-18
- Function code 6 response reading error #3.
- Serial port mode configuration option (-m).
- RTS RS-485 transmit/receive control (thanks to Andrew Denysenko nitr0@seti.kr.ua).
- RTU response receiving by length (thanks to Andrew Denysenko nitr0@seti.kr.ua).
- Standard error codes for receive error (04) and timeout (0x0B).
- Serial interface initialization under Linux.
- x86_64 build.
- Default RTU client response wait timeout increased to 50 ms.
- Eclipse CDT project files.
- Compilation under CYGWIN.