Simply require and initialize the Services_OpenStreetMap
require_once 'Services/OpenStreetMap.php';
$osm = new Services_OpenStreetMap();
$osm->get(-8.3564758, 52.821022799999994, -7.7330017, 53.0428644);
file_put_contents("area_covered.osm", $osm->getXml());
$osm = new Services_OpenStreetMap();
$results = $osm->search(array("amenity" => "pharmacy"));
echo "List of Pharmacies\n";
echo "==================\n\n";
foreach ($results as $result) {
$name = null;
$addr_street = null;
$addr_city = null;
$addr_country = null;
$addr_housename = null;
$addr_housenumber = null;
$opening_hours = null;
$phone = null;
$line1 = ($addr_housenumber) ? $addr_housenumber : $addr_housename;
if ($line1 != null) {
$line1 .= ', ';
echo "$name\n{$line1}{$addr_street}\n$phone\n$opening_hours\n\n";
require_once 'Services/OpenStreetMap.php';
$osm = new Services_OpenStreetMap();
Getting specific changesets, ways etc follow the same pattern.
require_once 'Services/OpenStreetMap.php';
// A password file, is a colon delimited file.
// Eg.
$config = array('passwordfile' => './credentials');
$osm = new Services_OpenStreetMap($config);
$changeset = $osm->createChangeset();
$changeset->begin("These ways are lit");
$ways = $osm->getWays($wayId, $way2Id);
foreach ($ways as $way) {
$way->setTag('highway', 'residential');
$way->setTag('lit', 'yes');
* If you are going to connect to the live API server to run a quick
* test that adds new data, such as POIs, with test/imaginary values
* please be responsible and delete them afterwards.
require_once 'Services/OpenStreetMap.php';
$config = array(
// A password file, is a colon delimited file.
// Eg.
'passwordfile' => './credentials',
// The live API server is
'server' => '',
$osm = new Services_OpenStreetMap($config);
$changeset = $osm->createChangeset();
$changeset->begin("Added Acme Vets.");
// The latitude and longitude values here are intentionally invalid, see
// note above.
$lat = 182.8638729;
$lon = -188.1983611;
$node = $osm->createNode($lat, $lon, array(
'name' => 'Acme Vets',
'building' => 'yes',
'amenity' => 'vet')
$object->RemoveTags(array("name:en", "name:kl"));
The getUser()
method retrieves information for the current user.
$config = array(
'user' => '',
'password' => 'w1lma4evah'
$osm = new Services_OpenStreetMap($config);
$user = $osm->getUser();
echo 'My OSM Mugshot is at ', $user->getImage(), "\n";
The getUserById()
method retrieves information for the specified user.
$osm = new Services_OpenStreetMap();
$user = $osm->getUserById(1);
$osm = new Services_OpenStreetMap(['server' => '']);
$xml = $osm->setFormat('xml')->reverseGeocode("53.434343", "-6.4343343");
- General syntax:
"Mo 08:00-24:00; Tu-Fr 00:00-24:00; Sa 00:00-22:00; Su 10:00-20:00"
- 24/7 always evaluates to true/open.
- a null value always equates to a null response.
- Sunrise/sunset, eg mo-su: sunrise-sunset.
- Day Off, eg:
"Tu off; Mo-Sa 10:00-20:00"
. - Month Off, For example:
"24/7; Aug off"
. - Exceptions such as:
"24/7; Aug 10:00-14:00"
and"Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00; Jun 23 11:15-13:30"
. - Multiple times specified for days: mo-fr 9:00-13:00, 14:00-17:30; sa 9:00-13:00
At the moment, sunrise-sunset
is the only sunrise/sunset spec that's tested.
e.g. 14:00-sunset
isn't tested, nor is sunrise-13:37
for that matter.
Also it only recognises English month names in the values but this is per spec specification cf It doesn't currently support parsing Public Holidays or School Holidays.