File tree
1,188 files changed
lines changed- .github
- actions/javascript
- authorChecklist
- awaitStagingDeploys
- bumpVersion
- checkDeployBlockers
- createOrUpdateStagingDeploy
- getDeployPullRequestList
- getPreviousVersion
- getPullRequestDetails
- getReleaseBody
- isStagingDeployLocked
- markPullRequestsAsDeployed
- postTestBuildComment
- reopenIssueWithComment
- reviewerChecklist
- validateReassureOutput
- verifySignedCommits
- workflows
- .storybook
- android/app
- assets
- emojis
- images
- config
- webpack
- contributingGuides
- desktop
- docs
- _includes
- _sass
- articles
- expensify-classic
- bank-accounts-and-credit-cards/company-cards
- expensify-card
- insights-and-custom-reporting
- manage-employees-and-report-approvals
- send-payments
- new-expensify/integrations/accounting-integrations
- ios
- NewExpensify
- NewExpensifyTests
- jest
- src
- components
- AddressSearch
- AnchorForAttachmentsOnly
- AnchorForCommentsOnly
- AnimatedStep
- AttachmentPicker
- Attachments
- AttachmentCarousel
- Pager
- AttachmentView
- AttachmentViewImage
- AttachmentViewPdf
- AutoCompleteSuggestions
- AvatarCropModal
- BlockingViews
- Button
- CategoryPicker
- CheckboxWithTooltip
- CollapsibleSection
- Collapsible
- Composer
- CurrentUserPersonalDetailsSkeletonView
- CustomDevMenu
- CustomStatusBar
- DatePicker
- DeeplinkWrapper
- DisplayNames
- DistanceMapView
- DistanceRequest
- DragAndDrop
- Consumer
- NoDropZone
- Provider
- DraggableList
- EmojiPicker
- EmojiPickerMenu
- EmojiPickerMenuItem
- ErrorBoundary
- FlatList
- Form
- FormSubmit
- GrowlNotification
- GrowlNotificationContainer
- HTMLEngineProvider
- HTMLRenderers
- PreRenderer
- HeaderGap
- HeaderWithBackButton
- Hoverable
- Icon
- svgs
- Image
- ImageView
- InlineCodeBlock
- InvertedFlatList
- KYCWall
- KeyboardAvoidingView
- KeyboardSpacer
- LHNOptionsList
- LocationErrorMessage
- Lottie
- MapView
- responder
- Modal
- NewDatePicker
- CalendarPicker
- Onfido
- OptionsList
- OptionsSelector
- PDFView
- Picker
- PlaidLink
- Popover
- PopoverMenu
- PopoverProvider
- PopoverWithoutOverlay
- Pressable
- GenericPressable
- PressableWithSecondaryInteraction
- Reactions
- QuickEmojiReactions
- ReportActionItem
- ReportActionsSkeletonView
- RoomNameInput
- SVGImage
- SafeArea
- ScreenWrapper
- SelectionList
- SignInButtons
- AppleAuthWrapper
- AppleSignIn
- GoogleSignIn
- SignInPageForm
- SkeletonViewContentLoader
- SplashScreenHider
- StatePicker
- SwipeableView
- TabSelector
- TagPicker
- TextInput
- TextInputLabel
- TextInputWithCurrencySymbol
- TextWithEllipsis
- ThreeDotsMenu
- Tooltip
- UpdateAppModal
- UserDetailsTooltip
- ValidateCode
- ValuePicker
- VideoChatButtonAndMenu
- WalletStatementModal
- ZeroWidthView
- withWindowDimensions
- hooks
- useInitialWindowDimensions
- useReportScrollManager
- useWindowDimensions
- languages
- libs
- Accessibility
- ActiveClientManager
- AppStateMonitor
- BootSplash
- Browser
- Clipboard
- ComposerUtils
- updateNumberOfLines
- ControlSelection
- E2E
- actions
- apiMocks
- tests
- Environment
- betaChecker
- getEnvironment
- Firebase
- IntlPolyfill
- KeyboardShortcut
- bindHandlerToKeydownEvent
- Localize
- LocaleListener
- Metrics
- Middleware
- Network
- Notification
- LocalNotification
- PushNotification
- ForegroundNotifications
- backgroundRefresh
- subscribePushNotification
- OnyxSelectors
- Pusher
- SelectionScraper
- StartupTimer
- UnreadIndicatorUpdater
- updateUnread
- Visibility
- __mocks__
- actions
- Device
- generateDeviceID
- InputFocus
- MemoryOnlyKeys
- exposeGlobalMemoryOnlyKeysMethods
- ReimbursementAccount
- Session
- canFocusInputOnScreenFocus
- convertToLTR
- convertToLTRForComposer
- fileDownload
- getOperatingSystem
- getPermittedDecimalSeparator
- getPlaidLinkTokenParameters
- getPlatform
- getSecureEntryKeyboardType
- localFileDownload
- migrations
- models
- setShouldShowComposeInputKeyboardAware
- pages
- EnablePayments
- TermsPage
- ErrorPage
- ErrorBodyText
- PrivateNotes
- ReimbursementAccount
- TeachersUnite
- ValidateLoginPage
- home
- report
- ContextMenu
- MiniReportActionContextMenu
- FloatingMessageCounter
- FloatingMessageCounterContainer
- ListBoundaryLoader
- ReactionList
- PopoverReactionList
- ReportActionCompose
- sidebar
- SidebarScreen
- iou
- ReceiptSelector
- propTypes
- steps
- MoneyRequstParticipantsPage
- settings
- AboutPage
- Preferences
- Profile
- Contacts
- ValidateCodeForm
- CustomStatus
- PersonalDetails
- Report
- Security
- TwoFactorAuth
- StepWrapper
- Steps
- TwoFactorAuthForm
- Wallet
- WalletPage
- signin
- AppleSignInDesktopPage
- DesktopSignInRedirectPage
- GoogleSignInDesktopPage
- LoginForm
- SAMLSignInPage
- SignInPageLayout
- BackgroundImage
- signInPageStyles
- ValidateCodeForm
- tasks
- wallet
- workspace
- bills
- card
- invoices
- reimburse
- travel
- setup
- platformSetup
- stories
- styles
- addOutlineWidth
- animation
- cardStyles
- containerComposeStyles
- editedLabelStyles
- getContextMenuItemStyles
- getPopOverVerticalOffset
- optionRowStyles
- themes
- utilities
- types
- modules
- onyx
- tests
- actions
- e2e
- compare
- utils
- perf-test
- ui
- unit
- utils
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,188 files changed
lines changed+24-1
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
24 | 24 |
| |
25 | 25 |
| |
26 | 26 |
| |
27 |
| - | |
| 27 | + | |
28 | 28 |
| |
29 | 29 |
| |
30 | 30 |
| |
| |||
49 | 49 |
| |
50 | 50 |
| |
51 | 51 |
| |
| 52 | + | |
| 53 | + | |
| 54 | + | |
| 55 | + | |
| 56 | + | |
| 57 | + | |
| 58 | + | |
| 59 | + | |
| 60 | + | |
| 61 | + | |
| 62 | + | |
| 63 | + | |
| 64 | + | |
| 65 | + | |
| 66 | + | |
| 67 | + | |
| 68 | + | |
| 69 | + | |
52 | 70 |
| |
53 | 71 |
| |
| 72 | + | |
| 73 | + | |
| 74 | + | |
| 75 | + | |
| 76 | + | |
54 | 77 |
| |
55 | 78 |
| |
56 | 79 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
42 | 42 |
| |
43 | 43 |
| |
44 | 44 |
| |
45 |
| - | |
46 |
| - | |
47 | 45 |
| |
48 |
| - | |
49 |
| - | |
50 |
| - | |
51 |
| - | |
52 |
| - | |
53 |
| - | |
54 |
| - | |
55 |
| - | |
56 |
| - | |
57 |
| - | |
58 |
| - | |
59 |
| - | |
60 |
| - | |
61 |
| - | |
62 |
| - | |
63 |
| - | |
64 |
| - | |
65 |
| - | |
66 |
| - | |
67 |
| - | |
68 |
| - | |
69 |
| - | |
70 |
| - | |
71 |
| - | |
72 |
| - | |
73 |
| - | |
74 |
| - | |
75 |
| - | |
76 |
| - | |
77 |
| - | |
78 |
| - | |
79 |
| - | |
80 |
| - | |
81 |
| - | |
82 |
| - | |
83 |
| - | |
| 46 | + | |
84 | 47 |
| |
85 | 48 |
| |
86 | 49 |
| |
0 commit comments