diff --git a/src/CONST.ts b/src/CONST.ts
index eaae7b82ef74..80c57eeb5095 100755
--- a/src/CONST.ts
+++ b/src/CONST.ts
@@ -1129,11 +1129,6 @@ const CONST = {
// It's copied here so that the same regex pattern can be used in form validations to be consistent with the server.
VALIDATE_FOR_HTML_TAG_REGEX: /<([^>\s]+)(?:[^>]*?)>/g,
- // The regex below is used to remove dots only from the local part of the user email (local-part@domain)
- // so when we are using search, we can match emails that have dots without explicitly writing the dots (e.g: fistlast@domain will match first.last@domain)
- // More info https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/8007
- EMAIL_SEARCH_REGEX: /\.(?=[^\s@]*@)/g,
WHITELISTED_TAGS: [/<>/, /< >/, /<->/, /<-->/, /
/, /
diff --git a/src/libs/OptionsListUtils.ts b/src/libs/OptionsListUtils.ts
index b9be3ffac761..ce922ab88e0f 100644
--- a/src/libs/OptionsListUtils.ts
+++ b/src/libs/OptionsListUtils.ts
@@ -511,6 +511,50 @@ function uniqFast(items: string[]): string[] {
return result;
+ * Returns a string with all relevant search terms.
+ *
+ * This method must be incredibly performant. It was found to be a big performance bottleneck
+ * when dealing with accounts that have thousands of reports. For loops are more efficient than _.each
+ * Array.prototype.push.apply is faster than using the spread operator.
+ */
+function getSearchText(
+ report: OnyxInputOrEntry,
+ reportName: string,
+ personalDetailList: Array>,
+ isChatRoomOrPolicyExpenseChat: boolean,
+ isThread: boolean,
+): string {
+ const searchTerms: string[] = [];
+ for (const personalDetail of personalDetailList) {
+ if (personalDetail.login) {
+ // The regex below is used to remove dots only from the local part of the user email (local-part@domain)
+ // so that we can match emails that have dots without explicitly writing the dots (e.g: fistlast@domain will match first.last@domain)
+ // More info https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/8007
+ searchTerms.push(PersonalDetailsUtils.getDisplayNameOrDefault(personalDetail, '', false), personalDetail.login, personalDetail.login.replace(/\.(?=[^\s@]*@)/g, ''));
+ }
+ }
+ if (report) {
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(searchTerms, reportName.split(/[,\s]/));
+ if (isThread) {
+ const title = ReportUtils.getReportName(report);
+ const chatRoomSubtitle = ReportUtils.getChatRoomSubtitle(report);
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(searchTerms, title.split(/[,\s]/));
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(searchTerms, chatRoomSubtitle?.split(/[,\s]/) ?? ['']);
+ } else if (isChatRoomOrPolicyExpenseChat) {
+ const chatRoomSubtitle = ReportUtils.getChatRoomSubtitle(report);
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(searchTerms, chatRoomSubtitle?.split(/[,\s]/) ?? ['']);
+ }
+ }
+ return uniqFast(searchTerms).join(' ');
* Get an object of error messages keyed by microtime by combining all error objects related to the report.
@@ -745,6 +789,7 @@ function createOption(
phoneNumber: undefined,
hasDraftComment: false,
keyForList: undefined,
+ searchText: undefined,
isDefaultRoom: false,
isPinned: false,
isWaitingOnBankAccount: false,
@@ -841,6 +886,9 @@ function createOption(
result.text = reportName;
+ // Disabling this line for safeness as nullish coalescing works only if the value is undefined or null
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
+ result.searchText = getSearchText(report, reportName, personalDetailList, !!result.isChatRoom || !!result.isPolicyExpenseChat, !!result.isThread);
result.icons = ReportUtils.getIcons(report, personalDetails, personalDetail?.avatar, personalDetail?.login, personalDetail?.accountID, null);
result.subtitle = subtitle;
@@ -2003,6 +2051,22 @@ function getOptions(
+ // Finally check to see if this option is a match for the provided search string if we have one
+ const {searchText, participantsList, isChatRoom} = reportOption;
+ const participantNames = getParticipantNames(participantsList);
+ if (searchValue) {
+ // Determine if the search is happening within a chat room and starts with the report ID
+ const isReportIdSearch = isChatRoom && Str.startsWith(reportOption.reportID ?? '-1', searchValue);
+ // Check if the search string matches the search text or participant names considering the type of the room
+ const isSearchMatch = isSearchStringMatch(searchValue, searchText, participantNames, isChatRoom);
+ if (!isReportIdSearch && !isSearchMatch) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
reportOption.isSelected = isReportSelected(reportOption, selectedOptions);
@@ -2027,11 +2091,19 @@ function getOptions(
if (personalDetailsOptionsToExclude.some((optionToExclude) => optionToExclude.login === personalDetailOption.login)) {
+ const {searchText, participantsList, isChatRoom} = personalDetailOption;
+ const participantNames = getParticipantNames(participantsList);
+ if (searchValue && !isSearchStringMatch(searchValue, searchText, participantNames, isChatRoom)) {
+ return;
+ }
- const currentUserOption = allPersonalDetailsOptions.find((personalDetailsOption) => personalDetailsOption.login === currentUserLogin);
+ let currentUserOption = allPersonalDetailsOptions.find((personalDetailsOption) => personalDetailsOption.login === currentUserLogin);
+ if (searchValue && currentUserOption && !isSearchStringMatch(searchValue, currentUserOption.searchText)) {
+ currentUserOption = undefined;
+ }
let userToInvite: ReportUtils.OptionData | null = null;
if (
@@ -2364,12 +2436,11 @@ function formatSectionsFromSearchTerm(
- const cleanSearchTerm = searchTerm.trim().toLowerCase();
// If you select a new user you don't have a contact for, they won't get returned as part of a recent report or personal details
// This will add them to the list of options, deduping them if they already exist in the other lists
const selectedParticipantsWithoutDetails = selectedOptions.filter((participant) => {
const accountID = participant.accountID ?? null;
- const isPartOfSearchTerm = getPersonalDetailSearchTerms(participant).join(' ').toLowerCase().includes(cleanSearchTerm);
+ const isPartOfSearchTerm = participant.searchText?.toLowerCase().includes(searchTerm.trim().toLowerCase());
const isReportInRecentReports = filteredRecentReports.some((report) => report.accountID === accountID);
const isReportInPersonalDetails = filteredPersonalDetails.some((personalDetail) => personalDetail.accountID === accountID);
return isPartOfSearchTerm && !isReportInRecentReports && !isReportInPersonalDetails;
@@ -2401,14 +2472,6 @@ function getFirstKeyForList(data?: Option[] | null) {
return firstNonEmptyDataObj.keyForList ? firstNonEmptyDataObj.keyForList : '';
-function getPersonalDetailSearchTerms(item: Partial) {
- return [item.participantsList?.[0]?.displayName ?? '', item.login ?? '', item.login?.replace(CONST.EMAIL_SEARCH_REGEX, '') ?? ''];
-function getCurrentUserSearchTerms(item: ReportUtils.OptionData) {
- return [item.text ?? '', item.login ?? '', item.login?.replace(CONST.EMAIL_SEARCH_REGEX, '') ?? ''];
* Filters options based on the search input value
@@ -2430,6 +2493,10 @@ function filterOptions(options: Options, searchInputValue: string, config?: Filt
const searchValue = parsedPhoneNumber.possible && parsedPhoneNumber.number?.e164 ? parsedPhoneNumber.number.e164 : searchInputValue.toLowerCase();
const searchTerms = searchValue ? searchValue.split(' ') : [];
+ // The regex below is used to remove dots only from the local part of the user email (local-part@domain)
+ // so that we can match emails that have dots without explicitly writing the dots (e.g: fistlast@domain will match first.last@domain)
+ const emailRegex = /\.(?=[^\s@]*@)/g;
const optionsToExclude: Option[] = [{login: CONST.EMAIL.NOTIFICATIONS}];
excludeLogins.forEach((login) => {
@@ -2449,7 +2516,7 @@ function filterOptions(options: Options, searchInputValue: string, config?: Filt
if (login) {
- keys.push(login.replace(CONST.EMAIL_SEARCH_REGEX, ''));
+ keys.push(login.replace(emailRegex, ''));
@@ -2465,7 +2532,7 @@ function filterOptions(options: Options, searchInputValue: string, config?: Filt
if (item.login) {
- values.push(item.login.replace(CONST.EMAIL_SEARCH_REGEX, ''));
+ values.push(item.login.replace(emailRegex, ''));
if (item.isThread) {
@@ -2491,9 +2558,15 @@ function filterOptions(options: Options, searchInputValue: string, config?: Filt
return uniqFast(values);
- const personalDetails = filterArrayByMatch(items.personalDetails, term, (item) => uniqFast(getPersonalDetailSearchTerms(item)));
+ const personalDetails = filterArrayByMatch(items.personalDetails, term, (item) =>
+ uniqFast([item.participantsList?.[0]?.displayName ?? '', item.login ?? '', item.login?.replace(emailRegex, '') ?? '']),
+ );
- const currentUserOptionSearchText = items.currentUserOption ? uniqFast(getCurrentUserSearchTerms(items.currentUserOption)).join(' ') : '';
+ const currentUserOptionSearchText = uniqFast([
+ items.currentUserOption?.text ?? '',
+ items.currentUserOption?.login ?? '',
+ items.currentUserOption?.login?.replace(emailRegex, '') ?? '',
+ ]).join(' ');
const currentUserOption = isSearchStringMatch(term, currentUserOptionSearchText) ? items.currentUserOption : null;
@@ -2560,6 +2633,7 @@ export {
+ getSearchText,
@@ -2588,8 +2662,6 @@ export {
- getPersonalDetailSearchTerms,
- getCurrentUserSearchTerms,
export type {MemberForList, CategorySection, CategoryTreeSection, Options, OptionList, SearchOption, PayeePersonalDetails, Category, Tax, TaxRatesOption, Option, OptionTree};
diff --git a/src/libs/SidebarUtils.ts b/src/libs/SidebarUtils.ts
index 62d88e1fe706..bfd99a3e53dc 100644
--- a/src/libs/SidebarUtils.ts
+++ b/src/libs/SidebarUtils.ts
@@ -463,6 +463,7 @@ function getOptionData({
result.participantsList = participantPersonalDetailList;
result.icons = ReportUtils.getIcons(report, personalDetails, personalDetail?.avatar, personalDetail?.login, personalDetail?.accountID, policy, invoiceReceiverPolicy);
+ result.searchText = OptionsListUtils.getSearchText(report, reportName, participantPersonalDetailList, result.isChatRoom || result.isPolicyExpenseChat, result.isThread);
result.displayNamesWithTooltips = displayNamesWithTooltips;
if (status) {
diff --git a/src/pages/NewChatPage.tsx b/src/pages/NewChatPage.tsx
index e5d55ab9fb9a..fec0e5833766 100755
--- a/src/pages/NewChatPage.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/NewChatPage.tsx
@@ -85,15 +85,17 @@ function useOptions({isGroupChat}: NewChatPageProps) {
return filteredOptions;
}, [debouncedSearchTerm, defaultOptions, isGroupChat, selectedOptions]);
- const cleanSearchTerm = useMemo(() => debouncedSearchTerm.trim().toLowerCase(), [debouncedSearchTerm]);
- const headerMessage = useMemo(() => {
- return OptionsListUtils.getHeaderMessage(
- options.personalDetails.length + options.recentReports.length !== 0,
- !!options.userToInvite,
- debouncedSearchTerm.trim(),
- selectedOptions.some((participant) => OptionsListUtils.getPersonalDetailSearchTerms(participant).join(' ').toLowerCase?.().includes(cleanSearchTerm)),
- );
- }, [cleanSearchTerm, debouncedSearchTerm, options.personalDetails.length, options.recentReports.length, options.userToInvite, selectedOptions]);
+ const headerMessage = useMemo(
+ () =>
+ OptionsListUtils.getHeaderMessage(
+ options.personalDetails.length + options.recentReports.length !== 0,
+ !!options.userToInvite,
+ debouncedSearchTerm.trim(),
+ selectedOptions.some((participant) => participant?.searchText?.toLowerCase?.().includes(debouncedSearchTerm.trim().toLowerCase())),
+ ),
+ [debouncedSearchTerm, options.personalDetails.length, options.recentReports.length, options.userToInvite, selectedOptions],
+ );
useEffect(() => {
if (!debouncedSearchTerm.length) {
diff --git a/src/pages/iou/request/MoneyRequestParticipantsSelector.tsx b/src/pages/iou/request/MoneyRequestParticipantsSelector.tsx
index 6ff64128cbbc..3f425280f989 100644
--- a/src/pages/iou/request/MoneyRequestParticipantsSelector.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/iou/request/MoneyRequestParticipantsSelector.tsx
@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ function MoneyRequestParticipantsSelector({participants = CONST.EMPTY_ARRAY, onF
shouldInitialize: didScreenTransitionEnd,
- const cleanSearchTerm = useMemo(() => debouncedSearchTerm.trim().toLowerCase(), [debouncedSearchTerm]);
const offlineMessage: string = isOffline ? `${translate('common.youAppearToBeOffline')} ${translate('search.resultsAreLimited')}` : '';
const isIOUSplit = iouType === CONST.IOU.TYPE.SPLIT;
@@ -217,7 +216,7 @@ function MoneyRequestParticipantsSelector({participants = CONST.EMPTY_ARRAY, onF
(chatOptions.personalDetails ?? []).length + (chatOptions.recentReports ?? []).length !== 0,
- participants.some((participant) => OptionsListUtils.getPersonalDetailSearchTerms(participant).join(' ').toLowerCase().includes(cleanSearchTerm)),
+ participants.some((participant) => participant?.searchText?.toLowerCase().includes(debouncedSearchTerm.trim().toLowerCase())),
return [newSections, headerMessage];
@@ -231,7 +230,6 @@ function MoneyRequestParticipantsSelector({participants = CONST.EMPTY_ARRAY, onF
- cleanSearchTerm,
diff --git a/tests/unit/OptionsListUtilsTest.ts b/tests/unit/OptionsListUtilsTest.ts
index 34a0a9af7383..79f19649f337 100644
--- a/tests/unit/OptionsListUtilsTest.ts
+++ b/tests/unit/OptionsListUtilsTest.ts
@@ -424,12 +424,38 @@ describe('OptionsListUtils', () => {
it('getSearchOptions()', () => {
// When we filter in the Search view without providing a searchValue
- const results = OptionsListUtils.getSearchOptions(OPTIONS, '', [CONST.BETAS.ALL]);
+ let results = OptionsListUtils.getSearchOptions(OPTIONS, '', [CONST.BETAS.ALL]);
// Then the 2 personalDetails that don't have reports should be returned
// Then all of the reports should be shown including the archived rooms.
+ // When we filter again but provide a searchValue
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getSearchOptions(OPTIONS, 'spider');
+ // Then only one option should be returned and it's the one matching the search value
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(1);
+ expect(results.recentReports[0].login).toBe('peterparker@expensify.com');
+ // When we filter again but provide a searchValue that should match multiple times
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getSearchOptions(OPTIONS, 'fantastic');
+ // Value with latest lastVisibleActionCreated should be at the top.
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(2);
+ expect(results.recentReports[0].text).toBe('Mister Fantastic');
+ expect(results.recentReports[1].text).toBe('Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman');
+ return waitForBatchedUpdates()
+ .then(() => {
+ // When we filter again but provide a searchValue that should match with periods
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getSearchOptions(OPTIONS_WITH_PERIODS, 'barry.allen@expensify.com');
+ // Then we expect to have the personal detail with period filtered
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(1);
+ expect(results.recentReports[0].text).toBe('The Flash');
+ });
it('getFilteredOptions()', () => {
@@ -496,6 +522,34 @@ describe('OptionsListUtils', () => {
// Then no personal detail options will be returned
+ // When we provide a search value that does not match any personal details
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], 'magneto');
+ // Then no options will be returned
+ expect(results.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
+ // When we provide a search value that matches an email
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], 'peterparker@expensify.com');
+ // Then one recentReports will be returned and it will be the correct option
+ // personalDetails should be empty array
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(1);
+ expect(results.recentReports[0].text).toBe('Spider-Man');
+ expect(results.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
+ // When we provide a search value that matches a partial display name or email
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '.com');
+ // Then several options will be returned and they will be each have the search string in their email or name
+ // even though the currently logged in user matches they should not show.
+ // Should be ordered by lastVisibleActionCreated values.
+ expect(results.personalDetails.length).toBe(4);
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(5);
+ expect(results.personalDetails[0].login).toBe('natasharomanoff@expensify.com');
+ expect(results.recentReports[0].text).toBe('Captain America');
+ expect(results.recentReports[1].text).toBe('Mr Sinister');
+ expect(results.recentReports[2].text).toBe('Black Panther');
// Test for Concierge's existence in chat options
results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS_WITH_CONCIERGE.reports, OPTIONS_WITH_CONCIERGE.personalDetails);
@@ -549,6 +603,27 @@ describe('OptionsListUtils', () => {
const personalDetailsOverlapWithReports = results.personalDetails.every((personalDetailOption) => reportLogins.includes(personalDetailOption.login));
+ // When we search for an option that is only in a personalDetail with no existing report
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], 'hulk');
+ // Then reports should return no results
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
+ // And personalDetails should show just one option and it will be the one we expect
+ expect(results.personalDetails.length).toBe(1);
+ expect(results.personalDetails[0].login).toBe('brucebanner@expensify.com');
+ // When we search for an option that matches things in both personalDetails and reports
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '.com');
+ // Then all single participant reports that match will show up in the recentReports array, Recently used contact should be at the top
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(5);
+ expect(results.recentReports[0].text).toBe('Captain America');
+ // And logins with no single participant reports will show up in personalDetails
+ expect(results.personalDetails.length).toBe(4);
+ expect(results.personalDetails[0].login).toBe('natasharomanoff@expensify.com');
// When we provide no selected options to getFilteredOptions()
results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '', []);
@@ -564,6 +639,72 @@ describe('OptionsListUtils', () => {
expect(results.recentReports.every((option) => option.login !== 'peterparker@expensify.com')).toBe(true);
expect(results.personalDetails.every((option) => option.login !== 'peterparker@expensify.com')).toBe(true);
+ // When we add a search term for which no options exist and the searchValue itself
+ // is not a potential email or phone
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], 'marc@expensify');
+ // Then we should have no options or personal details at all and also that there is no userToInvite
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(results.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(results.userToInvite).toBe(null);
+ // When we add a search term for which no options exist and the searchValue itself
+ // is a potential email
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], 'marc@expensify.com');
+ // Then we should have no options or personal details at all but there should be a userToInvite
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(results.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(results.userToInvite).not.toBe(null);
+ // When we add a search term with a period, with options for it that don't contain the period
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], 'peter.parker@expensify.com');
+ // Then we should have no options at all but there should be a userToInvite
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(results.userToInvite).not.toBe(null);
+ // When we add a search term for which no options exist and the searchValue itself
+ // is a potential phone number without country code added
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '5005550006');
+ // Then we should have no options or personal details at all but there should be a userToInvite and the login
+ // should have the country code included
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(results.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(results.userToInvite).not.toBe(null);
+ expect(results.userToInvite?.login).toBe('+15005550006');
+ // When we add a search term for which no options exist and the searchValue itself
+ // is a potential phone number with country code added
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '+15005550006');
+ // Then we should have no options or personal details at all but there should be a userToInvite and the login
+ // should have the country code included
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(results.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(results.userToInvite).not.toBe(null);
+ expect(results.userToInvite?.login).toBe('+15005550006');
+ // When we add a search term for which no options exist and the searchValue itself
+ // is a potential phone number with special characters added
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '+1 (800)324-3233');
+ // Then we should have no options or personal details at all but there should be a userToInvite and the login
+ // should have the country code included
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(results.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(results.userToInvite).not.toBe(null);
+ expect(results.userToInvite?.login).toBe('+18003243233');
+ // When we use a search term for contact number that contains alphabet characters
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '998243aaaa');
+ // Then we shouldn't have any results or user to invite
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(results.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(results.userToInvite).toBe(null);
// Test Concierge's existence in new group options
results = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS_WITH_CONCIERGE.reports, OPTIONS_WITH_CONCIERGE.personalDetails);
@@ -616,6 +757,18 @@ describe('OptionsListUtils', () => {
// Then we should expect all the recent reports to show but exclude the archived rooms
expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(Object.values(OPTIONS.reports).length - 1);
+ // When we pass a search value that doesn't match the group chat name
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getShareDestinationOptions(filteredReports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], 'mutants');
+ // Then we should expect no recent reports to show
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
+ // When we pass a search value that matches the group chat name
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getShareDestinationOptions(filteredReports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], 'Iron Man, Fantastic');
+ // Then we should expect the group chat to show along with the contacts matching the search
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(1);
// Filter current REPORTS_WITH_WORKSPACE_ROOMS as we do in the component, before getting share destination options
const filteredReportsWithWorkspaceRooms = Object.values(OPTIONS_WITH_WORKSPACE_ROOM.reports).reduce((filtered, option) => {
const report = option.item;
@@ -631,17 +784,42 @@ describe('OptionsListUtils', () => {
// Then we should expect the DMS, the group chats and the workspace room to show
// We should expect all the recent reports to show, excluding the archived rooms
expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(Object.values(OPTIONS_WITH_WORKSPACE_ROOM.reports).length - 1);
+ // When we search for a workspace room
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getShareDestinationOptions(filteredReportsWithWorkspaceRooms, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], 'Avengers Room');
+ // Then we should expect only the workspace room to show
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(1);
+ // When we search for a workspace room that doesn't exist
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getShareDestinationOptions(filteredReportsWithWorkspaceRooms, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], 'Mutants Lair');
+ // Then we should expect no results to show
+ expect(results.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
it('getMemberInviteOptions()', () => {
// When we only pass personal details
- const results = OptionsListUtils.getMemberInviteOptions(OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
+ let results = OptionsListUtils.getMemberInviteOptions(OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
// We should expect personal details to be sorted alphabetically
expect(results.personalDetails[0].text).toBe('Black Panther');
expect(results.personalDetails[1].text).toBe('Black Widow');
expect(results.personalDetails[2].text).toBe('Captain America');
expect(results.personalDetails[3].text).toBe('Invisible Woman');
+ // When we provide a search value that does not match any personal details
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getMemberInviteOptions(OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], 'magneto');
+ // Then no options will be returned
+ expect(results.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
+ // When we provide a search value that matches an email
+ results = OptionsListUtils.getMemberInviteOptions(OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], 'peterparker@expensify.com');
+ // Then one personal should be in personalDetails list
+ expect(results.personalDetails.length).toBe(1);
+ expect(results.personalDetails[0].text).toBe('Spider-Man');
it('getFilteredOptions() for categories', () => {
@@ -2772,208 +2950,6 @@ describe('OptionsListUtils', () => {
- it('should not return any options if search value does not match any personal details (getMemberInviteOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getMemberInviteOptions(OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, 'magneto');
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
- });
- it('should return one personal detail if search value matches an email (getMemberInviteOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getMemberInviteOptions(OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, 'peterparker@expensify.com');
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails.length).toBe(1);
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails[0].text).toBe('Spider-Man');
- });
- it('should not show any recent reports if a search value does not match the group chat name (getShareDestinationsOptions)', () => {
- // Filter current REPORTS as we do in the component, before getting share destination options
- const filteredReports = Object.values(OPTIONS.reports).reduce((filtered, option) => {
- const report = option.item;
- if (ReportUtils.canUserPerformWriteAction(report) && ReportUtils.canCreateTaskInReport(report) && !ReportUtils.isCanceledTaskReport(report)) {
- filtered.push(option);
- }
- return filtered;
- }, []);
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getShareDestinationOptions(filteredReports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, 'mutants');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
- });
- it('should return a workspace room when we search for a workspace room(getShareDestinationsOptions)', () => {
- const filteredReportsWithWorkspaceRooms = Object.values(OPTIONS_WITH_WORKSPACE_ROOM.reports).reduce((filtered, option) => {
- const report = option.item;
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
- if (ReportUtils.canUserPerformWriteAction(report) || ReportUtils.isExpensifyOnlyParticipantInReport(report)) {
- filtered.push(option);
- }
- return filtered;
- }, []);
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getShareDestinationOptions(filteredReportsWithWorkspaceRooms, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, 'Avengers Room');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(1);
- });
- it('should not show any results if searching for a non-existing workspace room(getShareDestinationOptions)', () => {
- const filteredReportsWithWorkspaceRooms = Object.values(OPTIONS_WITH_WORKSPACE_ROOM.reports).reduce((filtered, option) => {
- const report = option.item;
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
- if (ReportUtils.canUserPerformWriteAction(report) || ReportUtils.isExpensifyOnlyParticipantInReport(report)) {
- filtered.push(option);
- }
- return filtered;
- }, []);
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getShareDestinationOptions(filteredReportsWithWorkspaceRooms, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, 'Mutants Lair');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
- });
- it('should show the option from personal details when searching for personal detail with no existing report (getFilteredOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, 'hulk');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails.length).toBe(1);
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails[0].login).toBe('brucebanner@expensify.com');
- });
- it('should return all matching reports and personal details (getFilteredOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, '.com');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(5);
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports[0].text).toBe('Captain America');
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails.length).toBe(4);
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails[0].login).toBe('natasharomanoff@expensify.com');
- });
- it('should not return any options or user to invite if there are no search results and the string does not match a potential email or phone (getFilteredOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, 'marc@expensify');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
- expect(filteredOptions.userToInvite).toBe(null);
- });
- it('should not return any options but should return an user to invite if no matching options exist and the search value is a potential email (getFilteredOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, 'marc@expensify.com');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
- expect(filteredOptions.userToInvite).not.toBe(null);
- });
- it('should return user to invite when search term has a period with options for it that do not contain the period (getFilteredOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, 'peter.parker@expensify.com');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
- expect(filteredOptions.userToInvite).not.toBe(null);
- });
- it('should not return options but should return an user to invite if no matching options exist and the search value is a potential phone number (getFilteredOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, '5005550006');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
- expect(filteredOptions.userToInvite).not.toBe(null);
- expect(filteredOptions.userToInvite?.login).toBe('+15005550006');
- });
- it('should not return options but should return an user to invite if no matching options exist and the search value is a potential phone number with country code added (getFilteredOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, '+15005550006');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
- expect(filteredOptions.userToInvite).not.toBe(null);
- expect(filteredOptions.userToInvite?.login).toBe('+15005550006');
- });
- it('should not return options but should return an user to invite if no matching options exist and the search value is a potential phone number with special characters added (getFilteredOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, '+1 (800)324-3233');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
- expect(filteredOptions.userToInvite).not.toBe(null);
- expect(filteredOptions.userToInvite?.login).toBe('+18003243233');
- });
- it('should not return any options or user to invite if contact number contains alphabet characters (getFilteredOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, '998243aaaa');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(0);
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
- expect(filteredOptions.userToInvite).toBe(null);
- });
- it('should not return any options if search value does not match any personal details (getFilteredOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, 'magneto');
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
- });
- it('should return one recent report and no personal details if a search value provides an email (getFilteredOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, 'peterparker@expensify.com', {sortByReportTypeInSearch: true});
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(1);
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports[0].text).toBe('Spider-Man');
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails.length).toBe(0);
- });
- it('should return all matching reports and personal details (getFilteredOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getFilteredOptions(OPTIONS.reports, OPTIONS.personalDetails, [], '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, '.com');
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails.length).toBe(4);
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(5);
- expect(filteredOptions.personalDetails[0].login).toBe('natasharomanoff@expensify.com');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports[0].text).toBe('Captain America');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports[1].text).toBe('Mr Sinister');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports[2].text).toBe('Black Panther');
- });
- it('should return matching option when searching (getSearchOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getSearchOptions(OPTIONS, '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, 'spider');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(1);
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports[0].text).toBe('Spider-Man');
- });
- it('should return latest lastVisibleActionCreated item on top when search value matches multiple items (getSearchOptions)', () => {
- const options = OptionsListUtils.getSearchOptions(OPTIONS, '');
- const filteredOptions = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(options, 'fantastic');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports.length).toBe(2);
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports[0].text).toBe('Mister Fantastic');
- expect(filteredOptions.recentReports[1].text).toBe('Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman');
- return waitForBatchedUpdates()
- .then(() => {
- const results = OptionsListUtils.getSearchOptions(OPTIONS_WITH_PERIODS, '');
- const filteredResults = OptionsListUtils.filterOptions(results, 'barry.allen@expensify.com', {sortByReportTypeInSearch: true});
- expect(filteredResults.recentReports.length).toBe(1);
- expect(filteredResults.recentReports[0].text).toBe('The Flash');
- });
- });
describe('canCreateOptimisticPersonalDetailOption', () => {