Contributions are welcome, provided that hey follow this guidelines.
If you have a new issue to report, please create it here and please follow this guidelines.
Browse the current open issues and participate in the discussion for the ones you can help.
In case you also want to work on the solution for it, please discuss how you want to proceed.
After an agreement is achieved the issue will be assigned to you.
Now is time to fork the repository and start coding on it.
When you are ready to merge it, please proceed as per this Merge Requests Guidelines.
Always perform a search to see if your Issue as been already reported.
Issues must use one of the available templates and all topics marked as required must be filled, by erasing the current help and example info on them and write your own text.
All optional topics not used must maintain their title and have their body replaced by 'N/A'.
When any created issue do not follow this guidelines it will not be considered.
Each issue will have is own Branch that are created as demonstrated here.
Each issue should only target a specific bug or security flaw, unless they are tightly coupled to the point you can't solve them separately.
Create the issue here with the template
Starts with the Creation of a Milestone.
Now we should split what we want to do in many tasks as we can by creating an Issue for each task and assign the issue to the Milestone.
Create each issue here using the relevant template:
When opening your Merge Request ensure to do it against the master
Merge requests must use one of the available templates and all topics marked as required
must be filled.
All optional topics not used must maintain their title and have their body replaced by 'N/A'.