Navigable since ancient times, the Gironde Estuary is the meeting points of 2 of France's major rivers, The Garonne and the Dordogne. It has a rich history due to the importance of maritime trade. The influence of Bordeaux's Port was long established, attracting many ships Realizing a map of what is considered as Europe's largest estuary and its main tributaries was a pleasure for me.
The Sanaga River is the longest river in Cameroon. It rises in the Adamawoua region and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. It is on this river that the Country'most important dams projects are located. From this RiverREM, you can clearly visualize the river that separates the Lekie and the Mbam Inoubou divisions. The section illustrated is at the Pont de l'Enfance bridge between the Nachtigal and Mbebe Kikot dams projects.
- Data: Copernicus 30m DEM (OpenTopography)
- Tools: RiverREM, QGIS, Canva