This constraint attribute rule evaluates the feature when inserted and if it exceed the allowable number of related ojects of this type, rejects the edit.
In a electric network, a feature may be used to represent the location and a table used to store assets. This rule can ensure that only a certain number of assets are added.
Using ArcGIS Pro, use the Add Attribute Rule geoprocessing tool to define this rule on a feature class and optionally on a subtype in that feature class. Use the following values when defining the rule, the other options are not required or depend on your situation.
- Rule Type: Constraint
- Triggering Events: Insert
This constraint attribute rule evaluates the feature when inserted and if it exceed the allowable number of related ojects of this type, rejects the edit.
An example with using this rule is included in the Example.
To demonstrate, open the related rows table and add a row with a subtype prior to committing the edit.
// This rule is designed to check the count of child records and ensure they do not exceed the required amount
// dict with the max number of records by subtype
var max_counts = {
'1': 1, // Subtype 1 in the child
'2': 1, // Subtype 2 in the child
'3': 0, // Subtype 3 in the child is not allowed at all to this parent
'4': 0 // Subtype 3 in the child is not allowed at all to this parent
if (HasKey(max_counts, $feature.subtype) == false)
return true;
var max_value = max_counts[Text($feature.subtype)];
// A flag to determine if types table are allowed if not defined in max_counts
var non_defined_types_allowed = false;
// Store the featurse global from the key field in the relationship
var feature_id = $feature.globalid;
var parent_id = $feature.parentguid;
if (IsEmpty(feature_id) || IsEmpty(parent_id)) {
return true;
// force to upper as the sql is case sensitive
feature_id = Upper(feature_id);
parent_id = Upper(parent_id);
// Using the GDB name, get the other related records
var child_class = FeatureSetByName($datastore, 'RelatedRows', ['parent_guid', 'SUBTYPE', 'LIFECYCLE'], false);
// Filter the class the feature is in to get fellow related rows
// Optionally, extend query, such as filter by lifecycle - and LIFECYCLE <> 1
var pier_records = Filter(child_class, 'PARENTGUID = @parent_id and GlobalID <> @feature_id and SUBTYPE = ' + $feature.subtype);
// If no pier records, return
if (IsEmpty(pier_records)) {
return true;
if (Count(pier_records) > max_value)
return {'errorMessage':'Adding this row violated allowable count(' + max_value + ') of related records for type: ' + DomainName($feature, 'SUBTYPE')};
return true;