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AWS Node Termination Handler

AWS Node Termination Handler Helm chart for Kubernetes. For more information on this project see the project repo at


  • Kubernetes >= 1.11

Installing the Chart

Add the EKS repository to Helm:

helm repo add eks

Install AWS Node Termination Handler: To install the chart with the release name aws-node-termination-handler and default configuration:

helm upgrade --install aws-node-termination-handler \
  --namespace kube-system \

To install into an EKS cluster where the Node Termination Handler is already installed, you can run:

helm upgrade --install --recreate-pods --force \
  aws-node-termination-handler --namespace kube-system eks/aws-node-termination-handler

If you receive an error similar to Error: release aws-node-termination-handler failed: <resource> "aws-node-termination-handler" already exists, simply rerun the above command.

The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the aws-node-termination-handler deployment:

helm delete --purge aws-node-termination-handler

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.

AWS Node Termination Handler Common Configuration

The configuration in this table applies to both queue-processor mode and IMDS mode.

Parameter Description Default
deleteLocalData Tells kubectl to continue even if there are pods using emptyDir (local data that will be deleted when the node is drained). false
gracePeriod (DEPRECATED: Renamed to podTerminationGracePeriod) The time in seconds given to each pod to terminate gracefully. If negative, the default value specified in the pod will be used. 30
podTerminationGracePeriod The time in seconds given to each pod to terminate gracefully. If negative, the default value specified in the pod will be used. 30
nodeTerminationGracePeriod Period of time in seconds given to each NODE to terminate gracefully. Node draining will be scheduled based on this value to optimize the amount of compute time, but still safely drain the node before an event. 120
ignoreDaemonSets Causes kubectl to skip daemon set managed pods true
instanceMetadataURL The URL of EC2 instance metadata. This shouldn't need to be changed unless you are testing.
webhookURL Posts event data to URL upon instance interruption action ``
webhookURLSecretName Pass Webhook URL as a secret. Secret Key: webhookurl, Value: <WEBHOOK_URL> None
webhookProxy Uses the specified HTTP(S) proxy for sending webhooks ``
webhookHeaders Replaces the default webhook headers. {"Content-type":"application/json"}
webhookTemplate Replaces the default webhook message template. {"text":"[NTH][Instance Interruption] EventID: {{ .EventID }} - Kind: {{ .Kind }} - Instance: {{ .InstanceID }} - Description: {{ .Description }} - Start Time: {{ .StartTime }}"}
webhookTemplateConfigMapName Pass Webhook template file as configmap None
webhookTemplateConfigMapKey Name of the template file stored in the configmap None
metadataTries The number of times to try requesting metadata. If you would like 2 retries, set metadata-tries to 3. 3
cordonOnly If true, nodes will be cordoned but not drained when an interruption event occurs. false
taintNode If true, nodes will be tainted when an interruption event occurs. Currently used taint keys are aws-node-termination-handler/scheduled-maintenance, aws-node-termination-handler/spot-itn, and aws-node-termination-handler/asg-lifecycle-termination false
jsonLogging If true, use JSON-formatted logs instead of human readable logs. false
logLevel Sets the log level (INFO, DEBUG, or ERROR) INFO
enablePrometheusServer If true, start an http server exposing /metrics endpoint for prometheus. false
prometheusServerPort Replaces the default HTTP port for exposing prometheus metrics. 9092
podMonitor.create if true, create a PodMonitor false
podMonitor.interval Prometheus scrape interval 30s
podMonitor.sampleLimit Number of scraped samples accepted 5000
podMonitor.labels Additional PodMonitor metadata labels {}

AWS Node Termination Handler - Queue-Processor Mode Configuration

Parameter Description Default
enableSqsTerminationDraining If true, this turns on queue-processor mode which drains nodes when an SQS termination event is received false
queueURL Listens for messages on the specified SQS queue URL None
awsRegion If specified, use the AWS region for AWS API calls, else NTH will try to find the region through AWS_REGION env var, IMDS, or the specified queue URL ``
checkASGTagBeforeDraining If true, check that the instance is tagged with "aws-node-termination-handler/managed" as the key before draining the node true
managedAsgTag The tag to ensure is on a node if checkASGTagBeforeDraining is true aws-node-termination-handler/managed
workers The maximum amount of parallel event processors 10

AWS Node Termination Handler - IMDS Mode Configuration

Parameter Description Default
enableScheduledEventDraining [EXPERIMENTAL] If true, drain nodes before the maintenance window starts for an EC2 instance scheduled event false
enableSpotInterruptionDraining If true, drain nodes when the spot interruption termination notice is received true
enableRebalanceMonitoring If true, cordon nodes when rebalance recommendation is received false
useHostNetwork If true, enables hostNetwork for the Linux DaemonSet. NOTE: setting this to false may cause issues accessing IMDSv2 if your account is not configured with an IP hop count of 2 true

Kubernetes Configuration

Parameter Description Default
image.repository image repository
image.tag image tag <VERSION>
image.pullPolicy image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets image pull secrets (for private docker registries) []
affinity node/pod affinities None
linuxAffinity Linux node/pod affinities None
windowsAffinity Windows node/pod affinities None
podAnnotations annotations to add to each pod {}
linuxPodAnnotations Linux annotations to add to each pod {}
windowsPodAnnotations Windows annotations to add to each pod {}
podLabels labels to add to each pod {}
linuxPodLabels labels to add to each Linux pod {}
windowsPodLabels labels to add to each Windows pod {}
priorityClassName Name of the priorityClass system-node-critical
resources Resources for the pods requests.cpu: 50m, requests.memory: 64Mi, limits.cpu: 100m, limits.memory: 128Mi
dnsPolicy DaemonSet DNS policy Linux: ClusterFirstWithHostNet, Windows: ClusterFirst
nodeSelector Tells the all daemon sets where to place the node-termination-handler pods. For example: lifecycle: "Ec2Spot", on-demand: "false", "spot", etc. Value must be a valid yaml expression. {}
linuxNodeSelector Tells the Linux daemon set where to place the node-termination-handler pods. For example: lifecycle: "Ec2Spot", on-demand: "false", "spot", etc. Value must be a valid yaml expression. {}
windowsNodeSelector Tells the Windows daemon set where to place the node-termination-handler pods. For example: lifecycle: "Ec2Spot", on-demand: "false", "spot", etc. Value must be a valid yaml expression. {}
tolerations list of node taints to tolerate [ {"operator": "Exists"} ]
rbac.create if true, create and use RBAC resources true
rbac.pspEnabled If true, create and use a restricted pod security policy false
serviceAccount.create If true, create a new service account true Service account to be used None
serviceAccount.annotations Specifies the annotations for ServiceAccount {}
securityContext.runAsUserID User ID to run the container 1000
securityContext.runAsGroupID Group ID to run the container 1000
nodeSelectorTermsOs Operating System Node Selector Key >=1.14:, <1.14:
nodeSelectorTermsArch CPU Architecture Node Selector Key >=1.14:, <1.14:
targetNodeOs Space separated list of node OS's to target, e.g. "linux", "windows", "linux windows". Note: Windows support is experimental. "linux"
updateStrategy Update strategy for the all DaemonSets (Linux and Windows) type=RollingUpdate,rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable=1
linuxUpdateStrategy Update strategy for the Linux DaemonSet type=RollingUpdate,rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable=1
windowsUpdateStrategy Update strategy for the Windows DaemonSet type=RollingUpdate,rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable=1


Parameter Description Default
procUptimeFile (Used for Testing) Specify the uptime file /proc/uptime
awsEndpoint (Used for testing) If specified, use the AWS endpoint to make API calls None
awsSecretAccessKey (Used for testing) Pass-thru env var None
awsAccessKeyID (Used for testing) Pass-thru env var None
dryRun If true, only log if a node would be drained false

Metrics endpoint consideration

NTH in IMDS mode runs as a DaemonSet w/ host_networking=true by default. If the prometheus server is enabled, nothing else will be able to bind to the configured port (by default :9092) in the root network namespace. Therefore, it will need to have a firewall/security group configured on the nodes to block access to the /metrics endpoint.

You can switch NTH in IMDS mode to run w/ host_networking=false, but you will need to make sure that IMDSv1 is enabled or IMDSv2 IP hop count will need to be incremented to 2.