This python3 project comprises of the following:
- the src directory houses an application which does the following:
- Gets a list of ip addresses from the ip_addresses.txt file. These serve to represent the IP addresses from the users in the scenario given. The IP Addresses were sourced from TOR's exit relay list. There are 550 ip addresses included in the file. This satisfies the sample size requirement of greater than 500 but below 10000.
- For each of these ip addresses:
- uses the IP-API Geolocation API to get details on the location/geolocation of this IP address. Note that this API has a limit of 45 requests/minute thus retry mechanism and exponential backoff are used.
- uses the location details to get details on the weather in that location. This is done using the OpenWeatherMapAPI
- creates a data frame holding all of this information
- add said data frame to a csv file (called output.csv)
- Then uses the output to produce and display groups, aggregations and visualizations. These include:
- Grouping:
- Grouping the data by city, country and region
- Displaying Details on IPs from region:Quebec
- Displaying Details on IPs from the country:USA
- Displaying Details on IPs from the city:Seattle
- Aggregation and Visualizations:
- Aggregation: Mean Temperature in Countries
- Aggregation: Mean Temperature in Regions
- Aggregation: Mean Max/Min Temperature in Countries
- Figure 1: Box plot of Humidity in Germany
- Figure 2: Bar chart showing Mean Max/Min Temperature in Countries
- NOTE The visualizations are served from a flask app thus you have to visit the url
- Grouping:
- the test directory contains unit tests that utilize mocking to just check the functionality of the application
- a Dockerfile used to build a Docker image with the application. This is used to satisfy the requirements for the deployment process to be repeatable, be run using docker and via a single command
- the .circleci directory contains a config.yml file which uses CircleCI to put in a CI/CD pipeline for the application. The pipeline:
- a requirements.txt file containing all the python dependencies of the project. These can be installed using pip install -r requirements.txt from the root of this repository
Run locally: with dependencies installed, to run the application, from the root of the repository, run the following commands:
- cd src
- python --ips ip_addresses.txt
- Note: Running this application locally requires WEATHER_API_KEY to be set as environment variables with the value being an API key for the OpenWeathermap API.
Run tests: with dependencies installed, to run the application, from the root of the repository, run the following commands:
- python -m unittest discover -s test
Run with docker (following the requirements)
- docker run -p 5000:5000 emmaogiji/mintelweather:latest
- docker-compose up (from the root of the repo with the required environment variable set)
- Due to the limitation of the API used, the code does take a significant amount of time to run. The API was favoured over others due to the fact that most others had daily limits. This limitation is also the reason behind the number of ip addresses (samples) used being near the floor of the range given.