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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

size: large
size: large
Large project that will take a few weeks or more
size: small
size: small
user or developer needs help
test: aux_clm
test: aux_clm
Pass aux_clm suite before merging
test: ctsm_sci
test: ctsm_sci
Run and check ctsm_sci suite before merging
test: docs
test: docs
Test documentation build before merging
test: fates
test: fates
Pass fates test suite before merging
test: mksurfdata
test: mksurfdata
Test mksurfdata_esmf before merging
test: none
test: none
No tests required (e.g. tools/contrib)
test: python
test: python
Pass clm_pymods test suite plus Python sys/unit tests before merging
test: rivers
test: rivers
Test RTM/MOSART/mizuRoute before merging
additions or changes to tests
Improve or clarify user-facing options