Please Record your contributions here.
- Change: The
files:- KER1j: The CC-BY license for the EOSC SMS ISM Additions and improvements has been changed to Restricted (GDPR limitations). The URL row for EOSC SMS ISM Additions and improvements has been deleted.
- KER1k: The CC-BY license for the result Additions and improvements has been changed to Restricted (GDPR limitations).
- KER2a: The license for the Service Catalogue content result has been changed from Apache 2.0 to Restricted (GDPR limitations).
- Location: This change was made in the directories:
Software-Documentation/Key Exploitation Results/#KER1j EOSC Security Coordination
Software-Documentation/Key Exploitation Results/#KER1k EOSC Service Management System
Software-Documentation/Key Exploitation Results/#KER2a EOSC Resource Catalogue (Service Provider Portal)
- Reason: The
files were updated according to e-mail correspondence.
- Change: The
files, which previously contained software licences, have now been updated to include theCC-BY
licence. - Location: This change was made in the directories:
Software-Documentation/Technical Documentation/Catalogue and Marketplace (Athena-OpenAIRE-Cyfronet)/EOSC Marketplace and Search Service (Cyfronet)/Technical Documentation
Software-Documentation/Technical Documentation/Catalogue and Marketplace (Athena-OpenAIRE-Cyfronet)/EOSC Recommender System (Athena-GRNET-PSNC)/EOSC-RS-Core/Technical Documentation
Software-Documentation/Technical Documentation/Catalogue and Marketplace (Athena-OpenAIRE-Cyfronet)/EOSC User Dashboard (Cyfronet)/Technical Documentation
Software-Documentation/Technical Documentation/Order Management (EGI-Cyfronet)/Order Management System in the EOSC Catalogue (Cyfronet)/Technical Documentation
- Reason: The
files were updated according to e-mail correspondence.
- Change: Added
license. - Location: This change was made in the directories:
Software-Documentation/Technical Documentation/Accounting (GRNET-OpenAIRE)/EOSC Accounting for Services (GRNET)/Technical Documentation
,Software-Documentation/Technical Documentation/Catalogue and Marketplace (Athena-OpenAIRE-Cyfronet)/EOSC Recommender System (Athena-GRNET-PSNC)/EOSC-RS-Extensons/Technical Documentation
,Software-Documentation/Technical Documentation/Messaging (GRNET)/EOSC Messaging Service (GRNET)/Technical Documentation
- Reason: The
files were added according to e-mail correspondence.
- Change: Added
forSoftware-Documentation/Technical Documentation
. - Location: This change was made in the
Software-Documentation/Technical Documentation
directory. - Reason: The
added according to e-mail correspondence.
- Change: Added
for wholeSoftware-Documentation
. - Location: This change was made in the
directory. - Reason: The
added according to e-mail correspondence.
- Change: Renamed
IPR Documentation
toKey Exploitation Results
, created and the entire DEMO-EOSCFuture repository ( has been added. - Location: This change was made in the
IPR Documentation
/Key Exploitation Results
directory. - Reason: The repository was renamed and added according to e-mail correspondence.
- Change: Renamed
Technical Results
andOther Results
intoTechnical Documentation
andIPR Documentation
. - Location: This change was made in the
directory. - Reason: The repositories were renamed according to e-mail correspondence.
- Change: Deleted
Execution Framework
,Configuration Management Database (EGI)
andEOSC Order Handling System - SOMBO
. - Location: This change was made in the
directory. - Reason: The repositories were removed because they contained only draft files.
- Change: Updated EOSC Knowledge Hub.
- Location: This change was made in the
Software-Documentation/Knowledge Hub (OpenAIRE)/EOSC Knowledge HUB (OpenAIRE)/Technical Documentation
directory. - Reason: Documentation has been updated.
- Change: Added remaining documentation.
- Location: This change was made in the
directory. - Reason: Documentation was ready.
- Change: Added 2 main directories
Technical Results
andOther Results
, moved all technical directories intoTechnical Results
. Added directoriesTechnical Documentation
in the directories of specific documentation and moved all parts of technical documentation here. - Location: This change was made in the
directory. - Reason: Change was requested by
Roksana Wilk
- Change: Added EOSC Explore documentation.
- Location: This change was made in the
Software-Documentation/Catalogue and Marketplace (Athena-OpenAIRE-Cyfronet)/EOSC Explore (OpenAIRE)
directory. - Reason: Documentation was ready.
- Change: Updated
file. - Location: This change was made in the
Software-Documentation/Catalogue and Marketplace (Athena-OpenAIRE-Cyfronet)/EOSC Recommender System (Athena-GRNET-PSNC)
directory. - Reason: Change was requested by
Marcin Wolski
- Change: Replaced
file. - Location: This change was made in the
Software-Documentation/Catalogue and Marketplace (Athena-OpenAIRE-Cyfronet)/EOSC Marketplace and Search Service (Cyfronet)
directory. - Reason: There was only Software license, added software documentation license.