See for high-level information about Drill4J component.
This document describes building and the development of Drill4J.
There are following branch types:
- main branch
- name pattern: main
- description: main branch, direct pushes are forbidden, only pull-request allowed
- release branch
- name pattern: release/<version>
- description: release branches automatically created during release publishing, used for hot-fixe releases development and publishing
- merge branch
- name pattern: merge/<version>
- description: temporary branches, may be created to simplify merge of feature branches into main branch
- adoption branch
- name pattern: adoption/<adoption-name>
- description: branches with adoption-specific changes that cannot be integrated into main branch
- feature branches
- name pattern: feature/<branch-description>
- name pattern: bugfix/<branch-description>
- name pattern: docs/<branch-description>
- <branch-description>: should be in format <description>-<optional jira ticket> (like feature/do-something-cool-epmdj-12356 or feature/do-something-cool)
- description: branches for feature (bugfix, documentation) development, should be merged into main/adoption branch via pull-request and removed at feature completion
TODO: add visualization
There are two types of versioning:
- version created from main branch
- format: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (like 0.8.3)
- increment: PATCH version auto-incremented after each release
- tags: new tag automatically created for release in main branch
- branches: new release branch automatically created for release forked from main branch
- versions created from adoption branches
- format: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-suffix.PRERELEASE (like 0.8.3-alpine.2)
- increment: PRERELEASE version auto-incremented after each release
- tags: new tag automatically created for release in adoption branch
- branches: new release branch automatically created for release forked from adoption branch
- versions created from release branches
- format: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-suffix.PRERELEASE (like 0.8.3-hf.0)
- increment: PRERELEASE version auto-incremented after each release
- tags: new tag automatically created for release in release branch
- branches: no release branches automatically created from release branches
See also:
Commit messages should be descriptive and use following format:
<type>(<optional scope>): <ticket description>
<changes description>
Refs: <jira ticket>
- <type>: commit type, one of following values:
- <feat>: feature implementation
- <fix>: bug-fix implementation
- <docs>: add/update documentation
- <refactor>: code refactoring
- <test>: tests implementation
- <build>: build-scripts implementation
- <optional scope>: affected modules of application
- <ticket description>: description of ticket in which scope changes was made
- <changes description>: brief description of changes itself
- <jira ticket>: JIRA ticket number
See also:
There are two types of merges:
- Merges from main/merge/adoption/feature branches: merges should be done using merge-commits, please avoid cherry-picks and rebase
- Changes from release branches: merges should be done using cherry-pick-commits, please avoid merge-commits
Merges to main branch should be performed via pull-requests only with code review and automatic code checks:
- Tip of the main must always work
- Each merge request must have a result in working state
To merge changes in main branch please perform following steps:
- Create merge/<version> branch from the tip of the main branch
- Create pull-requests from feature branches to merge/<version> branch
- Accept pull-requests for each feature branch as merge-commit
- Merge merge/<version> into main branch
- Remove merge/<version> branch and feature branches
Keep feature branches up to date:
- Merge main branch into feature branches as frequently as possible
- Before merge feature branch into main/merge branch ensure that feature branch is updated by last changes from main (see above)
New releases should be published using manual run of "Release" GitHub workflow in corresponding component repository.
Following files are included in release (per component):
- admin: zip archive with application .jar files (admin-<version>.zip, admin-shadow-<version>.zip), docker image in GitHub container registry (
- test2code-plugin: zip archive with admin-part.jar, agent-part.jar and plugin_config.json files (test2code-plugin-<version>.zip)
- java-agent: zip archive with drillRuntime.jar file and library for supported platforms (agent-linuxX64-<version>.zip, agent-mingwX64-<version>.zip)
To set up environment for local development please perform following steps:
- Install tools (git, gradle, java)
- Clone component repository, checkout corresponding branch
There is following workflow to make changes to component code:
- Create feature branch and switch to it
- Implement code changes
- Ensure that component successfully assembled and tested using assemble+check or build gradle tasks
- Commit and push changes
- Create pull-request and merge changes in corresponding branch (main, adoption or release)
- Run "Release" GitHub workflow to publish new release
There is the following workflow to modify the database:
- Use flyway db migration tool for any changes in database scheme
- The default location of flyway migration files is
- The format of flyway migration files is
), where[version]
is a migration sequence number (1,2,3,..),[description]
is a short description of the migration - It is not allowed to make any changes to migration files after merging into the main branch