This wiki page explains how to build Doubango code (ANSI-C/C++) for IMSdroid. Please note that IMSDroid is already distributed with these libraries and you only need to rebuild them for debugging or to disable/enable additional features. You also need to rebuild the libraries to generate commercial versions as the default ones are GPL.
For the Java code, you just need to import the code into Eclipse.
Download Android NDK r9c into /home. This is needed only for the first time.
IMPORTANT: You must select the right version from depending on your host system. Our host system is CentOS 64.
yum install p7zip
cd /home
7za x android-ndk-r10e-linux-x86_64.bin
You must set the $NDK variable:
export NDK=/home/android-ndk-r10e
Chekout Doubango v2.0 into /home:
cd /home
git clone
The build system uses GNU AutoTools. There are two ways to build the libs: hard or easy. We highly recommend using the easy way. The first step is to generate the configure file:
cd /home/doubango
Each script will build the code for all supported architectures.
./ gpl
The binaries will be generated into /home/doubango/android-projects/output/gpl/imsdroid/libs.
If you have a commercial license:
./ commercial
The binaries will be generated into /home/doubango/android-projects/output/commercial/imsdroid/libs.
Not really hard but boring :).
To build the code for ARMv5TE:
./configure --host=arm-linux-androideabi --with-android-cpu=armv5te --prefix=/home/doubango/output/android/armv5te
make && make install
for ARMv7-a without NEON:
./configure --host=arm-linux-androideabi --with-android-cpu=armv7-a --prefix=/home/doubango/output/android/armv7-a
make && make install
for ARMv7-a with NEON:
./configure --host=arm-linux-androideabi --with-android-cpu=armv7-a-neon --prefix=/home/doubango/output/android/armv7-a-neon
make && make install
for ARM64:
./configure --host=aarch64-linux-android --with-android-cpu=arm64 --prefix=/home/doubango/output/android/arm64
make && make install
for x86:
./configure --host=i686-linux-android --with-android-cpu=x86 --prefix=/home/doubango/output/android/x86
make && make install
for x86_64:
./configure --host=x86_64-linux-android --with-android-cpu=x64 --prefix=/home/doubango/output/android/x64
make && make install
To get more info about all available options:
./configure --help
checking host system type... Invalid configuration arm-linux-androideabi': system
androideabi' not recognized
Your host GCC version is too old and the generated config.sub doesn't support android. To fix the issue:
cp /home/doubango/new-config.sub /home/doubango/config.sub