diff --git a/src/MeshIO.STL/StlReader.cs b/src/MeshIO.STL/StlReader.cs
index 99ac48b..ce08928 100644
--- a/src/MeshIO.STL/StlReader.cs
+++ b/src/MeshIO.STL/StlReader.cs
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
using MeshIO.Core;
using MeshIO.Entities.Geometries;
using MeshIO.Entities.Geometries.Layers;
-using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
@@ -15,33 +14,23 @@ namespace MeshIO.STL
public class StlReader : ReaderBase
- private StreamIO _stream;
+ private StreamIO _streamIO;
/// Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified file.
/// The complete file path to read to.
- public StlReader(string path)
+ public StlReader(string path) : this(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
- this._stream = new StreamIO(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
/// Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified stream.
/// The stream to write to.
- public StlReader(Stream stream)
+ public StlReader(Stream stream) : base(stream)
- if (stream == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));
- if (!stream.CanSeek)
- throw new ArgumentException("The stream must support seeking. Try reading the data into a buffer first");
- this._stream = new StreamIO(stream);
+ this._streamIO = new StreamIO(this._stream);
@@ -50,9 +39,9 @@ public StlReader(Stream stream)
/// true if is binary
public bool IsBinary()
- this._stream.Position = 0;
- this._stream.ReadString(80);
- int nTriangles = this._stream.ReadInt();
+ this._streamIO.Position = 0;
+ this._streamIO.ReadString(80);
+ int nTriangles = this._streamIO.ReadInt();
return this.checkStreamLenth(nTriangles);
@@ -64,9 +53,9 @@ public override Scene Read()
Mesh mesh = this.ReadAsMesh();
Node node = new Node(mesh.Name);
- node.Add(mesh);
+ node.Entities.Add(mesh);
- scene.RootNode.Add(node);
+ scene.RootNode.Nodes.Add(node);
return scene;
@@ -77,61 +66,61 @@ public override Scene Read()
/// defined in the file
public Mesh ReadAsMesh()
- this._stream.Position = 0;
+ this._streamIO.Position = 0;
- string header = this._stream.ReadString(80);
+ string header = this._streamIO.ReadString(80);
this.triggerNotification(header.Replace("\0", ""), NotificationType.Information);
Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
LayerElementNormal normals = new LayerElementNormal();
- int nTriangles = this._stream.ReadInt();
+ int nTriangles = this._streamIO.ReadInt();
if (this.checkStreamLenth(nTriangles))
for (int i = 0; i < nTriangles; i++)
- XYZ normal = new XYZ(this._stream.ReadSingle(), this._stream.ReadSingle(), this._stream.ReadSingle());
+ XYZ normal = new XYZ(this._streamIO.ReadSingle(), this._streamIO.ReadSingle(), this._streamIO.ReadSingle());
- XYZ v1 = new XYZ(this._stream.ReadSingle(), this._stream.ReadSingle(), this._stream.ReadSingle());
- XYZ v2 = new XYZ(this._stream.ReadSingle(), this._stream.ReadSingle(), this._stream.ReadSingle());
- XYZ v3 = new XYZ(this._stream.ReadSingle(), this._stream.ReadSingle(), this._stream.ReadSingle());
+ XYZ v1 = new XYZ(this._streamIO.ReadSingle(), this._streamIO.ReadSingle(), this._streamIO.ReadSingle());
+ XYZ v2 = new XYZ(this._streamIO.ReadSingle(), this._streamIO.ReadSingle(), this._streamIO.ReadSingle());
+ XYZ v3 = new XYZ(this._streamIO.ReadSingle(), this._streamIO.ReadSingle(), this._streamIO.ReadSingle());
mesh.AddPolygons(v1, v2, v3);
- ushort attByteCount = this._stream.ReadUShort();
+ ushort attByteCount = this._streamIO.ReadUShort();
- this._stream.Position = 0;
+ this._streamIO.Position = 0;
- string line = this._stream.ReadUntil('\n');
+ string line = this._streamIO.ReadUntil('\n');
string name = Regex.Match(line, @"solid \s\n", options: RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value;
mesh.Name = name;
- line = this._stream.ReadUntil('\n');
+ line = this._streamIO.ReadUntil('\n');
while (!line.Contains($"endsolid {name}"))
XYZ normal = this.readPoint(line, "facet normal");
- this.checkLine(this._stream.ReadUntil('\n'), "outer loop");
+ this.checkLine(this._streamIO.ReadUntil('\n'), "outer loop");
- XYZ v1 = this.readPoint(this._stream.ReadUntil('\n'), "vertex");
- XYZ v2 = this.readPoint(this._stream.ReadUntil('\n'), "vertex");
- XYZ v3 = this.readPoint(this._stream.ReadUntil('\n'), "vertex");
+ XYZ v1 = this.readPoint(this._streamIO.ReadUntil('\n'), "vertex");
+ XYZ v2 = this.readPoint(this._streamIO.ReadUntil('\n'), "vertex");
+ XYZ v3 = this.readPoint(this._streamIO.ReadUntil('\n'), "vertex");
mesh.AddPolygons(v1, v2, v3);
- this.checkLine(this._stream.ReadUntil('\n'), "endloop");
- this.checkLine(this._stream.ReadUntil('\n'), "endfacet");
+ this.checkLine(this._streamIO.ReadUntil('\n'), "endloop");
+ this.checkLine(this._streamIO.ReadUntil('\n'), "endfacet");
- line = this._stream.ReadUntil('\n');
+ line = this._streamIO.ReadUntil('\n');
@@ -141,13 +130,13 @@ public Mesh ReadAsMesh()
public override void Dispose()
- this._stream.Dispose();
+ this._streamIO.Dispose();
private bool checkStreamLenth(int nTriangles)
//Compare the length of the stream to check if is ascii file
- return this._stream.Length == 84 + nTriangles * 50;
+ return this._streamIO.Length == 84 + nTriangles * 50;
private void checkLine(string line, string match)