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Colored Badges for GitHub profiles

I've put together some badges I for my GitHub profile readme as shown below and thought they might be useful to others.

my github bio page!

The Badges

All badges are available as both SVG & PNG. I've also included the original Figma file I used to create these should you want to change the text.

How to add a readme on your profile

It's super simple!

Create a new repo using your GitHub username as the repo name. Voilà! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Tips for using the Icons

I'm sure you're already a pro with creating GitHub markdown documents, but I thought I'd give you a quick tip anyways.

Always try to use the SVG icons over the png. SVGs are scalable and look fabulous no matter what size device or DPI settings the viewer is using.

You can add an SVG image with a link using the following snippet:

 <a href="#">
    <img src="help/badge1.svg" alt="example badge" style="vertical-align:top margin:6px 4px">

Note how I have also provided margins of 6px for top and bottom and 4px for left and right. This allows the badges to have a little bit of space between them.


You can align the badges by wrapping the seconds in a paragraph tag and setting the alignment property.

Left Alignment

<p align="left">
  <!-- Badges go here>

blogger blogger blogger

Center Alignment

<p align="center">
  <!-- Badges go here>

blogger blogger blogger

Right Alignment

<p align="right">
  <!-- Badges go here>

blogger blogger blogger

Editing / Creating you own

The Figma file contains a page detailing how to match the existing badge styles.

Missing a badge you want?

Either create your own with the supplied files or create an issue and if enough others thumbs-up the issue then I'll do my best to get the badge made.

Badge requests

It's super useful to have a few bits of information to speed up badge creation. It's much appreciated but not obligatory for you to provide an example icon/reference image, preferred background color and the text label content.

 badge anatomy

Request Template:

Reference Icon(s):

Preferred Background: FF9900 / Orange

Label Text: Hello World


Blogging Platforms

blogger medium microblog rss tumblr wordpress

Developer Tech


angular avalonia godot react unity uwp vue wpf xamarin_android xamarin_forms xamarin_ios xamarin_mac


csharp csharp_dotnet fsharp fsharp_dotnet html java js php python r rsoftware rust swift


ai chrome cloud datascience desktop edge firefox gamedev iot mobile security tools web


aws azure dockerhub exchange gcp google_cloud_platform kubernetes npm nuget office 365


bash jetbrains_appcode jetbrains_clion jetbrains_datagrip jetbrains_datalore jetbrains_goland jetbrains_intellij jetbrains_phpstorm jetbrains_pycharm jetbrains_rider jetbrains_rubymine jetbrains webstorm linqpad ndepend powershell visualstudio visualstudio_code vmware

Devices / Manufacturers

cisco mac nintendo pc philips_hue playstation raspberrypi wearables xbox


he / him she / her they / them

Social & Professional

angellist foursquare gitter instagram linkedin meetup reddit skype snapchat soundcloud speakerdeck stackoverflow steam telegram tiktok twitter untappd viber whatsapp

Streaming & Videos

mixer podast twitch vimeo youtube