An automation tool for the management of credentials for applications, databases, CI/CD tools, and services.
- Pre-built Binaries
- Developer: instructions on running tests, local tooling, and other resources.
- DSV Documentation
ℹ️ Any Platform
# Make sure these files exists already so they aren't created by docker with the incorrect permissions
mkdir $HOME/.thy/
touch $HOME/.dsv.yml
# Use CLI and have the credentials mounted to home
docker run --rm -it \
-v ${HOME}/.thy/:/home/nonroot/.thy/ \
-v ${HOME}/.dsv.yml:/home/nonroot/.dsv.yml \
delineaxpm/dsv-cli:latest --version version
# Example reading config
docker run --rm -it \
--user 65532 \
-v ${HOME}/.thy/:/home/nonroot/.thy/ \
-v ${HOME}/.dsv.yml:/home/nonroot/.dsv.yml \
delineaxpm/dsv-cli:latest cli-config read
# Wrap in a shell function for easier invoking via your zsh or bash profile.
function dsv() {
docker run --rm -it \
-v ${HOME}/.thy/:/home/nonroot/.thy/ \
-v ${HOME}/.dsv.yml:/home/nonroot/.dsv.yml \
delineaxpm/dsv-cli:latest "$@"
🔨 Download from prebuilt-binaries manually.
aqua generate 'DelineaXPM/dsv-cli' -i
and update youraqua.yml
file. -
PowerShell Cross-Platform (pwsh) with console selector (move to directory in
for it to be universally discoverable):if (-not (Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Install-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools -Force -Confirm:$false -Scope CurrentUser } $json=(Invoke-WebRequest -ContentType 'application/json' -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing).Content | ConvertFrom-Json $download=$json.Links | get-member -Type NoteProperty | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ FileName = $_.Name DownloadLink = $json.Links.$($_.Name) OutFileName = ($json.Links.$($_.Name) -split '/')[-1] }} | Out-ConsoleGridView -Title 'Delinea DevOps Secrets Vault CLI' $download | ForEach-Object { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_.DownloadLink -OutFile $_.OutFileName -UseBasicParsing }
ℹ️ Mac & Linux
- aqua-project provides a binary tool manager similar to Brew.
- 🍺 Homebrew:
brew install DelineaXPM/tap/dsv-cli
.- Upgrade with:
brew update && brew upgrade dsv-cli
- Upgrade with:
- Via Go (this will take longer than a binary install since it will build it):
- run:
go install
mv $(go env GOPATH)/bin/dsv-cli $(go env GOPATH)/bin/dsv
echo "dsv is installed at: $(go env GOPATH)/bin"
echo "Add to your profile to ensure Go binaries are in path by using:\n\n"
echo "export PATH=\"\$(go env GOPATH)/bin:\${PATH}\"\n\n"
echo "Current DSV Binaries installed: \n$(which -a dsv)"
Curl (requires Go installed):
go install version=$(curl -sb -H "Accept: application/json" | $(go env GOPATH)/bin/yq '.latest') echo "version: $version" curl -fSsl$version/dsv-darwin-x64 -o dsv && chmod +x ./dsv && sudo mv ./dsv /usr/local/bin
Curl (no Go required). Requires specifying the version:
curl -fSsl -o dsv && chmod +x ./dsv && sudo mv ./dsv /usr/local/bin
note: It is not required to install to
. If you choose to install to another location you'll want to make sure it's added to your PATH for the tool to be found.
ℹ️ Linux Only
- Via cli:
snap install dsv-cli
.- At this time add alias to your profile with: `alias dsv='dsv-cli', as the snap name is not aliased.
- Note: Snaps update automatically (4 times a day as the default behavior as of 2023-01), but this can be run manually via
snap refresh
ℹ️ Windows
- First time setup:
scoop bucket add DelineaXPM
. - Install:
scoop install DelineaXPM/dsv-cli
. - Update:
scoop update DelineaXPM/dsv-cli
- First time setup:
Using curl in Windows PowerShell (for cross-platform pwsh see top section) and move to whatever directory you want:
$json=(Invoke-WebRequest -ContentType 'application/json' -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing).Content | ConvertFrom-Json # Change this to windows/386 if required to install x86. Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $json.links.'windows/amd64' -OutFile 'dsv.exe' -UseBasicParsing
See LICENSE for the full license text.
Thycotic-Bot |
Sheldonhull |
Andrii Zakurenyi |
Mariia |
Bill Hamilton |
Tom Dillenbeck |