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File metadata and controls

38 lines (30 loc) · 2.3 KB



A project of Advanced Software Development course, written in Java.
The project is consisted of 5 milestones which included working with:

  • Design patterns
  • Server and client side
  • Desktop application.

Design and functionality of the app

  • Connect button will open a popup window with labels to input the connection details of the Flight Gear Simulator, Client, and Server (IP + PORT).
  • Load Data button will open a folder of CSV files that are used as maps. When a CSV file is loaded then a map of the uploaded data is displayed. The map will be displayed in colors based on the height of each point on the map.
  • Calculate path button will open a popup window and by entering IP and PORT we will connect to a server that solves search problems that we built in milestones 1-3. Clicking on any point on the map will set a destination for the aircraft, and the server will calculate the cheapest route to that point.
  • Load button will open a folder of TEXT files that are used as scripts. When a script file with the airplane commands is loaded the data is displayed in the text area, and it will be used by the autopilot.
  • Auto pilot button will move the aircraft to autopilot mode, the Interpreter that we built in milestones 4 will execute the commands in the script we loaded with the Load button.
  • Manual Pilot button will move the aircraft to manual mode, where the user controls the aircraft with the joystick and the sliders.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them.

  • Imports / technologies:

Built With
