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inst: scala
inst: scala
Scala instrumentation
inst: spring
inst: spring
Spring instrumentation
inst: trace annotation
inst: trace annotation
Trace annotations instrumentation
inst: vertx
inst: vertx
Eclipse Vert.x instrumentation
inst: websocket
inst: websocket
WebSocket Instrumentation
run-tests: all
run-tests: all
Run all tests
run-tests: flaky
run-tests: flaky
Run flaky tests
run-tests: ibm8
run-tests: ibm8
Run tests using IBM 8 JDK
run-tests: oracle8
run-tests: oracle8
Run tests using Oracle 8 JDK
run-tests: semeru8
run-tests: semeru8
Run tests using Semuru 8 JDK
run-tests: semeru11
run-tests: semeru11
Run tests using Sumuru 11 JDK
run-tests: semeru17
run-tests: semeru17
Run tests using Sumuru 17 JDK
run-tests: ubuntu17
run-tests: ubuntu17
Run tests using Ubuntu 17 JDK
run-tests: zulu8
run-tests: zulu8
Run tests using Zulu 8 JDK
run-tests: zulu11
run-tests: zulu11
Run tests using Zulu 11 JDK
tag: breaking change
tag: breaking change
Breaking changes
tag: community
tag: community
Community contribution
tag: dependencies
tag: dependencies
Dependencies related changes
tag: diagnostics
tag: diagnostics
Diagnostics related changes
tag: do not merge
tag: do not merge
Do not merge changes
tag: experimental
tag: experimental
Experimental changes
tag: flaky test/disabled
tag: flaky test/disabled
Disabled flaky tests
tag: flaky test
tag: flaky test
Flaky tests
tag: ibm
tag: ibm
IBM JVM related
tag: low hanging fruit
tag: low hanging fruit
Low hanging fruits
tag: multiple-javaagent
tag: multiple-javaagent
Issues related to using multiple javaagent
tag: needs investigation
tag: needs investigation
Issues needing investigations
tag: no release notes
tag: no release notes
Changes to exclude from release notes
tag: performance
tag: performance
Performance related changes
tag: security
tag: security
Security related changes