Data files (available at
- Format 1:
- Format 2:
These should also be stored in this folder.
- string: a sequence of characters
- integer: whole numbers
- decimal: fractional numbers
- money: fractional numbers representing currency
- date: string formatted YYYY-MM-DD
Name | Type | Description |
field_1 | string | Maybe this is a drug brand name |
field_2 | integer | Maybe this is the number of prescriptions written for that drug |
field_3 | money | This could be the average cost of each prescription |
field_4 | date | And this could be the first date the drug was approved |
field_5 | decimal | This could be the number of units for the drug |
As much information as we know about the dataset, we should put here, in subsections if that would help organization. Ideas:
- Detailed information about the data source
- Population: who/what specifically it involves or excludes
- How it was calculated or aggregated
- Any other information we have - thorough is better