is a library written in Rust for connecting to the substrate's RPC interface via WebSockets allowing to
- Compose extrinsics, send them and subscribe to updates.
- Watch events and execute code upon events.
- Parse and print the node metadata.
In order to build the substrate-api-client and the examples, Rust and the wasm target are needed. For Linux:
curl -sSf | sh
rustup default nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
cargo install --git
For more information, please refer to the substrate repository.
To execute the examples, a running substrate node is needed. The examples have been tested with revision f17d023 of substrate. Alternatively, a dedicated test node can be found at
To build the test node, execute the following steps:
git clone
cd substrate-test-nodes/
git checkout api-M1.1
cargo build --release
Run the node:
./target/release/substrate-test-node --dev
There is a detailed tutorial in the tutorials folder.
To run an example, clone the substrate-api-client
repository and run the desired example directly with the cargo command:
git clone
cd substrate-api-client
cargo run --example example_get_storage
Set the output verbosity by prepending RUST_LOG=info
or RUST_LOG=debug
The following examples can be found in the examples folder:
- example_compose_extrinsic_offline: Compose an extrinsic without interacting with the node.
- example_contract: Handle ink! contracts (put, create, and call).
- example_custom_storage_struct: Fetch and decode custom structs from the runtime.
- example_event_callback: Subscribe and react on events.
- example_generic_extrinsic: Compose an extrinsic for any call in any module by supplying the module and call name as strings.
- example_get_storage: Read storage values.
- example_print_metadata: Print the metadata of the node in a readable way.
- example_transfer: Transfer tokens by using a wrapper of compose_extrinsic
Shows how to setup an ink! contract with the predefined contract extrinsics:
- put_code: Stores a contract wasm blob on the chain
- create: Creates an instance of the contract
- call: Calls a contract.
Note: This example only works with the substrate-test-node found in as the contract module is not included by default in a substrate node.
Shows how to fetch and decode a custom storage struct.
// The custom struct that is to be decoded. The user must know the structure for this to work, which can fortunately
// be looked up from the node metadata and printed with the `example_print_metadata`.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug)]
struct Kitty {
id: H256,
price: u128,
// Get the Kitty
let res_str = api.get_storage("Kitty",
let res_vec = hexstr_to_vec(res_str);
// Type annotations are needed here to know that to decode into.
let kitty: Kitty = Decode::decode(&mut res_vec.as_slice()).unwrap();
println!("[+] Cute decoded Kitty: {:?}\n", kitty);
Note: This example only works with the substrate-test-node found in for obvious reasons.
Shows how to use the compose_extrinsic! macro that is able to create an extrinsic for any kind of call, even for custom runtime modules.
// Exchange "Balance" and "transfer" with the names of your custom runtime module. They are only
// used here to be able to run the examples against a generic substrate node with standard modules.
let xt: UncheckedExtrinsicV3<_, sr25519::Pair> = compose_extrinsic!(
Compact(42 as u128)
Shows how to read some storage values.
// get some plain storage value
let result_str = api.get_storage("Balances", "TotalIssuance", None).unwrap();
let result = hexstr_to_u256(result_str).unwrap();
println!("[+] TotalIssuance is {}", result);
// get Alice's AccountNonce
let accountid = AccountId::from(AccountKeyring::Alice);
let result_str = api
.get_storage("System", "AccountNonce", Some(accountid.encode()))
let result = hexstr_to_u256(result_str).unwrap();
println!("[+] Alice's Account Nonce is {}", result.low_u32());
// get Alice's AccountNonce with the AccountKey
let signer = AccountKeyring::Alice.pair();
let result_str = api
.get_storage("System", "AccountNonce", Some(signer.public().encode()))
let result = hexstr_to_u256(result_str).unwrap();
println!("[+] Alice's Account Nonce is {}", result.low_u32());
// get Alice's AccountNonce with api.get_nonce()
api.signer = Some(signer);
println!("[+] Alice's Account Nonce is {}", api.get_nonce().unwrap());
Parity offers a Rust client with similar functionality:
The development of substrate-api-client is financed by web3 foundation's grant programme.
We also thank the teams at
- Parity Technologies for building substrate and supporting us during development.