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ZCSD is a full stack prototype to execute eBPF programs as if they are running on a ZNS CSD SSDs. The entire prototype can be run from userspace by utilizing existing technologies such as SPDK and uBPF. Since consumer ZNS SSDs are still unavailable, QEMU can be used to create a virtual ZNS SSD. The programming and interactive steps of individual components is shown below.

Getting Started

To get started using ZCSD perform the steps described in the Setup section, followed by the steps in Usage Examples.



This project requires quite some dependencies, the majority will be compiled by the project itself and installed into the build directory. Anything that is not automatically compiled and linked is shown below. Note however, these dependencies are already installed on the image used with QEMU.

Warning Meson must be below version 0.60 due to a bug in DPDK

  • General
    • Linux 5.5 or higher
    • compiler with c++17 support
    • clang 10 or higher
    • cmake 3.18 or higher
    • python 3.x
    • mesonbuild < 0.60 (pip3 install meson==0.59)
    • pyelftools (pip3 install pyelftools)
    • ninja
    • cunit
  • Documentation
    • doxygen
    • LaTeX
  • Code Coverage
    • ctest
    • lcov
    • gcov
    • gcovr
  • Continuous Integration
    • valgrind
  • Python scripts
    • virtualenv

The following dependencies are automatically compiled. Dependencies are preferably linked statically due to the nature of this project. However, for several dependencies this is not possible due to various reason. For Boost, it is because the unit test framework can not be statically linked (easily):

Dependency Version
backward 1.6
booost 1.74.0
bpftool 5.14
bpf_load 5.10
dpdk 20.11.0
generic-ebpf c9cee73
libbpf 0.5
libbpf-bootstrap 67a29e5
linux 5.14
spdk 21.07
isa-l spdk-v2.30.0
qemu 6.1.0
uBPF 9eb26b4


Building tools and dependencies is done by simply executing the following commands from the root directory. For a more complete list of cmake options see the Configuration section. The environment file sourced with source builddir/qemu-csd/activate needs to be sourced every time. It configures essential include and binary paths to be able to run all the dependencies.

This first section of commands generates targets for host development. Among these is compiling and downloading an image for QEMU. Many parts of this project can be developed on the host but some require being developed on the guest. See the next section for on guest development.

Navigate to the root directory of the project before executing the following instructions. These instructions will compile the dependencies on the host, these include a version of QEMU.

git submodule update --init
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
# Do not use make -j $(nproc), CMake is not able to solve concurrent dependency chain
cmake .. # this prevents re-compiling dependencies on every next make command
source qemu-csd/activate
# run commands and tools as you please for host based development

From the root directory execute the following commands for the one time deployment into the QEMU guest. These command assume the previous section of commands has successfully been executed. The QEMU guest will automatically start an SSH server reachable on port 7777. Both the arch and root user can be used to login. In both cases the password is arch as well. By default the QEMU script will only bind the guest ports on localhost to reduce security concerns due to these basic passwords.

git bundle create deploy.git HEAD
cd build/qemu-csd
source activate
qemu-img create -f raw znsssd.img 16777216
# By default qemu will use 4 CPU cores and 8GB of memory
# Wait for QEMU VM to fully boot... (might take some time)
rsync -avz -e "ssh -p 7777" ../../deploy.git arch@localhost:~/
# Type password (arch)
ssh arch@localhost -p 7777
# Type password (arch)
git clone deploy.git qemu-csd
rm deploy.git
cd qemu-csd
git -c submodule."dependencies/qemu".update=none submodule update --init
mkdir build
cd build
# Do not use make -j $(nproc), CMake is not able to solve concurrent dependency chain
cmake --build .

Optionally, if the intent is to develop on the guest and commit code, the git remote can be updated. In that case it also best to generate an ssh keypair, be sure to start an ssh-agent as well as this needs to be performed manually on Arch. The ssh-agent is only valid for as long as the terminal session that started it. Optionally, it can be included in .bashrc.

git remote set-url origin
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
eval $(ssh-agent) # must be done after each login
ssh-add ~/.ssh/NAME_OF_KEY

Additionally, any python based tools and graphs are generated by execution these additional commands from the root directory. Ensure the previous environment has been deactivated.

virtualenv -p python3 python
cd python
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running & Debugging

Running and debugging programs is an essential part of development. Often, barrier to entry and clumsy development procedures can severely hinder productivity. Qemu-csd comes with a variety of scripts preconfigured to reduce this initial barrier and enable quick development iterations.


Within the build folder will be a qemu-csd/activate script. This script can be sourced using any shell source qemu-csd/activate. This script configures environment variables such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH while also exposing an essential sudo alias: ld-sudo.

The environment variables ensure any linked libraries can be found for targets compiled by Cmake. Additionally, ld-sudo provides a mechanism to start targets with sudo privileges while retaining these environment variables. The environment can be deactivated at any time by executing deactivate.

Usage Examples:

TODO: Generate integer data file, describe qemucsd and spdk-native applications, usage parameters, relevant code segments to write your own BPF program, relevant code segments to extend the prototype.

Debugging on host:

For debugging, several mechanisms are put in place to simplify this process. Firstly, vscode launch files are created to debug applications even though the require environmental configuration. Any application can be launched using the following set of commands:

source qemu-csd/activate
# For when the target does not require sudo
gdbserver localhost:2222 playground/play-boost-locale
# For when the target requires sudo privileges
ld-sudo gdbserver localhost:2222 playground/play-spdk

Note, that when QEMU is running the port 2222 will be used by QEMU instead. The launch targets in .vscode/launch.json can be easily modified or extended.

When gdbserver is running simply open vscode and select the root folder of qemu-csd, navigate to the source files of interest and set breakpoints and select the launch target from the dropdown (top left). The debugging panel in vscode can be accessed quickly by pressing ctrl+shift+d.

Alternative debugging methods such as using gdb TUI or gdbgui should work but will require more manual setup.

Debugging on QEMU:

Debugging on QEMU is similar but uses different launch targets in vscode. This target automatically logs-in using SSH and forwards the gdbserver connection.

More native debugging sessions are also supported. Simply login to QEMU and start the gdbserver manually. On the host connect to this gdbserver and set up substitute-path.


# from the root of the project folder.
cd  build
source qemu-csd/activate
ld-sudo gdbserver localhost:2000 playground/play-spdk

On host:

target remote localhost:2222
set substitute-path /home/arch/qemu-csd/ /path/to/root/of/project

More detailed information about development & debugging for this project can be found in the report.

Debugging FUSE:

Debugging FUSE filesystem operations can be done through the compiled filesystem binaries by adding the -f argument. This argument will keep the FUSE filesystem process in the foreground.

gdb ./filesystem
b ...
run -f mountpoint

CMake Configuration

This section documents all configuration parameters that the CMake project exposes and how they influence the project. For more information about the CMake project see the report generated from the documentation folder. Below all parameters are listed along their default value and a brief description.

Parameter Default Use case
ENABLE_TESTS ON Enables unit tests and adds tests target
ENABLE_CODECOV OFF Produce code coverage report \w unit tests
ENABLE_DOCUMENTATION ON Produce code documentation using doxygen & LaTeX
ENABLE_PLAYGROUND OFF Enables playground targets
ENABLE_LEAK_TESTS OFF Add compile parameter for address sanitizer
IS_DEPLOYED OFF Indicate that CMake project is deployed in QEMU

For several parameters a more in depth explanation is required, primarily IS_DEPLOYED. This parameter is used as the Cmake project is both used to compile QEMU and configure it as well as compile binaries to run inside QEMU. As a results, the CMake project needs to be able to identify if it is being executed outside of QEMU or not. This is what IS_DEPLOYED facilitates. Particularly, IS_DEPLOYED prevents the compilation of QEMU from source.