diff --git a/Contracts/EthOn_Contracts.ttl b/Contracts/EthOn_Contracts.ttl index 463ba0e..2c09143 100644 --- a/Contracts/EthOn_Contracts.ttl +++ b/Contracts/EthOn_Contracts.ttl @@ -1711,6 +1711,17 @@ If it represents an Input of an Event it can have the boolean property isIndexed :stackItemsRemoved "0"^^xsd:integer ; rdfs:comment "Save word to storage."@en . # +# http://ethon.consensys.net/Contracts/Opcode_STATICCALL + +:Opcode_STATICCALL a owl:NamedIndividual , :Opcode ; + :cost "40"^^xsd:integer ; + :hexValue "f4"^^xsd:hexBinary ; + :name "STATICCALL"^^xsd:string ; + :stackItemsAdded "6"^^xsd:integer ; + :stackItemsRemoved "1"^^xsd:integer ; + rdfs:comment "Non-state-changing call to another contract. Any modifications to the state during the call (and its subcalls, if present) are disallowed."@en . + +# # http://ethon.consensys.net/Contracts/Opcode_STOP :Opcode_STOP a owl:NamedIndividual , :Opcode ;