CoFiX v2.1 adds an anchor pool on the basis of v2.0, supports multi currency repurchase of CoFi, and introduces a modified volatility. In addition to the above adjustments, v2.1 also reconstructs the contract code after coding test and code inspection in the previous period.
The contract relationship is shown in the figure above. The green contract is the contract that needs to be actually deployed, and the others are interface definitions or abstract contracts. The main points are as follows:
The contracts of the CoFiX system all inherit the CoFiXBase contract. The CoFiXBase contract mainly implements the logic that the contracts belonging to the CoFiX governance system which need to cooperate with the governance.
CoFiXGovernance is a CoFiX governance contract, which includes governance-related functions and realizes the mapping management of the built-in contract address in the CoFiX system.
CoFiXController Used to process logic related to price.
CoFiXRouter is the entrance to market making and trading. The main functions of the system start from here.
CoFiXPair provides the implementation of dual fund pool, which is also a transaction pair.
CoFiXAnchorPool provides the implementation of anchored fund pool, which can have multiple assets and provide n * (n-1) / 2 transaction pairs.
CoFiXAnchorToken is the market making share of the anchored fund pool. Each fund in the rivet fund pool corresponds to one anchored fund pool share.
CoFiXVaultForStaking provides the logic of market making and CNode ore drawing. The market making share and CNode deposit and receive COFI through the interface provided by this contract.
/// @dev Defines the structure of a token channel
struct TokenInfo {
// Address of token
address tokenAddress;
// Base of token (value is 10^decimals)
uint96 base;
// Address of corresponding xtoken
address xtokenAddress;
// Total mined
uint112 _Y;
// Adjusting to a balanced trade size
uint112 _D;
// Last update block
uint32 _lastblock;
/// @dev Stake channel information
struct StakeChannel{
// Mining amount weight
uint cofiWeight;
// Total staked amount
uint totalStaked;
// xtoken global sign
// Total ore drawing mark of settled transaction
uint128 tradeReward;
// Total settled ore output mark
//uint128 totalReward;
// The dividend mark that the settled company token can receive
uint96 rewardPerToken;
// Settlement block mark
uint32 blockCursor;
// Accounts
// address=>balance
mapping(address=>Account) accounts;
It mainly includes add liquidity, trade, buy back and other scenarios.