A dask-jobqueue plugin for the LPC Condor queue designed to work with the coffea-dask
apptainer image.
For users of LXPLUS: a similar implementation is available in https://github.com/cernops/dask-lxplus
You should not need to clone this repository. From the working directory of your project, download and run the boostrap script:
curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CoffeaTeam/lpcjobqueue/main/bootstrap.sh
bash bootstrap.sh
This creates two new files in this directory: shell
and .bashrc
. The ./shell
executable can then be used to start an apptainer shell with a coffea environment.
Optionally, one can choose a specific image using e.g. ./shell coffeateam/coffea-dask:coffea-dask:0.7.1-gd5339d7
You can list all choices of image with ls /cvmfs/unpacked.cern.ch/registry.hub.docker.com/coffeateam/
Note the apptainer environment does inherit from your calling environment, so it should be "clean" (i.e. no cmsenv, LCG release, etc.)
The apptainer shell can spawn dask clusters on the LPC condor farm, using the same image for the workers as the shell environment. Be sure your x509 grid proxy certificate is up to date before starting the shell. The package assumes your proxy is located in your home directory (as is usual for LPC interactive nodes)
From the shell, the python environment has access to the lpcjobqueue
package, and in particular,
the LPCCondorCluster
class. This class inherits from HTCondorCluster
and provides the following additional options:
ship_env: bool
If True (default False), ship the ``/srv/.env`` virtualenv with the job and
run workers from that environent. This allows user-installed packages
to be available on the worker
image: str
Name of the apptainer image to use (default: $COFFEA_IMAGE)
transfer_input_files: str, List[str]
Files to be shipped along with the job. They will be placed in the
working directory of the workers, as usual for HTCondor. Any paths
not accessible from the LPC schedds (because of restrictions placed
on remote job submission) will be copied to a temporary directory
under ``/uscmst1b_scratch/lpc1/3DayLifetime/$USER``.
An example of spinning up an adaptive cluster and executing some work remotely:
from distributed import Client
from lpcjobqueue import LPCCondorCluster
cluster = LPCCondorCluster()
cluster.adapt(minimum=0, maximum=10)
client = Client(cluster)
for future in client.map(lambda x: x * 5, range(10)):
More basic examples of dask client usage can be found here
The coffea processor.run_uproot_job
function can accept the dask client
There is a self-contained simple example of running a coffea job in simple_example.py
you can run it on an LPC login node by doing:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CoffeaTeam/lpcjobqueue/main/simple_example.py
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CoffeaTeam/lpcjobqueue/main/fileset.json
python -i simple_example.py
# wait for it to run and finish
import coffea
coffea.util.save(hists, 'simple_hists.coffea') # plot and such elsewhere / at your leisure
The dask distributed cluster comes with a dashboard
to monitor progress of jobs and some performance metrics. By default it starts on port 8787
so if you have that port forwarded from your machine to the LPC interactive node it should
be accessible. If the dashboard port is already used on your node, you can override the default
in the LPCCondorCluster
constructor by specifying scheduler_options={"dashboard_address": ":12435"}