The official API for Challenge Yourself App It is an API made with Flask ORM : SQLAlchemy
You should create the database if it's not inside your server The tables will be created automatically once you run the API SGBD : MySQL Database Name : challenge_yourself
Change the app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] to global_database instead of local_database
You can find all the libraries you need to start the API in the file "requirements.txt"
Execute the "" file to run the API
The models represent the structures in database We can manipulate the models to make operations and not with SQL requests
The routes are made for API operations (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE)
GET /users : Get users list --- GET /users/{userID} : Get specific user information --- POST /users : Create an user with body {'pseudo': pseudo, 'mail': mail, 'password': password} --- DELETE /users/{userID} : Delete an user