Opus supports various command modifiers that can be used in toolbar buttons and hotkeys to modify the behaviour of the function. A command modifier is not a command itself - for the most part you can think of them as options that control how the function is executed.
Each modifier is given on a separate line - therefore, to use command modifiers in a function, you must edit the function in the advanced command editor (as the simple editor does not support multiple-line functions). Some modifiers (like @async) affect an individual command in the function, and are given on the same line as the command - others affect the whole function, and are supplied on a line by themselves.
This screenshot is an example of a simple function that makes use of two command modifiers:
- The @filesonly modifier causes the function to only use selected files - any currently selected folders will be ignored. The {f}external control code means each filename will be passed in turn to Notepad.
- The @async modifier causes the command following it, notepad.exe in this instance, to run asynchronously. If multiple files are selected, an instance of notepad.exe will be executed for each file, without waiting for the previous instance to return.
See the Command modifier reference page for a full list of the available command modifiers.