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FMScreen_Flutter (JunoScreen)


This is a system of name screening against denial lists such as US EAR Entity List.

The Web Service


The Server


The Text Matching Engine


Screen Shots

Screenshot from 2023-02-15 09-48-10 Screenshot from 2023-02-15 09-54-09


  • Term fuzzy matching using Levenshtein distance.
  • Divided query terms matching with single list term.
  • Pertial terms matching.
  • Disordered terms matching.
  • Score based filtering respecting term similarity, term order, and term importance of IDF.
  • Exact matching mode disabling fuzzy matchings for reducing false positives in some cases.
  • Accepting Latin characters, Chinese characters, Katakana characters, and others.
  • Canonicalaization of traditioanal and simplified Chinese characters, and others. This makes matching insensitive to character simplification.
  • Canonicalaization of spelling variants of legal entity types such as "Limitd" and "Ltd.". This makes matching insensitive to spelling variants of legal entity types.
  • White queries for avoiding screening your company itself and consequent false positives.
  • Results cache for time performance.
  • Interactive Screening.
  • PDF download.
  • Batch Screening.
  • White Results for skiping check of false positives.
  • And others.

Usage ― General ―

Recomended Input

  • Official full name is recommended.
  • Discriminating keyword is OK, but too short keyword might cause massive false positives.

Exact Matching

Note: Do not use exact matching for names with orthographical variants.

Embrace whole input string with double-quates. This disables,

  • Term fuzzy matching
  • Pertial terms matching
  • Disordered terms matching

But, keeps enable,

  • Normaliztion
    • Captalization
    • White space normalization
    • Unicode normalization
  • Canonicalization of traditional/ simplified Chinese characters
  • Canonicalization of variants of spelling of legal entity types

In other words, only items with score of 100 will be listed out.

Item Identification

There are no permanent uniform identifiers of items, other than the normalized names.

Use exact matching with narmalized names to retreave the detected items.

Usage ― Intractive Screening ―

  • "Preprocessed" is a set of extracted "words" from preprocess. Preprocess includes canonicalization of traditional/ simplified Chinese characters, canonicalization of variants of spelling of legal entyty types, and others.
  • "Preprocessed" is marked "Exact" when the input string is embraced with double-quates.
  • "Preprocessed" is marked "Fallen Back" when some termes of preprocessed are removed for some peformance reasons, in some very rare cases.
  • "Query Score" means the discrimination of input strings. Input strings with low query score might cause massive false positives, while high query score does not necessarily mean a good input string.
  • "Start" means Date/Time of starting the screening.
  • "Duration" means the internal hold time in seconds in the server for screening.
  • "DB Ver.", database version, means the Date/Time when the database from Denial Lists is created. The difference of database version donesn't necesarilly mean some of Denial Lists are modifined.
  • "Server ID" is just for your information. This is the thread (Dart Isolate) ID in the server.
  • "Message" is the message from the server. It's just for your information.
  • The left pain contains the best matched normalized name of each detected item of Denial Lists, with matching score and the code of list.
  • The right pain contains the details of each detected item.
  • Click a detected item in the left pain to scroll the right pain to the details of the item, and vice-versa.
  • Click [Get PDF] button to obtain detected items list in PDF format. The PDF file doesn't contain the details of the items.

Usage ― Batch Screening ―


  • Make a name list for screening in CSV format with name of "names.csv".
  • Click [Select Batch Directory] button.
  • With opened file picker, select the directory containing the "names.csv".
  • "results.csv" and "log.txt" will be placed in the same directory.

Name List Format

"names.csv" is in CSV format.

Column Description
1st Every one line contains one name for screening.
2nd You can optionally specify a transaction ID for each line. See "White Results" section.

Results Format

"results.csv" is in CSV format.

Column Description
1st The number of the row in "names.csv"
2nd The transaction ID. See the "White Results" section.
3rd The name for screening. Normalized.
4th The matching score.
5th The code of list
6th The best matched name of each detected item. Normalized.
7th The flag of checked. See the "White Results" section.
8th The Date/Time of screening.
9th The version of the database made from the Denial Lists.
10th The Date/Time of the first detection of the item with same name for screening, transaction ID, code of list, and best matched name of detected item. See the "White Results" section.

White Results

White Results are useful to skip redundant checks for false positives.

A file of results from previous batch screening can be used as White Reults with following steps,

  • Rename "results.csv" to "white_results.csv"
  • Turn the 7th (the flag of checked) column from "false" to "true"
  • Place the "white_results.csv" at same directory of "names.csv"
  • Kick the next batch screening.

Each detected item which is already listed in White Results with same name for screening, transaction ID, code of list, and best matched name of the item will be marked "true" in 7th column, and the 10th (the Date/Time of first detect) column will be copied from that of the item in the White Results.

Contained Denial Lists

List Name Code of Denial List
Capta List (CAP) - Treasury Department CAP
Denied Persons List (DPL) - Bureau of Industry and Security DPL
Entity List (EL) - Bureau of Industry and Security EL
Foreign Sanctions Evaders (FSE) - Treasury Department FSE
ITAR Debarred (DTC) - State Department DTC
Military End User (MEU) List - Bureau of Industry and Security MEU
Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Companies List (CMIC) - Treasury Department CMIC
Non-SDN Menu-Based Sanctions List (NS-MBS List) - Treasury Department MBS
Nonproliferation Sanctions (ISN) - State Department ISN
Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List (SSI) - Treasury Department SSI
Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) - Treasury Department SDN
Unverified List (UVL) - Bureau of Industry and Security UVL
Foreigh End User List (EUL) - Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan EUL


Denial Lists are downloaded every 6 hours, and if some of them are changed, the database will be renewed and the result cache will be purged.



This Web Client


The Server


Contact me if you need another different License.


Libraries used by this system have their own OSS Licenses.

Denial Lists

Public Domain