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Visualization payload

javi santana edited this page Jul 17, 2014 · 5 revisions

embedded iframe

Core payload: html: 5.2 kb

Payload for initial mapview: ~1Mb, It may vary depending on the map complexity or if the map has baselayer or torque layer and map size. For a small map (mobile size): ~150kb of tiles For big map (30" monitor): ~1.2Mb of tiles

So basically, to see a map: 5.2kb html + 153kb cartodb.js + 13kb carto.css + 20kb*number_of_tiles

Payload for initial interactivity layer: initial_mapview_payload + 2kb (grids are loaded on demand)


Payload for full cartodb.js: 153kb

Payload for cartodb.core.js: 17kb (core library is not enough to show a map, you would need another 33 + 2.4 kb from leaflet to see a map)

Payload for cartodb.css: 13kb

developer files

Payload for cartodb.uncompressed.js: 244Kb

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