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Running a judge

Assume that you followed the installation instruction!

Getting Prerequisites

You need:

  • WAN_IP of your backend server or if you host judge server in the same VPS or machine with your backend server, then this is or localhost
  • PORT of your backend server, by default of judge server is 9999
  • What tier?, here we assume you using dmoj/judge-tier1

Setting up judge profile (Skip if you already created)

Read Judge profile template here or

id: <judge name>
key: <judge authentication key>
  - /problems/*
  • Assume that you are login as user judger, create folder problems to store judge profile and problems data inside it.
judger@callmeqan:~$ mkdir problems
judger@callmeqan:~$ cd problems
judger@callmeqan:~/problems$ nano judge01.yml
...Paste the sample configuration above to yaml file
  • Now we have root problems is /home/judger/problems


judger@callmeqan:~/problems$ cd /home/judger
judger@callmeqan:~$ sudo docker run \
    --name judge \
    --network="host" \
    -v /home/judger/problems:/problems \
    --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE \
    -d \
    --restart=always \
    dmoj/judge-tier1:latest \
    run -p PORT -c /problems/judge01.yml WAN_IP -A -a 9111

- Remember to change the name of docker container judge to sth else if you run multiple judge
- If you create multiple profiles, replace it with judge02, judge03 for easier management!
- Multiple judge on same Server, you must increase the number id 9111 up