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Jeffrey Baumes edited this page Jul 17, 2014 · 4 revisions

LineUp Web is an interactive technique to visualize and explore rankings with multiple attributes. In this tutorial we’ve loaded the QS World University Ranking dataset from 2012. Initially LineUp is configured as a table of bar charts with columns for each attribute. The rank column will show the ranking of the school, which is empty at first. There are also text columns, and numeric scoring columns that represent the data value as a horizontal bar:

Click on a column header to rank by that column. Click again to reverse the ordering. This can be done for text and number columns. Here we are sorting by university name:

Click the Stacked Column header to sort by the header. This will total all the column values underneath it to compute the ranking:

Click the header again to reverse the ranking. Click the “stacked” button to stack the bars into a single bar representing the total score:

Click and drag the circle on a column header to give more emphasis to that column in the stacked ranking. For example, shrink the international categories and expand the academic column to give a larger share to schools which perform better academically. Rows will animate to their new positions.

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