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Capture your opponent's Overseer (The piece denoted by a circle with a + (plus) sign in it). If insufficient material remains on the board, it is a draw.
The game board consists of 96 alternately colored tiles split into 12 Sectors A through L and each sector split into 8 indices 1 through 8. If the board were a clock Sector A is between 12 and 1 O'Clock with sectors continuing clockwise. The inner most index of the board is index 1.
White begins the game and each player makes one move per turn.
There are three basic move patterns: Forward/Backwards (along the indices), Radial (along the sectors), or Diagonal (proportionally along sectors and indices). Each piece uses some combination of these three movepatterns along with special rules to define its moveset. Capturing is done by landing on the same space as an opposing piece.
Barricade: Denoted by the solid circle, moves forward/backward 1 space or radial 1 space. Barricades are a purely defensive piece and can not be attacked. In addition Barricades can not be destroyed by your opponent.
Soldier: Denoted by the x, moves 1 space in any direction. In addition if a Soldier is adjacent to a Barricade it can jump the Barricade to increase its range of movement to 2 spaces.
Captain: Denoted by a vertical line |, the Captain can move either 1 space radial or an unlimited number of spaces forward/backward if it is not blocked by another piece.
General: Denoted by an empty circle O, the general can move either 1 space forward/backward or an unlimited number of spaces radial if it is not blocked by another piece.
Pilot: Denoted by a dot with a horizontal line, the pilot can only move diagonally. However, the pilot is not limited in number of spaces it can move and it can pass over spaces occupied by Barricades.
Commander: Denoted by the circle with a - minus sign, the Commander can move any number of spaces in any of the three main directions as long as it is not blocked by another piece.
Overseer: Denoted by the circle with a + plus sign, the Overseer can move 1 space in any of the three main directions. You win by capturing your oponent's overseer.