Script to extract the list of runs of a specified Class type and within a run numbe range.
Run source
in order to install all the needed python packages and setup the needed enviromental variables.
In order to interact with RunRegitry usercert.pem and userkey.pem files need to be correctly set on either ./globus or private/ dir.
In order to fetch information from OMS a secret code needs to be added MANUALLY inside the code (line 12).
Please send a request to :
The script need 3 option:
- -c, --class : Run Class Type
- -m, --min : Minimum Run Number
- -M, --max : Maximum Run Number
The maximum run number is not mandatory.
Example: ./ -c Cosmics21 -m 342682
if the previous gives an error try with : python3 -c Cosmics21 -m 342682