All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file, which follows the guidelines on Keep a CHANGELOG. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated common-bom version to 2.4.0
- Updated common-bom version to 2.3.0
- Updated common-bom version to 2.0.2
- Removed raml-maven-test-utils module
- Updated common-bom version to 1.29.0
- Updated common-bom version to 1.28.0
- Updated common-bom version to 1.27.0 to fix apache tika security issues
- Upgrade Jackson to 2.8.11 to fix Jackson security issues
- Sonarcloud analysis
- Updated common-bom to version 1.21.0
- Switched to common CI user
- Switch to bintray for releases
- Use common Travis CI build process
- Set SCM section consistently in all poms
- Fixed common-bom usage
- Fixed mixed line endings
- Updated lintchecker to pass MavenProject for reflections
- Restructured lintchecker mojo tests
- New lint checker module to verify raml files
- Refactored BetterAbstractMojoTestCase to its own module so it can be reused to test lintcheck rules
- Updated parent pom to 1.2.0
- Updated common bom to 1.4.0
- Excluding SLF4J implementation enforcement
- Corrected parent POM and updated associated dependencies from change
- Corrected parent POM to release version
- Minor fixes to log messages
- RAML and JSON schema validation mojo for syntax checking without generation
- Add source paths to generator configuration
- Add an option to look for RAML files in the classpath, allowing generation to be done on Maven dependencies not just local files
- Skip directory cleaning before generation
- Support for passing custom properties to plugin configuration
- Initial release with basic code generation support