Genesis is the interactive server management application for systems running the arkOS distribution. This project is currently in development. For more information about arkOS, visit our website.
For end-users: Genesis is already downloaded and installed on your arkOS node, running from the moment you start it up. Once your node is started and plugged into your router, simply go to http://arkos:8000
in your browser to complete the setup and configuration process. From there, you are ready to use Genesis to manage your decentralized web!
For more information see the Getting Started page.
Running Genesis from this Github repo is advised ONLY for development purposes. If you do this you will need the following Python modules: pyOpenSSL
, gevent
, lxml
, ntplib
, python-iptables
, and python-nginx
. Once you've cloned this repo, just run genesis-panel
with root privileges to run a server live in stdout. genesis-panel -d
and genesis-panel -s
manually starts and stops the daemon respectively.
For information on developing plugins for use with Genesis, see the development centre on Specifically:
- Webapp and Databases Structure - Getting started with including new webapp and database types in Genesis
- Plugin Structure - Getting started with writing general Genesis plugins
- User Interface - How to write a user interface compatible with Genesis' UX system
- Icon Reference - Choosing iconfont classes to use in your plugins
- General API Reference - The big book of all classes and functions
Once you have a plugin, feel free to let Jacob (@peakwinter) know and testing can be arranged. If the plugin works well and contributes to arkOS' mission, it may then be included in the central plugin repository.
Genesis is developed by:
- Jacob Cook @peakwinter
With a big thanks to those who have made contributions!
- AJ Bahnken @ajvb
- Jasper van Loenen @javl
- Miguel Moitinho @mamoit
- Steven Nelson @StevenNelson
- Timothy Farrell @explorigin
- Will Wilson @wwilson
This project was forked from Ajenti, an excellent server management framework by @Eugeny located here: