By contributing you accept the code of conduct.
Thanks for taking your time to consider contributing to the project! BryanBot aims to expand through third party contributions and your decision to chip in is truly appreciated. In this file, you are going to find helpful tips on how to contribute your ideas!
We try to make contributing as easy and transparent as possible, whether it's:
- Reporting a bug
- Discussing the current state of the code
- Submitting a fix
- Proposing new features
We do have an unit test to cover most of BryanBot's functionality and we always test new, first party contributions before merging. Thus, we also ask that you always test your code beforehand and create tests for your code additions so that we can easily see if your code works as expected and whether it is up to our desired standards.
- If you're unable to find an open issue, open a new one. Be sure to include a title, a clear description of your idea or issue and give as much relevant information as possible.
- Open a new GitHub Pull Request to BryanBot with a clear list of what you've done (read more about pull requests). Include the relevant issue number if applicable.
Unsure where to begin contributing? You can start by looking through these issues labels:
- Please use a reliable linter before contributing code. ESLint and Prettier are recommended.
This is the code of conduct for the BryanBot developer community. It is based on Artemis Lena Code of Conduct by FantasyCookie17. As it is licensed CC0, it may also be used in modified or non-modified form by other communities without permission by the author. Its purpose is to ensure a civilized, tolerant, compassionate, helpful, pluralistic and peaceful style of communication.
BryanBot developer community includes BryanBot Github repository and all Third Party Developers as well as their discord guilds.
- If possible, providing help with issues other users may have. If it suits the topic of the community, answer it in there, if it does not, try to link to a community where it is more on topic.
- Accepting other opinions, even if you disagree. This does not exclude the possibility to provide arguments for your own opinion.
- Pinging moderators by mentioning their names in chat in the case of rule violations, especially trolling or spamming. While doing so, do not quote or reply to the violator to prevent extra attention by non-moderators.
In order to have your questions resolved more quickly and efficiently, see also: "The XY problem," "Don't ask to ask", "No Hello" and "How to Ask Smart Questions"
- Talking about things that do not suit the topic of the community. Communities exempt from this rule will mention that in their descriptions.
- Attacking people rather than attacking their arguments (a.k.a. ad hominem).
- Bringing extra attention by people who are not moderators to trolls and spammers.
- Self-censorship for reasons of politeness or similar. As long as you keep it civil and free of insults, it is desirable to discuss issues you have with people directly, rather than letting it build up and later creating drama. It is in the interest of the moderators to make the rooms feel comfortable for a large amount of people, this includes changing their own behavior where necessary and reasonable. If you feel it is better to discuss in a smaller group, ask the person you have an issue with and/or a moderator whether it is fine to invite them to a private chat.
- Making other users feel uncomfortable, for example by nagging them with questions they have stated they do not want to answer.
- Not liking the community. If you do, why don't you just leave? You would be causing discomfort to everyone else as well if you did not.
- Asking for support on the matter of any First and Third party addons that has been obtained through illegal means.
- Spreading hateful, violent or discriminatory ideologies or conspiracy theories, via images and other media (including avatars) or text (including nicknames), as well as discriminating against any group or person. This includes the use of slurs.
- Spamming. This includes adverts, large amounts of repetitive messages, sending invites to users without asking (invite spam), etc.
- Trolling; intentionally derailing conversations or producing discussions on non-issues.
- Doxing: The disclosure of others' private information without their consent.
- Posting media that may cause harm or be triggering to other people. For example, people with photosensitive epilepsy may experience seizures from animations with rapidly changing or flashing colours.
- Actively suppressing opinions of other users.
- Being an undesired bot (bots are undesired if not approved by moderation), or adding an undesired bot to a community.
- Ban evasion (creation of additional accounts to join a community after having been banned from that room).
- If you are a moderator or otherwise have permissions above those of normal users: abusing your permissions for personal motives not compatible with this code of conduct.
- Continued harassment of other users.
- Posting explicit imagery (sexual content, displays of violence, etc.) or unwanted sexual or romantic advances towards other users.
- Posting content that is illegal to publish or illegal to distribute without permission in Germany. The reason is that in certain cases, especially when it comes to copyright, the service provider (who might be me), may be held liable, and I do not wish to get into legal trouble.
- Abusing loopholes in this code of conduct, for example doing something that is not explicitly covered by the prohibited behavior, yet is in conflict with the general idea of desirable behavior.
- 'Leaking' any Third or First party addons that has been obtained for a cost.
- Undesirable behavior will lead to warnings, and later on, if repeated too often, kicks or bans.
- Prohibited behavior will, in most cases, directly lead to a kick or ban.
- Any kind of violation can lead to removal of the offending content.
- Kicks and bans apply to all communities administrated by BryanBot maintainers group.
If a moderator violates the code of conduct, make sure to point it out to me. This can lead to warnings and demotion of the moderator.
If I myself violate the code of conduct, no such possibility exists. Thus, it is important to call me out, or make one of my friends or moderators call me out. Further steps will then be discussed ad hoc.
This code of conduct may be changed in order to enhance clarity and precision at any time, typically without notification.
Last revised: 19/01/2025 by @SimonB50