The "All Core Devs Meetings" repository on Permacast is a repo that archive permanently the audio recordings of AllCoreDevs-Meetings. The purpose of this is to preserve the historical and valuable core developers discussions and save it from getting vanished (probably) from the web2 hoting services. The audio files are stored on the Arweave network.
- Archiving Repository. Status: ongoing
- Data uploader(s) / Repo Maintainer(s): AeK_9yb3f3HEK1Gzwky6tIx8ujW9Pxr_FkhCkWftFtw
- Arweave mentions by link
This section is only for the podcast maintainers (that have the JWK) to enlight how to add a new episode.
- Arweave wallet || The JWK file
- Using the maintainer wallet
- The episode's audio file. Supported MIME type:
The methods are stated below assuming you have the AeK...Ftw
wallet's JWK
This is the simple non-technical method to upload a new episode via frontend
- Navitgate to the podcast's page & click
add new episode
- add the episode's name & description, then upload the audio file
- click
are you are done!
This method guide you on how to interact with Permacast's protocol via CLI
- smartweave installed (npm package)
- Audio file's TXID: uploaded to Arweave via the JS lib or ardrive (non-technical UX)
- Open your terminal and run the following command
smartweave write 8upJILbuOURWTDkNtTZRoqmF32J2zjsw4PGj3SNWZ40 --key-file PATH-TO-THE-JWK-FILE --input "{'function': 'addEpisode', 'index': 1, 'name': 'EP NAME', 'desc': 'EP-DESC', 'audio': 'AUDIO-FILE-TXID'}"
Anyone can read the podcast (smart contract) state. The contract's state is permanent as same the audio files, thus, incase Permacast's frontend went down or get censored, a new FE can be built on top of the protocol.
smartweave read 8upJILbuOURWTDkNtTZRoqmF32J2zjsw4PGj3SNWZ40 --prettify