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Ethereum Cat Herder Meeting # 61 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday 22 June 2021 at 15:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 1 hour

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: Avishek Kumar


DECISION/ACTION ITEM 61.1: Pooja to follow up with Michael for the ECH website

DECISION/ACTION ITEM 61.2: William S., William X., Pooja to look into to add some bots to ECH Discord

DECISION/ACTION ITEM 61.3: More ECH members are invited to join the ECH multisig

Pooja Ranjan: welcome to ethereum cat herders meeting 61.I am going to share the agenda in the chat. The first item listed here is the website update but before that we have William Xaun on the call. He is a new contributor to the ethereum cat herders, so I would like to give this opportunity to him to maybe introduce himself.

William Xuan: Yeah my name is william Xuan.I am currently based here up in California. I will be attending UBC. I am studying cs and business double major but yeah excited to get more just uh more involved with the ECH. I am also involved in lama helping some of their treachery stuff and I am also involved as a Bitcoin steward. Cool I think I saw you at the other meeting. I forgot it was a meeting or discussion. It was last week or something like that talking about like the delegation of votes or something like that.

PoojaRanjan: Right so William is also helping us with one of the short videos that we have started posting these days. So it's created by him. Thank you so much for that and I hope to see him get more engaged with more work.

Poojan Ranjan: Okay moving on the first item I see here is ECH website unfortunately I do not see Michael on the call. I have some updates on that side.So I will share that and beyond that let's see what happens if Michael joins later in the meeting. So yesterday we set up these repository and ethereum categories github for migrating all the editable content of the present ethereum cat herders website. So it should be managed by the community if they find any resource that needs to be added on an ethereum category website that can be done with the help of pull requests directly and other than the standard structure of the website most of the content will be updated with the help of pull request. As far as I know the team is working on it and I am not sure on the part like if the migration is completed. I will check back with Michael on that or maybe I will ask him to leave an update on the ethereum cat herder Issue.

2. Blogs & survey

Pooja Ranjan: Item number two is blogs and surveys. As we all know, London is approaching the first testnet that is going to be live this week. There is a blog posted by ethereum foundation with timelines for all the test net updates. So far mainnet blocks are not decided and we will expect one more update on client side with the latest version for London upgrade ready versions. There is another blog on the ethereum cat headers website that provides an overview of all the proposals that are getting into London. So do check it out and if people prefer a video version or explainer version. We have this playlist of London upgrades in p penney at ethereum cat herders youtube. Talking about this survey, we have received over 50 responses and it's pretty good. We have a different user group all right from the minors students eth2 validators. This survey is still open. We would encourage more and more participation here. This is a feedback form for all the clients that are providing services and if you are interacting with ethereum blockchain. It's a good opportunity for you to share whatever you have to tell about your client, anything good, anything bad. They would want to continue something. They don't want to or they should not be continuing anymore. So please take out time and respond to this survey. Anyone have any question comments so far?

Santhosh J: Pooja I just wanted to touch up on the website changes. Maybe you can also look me in or give me access to the repo. I will be taking care of managing the content and ensuring it is up to date, like when the migration is about to Complete

Pooja Ranjan: All right as of now. This is a private triple I am waiting for the team to finish their work. Then I will provide for that update. Yeah, happy to loop you in.

Santhosh J: thank you so much

Brent Allsop: But anyone can do a pull request right. It's just a matter of whether someone will accept it. Right?

Pooja Ranjan: Right. Yeah so we are trying to get it in a stage where any changes content changes can be managed with the help of pull requests and I am assuming that the Anvitika team will be supporting any major changes in any structural changes that comes up with the website so that is not clear so far and there was this call that was supposed to be done a week ago. But I have not received any notification on that so we will probably have a meeting in which the team will provide more information on how the transition would work or maybe how the cat herders team can take up on the jobs done so far and will be managing the website on our own.

3. ECH new initiatives

Pooja Ranjan: All right so the next item on the agenda is ECH new initiatives. So there is this big announcement.

Stateless meetings playlist

Pooja Ranjan: So for stateless meetings where shared in the discord channel that was available for discussion in R&D channel and now we have created a playlist for the community with past four or five meetings I believe. Those are all good meetings meaning they have this description of different topics of stateless. There are good presentations done by Vitalik, so please check out ethereum cat Herders youtube and the new playlist for stateless meetings.

Community partners at hackathon/events

Pooja Ranjan: The next sub item is community partners at hackathon events. We are trying to get in touch with hackers and organizers and be a partner to support that our event like hackathons and support the ethereum developers as well as let people know that ethereum cat herders is a group who are working to support the ethereum community and Yes, we are in touch with a couple of organizers. Yet no confirmation, so I don't want to reveal the name yet as soon as we get any confirmation. We will share the announcement in addition to the last mentioned channel. In the previous meeting disc discontinued products clients. We have added a channel hackathon. Please feel free to add any information if you have about any hackathon ongoing because we have a lot of new developers joining the ethereum cat herders, discord so it would be a good opportunity for them to participate and you know maybe make good use of the opportunity provided by these hackathon organizers. Okay it seems like today, we have more and more update size. Feel free to jump in and ask questions if anyone has any.

Pooja Ranjan: So the next item is in the past two weeks we have organized two meetings:-

Pooja Ranjan: One with eip 3541 that is a for London upgrade with alex pavel and android. It can be considered as a pre-proposal for a proposal that is needed for evm changes that would be in subsequent upgrade.

Pooja Ranjan: Another one we did was a follow-up on eip-1559 with Timber other than the overview and frequently asked questions. It was like a very good conversation on what to expect after the upgrade. so it's a good watch for people who have either missed watching the overview of eip1559 earlier or have some questions on the latest development in the coming weeks. We have Altair client implementation with Adrian Saturn on Taku client that is today at 20:00 UDC. So this is about the client and the features implementation and how it was done in the client for the first upgrade of the Beacon chain in the following week. We will have another discussion on London's proposal for a difficult bomb. We are going to invite James Hancock to explain about the proposal that is getting the London upgrade any questions so far.

5. Events & meetup

Pooja Ranjan: All right the next item is events and meetup. We have this Ethcc coming up one of the cathedrals. Edson, he is expecting to be there yet we are waiting on confirmation and if it is confirmed. We will have a presentation from the cathode side and a representation from the cathode side.

Brent Allsop: I tried to get tickets to that but they're not available anymore. I guess They are sold out.

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah I am a little confused on the tweet side that they tweeted like they could not engage these speakers or the tickets are sold out. So it was a little confusing for me and I even saw some tweets around the secondary market for tickets for ecc.

Brent Allsop: yeah how do you find out someone might have tickets for sale or something secondary market. I would love it if anyone hears about a ticket I would love .

William Schwab: Whatever, pretty sure you're not allowed to sell your ticket for it.

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah even I wasn't sure if that tweet is like you know funny way or they are saying it really they have it.

William Schwab: What do you mean?

Pooja Ranjan: The secondary market for ethcc tickets.

William Schwab: Anything I saw it was kind of like people asking just like to see if anyone would be willing to sell them a ticket but I am fairly certain that each cc itself does not allow transferring tickets

Brent Allsop: Any chance a cat herders blok

William Schwab: If you go as a speaker if you go as a speaker I believe you're automatically ticketed.

Brent Allsop: Yeah speaker.

Pooja Ranjan: I didn't hear back on the confirmation. I know edson has already submitted the request to be a speaker and if that is approved. We will have a presentation from the cat header side but I am not sure if we have any confirmation on that yet.

6. ECH funding

Funding via ESP & Moloch

Pooja Ranjan: Okay moving on ECH Funding via ESP & Moloch. So Hudson could not join the meeting today and he left some updates, so he mentions that he signed up the final document to release the ech funding and sent via email to the ef so that is in progress and On the Moloch side Moloch team has been kind enough to offer us a sum of 10000 usd as a gesture that they approve our work and a top fund so if we need we can use that for any of a new initiative or task that the cat herders are performing. So we are still considered for voting for our proposal.

william Schwab: Cool all right, that's good to know.

Pooja Ranjan: we were receiving some funds from ech earlier. We mentioned to them that we don't need immediate funding but as a gesture. They are still considering us.

William Schwab: Thanks

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah it's teamwork.

7. Meeting notes and action items for ECH

Pooja Ranjan: All right, moving on to the next item is meeting notes and action items for cat Herders. I know we have received one note that is all called meeting 115 and I am waiting on the rest of the three. I would highly encourage resources to finish up the notes In the first three to five days and in case they are not able to do that, do let us know about it. I am happy to open notes for the community. Participation anyone from the community who would like to document it after five days if it is not done, so please let us know.

Brent Allsop: Yeah, we're almost done with eipip meeting 35. Sorry about being so late on that.

Pooja Ranjan: Ah! Thanks for the update. No worries yeah because sometimes it is slipped like the resource who is allocated and is not able to get any notification that creates trouble and we just want to avoid any kind of delay.

William Xuan: I am thinking maybe what you can do is also enlist to help with the people. Who filled out that form or something like that. Maybe I don't know I mean I guess they wouldn't be doing the entire note but like they can certainly help out with the note creation. I don't know, maybe like proofreading or something like that.

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah proofreading is always helpful but documenting notes is like a bounty based task. So we prefer someone to finish up documenting as a whole but any because there are pull requests created before it is merged actually. So anyone who can give some time and go through the notes is appreciated.

8. Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs

Pooja Ranjan: Okay, we are almost at the last item of the agenda, so that is gathered as PM issues, open issues. I see a lot of ech engineering task open and other than there is no new item on ech on engineering task. I have also made a suggestion to make use of the project board. I think that project board will be very helpful for us to showcase all our efforts in one place and that would be easier for the community to follow like what all tasks have been completed and what are in progress and even if there are some tasks that are open and people can chime in and help out.I don't know I don't see Alita here on the call or maybe once recording is out. We can see if we can have all these tasks managed with the help of the project board

Pooja Ranjan: On the funding side I believe all the requests have been at least initiated since the first transaction has been initiated. We are waiting on approval on this part. It has come up in the multisec channel that we may be looking for someone to add to the multisig and kind of look into who are not very active members. Revoke the access and add it to new people. So if anyone is interested please do let us know. Yeah I don't know if it's a brand. William you guys have been here for a very very long time if you guys are interested so do let us know

William Schwab: I will talk with you outside the call about it.

Pooja Ranjan: That would be nice, thank you. All right there is one issue for funding. I have left a note for one of the resources. Please provide the additional information that we are looking for and I believe all of the issues can be closed soon.

9. Review of outstanding action items from previous ECH meetings

Pooja Ranjan: Okay so now we are on the final item going back to meeting notes and review. Does anyone have to bring anything?

William Schwab: I did a subject I wanted to bring up after this like after the action scenario

Pooja Ranjan: Sounds good. All right, the first decision is to add a link to ech website telling people to subscribe to ech medium in order to get the newsletter done. I am not sure if it is working. I didn't get a chance to look into that. I will check with Michael on this if this has been incorporated into a record and publish meeting to discuss documentation and updates of the website that the meeting hasn't been scheduled yet. I hope to get it done this week and once it is there, we'll try to have the meeting recorded and share it with the rest of the ethereum cathodes. Please respond to the survey about selection of ethereum clients. I believe this is the survey for ethereum users, clients developers. So we are collecting the information for our favorite client. Do let us know about your clients, good things, bad things or anything you want to share with us or your client. We hope to publish a detailed report about the data collected from this survey in the month of July. That's all from the agenda item. I believe it's okay.

William Xaun: I do have some small things that I am thinking that would be really interesting. I am thinking that you know. So few things I guess the first thing is that there are quite a few people who are pointing toward ech. As you know, a good way for newcomers to get started. I think that's something to get, like maybe some kind of pipeline that would be interesting to make. Like some sort of onboarding process where you know people can learn about the ecosystem. I guess maybe if we can find tasks that they can do or like you know. We can create new efforts. I know Pooja you mentioned briefly that you want ech to be sort of. The help desk for the ethereum ecosystem, we can work towards that like and that's going to be pretty labor intensive, Right? So I guess the first thing would probably be maybe setting some kind of bots that when people join in they automatically get pinged to so they fill out the survey. Second one is actually to reform the survey because I do know you mentioned that the survey was a little pretty outdated. So then we can actually you know see you know what kind of skills and qualifications and probably the third thing is actually go through the survey responses. Maybe see if we want to tap these people for some of the tasks that we come up with and then yeah bring them on. I guess I will start doing those tasks, so I think about his thoughts.

William Schwab: I feel like hitting new users on the discord with the button isn't such a good thing. I feel like the Ux there isn't so great people land for a variety of different reasons but the idea of having the survey there. Maybe even manually for people who are frequent. The discord saying hey do you mind filling out the survey or something like that. I think it's a a really great idea. So I think that updating the survey is a really good move. I am debating about the bot. Though I mean as someone who gets to block many discord bots a day. New people getting through to me is a problem even if I don't recognize them and I guess I feel bad adding one more onto the file also.

William Xaun: Oh no I mean like v6 like you know when you join the server when it is just like me. Sick says oh hey welcome Brent Allsop you know say Hi in general we can also have said if you're new here. You can fill out the survey that's going to say.

William Schwab: I see what you're saying, yeah. There is a way to do it with only discord's internal notifications. You can see I think I don't know if there's a way to do that with music or not. It's an interesting idea.

William Xaun: I can set that up, that's cool, let's think about it.

William Schwab: Yeah I want to just like maybe spend a bit of time thinking about it. Maybe figuring out what our options are like what the best way to do it in a way where it doesn't end up like spamming the channel also. If we're getting like if we're getting traffic but if you want I will pick up the conversation with you outside of the call.

William Xaun: Sure

Brent Allsop: maybe we could have got a list of who are current cat herders, right? Maybe we could expand that to like having a database every time you attend one of the meetings or every time you take a note you get it and put a check mark and then we have a page that lists. William enlist how many of each how many eth 1.0 meetings he's done the notes for how many 2.0 meetings he's done the notes for, how many meetings he's attended and every time. You attend your account increments on those and we can track who the most active ones are and stuff that anyway that what you measure improves. But yeah just an idea.

William Xaun: Yeah we could even have a nice post up to encourage participation. I know some people are like you know really new, so that you know this is probably be their first post

Trenton Van Epps: Sorry I can jump in here not producing content but if the idea is to get people who are coming in basically. This is what we would call a good first task. Github where it's like something very simple that people don't necessarily need a lot of context and they can just jump right? I take this link and I post it onto reddit or I tweet about it or you know something that's very very easily understandable and actionable. It doesn't require anybody holding their hand, so there could for example just be a channel in the discord where you know there's stuff that account editors want to promote or share around. It could be a list of links from something weekend ethereum news or even the cat herder survey and instead of posting the summary link you post the individual links. Part of this is maybe a little selfish because I am one of the mods that are ethereum and we need a lot. We need a lot of help in getting good content there. I think this might be a way for cat herders and our ethereum to have a mutually beneficial relationship. Just one idea so I am curious. I know I have mentioned it to Pooja before but I'm curious what other people think as well.

William Schwab: I am debating how much content we have to post there. I mean the other kind of interesting thing with our ethereum specifically. It'll have to be someone who already has like a bit of a reddit account because of the 20 karma. The 20 karma threshold there which is 20 karma can sound very low on reddit but if you're completely new to reddit, it can be a little bit frustrating figuring out where to start in order to try and farm that up. But yes that's a specific our ethereum thing because there's still eth trader or eth dev and some of the other subreddits and that actually can eventually even get you the 20 karma you need for our ethereum.

Trenton Van Epps: Good question, I am not sure. There's still a limit.

William Schwab: yeah but that is the underlying idea behind it. Also, trying to come up with good first tasks that are low intensity but that could still give people an opportunity to prove their own initiative and things that I feel like that's a good underlying pattern to look for. If anyone else has any other good ideas for what an ethereum cat herder's first issue looks like.I think that's I see that kind of this underlying question that you're answering with that if we do have, if we do have material to post on our ethereum then that is great. The other thing is when it's something that we actually want to get visibility so there's the old visibility problem. You want someone who already has like a bit of a more advanced account just get themselves higher up on the feed but it's something to think about. I think there's room to come up with a good plan over there for how we could incorporate something like that into good first tests.

Trenton Van Epps: Cool yeah

William Schwab: If anyone else has any ideas for other things that we can use as I guess. Those good first issue kinds of things, so I mean either here in the discord or anything that it'd be great to start coming up with the list and then maybe try starting to try and use the issue board for that.

Pooja Ranjan: I am sorry today my internet connection is really bad. I am able to hear you all in parts but I hope the recording on the cloud is working fine and i can go back and hear all the conversation. But from whatever I could collect, it seems like there are a lot of good proposals. Yeah I did talk to Trent about having someone to get started posting on ethereum reddit on a regular basis. We do have someone interacting with the reddit community but he does it with Eth staker or Eth finance but that's definitely giving us a good amount of community interaction question answers that we are trying to help out with. Having someone on reddit ethereum would also be helpful. Obviously, I mentioned to Trent earlier that we might want to have some updated bots for ethereum cathode and discard. Now that we are over 1 000 users. I believe some of them are bots and some of them are trying to scam people just by showing that they are in the ethereum category. So whatever we can do up to a certain extent to stop these people or these bots will try to do and that we are going to consider on the highest priority to add at least some kind of bot checks that may be helpful. William, if you and the other William would be talking together and coming up with more suggestions for how to improve that I am happy to get engaged.

William Schwab: Yeah I was thinking of speaking with the other william about that also, Who seems to have dropped off the call.

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah he did mention that he has a office call I mean obviously yeah so but he will be listening to this conversation after the recording is made public and yeah we can start looking into it.

Trenton Van Epps: Yeah the only reason I brought that up was just because if you scroll back through some of the joins. You can see like just there are chunks of time where it's like 20 bots joined and it's pretty easy to see if it's a kind of an undifferentiated two name or two word name which is like nonsense words.

William Schwab: That sounds like it could be a Ubuntu release, yeah?

Trenton Van Epps: Yeah so I mean maybe it's not an issue now but definitely as the server continues to grow. You will get I mean there are already some complaints about people dming and the only way to really avoid that is to have a captcha. There are but there are many many ones you can implement. So maybe it's just to start to look at a few to see which one works the best for our purposes and set it up or test it.

Pooja Ranjan : All right, sorry were you trying to say something santhosh? I saw you mute.

Santhosh J: Yes, What I was thinking about is maybe we can have some sort of a playbook uh like what categories we do. When a person joins in a discord right to get a fair idea what we do. Which are the projects we are working upon. They can find the community links and other resources right. Like a one-pager playbook uh which can help them to take wherever they want and research on their own right, so that is something maybe. It will be an added advantage because most of the people who join right now. Like I welcome them every day most of them talk about. They want to do some trading, some people are just doing some little bit of research on the development side. There are different set of people, one the survey definitely it's going to help us narrow the funnel between people who are developers, who want to contribute to the ethereum community versus people who are more into the trading part of it. The other side is how the developer reaches the necessary resources so that will help us. If we can have a playbook in place here are you able to draft something like that up and Pooja maybe can we have a channel between us, between all our contributors, myself, you, William, everyone and a close group where we can chat about the ideas and talk about things which we are doing in case if you need some help we can take each other's help so something.

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah so far the channels are created based on the task but we can have an idea channel too if we want to have one more.

Santhosh J: Not more on idea but basically,in general we are a group of members who will work around the clock right . So just seeking some help discussing brainstorming on the ideas. So yeah, maybe a general channel of a closed group.

Pooja Ranjan: All right uh we'll look into that.

Antonio Sabado: Hi guys, I was just listening in and I came about 10 minutes ago. I might be able, we might be able to help you guys on the bot for you. Is it discord or was it a telegram?

William Schwab: Discord

Antonio Sabado: If you get stuck, let me know I can ask our devops to create. You know put the necessary kind of steps in place to make sure that everyone gets checked before they join. It's just to leave out any bots coming through because, we have it with one of the projects that we have so they have to go through some kind of adapter and then they get quarantined if they're a bot they have to do some additional steps. So if you need someone to configure that then I can get my devops to help you guys with what might be useful.

William Schwab: Actually, if you could just tell us which tool it is? Also if you have a team over there that's kind of done the research and figured out what works well. So that saves us. Like just having to explore all the available options to some degree so that actually might be a big help do you think? You'd be able to do that?

Antonio Sabado: Definitely

William Schwab: Excellent

Pooja Ranjan: Cool, that would be helpful, thank you. All right, so anything else we want to discuss today.

William Schwab: So there was something I wanted to bring up the internal discord like a while ago like almost two weeks ago. Which is there have been a few ideas already to try and extend the people series outside of just eips into a couple of other kind of ecosystem topics maybe technology may be more social culture. An idea that I thought we might be interested in pursuing is not just extending into subjects like technical subjects other than eips. Also trying to see if it might be possible to create some kind of a relationship with existing tech podcasts outside of the crypto and blockchain space and through a vehicle like that talk about the more technical sides of blockchain. But also to audiences that can then be exposed to concepts. Also use that to try and increase reach, try and get information further out there. It might give us access to a distribution that we wouldn't be able to get. We're not organically at yet I should say the downsides might mean that we would be under somebody else's warning that it would be probably somebody else's podcast. We just know we'd be subject to whatever that would mean like the fact that they'd be in control of it. But I was interested in just opening that up to discussion and seeing if anybody had a strong opinion about reaching out, about making a like you know developing a relationship like that or anything of that sort. I will try to leave the subject open a bit just in case there are people who aren't on the call. We do have a strong opinion about it. I might start researching. There is a podcast that Iwas thinking of reaching out to. If there aren't strong objections to that I might move with that but I will at least try and keep the subject open for a few days before I make a move on anything.

Trenton Van Epps: yeah i was going to ask if you had one in mind.

William Schwab: Yeah, I don't. I would like to feel bad saying it just because I haven't reached out to them and it might just be a totally like no never kind of thing.

Trenton Van Epps: okay cool

Brent Allsop: sounds all good to me

William Schwab: That's it for my end

Antonio Sabado: Have you guys, kind of discussed in the past about. Maybe an ambassador program for students at universities, so becoming an ambassador for ech.

william Schwab: When you say ambassador do you mean having somebody on campus?

Antonio Sabado: Yeah somebody on campus and that individual can also collaborate with other campuses, other universities just somebody to kind of you know trying to tell the world what ech does to have a big coverage but focusing at university campuses.

William Schwab: I don't remember that subject specifically coming up. It reminds me of some initiatives that you've talked about in the future but has that ever been directly discussed. Could be her connections cutting out Pooja may have had initiatives like that. I think they're definitely adjacent initiatives. But that does sound interesting. Do you have a specific idea around that or are you mentioning that it's an idea that you think might be good for us.

Antonio Sabado: I think it'd be quite good just to have a another reach to bring more people into the community and having ech additional exposure out there. so it could be that you start off with the the blockchain societies across the various different universities globally and maybe start doing some kind of sessions with them online and then eventually. You will start to secure kind of volunteers and new members of ech from various different universities. So just a thought, really the easiest kind of group would be the blockchain society group to begin with and then you can decide that afterwards.

William Schwab: It's a really interesting idea. I am taking some notes on it. I Will see what we are able to do to pursue that but I think you're right that does sound like a really good idea.

Pooja Ranjan: Right so I am in touch with some of the universities and trying to reach out to the students and the professors who are actually engaged on blockchain and trying to learn about the blockchain community. So we are already in touch but we do not have an ambassador as such but we're trying to get more and more information out with the help of the working group. On the ground we have one group in a particular location and those are engaging more developers with the help of these hackathons and events that we mentioned in the call earlier today. We are trying to make connections with all these working groups and to reach out to those devs. I encourage them to participate more but definitely we can look into it more. Maybe work on a program like a detailed program and reach out to them to make an outreach.

Antonio Sabado: Yeah I think Ican help you guys a little bit on that one at some point in the future because I will be doing some. I would be thinking of something very similar. I have never minded at some point. So what I could do with that is I could link someone is going to be the first point of contact ech to kind of take that conversation further with that particular university.

William Schwab: I am well yeah you could link me. Truth is if you don't mind doing me in discord ,we could try and work that out a bit.

Antonio Sabado: yeah sure

WillIiam Schwab: cool. I think that might be it for us any anybody else have anything

Pooja Ranjan: Thank you and I am extremely sorry. I don't know why my internet is not working properly today. I will have to go back and watch the recording. If I missed any important discussion today and may not have responded to the question, I will get back to you. we'll discuss it further. Thank you everyone for joining today. I hope to see you all in two weeks so on july 6th have a good day.nk you


  • Pooja Ranjan
  • Brent Allsop
  • William Schwab
  • Antonio Sabado
  • Shane Lightowler
  • William Xaun
  • Trenton Van Epps

Next Call - July 06, 2021 .